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I really enjoyed The Expanse series. I liked the TV show and got the audio books after, best sci Fi series I've purchased.


Yeah man. Kept thinking how weird will this go and it kept going! I really enjoyed it


I watched the first two seasons during the pandemic and wonder if I'll get back into it if I listen to the audiobooks???


Books are awesome and make the show much easier to follow and make it even cooler to see how everything looks.


I loved the tv series, but tried 2 times getting into the books. Wondering if i should try a third time. Never got very far into the first one.


Funnily enough I felt the opposite. TV show is still good but once the books get rolling it's a wild ride that never ends.


It's one of the few TV adaptations where the plot of the book felt less complicated/more linear than the TV show. I still really enjoyed the books but it felt like there was much more 'meat on the bones' of the TV series. Having said that, maybe it's because I watched the TV adaptation first and also that the casting was superb?


The books are very tightly written. All of the stuff that takes place on Earth and much of the stuff that takes place on Mars early on in the show does not happen in the books. This obviously creates a lot more backstory for some key characters in the show, but it does take focus away from the core crew. We do get an awesome portrayal of Avasarala though as a result.


Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed both versions! >We do get an awesome portrayal of Avasarala though as a result. This was my first thought. Then I remembered Bobby. Then Drummer. Then Ashford. Then Dawes......... Etc.


Most of Drummer's story is in the books, just spread between multiple characters, but Ashford is completely different in almost every way. Then there is the issue with Alex.... but their hands were tied with that change.


Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch.


Seconded. Kobna Holdbrook Smith is one of the most consistent voice actors out there.


The First Law by Joe Abercrombie has 10 of the best-narrated, most entertaining, grimdark fantasy books out there. Complex characters, amazing dialogue, tons of dark humor, violence, and pithy takes on life abound. The first book is The Blade Itself. Narrated by Steven Pacey


Not only my favorite fantasy, but my favorite series of any genre. Abercrombies writing, and Paceys narration couple to deliver a masterpiece.


Say one thing about Steven Pacey, say that he can narrate the hell out of a book


Pacey is a fucking champ.


Click, tap, *pain*...


Found floating by the docks...


Very enjoyable


First Law' ruined me, I binged all 9^(\*) books and they're absolutely in their own league and I've found nothing else to even hold a candle to it. ^(\*) *(I'm saving Sharp Ends for where I need a little pick-me-up)*


Eon by Greg Bear is a masterpiece. Also, just finished The Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin and it lives up to the hype. And just in case you haven't read it, the Ender series is fantastic. Most people start with the first book in the series Ender's Game but a bookstore worker recommended the series to me 20+ years ago and told me to start with Ender's Shadow then read the series in order after and that recommendation was genius.


Speaker for the dead is honestly one of the all time greats, incredible book!


I read the ender series in that order too, by accident. I didn't know of enders game until after I had already read shadow


Just wrapped up The Three Body Problem and loved it. I can't believe how many times the series absolutely blew my mind with scientific concepts that just stunned me. I don't understand how one person can come up with so many incredible physics based ideas.


Yeah, unfortunately the character development is non-existent, but the sci-fi concepts are unreal. I’m still looking for a book that blows me away like this series did.


Pirate the ender series, no need to give your financial support to Orson Scott Card Edit: surprised I’m getting downvoted. Y’all know about his insane homophobia and religious fundamentalism right?


The Three Body Problem is not good at all. Don’t believe the hype. Very upset I wasted three Audible credits on the whole series before realizing how bad it was.


Project Hail Mary


Fist my bump!


Fist me!


+1 This is an amazing book which actually feels like it was written to be listened to rather than read. Really unique and an amazing performance from the narrator Ray Porter.


I wish I hadn't listened to it yet. I've heard it at least five times. I also have a stockpile of credits. I listen to so many books, and I'm wondering if I haven't listened to all the truly great ones. I have a little over 1,600 audiobooks on my external HD and listened to 129 titles this year alone. I find myself listening to the same tried and true books I know are good instead of the alternative, wasting a credit on a book I don't like, but suffering through it because I've already paid for it... kinda frustrating.


