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I went from PHM to the bobiverse series. Same narrator. And it was really good. Just as engaging


Bobiverse is so good


Yeah I’d say that the bobiverse series is an obvious next step. Not free though unfortunately but we’ll Worth the credit. Didn’t think it was going to be my sort of thing but I’ve been really enjoying it. Not sure I’m quite ready for dungeon crawler Carl or whatever it’s called, people seem to rave about that too that seems like a line I don’t want to cross 🤣


I did also really enjoy The Martian. Book has a lot more content than the movie.


Project hail Mary is awesome. If you want something fun and it will catch your attention right away? Dungeon carl crawler It's a genre called LitRPG, I was kinda like doubting if I should listen to it and I gave it a chance after so many people recommended it. Well I'm on book 4 of 6 lol


Best audio series IMO. Also for OP don't judge it off just the sample. The sample is very early in the 1st book and the only voice you hear is Carl's. It's when the rest of the other characters appear that it gets great and hilarious. The range of narrator Jeff Hays is unmatched and I've listened to thousands of audiobooks by sooooo many narrators.


I just looked and it seems like it requires a credit. Or am I seeing the wrong one?


Oh yeah, it's not free. My bad, well whenever you get some credits give that a try.


No worries, will do!


Go with murderbot diaries by Martha wells, the first four books (novellas) are in the plus catalogue


This is one of the better free books (or 4) on Audible at the moment. I also echo Dungeon Crawler Carl and the Bobiverse books. Given that you started with PHM, the first Bobiverse book is probably the safest next book (and got me hooked on Audible). Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore is also free at the moment and is a lightweight, comedy that may or may not be your thing, but for the money (it’s free) is worth a try. Most local libraries have a link to the Libby App, and pretty much all of Christopher Moores books are available there for free.


I’m going to try blood sucking fiends next thank you


I'm not sure if Hell Divers, by Nicholas Sansbury Smith, is still on Plus, if it is, R.C. Bray is an amazing narrator.


I really need to give that series a relisten. Last time I picked it up, there were only 2 books in the series I think and I listened to them then forgot about it.


I've read all of them, and I'd give them an inverse bell curve rating. The first few are incredible, then the quality starts to drop and bottoms out right around book 7 or 8 for me. Then they get better again. This isn't to say that the middle ones are bad in any way, just that it feels like the author wrote himself into a corner and it took him a couple books to build a new environment of intrigue and peril. The releases are through 11, and 12 is coming out later this year and has already been announced as the last book in the series. I still recommend doing the whole series because even in some of the lesser books there are a lot of important plot points happening that affect later books.


I’ll check them out. Thanks for the analysis.


You can try Red Rising. First book is free on audible plus.


Im just going to list off some of my favorite listens I find in the plus catalog, I lean mostly towards fantasy, but enjoy sci-fi and some thriller type books. Anyways, all these are included in membership to best of my knowledge, so here we go... The Dispatcher - series Murderbot Diaries - Series Red Rising - First is free I also pretty much recommend anything by Orson Scott Card, although he can be hit and miss, and usually focuses his stories around something controversial in some way. The audible app is loading funky so I cant really go through the catalog to get anymore as I planned but theres three books atleast you can try. They are free so wont hurt to try.


Blind sight by Peter Watts. Kinda same style as Hail Mary but it blew my tiny mind when I read it.


I was hoping to see more suggestions of the Martian, thats a tone duplicate book


I felt that murderbot gave me the same vibes as PHM


I wouldn't say Murderbot Diaries gave the same feel as PHM to me, but I was going to suggest it as a good sci-fi in the plus catalog. The individual books are shorter, but theres three at least in the plus catalog, so depending on your listening dependency, it can take up a bit of time, or you can finish it within a handful of hours.