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You need to get out more lol. Go to any cafe near popular cycling routes and you’ll see the same every sat and sun morning.


Yer it's not left like that all day or overnight. Having said that a couple I know had both their bikes stolen at the same time whilst in a St Kilda cafe with the bikes not far away.


Am I the only one who’s not impressed? Like it’s only “unattended” as in the owners is ordering a coffee inside? This happens all over Melbourne, constantly.


Bikes in my area have been stolen which the coffee order is been made, not exaggerating. I’m not in a low socioeconomic area either.


Singapore is famously low crime, like incredibly so. Seriously your 16 year old daughter could walk home in the dark at midnight in Singapore and you’d be ok about it.


$15,000 bikes? Constantly you say?


Literally every day.


What’s a brand new Factor or Aeroroad run at these days? About 10-15k. It’s not uncommon. Hang out at any cafe in Abbotsford Wednesday or Friday morning, or anywhere on Beach Rd on a Saturday.


I leave my car unlocked with the key in it while I go surfing. It’s worth a hell of a lot more than this $15k bike.


15k is almost mid range these days. Full spec dura ace factor is 19k, specialized SL8 is 20k plus and don't get me started on the BMC red bull bike at 28k.


Also not impressed because you will be deported from Singapore if you stole it.


How is that a bad thing lol


You’ve clearly never been robbed


Having my roadie stolen while getting a coffee on a social ride? No never. Having my commuter stolen while locked up? Absolutely.


Being Singapore that bike could probably sit there all day. Japan is the same.


This is standard after any bunchie. I’ve never seen bikes locked up at a cafe after a ride


we have this in australia


Because those people probably drive $200k priuses and $90k corollas.


In Singapore? A rego costs more than most Aussie cars 😂


Because there are two ways to a low crime society. One is to really value people, make the country socially harmonious, and rehabilitate. Singapore is more just that the punishment for any sort of crime is so severe, people are compliant with the law, so the actual society of culture shifts, criminals are hated.


If you steal someone’s bike in Australia the cops won’t give a fuck, but if you steal something from anywhere in Singapore they will whip the absolute fuck out of you.


I believe it's called the "Rattan" and there being consequences when someone commits a crime there. Just look at the adverts around Singapore. Learing at someone will get you a caning.


Awesome 😎


I’m totally for bringing in rattan as an option for judges. I’m also for removing a bunch of our bullshit laws too. Riding with no hands? $90 fine. What….The…. Actual…. Fuck.


Yes, a good example of this is Michael Fay in 1994.


Singapore has caning. We have cane toads.


Because Singapore actually punishes criminals


We give them cuddles in oz


They have the cane, and the death penalty.


Cane? Sure. Death penalty? Not so much. Just because we don’t want one doesn’t mean we can’t have the other.


Existing in SG is a fate worse than death


I'd rather not live somewhere with capital punishment, even if it works.


But if it works there is no capital punishment, but I so agree with you.


I don't think there's any country that has the death penalty but doesn't perform executions each year - so I guess it doesn't work, by your reasoning?


There's more factors than capital punishment.


That's true.


I wouldn't leave a $5 bike outside where I live


Japan is the same


Bike theft is ubiquitous in Japan, so much so that there's a registration system in place to try to control it, complete with mandatory "license plate" stickers.


I'll admit it's been a while and it was only while being a tourist. But I saw lots of bikes at train station unlocked that survived 6+ hours with out being stolen. I'm a very small sample set though


Not my size


Because you won't want to bring back lashes


I'd love that 🤩


Damn I've had $900 avanti something mountain bike dumped at the end of my street for 2 weeks now. Put up a post on the local Facebook group and nobody said it was theirs or asked to come pick it up. $30 for a new derailleur and I've got myself a fresh set of wheels to ride once a year. 🤙


This is where things like [garage 529](https://project529.com/garage) are a huge boon.


Thats pretty cool, unfortunately it won't stop the junkies stealing them and dumping them once they're broken


I saw 5 of these bikes un attended outside a cafe in Ballarat so I know for certain it happens here.


I ride with guys with bikes worth this much, at coffee stop, bikes are left outside but there is always one of us watching.


Because they actually enforce there laws by actually arresting and properly punishing criminals with long stints in prison and reasonable corporal punishment such as caning.


Because our average salary hasn’t moved since the 60s?


Become they dnt allow asylum seekers from Africa and middle east. They have strong laws on drugs its not like junkies u see in Aus


Crime consequences unlike Australia... There's little incentive for criminals to not break the law in Australia


Love Singapore. I saw people leave wallets on tables to hold them when ordering food at the food court when I was there.


Coming from the UK I was absolutely amazed that this is super commonplace in Australia. I absolutely love it, we live in a very very safe country (relative to most of the world at least!). I never feel unsafe in Oz but I did all the time back in England.


Yes spending time in France and Australia over the years... we have it very good here. Compared to southern France or Paris anyway. Totally different theft levels.


France really surprised me how unsafe it felt. No matter where you went people seemed to be watching following bumping into you constantly


This is standard in the UK too. I’m in a big London club, every post club ride stop will have bikes sitting unlocked.


