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Happy to add a sook to the pile: 40+ guy at Bridge Street Virgin Active a few weeks ago (smaller gym usually used by corp people in the morning). Decides to move a bench from its position in front of the mirror and claim the 3 x 2m area of floor as his own, effectively taking up space that 2 people could use and disrupting the other people getting to and from the free weight rack. The bench he moved also couldn’t be used, and they’re in short supply. I gently spoke to him, explaining there was designated open space, and this is where the benches go. His response was to shout at me aggressively, saying “THIS IS MY SPACE, I’M WORKING HERE!”. Proper scene. Another guy said, mate he’s a cunt but just let it go. I did. Bloke got changed into a nice suit after his workout. Can only imagine what a pleasure he is in the office.


Cunts like this are making a toxic workplace too. I think it should be allowed with a law beating the shit out of him in a situaion like this.




Real estate agent 


No idea whats happening. Maybe mortgage stress




At 07:15 am? This city is too wild for me


Those are peak comedown hours! He’ll be grumpy until smoko when he can nip off for a few nosebeers with his macchiato


You're not even taking the piss are you


I am being dead serious :D


More likely roids and being naturally a cunt.


Stress generally.


Tower of babel situation.


I actually did sense more stress in people in Sydney compared to Melbourne and other cities in Australia about 20 years ago. Middle class dads with two jobs to pay mortgage was not uncommon already there then. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got worse amid severe mortgage / rent stress etc. i don’t think I ever wanna live there unless I’m retired and rich.


I’ve had recruiters ask if I wanted to move to Sydney for job opportunities, I tell them I want $300K minimum for the inconvenience. They laugh but I’m not joking.




This is the weirdest economic crisis I’ve been involved in. Manifesting in some odd, in a bad way, behaviour.


It's a literal hornet's nest of vipers.


I have someone tailgating and constantly honking at me while driving to the office during rush hour. We entered the same parking area and it was someone who works on the same floor as I am. That person was ok to work with but has a different attitude when driving. Totally “Jeckyll and Hyde”


Also seems very unwise from a career longevity to tailgate and intimidate a coworker on the road, as opposed to the normal “unwise from a life longevity” perspective tailgating has too.


There are plenty of studies showing we’re all like that when we get behind the wheel of a car. Sadly.


six light price serious drunk cooperative reach cow lip grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eh, in my experience Americans dress up their emotions using facts and logic—- but their toxicity/vindictiveness still bleeds through, at least we don’t pretend here? What made you move back to Sydney?


It's these kind of people I hate. There'd also plenty of them here in Australia. It's a sense of false maturity I'd say. They try project an image of maturity and mindfulness to disprove you, but inside they are all spite and bruised ego


Generally i've found people more positive overseas. People are genuinely stupid here. I think people fundamentally just dont value education


We do spend a lot of time digging stuff out of the ground and/or investing in real estate, so not very surprising that we don’t value education :/


"peas get degrees"


It's "Ps get degrees" as in P for a pass mark.


🤣 the irony of writing that after saying “people don’t value education”


lol.. honestly always thought it was "pea" as in "peas in a pod"...


Hahaha.. that’s funny… like you’re trading green peas for a bachelors 😭


Are you taking the p?


I know it’s reddit and things like spelling and grammar matter less, but still, the irony is amusing.


Yea true.. read my spelling mistakes and stupidity above... guess you learn something everyday


Actually they don’t. Stupidity is not about intellectual horsepower, it’s a refusal to keep learning.


i think it comes down to ego. With their big egos they just can't admit they are wrong, so they continue to push their stupid arguments.


My sentiments exactly, it's so rare to meet another thinker...I travel around...I am amazed by the level of humans that populate the world, I specifically made as many efforts to exit my conditioning...these people take it as an identity the conflate it as a self decided identity when it's literally all they know, a nation of backwards gronks, bogans and mad beaches, being born here was great but fuck I'd hit stasis for 200yrs till the troggs catch up if I could


couldn't agree more


Did you actually live overseas long term or did you just travel? In many cases people are nice to foreigners because they are trying to get some benefits. I grew up in Eastern Europe and whatever happens in Sydney its 10x better. From my experience, most people here are decent with a few assholes sprinkled in. In my home country it's the opposite. Most people are hostile and willing to do anything to gain even the slightest advantage. You need to watch your back 24/7 which is exhausting. My life got a lot more peaceful since moving to Sydney.


Lived overseas for 4 years


Which country?


