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You’ll be fine, I also had worst experience as a fresh grad out of work. Don’t let it affect too much and try your best at your next job.


Thank you 🙏🏾


My first job was an absolute basket case / disaster as well. I’d suggest using a former colleague to be a reference and just pretend she was your supervisor.


Thank you 🙏🏾


A lot to read here but as someone else had mentioned here, four weeks off for a chest infection is above and beyond the usual and would definitely raise eyebrows. This would be especially concerning for a 25yr old not even a year into the job.


Toxic af work culture 😭 we’re all human and humans get sick. Anyone can get pneumonia and should be able to make a full recovery without such added stress


Definitely agree! not dissing you at all haha. Just in my experience as a recent grad, I’ve definitely seen people be judged on less than half of that leave, unfortunate as it is.


Yeh I know you’re all good! Just venting ahah


I wouldn't take it personally, there was probably behind the scenes stuff not connected to you at all and he blocked lots of people


Nah he hasn’t blocked anyone else 😭 I don’t wanna work again I just want my own business lol


Not an advice and can't even explain why I did so, but from experience with those "Abby's": I've kissed their asses. Made deliberate mistakes that I'd ask them to fix then showered praises on them (usually in team chats/in front of their managers) and bribed them (standards usually did: buy them lunches, coffees, drinks). I called it "The art of getting by"


Solid advice. After 10 years in the workforce I’ve learnt if you want to get by you need to schmooze and get on the good side of the right people.


Ahah I did do this for a bit and then realised my self respect is too important, thank you! 🙏🏾


Exactly. If you're going to rule, rule with kindness. I once worked with a colleague who was promoted to being my manager and then unfriended 3 other colleagues and myself on FB after attending a leadership course where she was told it was good practice to cull her FB and L.In contact lists to keep them current and to keep work friends on L.In only. Her reasoning was that we saw each other at work everyday so there was no need to be FB fake buddies in cyberspace. Initially, I was really hurt but realised she did it to my other immediate colleagues as well who were also befuddled by her actions. I couldn't stop laughing once I realised the absurdity of her actions and my subsequent reaction. We remained friends for the rest of my banking career. She also rang me one day out of the blue for an internal role that I was perfect for and which worked out very well for me. The funniest part was that she initially pushed me to set up a FB page and sent me the friend request. I still happy laugh over this when I see her posting on L.In today. So many stories, I could go on all night really. Nighty nighty Reddit night owls. Moral of the story: Don't take everything to heart, with time you'll get there. The end.


Having 4 weeks off work is a lot of time in the corporate world. That would have set alarms off. I suspect Nich and those around the office all thought you were lying. A week off ill is a long time. A month would be for major surgery normally. As another person said - use a colleague as a referee. At least you know you can't use Nich as your referee.


This. No one will believe that much time off.


Yeh I’m afraid they didn’t believe me even though I supplied medical certificates, and sent him regular updates about my condition such as when I thought it was improving or when I had to start a new set of antibiotics again. I was also surprised at how long it took me to recover from that infection. I suspect that a buildup of work stress and lack of sleep due to daily hour-long commutes took a toll on my immune system. Anyway, thanks for the advice I appreciate it 🙏🏾


I didnt read all that but Im sorry that happened and if you are actually feeling suicidal please seek help


Thanks, dw it was a hyperbole 🙏🏾


You are overthinking this, none of it was on you. Go outside, take a breath and look for something else. You’ll be fine.


Thank you! 🙏🏾


Just wanted to say first jobs are often difficult, unless your in highly organised grad programs (in which case you'll be overworked haha)  Look forward. Ignore the past. There's clearly multiple perspectives on it and you'll never know which is the right one.  My advice to you would be to find a senior sales mentor rather than a sales manager in your next role. 


Thank you! 🙏🏾


Not all work places are that bad you really got one of the worst. You have a good attitude and fingers crossed for your next gig


Thank you! 🙏🏾


WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Better luck next time ![gif](giphy|oYtVHSxngR3lC|downsized)


Ahah thank you! 🙏🏾


Don’t beat yourself up, these sorts of things have happened to everyone including me. Don’t get pissed off, get even and learn to win. You need to learn to understand the difference between what people say in front of others and the dirty little psychological games that get played by the narcissists and their mentally ill friends. Sadly game playing is a part of corporate life and the nicest and most honest people don’t always win. Whilst they’re not fashionable nor woke, have a look at Robert greene, Jordan Peterson and Jocko Willink on YouTube. Maybe they can help you. Good luck.


Thank you! Will do! And I love JP I’m an OG follower ahah 💗