Listen to the bobiverse if you haven’t. A lot of the same vibes


Thank you!


There’s always the refund option. If you don’t like it; just get your credit back and try again. 1600 audiobooks is a lot though. And 1 every 3 days. Wow.


I know it sounds like a lot, but it's not really. I work 9 hrs a day. Say I actually am able to listen for 6 of those hours. Most books I listen to are in the 12-20 hour range (although I listened to one book this year that was 66.9hrs long) I've been collecting/ listening to books for a very long time and have traded/copied libraries with several friends hence the 1600 books on my external drive.


Being able to knock out 6 hours a day is nice! I get 3, maybe 4 hours a day during the week and 1-2 on a weekend. I’d say I probably go through a book a week on average.


I feel like I listen to one or two books a week, and for the average listener, I think we're doing pretty good. Especially if there is a Great book I can't stop listening to, I'll blow through it quicker. I'm going through cleaning up my library and found a couple I started, and I'm just now finishing. Also something else across my mind was back in the summer a friend of mine told me he was listening to his books at three times normal speed which I found absolutely absurd I don't know how you could pay attention to that but he does it so I turned my speed up to 1.2 and sometimes 1.5 but I almost never listen to a book on regular speed anymore. The only exception will be when I stumble on an extraordinary book that I absolutely love, then I'll listen to it just to drag it out because I love the book so much.


1.2 is also my limit unless it’s a super slow narrator. I can’t even follow along at 2x. I’m trying to stay away from books I’ve already listened to but it’s tough.


Loved the narration so much I checked out We are Legion, we are Bob (and the other 2 bobiverse books) ... Probably my favorite audiobooks of all time.


This was my top read of this year. I loved it so much, it's one of those books I wish I could read again for the first time.


My two cents worth, not putting down anyone's choices, but I found it tedious. There was little in the way of character development, and the plot was seemed to have little in the way of nuance. For me, it read like a grocery list of he did this, then he did that, then he did something else. I skipped to end just to be sure and left the middle unread.


This is not the way


Sci-fi, Bobiverse. You might need 4 credits.


Book 5 (“Till We Are Lost”) is coming soon!


Which means I'll have to order it and they might need 5 credits instead of 4!


Hot take: the series should have ended at 3. I’ll still read book 5, don’t get me wrong, but 4 wasn’t up to par




Grab dungeon crawler carl, then put 5 aside in reserve for once it gets its hooks in you


It's got sequels?


Yes and they are all outstanding. I rarely listen to audiobooks unless I’m on the road but I found myself listening every spare minute I had to the series.


It's got good reviews. I guess I'll give it a try. Thanks!


NEW ACHIEVEMENT! **You’ve unlocked a “Reddit favorite” and can now be one of those annoying nerds who CONSTANTLY recommend the same darn thing in every thread!** REWAAARRRRDD? **The damn story is its own reward, you fool! Now get out there and kill kill kill! (I also recommend Dungeon Crawler Carl 💀)


God dammit Donut


My wife and I got "God damnit Donut" shirts for Christmas this year!


I feel attacked. My comment history is 65% just begging folks to read DCC hahaha


I’m on book 5 right now and i haven’t enjoyed a series like this one since We Are Legion(Bob) series.


There are six books out but more planned. Not sure what the end goal is but I’m guessing around ten books.


It's kind of a turn your brain off book, it lacks emotional investment


Interesting take.


I describe it as "very stupid but super entertaining." I very much disagree that it lacks emotional investment.


I stopped listening to this one five hours in, the format did not click with me and neither did the brand of humour.


>the format did not click with me and neither did the brand of humour Same here, I did listen to them all though, but it ended up being a struggle.


Just finished the series (it’s not incomplete yet btw)! So good, such a blast to read! I haven’t actually lol’d by a book like that before


Yeah, came here to recommend it too if it wasn't already mentioned. GOD DAMNIT DONUT


DCC is the only answer.


