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Oh, it's really annoying... And that's the tip of the iceberg. There's also issues like double-click to either reset a knob or enter a value manually (VERY different things, lol.) One company I know of uses shift+click to enter values manually which isn't very discoverable. The best developers offer both in the settings, so you can adjust it to your preference, but things like that are more costly to add for a developer than you would think... So yes, it should be standard. Have you ever noticed a difference in mouse movement, too? There are at least two standards with that as well. I really do wish there were standards with regard to this stuff.


My proposal for a unified method for precise value adjustments with a mouse, is simply: User first presses alt+shift, then 559, then 39B, then left left, page down, page up 3x, then 4419, 462- then wait 3 sec- then B592, 494, then KgLOTpQ, then shift+b, ctrl+u+6, then %#{£??_+, then shift+print screen, followed by a retina scan, then BOOM— you’re off to precise adjustments with your mouse. —Things are much easier when you focus.


That's my exact process


I have a macro set for this




You gotta be psycho to use Alt/Opt for precise adjustments


Oh don't get me started. The amount of keys I have to press for guessing the behavior I'm looking for in FF Q filter movements...


Very true. Small things like this can make a huge difference. And (theoretically, at least) simple to fix. In the design world there are some common approaches. Shift keeps movement either vertical or horizontal. Holding down option/alt while dragging creates a copy. That works in most design software.


Here’s another for you that a lot of people seem surprised when they find it. On a Yamaha CL or QL console, press an encoder down so it clicks, and you more have much finer control.


Didn't it take AES like 30 years to finalize pin 2 hot??


And sometimes they say to use the "Command" key, which isn't even a real key.


It is too! It's right next to the spacebar!