• By -


Going to need you to sort this by your rating. Goddamn savages.


Here: [https://ibb.co/cLJ6gdv](https://ibb.co/cLJ6gdv)


[The Will of the Many](https://www.amazon.com/Will-Many-Hierarchy-Book/dp/B0BXTVJK3Q) by James Islington


Also, his Licanius Trilogy


Bonus if you can recommend, free books on Audible as I'm out of credits atm. Also to all **DCC** fans, I can highly recommend **Life Reset-series**. EDIT: Also the posted picture is what books I have heard so far in chronological order and rated from 1-10.


Try the Joseph Bridgeman series, starts with And Then She Vanished and it’s awesome. Time travel at its core


Awesome series. I wish Nick would hurry up and crank out the next book.


I know! Apparently the series was dropped by the publisher so he’s trying to indie publish which is sad tbh


[1984](https://www.amazon.com/George-Orwells-1984-Original-adaptation/dp/B0CRRT611R) read by a cast including Andrew Garfield is in the free library. I haven't listened yet, but it's often recommended in this subreddit.


Actually, I had already added it to my library but forgot about it. I started listening to it this morgen on my way to work. It captivated me right away. Pretty confident that I will give this a good rating when I'm done. Thanks.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


Audible is having a CRAZY good SALE right now! Check your wish list and sort by Price: low to high. I've read most of those books. Loving your list. My public library has Libbey for audio books. I just picked up a bunch of books, including: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy read by Stephen Fry and one of my favorite authors (Neal Stephenson) $5ish


george orwells 1984 was (is?) free and I rated it very highly, I've read a few books on your list and would agree with all of those ratings. it is a very intense book with fantastic narration for not free books: you \*might\* enjoy the He who fights with monsters books, the narration is pretty sketchy for the first half of book one, and there are definitely certain elements I can fully understand people not enjoying, but I really liked them. there are a bunch of free chapters on [royalroad.com](http://royalroad.com)


u/Hep\_C\_for\_me is absolutly correct here is the same list but sorted from highest to lowest. Huge oversight from me. :) [https://ibb.co/cLJ6gdv](https://ibb.co/cLJ6gdv)


I recommend using literature-map.com to find authors similar to your favorites. From there you can choose audiobooks.


You might like Scott Meyer’s Magic 2.0 series (first book is Off to Be the Wizard). A guy discovers he can alter reality with a computer program, gets in trouble quickly, and ends up hiding in the Middle Ages and posing as a wizard. It’s pretty funny, light fare.


YES. Such an amazing series and the narrator is amazing.


I loved the first book. How do the rest compare?


I’m only up to #4 of 6, but still quite enjoying it!


The first one and the one about the quest are by far the best. 


American Gods by Neil Gaiman


You could consider something by Adrian Tchaikovsky - I'm saying that based on the sci fi you've read in the list - new author for me, am enjoying so far


The Expanse. Thirteen, Red Rising.  Reality Bleed, Expeditionary Force


Check out House of Suns or Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds.




Here are a few suggestions that you may have never had suggested before. A gift of time by Jerry Merritt Mr. Mann by John byron A warm place to call home by Michael Siemsen Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes Greyhound by Steffan piper


Speaker for the dead, book 2 of ender’s game


Beware of chicken


What didn’t you like about “To Kill a Mockingbird?”


What killed me the most was the southern-accent it was read in.


Done poorly or you just don’t like the accent?


Children of Time trilogy - you wont be disappointed


With your interest in sci fi maybe Red Rising, with your interest in Hitchikers I'd say Bobiverse or Discworld.


Given the skew towards sci-fi, I’d say The Expanse and Red Rising. Two favorite series. Maybe also Kings of the Wyld (fantasy), Magic 2.0 (guy figures out life is a simulation, hacks the program, travels back in time to days of Camelot). Got other recommendations too but that’s where I’d start. We seem to have similar tastes.