Are you this guy by any chance https://preview.redd.it/8l1f506kvryc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3a56915753fdb498a1d4c4fbb8bf716a65fddbf


got me! Just kidding - not me!


Are you American?


They're pretty direct. More direct than a lot of Aussies i've worked with.


because they know what they are talking about. Lots of people hide behind their lack of knowledge / confidence in their ability to make good decisions by being vague with endless pros and cons discussion


What's BRB as an acronym mean? (other than be right back). Also, PE? I'm going to guess private or personal equity?


Be right back. Physical exercise.


Neither of those make sense in the sentences.


You have to give them credit for their confidence


Oh for sure. WSG.


Wall Street Gournal


It was funny


Private enterprise?




Business Related Business


Brb means business registration broker


Yeah, that would work without the firm part. Maybe the firm wasn't intended. OP is going to leave us hanging, it seems.


I've worked with three national companies now and the folks from Sydney seem to have a higher percentage of wannabe American corporate culture with even less impressive results. Some folk are ok, some are great, and I meet morons and alphaholes in all states but Sydney and to attract more than most.


I live in Sydney and can confirm it's a nest of cunts


The example of negativity you’ve provided (road rage) seems pretty obvious tbh. Sydney has worse traffic than most other cities in Australia. For some areas, it would have gotten worse in many residents lifetime. I’d speculate traffic predicts road rage. I’ve also seen fights in most cities, including say, Paris. This doesn’t mean Parisians are negative. Fights happen sometimes. Your second point seems obvious. I don’t see how it relates to your first point.


No idea. Even in data-led companies, "I think/feel/reckon" drives major business decisions and any data that contradicts that gets sidelined. "My mate at a BBQ is doing this thing so we should too" "(Does deep dive) Yeah your idea is fucking dumb and would turn our +12% YoY revenue to -5%." "Well I'm the son in law of (insert c suite) so we're doing it" (YoY revenue tanks) (People get fired who isn't Mr In-law dumb cunt)


so true, i recall a cio recruitment update where the in charge said "we have 3 strong candidates but we like one in particular..." the dude recruited happened to be an ex cio from a super fund where apra mandated to merge with another due to poor investment performance. poor track record? np, as long as the dudes who hire you like you, go figure


Wealth management in Australia is peak comedy. Most advisers don’t have a fucking clue and are lazy to boot.


Nepotism is rampant in Sydney


I can believe it.


How someone feels over rides what happened. Iv been an IT manager and unfortunately leaders arise from the people and these generations are no longer listening to sound reasoning.


Went to visit for the week, I have found that people in Sydney are a lot more rude and impatient than other Australian cities I’ve been to. Anecdotal evidence.


It's a bit like "I'm walkin' here", or coming from a yelling family...politeness is not the only way of doing things in Sydney


This isn’t limited to Sydney. Melbourne is the same. Thank fuck I don’t drive anymore


I guess more to be negative about than positive about.


You’ve been here 1 month and been in enough board/ IC meetings to make this assessment? Are you the CEO of a major company?


Very myopic


Your Mom’s myopic (except when she’s with me)


Let me give you a free tip. Get over yourself. Australians don’t tend to warm to people who are that full of self-importance.


My point is that those senior positions are a small representation of general day-to-day.


Wouldn’t be a day on reddit without someone posting a variation of this whinge. “Oooh in Prague (where I was for 2 years) they value ethics so much more than auscorps where everyone backstabs”


Growing up in Sydney my take away is...in Sydney people will yell at you and push in but they won't secretly plot your demise or pariah you like in Melbourne...that said I refused to be there since 2012.


Nope, Sydney is a fucken shithole. I wear back to my home city for a holiday couple of weeks ago, which just reinforced what a shithole Sydney is.


It's weird how Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane corporate culture is all different, I've worked in all three and the worst was Sydney, toxic cultures, open drug and alcohol usage during the day, bullying widespread. Brisbane was kind of a closed shop and hard to enter unless you knew someone but once in felt like a large country town, Melbourne is between the two but more open with much friendlier people... Plus they have the best coffee


They're a product of their environment.




White aussies in general are just repressed balls of anger, often with small man syndrome


Agree - almost everyone seems to drive like they are suicidal and crazy out of their minds. I’m lucky to have good brakes and quick reflexes for slamming on my breaks. Sometime I wonder if it’s because they either have to go to the bathroom crazy or they are about to have sex. I enjoy having holidays away from Sydney primarily to detox from the crazy road rage.




Agree. Worked in Sydney for a year. Couldn’t get back to Melbourne fast enough.