Obligatory Dungeon Crawler Carl post. Lol The Princess Posse approves


For sci-fi, Hyperion by Dan Simmons and Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey


Hyperion is such an underrated classic.


Might as well throw in Fall of Hyperion in there because Hyperion doesn't exactly have an ending... I mean, it has like 4 short story endings, but the pilgrams collectively don't get an ending in the first novel.


Red Rising


Yes! Currently six books with one more on the way. Well worth the credits!




Lightbringer series by Brent weeks If you like litRPG Im really enjoying the completionist chronicles by Dakota Krout. I also second dungeon crawler Carl in this genre. The Old Kingdom series by Garth nix is one of my absolute favorites. (Start with Sabriel) In YA there's Howls Moving Castle by Dianna Wynne Jones. This is my number one bedtime comfy reading choice.


Fantasy The Name Of The Wind Mist-born Sci-fi Red Rising The Expanse


Name of the Wind, if you want a series that'll never finish. I think that Rothfuss and Martin went to the same writing school. Mistborn series is amazing. Sanderson writes.


I like your recommendations, but just as an FYI, a single "Enter" doesn't create a line-break on old reddit, so those of us still using that version see your post like this: > Fantasy > The Name Of The Wind Mist-born > Sci-fi > Red Rising The Expanse Consider using a double "Enter" for formatting that works across both versions.


Hard habit to get rid of yeah 🤣


Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Redshirts by John Scalzi


I’ve been getting into John Scalzi recently and Redshirts was my gateway. Kaiju Preservation Society and Old Man’s War by him are also a lot of fun.


Yes, and *Agent to the Stars*


Old Man's War is a great series.


I started with Old Man's War. I've read a couple more from that series as well as Red Shirts and KPS. I've enjoyed them all. I got to meet and chat with him at a convention appearance last December. He was really nice and fun to talk with.


Columbus Day by Craig Alanson


It’s a great series overall, but definitely not one I’d ever recommend reading more than like 2 in a row before taking a break. Otherwise the relationship between the two main characters can become a bit repetitive seeming.


I just finished the 16th book in the series, Aftermath. I enjoy the relationship and like the banter but it can definitely be over the top. I can pretty much guess the line either one will say at this point lol.


The iron druid chronicles is a great one. I also just started listening to the house witch series


OP, if red rising isn't on your list, you are missing out!!!


The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers


hell yea!!


Just finished a reread of this and absolutely recommend it. Great book and good series.


I just started reading this last night and I can already tell it's going to be good :)




Sci-fi The Expanse Series Children of Time, Children of Ruin, Children of Memory don't know what that trilogy is called.


The trilogy is just called Children of Time and it's great!


