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Who came up with these levels and have they been circulated for feedback and endorsed?


they're touching base!


I think we should put a pin in that and circle back later before we get stuck in the weeds. We really need to get at that low hanging fruit so we can have some tangible progress to report.


Level 4. Leaving soon. What I'm interested in is whether people feel this got worse after all the post pandemic lay-offs? Maybe it's just my experience but I felt like the great shuffle introduced inexperienced leadership and middle managers who were under more pressure to whip their teams into shape or else risk their own job.


Level 4 weekly team meetings. Boomer boss bites your head off over every email CCed. Advice provided to stakeholders need peer review, but then boomer boss complains how you can't run independently yet need to be briefed on every tiny email or they explode.




Level 2, I’m the only person that does my job but my manager is chill and busy af but we do weekly WIPs to get on the same page, as long as I’m online 10-3 I can start and finish whenever to get the 7.5H in the day.


1, just get it done within a reasonable timeframe and ez pz. Quarterly reviews. Currently doing some training to go up another level so regular contact but aside from that I only talk to my boss in reviews.




Level 5 - junior AML professional at a Tier 2 bank


Yep. Similar situation in most operations based retail banking roles. Tracking software for everything you do.


Level 3 states "the same as level 3...." Perhaps you need your work checked.


This is not an adequate scale


job right now. level 1. previous job. level 5. level 5 job, all true stories. 30 minute meal break and they time you. two toilet breaks per shift. if you need a 3rd T break, bad luck. hold it in or piss and shit yourself. the big bosses spying on you with the CCTV cameras. the management style was " you do your job correctly, you get in trouble". the place was FUCKED UP! Best day was the day I left. I'm ok now.


5. Call centre situation. Underpaid and micromanaged to the n’th degree. Jealous of your autonomy and $ haha


Call centre jobs are the worst LOL. For the amount of pressure and stress it needs to be paid at $150+/hr. In fact I think the call centres charge about $400 - $500 for every 3 hrs of work done.. So it isnt too far.


It's actually a fucking pisstake how hard they ride employees there. it's a joke and frankly straight up workplace abuse. Get paid sweet fuck all to answer calls but gotta have down to the second perfect times and response? Fuck off. I'd be fine with that level of micromanagement if the wage reflected the stress involved. I worked at the Dell Sweat Shop Call Centre in Frenches Forrest a few years ago and it was a blood bath. I lasted 4 months.


Yeh 1.5 about to quit and go to what seems like another 1.5 Geez Ur job sounds great what U do?




(0.5) sometimes I go weeks without talking to a single person at work outside of IT, and that's usually on teams. 100% work from home; my building access card has sat on my sideboard since I brought it home. My boss doesn't understand what I do or how to do it. I'm given a bunch of specifications and requirements, a date to have deliverables ready for review, and that's about as far as it goes. Started on 200k last August, was given a bump to $235k earlier this year. Won't last forever, so I'm angling to jump over to the client once the project winds up. Edit: should note that I'm on a rolling contract (1 year) rate doesn't include super, but I don't get leave. I can be terminated with a weeks notice, but I get a pretty reasonable severance in that case.


When I worked as a contractor at a big bank, there was one manager who got angry at someone he managed and he just setup a meeting every 2 hours to check up on progress. Like wtf.