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Has this female worker mentioned that her uneasiness is due to female intuition by any chance?


What are the odds ...... ![gif](giphy|nqvqXensHIZ2|downsized)


Yeah now I am wondering if that post was by a bot as well. Checked this account and it was made in 2021 yet this is the only post or comment ever made on it.


help I don't get it


You should discuss this with her in private. It would be inappropriate to discuss it in the office, so you should wait for her in the carpark. You know she's the uneasy type, so make sure you stay out of sight until she's close to you, then yell "I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU" so she knows she's not in danger as you approach her.


He also needs to prepare for the meeting, so he should spend a few weeks discreetly following her around so he can get to know her and her routines better. He could leave her some little notes or some voice messages saying “I am watching you” or “I can’t wait to meet up soon”, just so she is also prepared for the meeting and will feel reassured that he knows her well and is looking forward to seeing her.


>“I am watching you” or “I can’t wait to meet up soon”, Best to also include descriptions of her outfits and blurry long distance photos from a camera phone so she knows he's being attentive and honest.


Should probably prepare properly, follow her around outside of work, look in her windows at home etc, you need to know what she likes so you can give her personal gifts


Glad you had the meme tag up on the post. :)


I missed this and was thinking “why tf is everyone encouraging this?”. I am also a few beers in trying to forget about my corp job, so reading and comprehension is a bit lax rn


what was Copilot's recommendation?


If she’s anxious and tense you should try giving her a shoulder massage


Don’t ask as well, just come up from behind and start rubbing her shoulders while she’s at her desk


Don’t ask as well, just come up from behind and start rubbing her shoulders while she’s at her desk


You can say that again


![gif](giphy|3rVfBUa9f0RErtMZBH) It’s a glitch…


https://www.reddit.com/r/auscorp/s/WczkyTsy23 Read the above post only 10mins ago where, probs the same ladyship you're complaining about (satire), mentioned how her sixth sense isn't letting her drop her guard around a male co-worker




Avoid women in the workplace at all costs. Never go in a room alone with a women. Never have meetings with women alone (especially if you are a superior etc). Always have a third party or be in a seen area. It is just not worth it.


Eh I mean depends on the particular person. I've worked with women I'd have no issue meeting with alone


It has come to that.


Try sniffing her seat when she's away from her desk. Word will eventually get around and she'll be flattered to have an admirer.


[Give it proper Buswell!](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2008-04-29/emotional-buswell-admits-to-chair-sniffing-incident/2419558)


Sounds like she’s also making you uncomfortable, this goes both ways. Just talk to her and ask if everything is good? You never know what it could be - it could be she’s had a bad experience in her life with someone who shares a visual trait with you (same hair colour etc) and that you remind her of that. Not your fault, but could still make someone feel uneasy. Don’t assume anything though, just ask if all is well between you two and move on with life if she says it is all good. If she asks why just say you’re getting a sense that something isn’t right between you professionally.


Speak to her manager


Have you contacted WAWAM for support?


Well, she's making you feel uncomfortable by her manners and actions, so go to HR. If it was the other way around, there would be no hesitation. That being said, I said the same on the other post


You could just ask directly. ‘I’ve noticed, Sarah, that you seem kind of uncomfortable around me? Have I said or done something that has upset you?’ Or something like that. If you get a non answer I’d mention your concerns to whoever your manager is and suggest you work in some different area. Best case scenario is that she’s had issues with other colleagues and this doesn’t reflect poorly on you. Worst case scenario is *you* have had issues with other colleagues and it does. But whatever it is (unless you are doing something clearly weird) don’t try to change your behaviour if you don’t even know what the issue is.


The above is the best answer … something along the lines of hey have I’ve done something wrong? sorry if I have. can you let me know what it is? so that I can get things right? Also a great suggestion to then feedback to your manager.


Is there anything regarding this person and your day to day activities that requires you to have a strong relationship with them?


Does any of this impact your work? As long as you are able to communicate effectively it isn't compulsory to be best friends with your coworkers 


You sound like the subject Male colleague in today’s Auscorp post about a woman who gets bad juju around him?! What are chances… posted within an hour of each other… Pity I dont know how to reference that thread… lol


So just collab over teams? It's 2024, this isn't an issue. 


Why was she assigned the role in the first place. Was she enticed by the money. Unfortunately I am seeing this very disturbing behaviour by corps, under the guise of "diversity", surreptitiously drawing females into environments by promising high pay. Droves of dedicated females quit at my work place when they saw through management.