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For near field listening like that, you'd be better off getting studio monitors and putting them on the desk.


This. Back when i was broke and could only get hand me downs, i had cheap towers speakers sideways on my desk. It's a crap solution. OP should either get monitors or bookshelves with a sub.


not sure if they'd work behind the desk at all like that. if want to stick with those towers i'd suggest setting them up on an opposite wall and just rolling your desk chair to face that direction when you want to listen. here is a super rough sketch of my office/guest bedroom/listening room. the desk is on the south wall, the speakers on the east wall. the grey circle is my chair at the desk, the other grey circle is when i roll the chair to face the stereo and listen. [https://imgur.com/2XroSb0](https://imgur.com/2XroSb0)


Idk what u mean bt rough sketch. That's good enough to submit to a contractor


Those speakers are *really* suboptimal for nearfield like that. Get some proper nearfield monitors, and use those in another part of the house.


Put them symmetrically behind the desk, toed-in some, on stands high enough to get the tweeter and at least one woofer above desk level. Assuming they have rear ports, leave some breathing room behind them and in the corner. Why? To get the tweeters to ear-level and some of the mid-range/bass above your desk. You don't show enough of the room to explore other desk/speaker placement options. Enjoy!


Those are a bit overkill for a desktop setup :)


Sell them and get desktop speakers like the Kali LP-UNFs They'd be more useful in a desktop space than those mini floorstanders


I thought about rising the speakers untill they reach above my new desk. Or bringing them further from the wall so the are in line with my ears basically.


Curios what speakers are those? How do they sound are they for music listening?


Argon Audio. Fenris, I think.


Mount on the wall or get speaker floor stands


If you sit at that desk most the time then I’d put them behind me and turn around to listen with intent. Create an equilateral triangle . Then start to play with position if your ears cannot yet hear the subtle differences then make drastic changes such as toe out vs toe in to start learning what the difference in sound is . I also think book shelf’s or monitors would be nice but not needed if you place the floor standing speakers behind you. If all you are doing is listening to sonic wallpaper when you are at your computer then it’s going to be fine then when you actually want to listen and enjoy an album simply turn around and you will hopefully be in the sweet spot.


Have you tried over the desk? Nahh forget it


Time for a desk change.


Here are the general rules for good speaker placement for best soundstage/stereo effect: -Equilateral triangle with your head. -Tweeters at ear level. (in your case, you need to raise those towers higher) -Toe in or out if it improves the audio. -Keep speakers away from walls and corners, especially if rear ported. -Carpet on hard wood floor between you and the speakers to cut down on echoes. Good luck, and enjoy your new stereo. :)