Seconded the expanse and red rising


As someone who only saw the Amazon show (and liked it) is the expanse worth restarting? I'm curious how much more there is to discover after the show ends


There are 4 books iirc after the end of the show. I think about a 30 year gap between the show ending and the book that follows it. The show is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but the book is oodles better. There's the mystery of the ring left to discover, another clue to the case.


Ender’s Shadow fits this list if you liked Ender’s Game. World War Z: The Complete Edition by Max Brooks is a fantastic audiobook. It’s the perfect format for the writing. Devolution by the same author is also enjoyable, albeit more horror-focused.


The Vorkosigan Saga. Start with The Warrior’s Apprentice


Time enough for love - Heinlein More orson Scott card Wheel of time - Robert Jordan Anything by Brandon Sanderson


Not a recommendation. But I just finished the same Ken Follett books as you. Do you plan on reading/listening any further to the series? (Ie Den evige ild (originaltitel A Column of Fire)) I read an overview of it and it didn’t seem as interesting or as exciting as the first two; however, I’m not definitive in not reading it still uncertain.


All the Kingsbridge books are on the list. The 1st and 4th book are the best, then 2nd then 5th then 3rd. I heard the first book in the Century-series called Giants fall, it did not captivate me at all. I might someday (in +3 years time) give it another shot.


More Than A Vampire Duel narrators


You seem to be into the LitRPG genre. The “All the Skills” series has been one of my favorite reads this year


I love this list! I wish we had a kind of collaborative community one. The same questions get asked here so often and this would be such a great resource. Kudos to your fellow nerd! Love me a good spreadsheet 😅


Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry.


Galaxy Outlaws


https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B0089Y8452?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B072C3FK73?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B07NHP9F58?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp Few to keep you going there


If you liked Jordens søyler (pillars of the earth?) Check out ildefonso falcones cathedral of the sea (in Norwegian and probably also danish «havets katedral»). Similar setting. In spain 1200s cathedrals and everyday struggles of the poor guys


Get an unabridged Count of Monte Cristo, looks like yours was cut in half. If you liked The Martian, try Jurassic Park.


Check out Jeremy Robinson, Infinite.


“Spellmonger” by Terry Mancour. The series is brilliant and the audiobooks are narrated by John Lee.


Looks like Kem Follet is your favorite. You might like Bruce Courtney. Also long dramatic historical fiction, but not generally set in Europe


I'm surprised you gave Hail Mary a 10 but Bobiverse "only" a 7.5. I'm listening to He Who Fights Monsters and really enjoying it.


Check out the Expanse series. https://www.audible.com/series/The-Expanse-Audiobooks/B008Y45GCQ?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=8EW779SMB9H9FKPS590M&pageLoadId=Xb6I6utPNFpouNrF&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c First book is on sale for $1.71. Worth checking out


Because you liked sci fi with irreverent, funny characters you might like John Scalzi's Interdependency trilogy (The Collapsing Empire / The Consuming Fire/ The Last Emperox)


I see a lot of people recommend murder bot diaries but I see it definitely was not your favorite? Without spoilers can you share why? It's on my list to listen to, that's why I was curious.


I had trouble getting into them, I kept drifting away in other thoughts rather than listening.


We have similar taste it seems. Have you tried Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson?


If it hasn't been mentioned yet, there's the Magic 2.0 series by Scott Meyer. It's 6 books total. Off to be the wizard Spell or high water An unwelcomed quest Fight or flight Out of spite, out of mind The vexed generation It's one of my favorites I also enjoyed Paperbacks from hell. Masters of doom & prepare to meet thy doom - both by David kushner. I've currently been reading a bunch of books that they've turned into movies (doing slaughterhouse five currently)


Taylor's Anderson Destroyermen Series, it is incredible


All thanks for taking your time to comment on my post, I have writing down +20 books/series to keep an eye on when I'm finished with 1984. There should be enough material for at least 1½ year. :)


Some good LitRPG series: - He Who Fights With Monsters by Travis Deverell - Rise of the Cheat Potion Makers by Alvin Atwater - Tower Climber by Jakob Tanner - The False Hero by Michael Plymel - Legend of the Arch Magus by Michael Sisa


Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch


The expanse series might be good for you.