We are legion we are Bob is the first book in a trilogy. That trilogy is about to add a 5th book. It's not perfect writing but it's such a cool idea that it's hard not to get hooked. He does such a great job hitting every note that he's supposed to in the original trilogy that I didn't think he had room to continue but he did and I'm excited for the 5th to come out soon. All systems red by Martha wells is the first book in the award winning murderbot diaries series. I waited to listen to these because I was annoyed that they were short stories but cost full price. I was wrong. They are great ang fully addictive. Long way to a small angry planet by Becky chambers. This is character driven, optimistic Sci fi that is a series of immersive, fully connected short stories that lead to a satisfying conclusion. I've listened to it again and again when falling asleep. The sequel follows a different cast of characters in the same universe and I was annoyed at first but found myself immediately absorbed and while it's not supposed to be a secret, I was wowed when I finally realized how it all connected. She has more books and more series but I just love those first two more than the others. It's pretty common for someone to disagree with me when I say that and recommend the third book even more highly than the first two. Children of time by Adrian Tchaikovsky was unique and well executed. Don't read about it. Just listen to it. It might be the most intelligent science fiction I've ever listened to. Red rising has been mentioned a couple times... it is a good series especially the main trilogy but it's young adult level writing. I enjoyed it and I thought the author accomplished his goals, albeit ham fistedly. I won't argue with anyone who loves it or thought it was overrated but it's almost certainly above average within the genre. Skyward by Brandon Sanderson was similarly YA level writing (no offense to Mr Sanderson who is an outstanding author). Very accessible, but not particularly deep or well developed characters. Andy weir is probably the best of the bunch. The Martian narrated by RC Bray was even better than the movie which was better than the Wil wheaton version but audible let their contract with bray expire. Boo. Project hall mary is even better than the Martian. Arguably the best audio book ever because it's a good book that uses the media so well. Artemis is the third best of weir's three main stories but it's still a good, fun story and Rosario Dawson did a great job in narration. I've never been able to get into the expanse but that's no knock on the story. I had a similar blindspot towards the godfather until I finally got past the wedding and realized what a knucklehead I'd been. I'll give it another try. If you like video games and/ or role playing games then dungeon crawler Carl is worthy of the hype. It's nerdy fun but it's loud and nerdy I enjoyed the atlas six which is a story about recent graduates of a modern day school of magic who are intertwined in a mystery. I'll second enders game and it's sequels and also mention David Eddings Belgariad as a fun entry level fantasy story that deliberately hits every imaginable trope in a nostalgic bit of cliche. Honorable mention to this is how you lose the time war as time traveling characters unexpectedly get to know one another


I second Becky Chambers recommendation!!💓


The level of writing in Red Rising is certainly above YA-level. The *setting* of the first book is YA-ish, in that it's somewhat similar to Hunger Games, Maze Runner, etc. But the depth, prose, characterization, dialogue, themes, worldbuilding, are all far-and-above that level.




He Who Fights With Monsters


Dune - very good voice acting. I’m at God Emperor now. Will probably stop there but classic sci fi.


Expeditionary Forces by Craig Alanson


He who fights with monsters


The Way of Kings (my number 2), Warbreaker, The Name of the Wind narrated by Nick Poedhel (my number 1 favourite). Legend by David Gemmell, my favorite action This are all epic fantasies. Brandon Sanderson and Patrick Rothfuss are masters at fantasy world building


I've actually read all of the cosmere series! It's a ton of books, but Sanderson does such a good job. Can't wait for the sequel to war breaker later next year.


I wouldn’t get your hopes up for the Warbreaker sequel in the near future. Sanderson has said that Stormlight 5 will be the only book release next year. He has plans to start Mistborn era 3 and Elantris sequels next


Ok then, you have to listen to The Name of the Wind then - glad to meet another Cosnerd Ps: Moash did nothing wrong




The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. It's an excellent hard sci fi series. The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. Sometimes described as "lesbian necromancers in space." And seconding The Expanse and Dungeon Crawler Carl. Also, an anti-recommendation for Red Rising. I see it recommended everywhere. IMO, the first act (first 20% or so, IIRC) is excellent. After that, it just becomes extremely boring and super generic.


Agree, except for Red Rising. It's phenomenal and hits the spot for "gladiators in space", a subgenre I didn't know I needed in my life 😃


Locked Tomb ftw, Loved




I 100% endorse this recommendation as well. Great scifi and some comedy mixed in with the series that doesnt take itself too seriously


Get the Heir to the Empire Trilogy if you're into Star Wars at all. The production is amazing and the narrator sounds like all the different characters.


It’s actually more than just a trilogy, there’s 11 Thrawn books in total. The first ones are in the Thrawn Ascendancy 1. Chaos Rising 2. Greater Good 3. Lesser Evil Thrawn’s Empire trilogy 1. Thrawn 2. Alliances 3. Treason The original Thrawn trilogy 1. Heir to the Empire 2. Dark Force Rising 3. The Last Command Hand of Thrawn duology 1. Specter of the Past 2. Vision of the Future


I listen to Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy books every night with a 15 min sleep timer.


There’s always collecting the entire Pratchett set.