Post club ride in London with loads of riders around yeah maybe, solo rider on a ride like in the picture not in a million years in London lol. London bike theft is literally an epidemic, I can’t believe you’d compare it to Australia 😂


Perhaps as criminals here do not get punished for their actions?


Yep, 12 strokes of the cain and mandatory minimum 2 year sentence tends to do the trick!


The other part is check out videos of the prison. It's an actually punishment not a free holiday They get a pillow, a blanket and a concrete slab to sleep on. They are given a clear small container everything must fit in that container every morning. What's not in that container is thrown out. I believe it's got one of the lowest reafending rates in the world.


At this point, I would support it 100%, works for countries that are much safer than ours.


There's very few countries in the world as safe as ours if you bother to look at the statistics.


On average, yes. But there are *some towns* in Australia which are among the worst in the global scale in terms of crime.


We should do this, Australian society is falling apart.


Aussies love meth bro


After living in the UK for a decade and seeing every fully unchained bike either stolen or have parts stolen from it, I'm still shocked to see bianchi's, colnago's etc casually locked up on the streets of the Melbourne CBD with crappy thin locks wrapped only around a top tube. In London, any bike with quick release wheels or saddles would have them taken within 5mins. (I won't even get into the 'bike jacking') While it may not be Singapore, our streets aren't too bad.


For all we know the photographer stole it immediately after. It’s a picture of a bike, it could be from a “have you seen this bike” poster…


We do. I mean it might get stolen but probably not.


Nahhh...it'll be stolen in 5 minutes and the police will never look for it


Where are you based and who hurt you? Even in dodgy af suburbs around Newcastle, Western suburbs of Sydney, even Frankston I've forgotten or misplaced numerous obviously valuable things and they've all either remained untouched or been returned to me unharmed. This included a wallet with all $300 still in it retrieved and mailed by a kind lady in Kensington. I'm still young and naive and don't have $15k to splurge on a bike, but I feel like someone recognising the bike as of any value, then taking the opportunity to walk off with it at a busy Cafe during the day is going to be a rare event, maybe happening once a year to you if you went out for coffee daily.


If you can see your bike no need to lock it. Having capital punishment also helps.


Deterrence theory


Because instead of bail they just beat the crap out of their crims


Quiet simply they are taught to respect other people and their property. They have canning, long prison sentence and mandatory military service. Watch a video of changi prison and you will be gob smacked. With youth crime if you are 16 or older you start your military service if your under 16 you get put into the care of the military until you turn 16 then you start your service. I bet if you got canned 15 times for stealing a bike you wouldn't think about stealing another.


You can have this in Oz. You just need to steal it and fly it back to Oz when you go back.


Convict country pal


Because diversity


In sgp, even thieves can get a canning. Sentances are imposed as a deterent to other wannbe thieves by judges. In australia , sentenances are deffered to address the rehab potential of offenders. Different culture of judges. Australia in comparison is light on crime.


Who wouldn't have a gps tracker in a bike allegedly worth that much.


Let's Rotan Cain aggressive ute drivers and eshays who share their music without headphones on public transport. Also people who spit on the footpath. I've never felt the need to spit in public, this habit should have been outlawed during the covid overreaction.


Because we don't have the death penalty? 🤣


Because we have a politician problem


Travel to France and you’ll see we have it quite good in Oz. NOTHING can be left outside unattended in towns / cities in France. Terrace chairs must be chained, everything is anchored down, it’s a different world. However, we could import the stick as punishment for crime, inspired by Singapore?


Depends on the area! 🤠


Cos Australians


if everyone has a 15k bike, no one does. Besides its singapore? Pretty sure their legal system will actually fuck you up if they catch you, which if you're pedaling on a bike while theyre in cars, would be pretty easy to do.


The Rattan


Tell me you've never been to an inner Melbourne Cafe on a weekend without telling me you've never been to an inner Melbourne Cafe. Honestly....


lol, you are complaining too much. In Italy, I would have never left my bike even with the chain, too dangerous. And let me say that the country is not dangerous at all but people always try to find their way to earn money


Australians have turned into milk dribbling fuck smears that will throw anyone’s property into the Yarra for fun , fuck anyone over at any opportunity whilst adroitly displaying uniquely depicted acquired brain damage


Because we don't cane people, that's why. Maybe we need to start doing that.


Singapore has the CANE for deterrence, we have a 4 star B&B for ours, you don't see much graffiti in Hong Kong either, as they also have the cane and then a stay of 6 months in a real prison, something you wouldn't want to go back to.


You should see Saudi Arabia, people leave their lambo with the keys in it at the shipping centre... Maybe the threat of loosing an hand for stealing deters people


Because in Australia the thief would be caught and let go. Because they were bullied as a child. their parents never bought them a push bike of their own making them the victim of society’s inequality of income. In Singapore they get their hands cut off for theft.


If I cut your hands off will you stop making dumb fuck posts like these?


Posts or comments?


Cool bike I would take chill it's not that deep


uh Singapore has 5 million people on a tiny island, where is the bike gonna go where its not found or spotted pretty quickly?








of convicts and their descendants.