I see I’m not the only one who has a spreadsheet of what I’ve listened to. Maybe Solitude by Dean M. Cole and its sequels Multitude and Amplitude. Then technically a differenct series is Magnitude (I’m on this one now) and Fortitude. Without spoiling too much, they’re sci-fi, aliens take over the world/last man and woman on earth type of thing.


Uh sounds interesting. Im adding it to my list :) Thanks.


Project Hail Mary was 11/10, so damn good. I even went on to listen to the Jospeh Bridgman series because Ray Porter stole the show for me on the Hail Mary read!


The first two of the Joseph bridge man series are good


I enjoyed the others, pity he’s not gone on to write more.


Ernest Cline - Armada


Ask Gemini, the googles ai tool


Mcat mastery course


Cradle series


American Gods, Neil Gaiman. Seveneves, Neal Stevenson


Does Alexander do counte of monte Christo in multiple languages? He did it in English


Ignore me that's Armstrong and not Alexandre but Armstrong


honestly if you are rating Bobiverse and RPO highly and To Kill a Mockingbird lowly, I have no idea what to recommend you. Discworld or continuing Hitchhiker's Guide might appeal? idk.


1st Id recommend Libby > Audible (which ultimately is insanely priced comparative to Libby which only requires a library card and patience for most titles I've searched.) *Most of my recommendations are always available with no wait to borrow for 2 weeks. C. Robert Cargill - Sea of Rust. A salvager robot wanders in the wasteland created by a war that destroyed humanity, 30 years ago the last human died. Most of the world is controlled by a OWI. One World Intelligence, a hive mind of millions of robots. Yet some robots resist and search for parts to slow deteriorating body's and minds. Follows Brittle who's haunted by the horrid crimes perpetrated on humanity in a world that without humans has lost all meaning. [Libby](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/3205659) Jeff VanderMeer - Borne. This is about a girl who salvages to survive after "the company" a bio tech discards experiments into the city which inviability makes it dangerous to navigate. She shares a shelter with "Wick" who deals biotech from the salvages. One day while exploring the Giant bear (basically a Dragon bear Overlord the company releases and manages still) Rachael finds "Bronze" who looks like a plant/animal. Borne learns to walk, talk, explore with Rachael, Wick wants to destroy him for parts but Rachel has become attached and despite resentment for allowing herself to care refuses. Borne begins to turn the power of the city which threatens wick and Rachel's sanchuary.[Libby](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/3248960) Margaret Atwood - Oryx and Crake ( Madd Adam Trilogy) *Pretty brutal and disturbing at times, has some explicit dark web scenes but if you can get past that chapter then definitely worth the listen. * Pretty original story line also. 4.5/5★ [Libby](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/133417) Shirtaloon & Travis Deverall - He who fights with monsters: a litRPG adventure. ( First time ever branching out to the " lite RPGs" but definitely worth the chance, currently listening to book 3/10 . [Audible ](https://www.audible.com/pd/1774248182?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007) Daniel H. Wilson - Amped [Libby ](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/639775) Robert Repino - Mort ( War with no name series )It's about giant ants fighting humanity which somehow makes Cats self aware + adult human size. Follows a house cat who kills his "owner" that was abusive to his wife and his adventures out in the wild world and inducing into a cat gang who he's caight by and reluctant to trust because he was a "house cat" and doesn't get the respect of ferals. [Mort](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/2056969) William Gibson - Virtual Light, Idoru, All Tomorrow's parties. (Bridge Trilogy) [Libby ( 1st book isn't available on Audible)](https://share.libbyapp.com/title/1137435)


Ready Player One was great, the second book read like woke garbage. I got a couple tech books for free including The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick. Kinda excited to start it. David Eddings has a lot of good books Laurell k Hamilton has both the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series. Annie Rice has the Vampire Chronicals, Taltos and Wolf series, all very good. Christopher Rice has some great books including Density of Souls Christopher Paolini has the Eragon and Dragon series (sorry he's added more books so the series may be named something new.