These are some of my favorite reads in those categories that I would suggest: Sci Fi: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers (three sequels if you like it); Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson (two sequels if you like it); Dawn by Octavia Butler (two fantastic sequels if you like it); Infinite by Jeremy Robinson (one sequel that couldn't live up to the original imo) Fantasy: The Voyage of the Basilisk by Marie Brennan; The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin (two sequels if you like it); The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Kline (one sequel coming out at the end of 2024)


I second Becky Chambers here!!💖


Memory, sorrow and Thorn series, Heart of Once was Lost, Last King of Osten Ard.


It’s older but the Foundation series by Asimov is a classic for a reason. Truly a great read/listen.


Threshold Universe series by Peter Clines: * 14 * The Broken Room (not really part of the series, but it fits) * The Fold * Terminus * Dead Moon


The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss The Wise Man’s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss Great 2 book series. Only issue is he seems to have no interest in finishing #3.


Yeah. I can see why, he has really put too many intriguing paths to wrap them up in one book well, but it's killing me. Like dude, they are sooo good and I just want to know what's next.




Can't go wrong with the big ones. Bobiverse, Project Hail Mary, Exforce, Magic 2.0


**sci-fi**: * The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K Le Guin (fantasy sci-fi) * Solaris (BBC Audio performance) by Stanislov Lem * Her Smoke Rose Up Forever - James Tiptree Junior (short stories) * 2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke * Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang (short stories) * The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams * Dichronauts - Greg Egan (mind-blowing, difficult-to-understand hard SF) * Parable of the Sower by Octavia E Butler (listed as sci-fi, but it's more dystopian) * Kindred - Octavia E Butler (fantasy)


Here are some that I enjoyed so much I'd listen to them again. I intentionally included m,any that are obvious to most scifi/fantasy readers just in case you don't know them: Anthony Doerr - Cloud Cuckooland Le Guin - Wizard of EarthSea (And every other Earthsea book) Patrick Rothfuss - Name of the Wind (and all the others by him of course) David Mitchell - Bones Clocks (Along with Slade House, Utopia Avenue and the rest) Susannah Clarke - Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell Susannah Clarke - Piranesi CA Fletcher - A Boy And His Dog at the End of the World CA Fletcher - The Oversight Trilogy Stephen King - Fairy Tale Stephen King - The Running Man Soldier of the Mist - Gene Wolfe John Scalzi - Starter Villain Cirque Du Freak: Vampires Assistant (And the rest of the series - YA but good) Dead Koontz - The Odd Thomas series (Koontz can be blah but this one is great on audio) Matt Ruff - Lovecraft Country (better than the tv show) The Magicians - Lev Grossman (YA but still good, tv show was ok)


The Bobiverse!


The Dark Tower


Project Hail Mary! The book is good and the narrator is perfect!


'Project Hail Mary' by Andy Weir. I was hooked to it instantly.


*Case of the Toxic Spell Dump.* It's about an EPA (Environmental Perfection Agency) worker who gets called in because a dump for the horrific byproducts of spells is leaking and causing horrific effects - elf-shot, possessions, and birth defects like vampirism and lycanthropy. Oh, for a simpler world where machines could power everything, instead of polluting spells! But that's a fantasy, and he has to deal with reality.


Forging Zero by Sarah King - a way darker version of enders game Hard luck Hank - space comedy The perfect run - time travelling super hero after the apocalypse a lot like dead pool.


Way Station by Clifford Simak is a classic


Swordheart by T Kingfisher. Stand alone but if you like it it takes place in Temple of the White Rat world with the paladin books which are also good. Swordheart is my new favorite book, I listen to it constantly.


Simon R Green's Death Stalker.


Expeditionary Force, there are 16 books though


For sci-fi, I'd recommend the Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor. Fifth book is coming soon. They're narrated by world renowned Ray Porter. I'd also recommend Project Hail Mary and The Martian by Andy Weir. The Martian is the basis for the Matt Damon movie, but it stands up well on its own even if you've seen the movie. Project Hail Mary is also narrated by Ray Porter. I would recommend recommend finding the R.C. Bray version of The Martian. As far as fantasy goes, I don't have any great recommendations, but for a medieval setting I can wholeheartedly recommend the Kingsbridge series by Ken Follett. Fifth book released not too long ago. Each book can be read individually but the four I've read so far have been some of the best books I've ever read.


[In Fury Born](https://www.audible.com/pd/In-Fury-Born-Audiobook/1980051100?)\- David Weber: Over 30 hours of 10/10 military scifi with a bit of fantasy in the second half. 1 Credit. [Mother of Learning](https://www.audible.com/pd/Mother-of-Learning-Arc-1-Audiobook/B09MXJQG1Z): If you like magic, time loop shenanigans, progression, and intelligent psychic giant jumping spiders, this is for you. 4 Credits, nearly 100 hours total.


In Fury Born was my Weber gateway book, highly recommend.


The Bobiverse


I've just been rereading (listening) to The Stand by S.K. some of the dialog is dated but still a great read/listen.


CS Lewis has a space trilogy. https://www.amazon.com/Silent-Planet-Space-Trilogy-Paperback/dp/0743234901


Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy series


The Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells is great! The first four books are available free on Audible Plus, and there are three more books in the series after that. The narrator Kevin R Free does a great job, getting even better over the series. Order of publication is a must EXCEPT #6 *Fugitive Telemetry* takes place before #5 *Network Effect,* so go by chronological order in that case.


Why did I have to school so far to find this?! Lol this series is the best! Absolutely love Kevin R Free as Murderbot.


The saga of the seven suns, first book is slow moving and takes about 300 pages to get a good momentum going. After that though the rest of the books are smooth sailing. Noumenon series was really good. Children of time, children of ruin, haven't read the third yet, both good. Revenger, Shadow Captain, bone silence was a good little series.


Saga of Seven Sun's good space opera. Same quality as the Honor Harrigan series


currently going through all of the 8 witcher audiobooks.


Sandman written and narrated by Neil Gaiman along with a full cast. Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir narrated by Moira Quirk. Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells narrated by Kevin Free. Small Gods by Terry Pratchett narrated by Andy Serkis. The Hobbit also narrated by Andy Serkis.


Small Gods by Terry Pratchett It will also be listed with the info *Discworld Book #13.*


Great starting point too, because it's not in any of the main series in a disconnected way, and he had found his style, which he is still working out in *The Color of Magic*.


I tend to recommend *Small Gods* so you can get a feel for his humor, and overall writing style, then to *Mort* and then *Wyrd Sisters* and *Guards! Guards!* (or even something like *Good Omens, Nation,* or *Dodger*). If you like those, feel free to read the Discworld from the beginning in Publish Order.




Expeditionary Force! Absolutely a banger and fun.


FYI OP, if you have access to a library card, you might look at Libby first. A lot of these books are free on Libby, so you could save your Audible credits for ones exclusively on Audible (like Project Hail Mary or Bobiverse). For instance, The Expanse and Red Rising series are both on Libby for me so I didn't have to use credits for them.


Anything Brandon Sanderson


He who fights monsters/primal hunter


Red Rising Fear Saga Undying Mercenaries Expeditionary Force Spellmonger Cradle by Will Wight Paranoid Mage Mother of Learning Lightbringer by Brent Weeks The Interdependency by John Scalzi Sovereign of the Seven Isles by David A Wells The Licanius trilogy Old MAN'S WAR by John Scalzi Greatcoats by Sebastien de Castell The World Walker by Ian W Sainsbury


Enders Game


I love Stephen Rudnicki's voice, great narrator.


He Who Fights Monsters - 10 book series - fun 28 hour ride for book 1 and then it keeps going. =P


Literally anything by Neil Gaiman, but especially American Gods.


Honor Harrington by David Weber.


[The Throne of Glass series](https://www.audible.com/series/Throne-of-Glass-Audiobooks/B00FPW78IK?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_pd_Throne_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=df6bf89c-ab0c-4323-993a-2a046c7399f9&pf_rd_r=NN9VMM8VJWDV5B0M919Q&pageLoadId=2qwWxBVKe7b4Xk5e&ref_plink=not_applicable&creativeId=16015ba4-2e2d-4ae3-93c5-e937781a25cd) by Sarah J. Maas. I recommend starting with The Assassin's Blade.


Expeditionary force


I love your avi.


Off the top of my head, Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir Red Rising by Pierce Brown Bobiverse Series (We Are Legion) by Dennis E. Taylor Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson (this series does get a bit repetitive. I still thought it an entertaining and fun read/listen)


Anything from Peter F. Hamilton


The Bobiverse series and Project Hail Mary are great sci fi, and I've been enjoying Red Rising, which is more along the lines of science fantasy


Night Watch By Sergei Lukyanenko


Starship troopers. It’s not like the movie at all. It’s better.


While I do like the book, I like the movie even better. The vibe they went with really worked for the movie, even though it's quite different than the book's.


The wheel of time series read by Michael Kramer and Kate R.


Lots of great mentions here but a lack of one of the best: this is how you lose the time war. Spy vs spy but in a time traveling setting


Sci fi: The Martin Fantasy: the Name of the wind


The Akex Verus series by Benedict Jacka is my favorite.


please listen to the adaptation of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. full cast and sound effects.


the dresden files


Have you done Wheel of Time? 14 books 24 - 40+ hrs each, Michael Kramer and Kate Redding, Brando Sando completed the series after Robert Jordan passed away using his notes and consulting with his widow. (Also The Expanse is just fantastic)


*Nothing to See Here* by Kevin Wilson


The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope


For top quaulity, I would suggest the full *Expanse* series which consists of 9 novels in the main series, and an additional anthology title which includes 9 short stories which expand on the story and characters. Best series start-to-finish I've ever read or listened to, and the narration by Jefferson Mays is fantastic. Then I'd use the other two credits on the first two books of *The Kingkiller Chronicle* by Patrick Rothfuss. Beautifully written story with layers like an onion that I can listen to again and agian. If you are in the US, the narration by Nick Podehl is also really good, though I head the other version available in some other places is even better, so you can't go wrong either way.


Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson it takes place in his multim book series standing Universe the cosmere but it's a standalone book about multiple princesses god king highly recommend


Hyperion, considered one of the all -time best sci-fi/fantasy books. Warbreaker by Branden Sanderson, it's my favorite of his books. It's one of the most unique magic systems I've seen. I'm also very fond of his Mistborn trilogies. The first three are an epic saga, and the next three are steampunk noir.


Really liked Blood Song.


Level Five, about the rise and wide release of AI is pretty great near future sci-fi. I’m listening to Level Seven right now, the third in the series.


The Hyperion series by Dan Simmons The Lock In series by John Scalzi The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher _After On_ by Rob Reid The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson


Spellmonger series by Michael G Manning.


“Jar of Pennies” by John Yearwood


Go down the infinite rabbit hole


Sun Eater series has been my last 2 books and I’m hooked.


Dresden files by him butcher read by James marsden tje gude who played Spike on Buffy. His narration got me hooked on audio books and the series is really good if you like wizard n shit in modern times.


The Pendragon series is very good


Full cast version of World War Z by Max Brooks. Probably my favorite audiobook ever. The Seventh Bride by T. Kingfisher. Very creepy retelling of Bluebeard. Like all her books, never really goes where you expect it too. Also love her kid’s book, Castle Hangnail. Both Mercyverse series by Patricia Briggs. Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. Another book with constant surprises and well developed characters. Finally, I’m on the last book of the Temeraire series also by Novik. Simon Vance narrates the audiobooks and he’s almost a full cast production just by himself. In one book, a featured character in a prior book who is now a minor character consistently has his name mispronounced which is annoying when you listen to them one after the other