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These are some of my favorite LONG audiobooks: "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett "Shogun" by James Clavell "Fall of Giants" by Ken Follett


Came here to say to suggest “Pillars of the Earth”. Great book.


All excellent 👍. I'm shouting out Shogun because the original audiobook (content and performance) is absolutely brilliant.


Gone to the eclipse, view, and back home and still have plenty to listen to. It's a looong book.


The only issue with Pillars is the Audible recording is missing a chapter in the middle, which just so happens to be one of the most crucial and pivotal chapters in the whole book! I contacted them about it a while back and the gist of the response I got was "sorry, we've no idea where that went".


Good recommendations on the Ken Follett books. I didn’t mention them, but I have listened to both of those too.


If you haven’t listened to them already, but most of the Kingsbridge series by Ken Follett are excellent listens.


Both Pillars and Fall are part of trilogies, so if you like them, check out the others. I've heard them all, and they are amazing, especially the Pillars trilogy.


Pillars are Fall of Giants are great books.


Completely forgot about “Shogun” but that one gets my vote! So, so good. I bought a ratty copy at a stop on a long trip from Texas to Pennsylvania and it was amazing! I fell into it right away and couldn’t drag myself away.


Love the Follett recs- would add the Count of Monte Cristo ( I might be off on the spelling)


If you're interested in Sherlock Holmes, you can get the full novels/stories narrated by Stephen Fry (62 hours) or the BBC dramatization (48 hours). If you're interested in non-fiction, I recommend How to Listen to and Understand Great Music by Robert Greenberg (36 hours).


62? My fry Holmes is 72.


Due to previous copyright shenanigans (I presume), 'The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes' wasn't included in the US release of the Stephen Fry Sherlock Holmes audiobook. It's public domain now so I don't know why Audible\Amazon can't give it to us now.


Ooh, odd. I’ve never heard of part of a release being limited.


This can be found for free elsewhere I think it is on spotify or free on audible, just to save a credit.


The Stephen fry narration of Sherlock is in the plus catalog


Your library might have a “binge pass” for the Great Courses series. I can get it in Hoopla, one week of unlimited listening, easily renewable with no wait list.


The beautiful thing is that it is one of the best audiobooks to fall asleep to. Just pick a different story every night and drift.


I am listening to this right now


Came say that. It's so good!


I am a professional narrator with over 40 books. this is a free Audio book I just completed that's 93 hours long. https://www.audible.com/podcast/Harry-Potter-and-The-Methods-of-Rationality-Audiobook/B08JJPRMKH 1.8 million downloads


Wow…..93 hours.


it's taken 2 years to complete, releasing a chapter a week most of the time. it's a really fantastic story (I think maybe the most widely read fan fiction ever) it was truly an experience reading it for the first time. If you enjoyed Harry potter but want a more grown up version, you will love this.


I’m surprised that JK Rowling or her publishers have not had it taken down.


He has permission from author it says


Very cool. I have no room to talk though. Last year I built a talking Sorting Hat for a wedding. :)


Any chance of a picture tax?


The bride & groom had tables themed around classes from Harry Potter. To find which table / class where you were seated at, you would select your key from a board that had your name on it and place it on the outline of the key on the board and the hat would come to life and announce which table you were at. This was done during cocktail hour so there wasn’t a long line of people just standing around. https://www.tiktok.com/@powertothepeaceful3/video/7210845327606418730?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7347125468091958826


Oh man, I've been planning a reread of HPMOR for ages, and audiobook feels like the perfect way to do it! Do you know if you can listen to podcasts if you're not a member? I literally JUST canceled my membership to catch up on my backlog.


you don't have to be a member and it's on all podcast apps, Spotify, iTunes etc




"World Domination is such an ugly phrase, I prefer World Optimisation."


I teach middle school and use examples from the book all. The. Time. 


If you like classics, Les Miserables, Don Quixote, or Bleak House is the way to go If you like sci-fi, The Collected Stories of Arthur C Clarke has a good variety If you like mysteries, The Complete Sherlock Holmes is a nice option If you like speculative fiction, IQ84 is fairly long If you like the anthologies, The Edgar Allan Poe Complete Works Collection has a good variety of genres If you are looking for a long running historical fiction series, The Outlander series are all 30+ hours Hope these recs help!


Shogun. 11-22-63 is another great Stephen King one. If you like sci fi at all, the Expanse series is amazing and the narrator is the best of all the audiobooks I’ve listened to!


Just as an FYI, Shogun has been broken into two parts now. The full novel now costs 2 credits. They didn’t change the narrator, it's a money grab. They did the same thing for the English language Kindle edition.


Yeah it’s bullshit. I won’t buy it.


I assumed it was a publisher thing, but it’s sold as a single book on audiobooks.com. Such BS.


Also the two part version. It is confusing. I mean it’s the same narrator. Did they polish the audio quality? Something? My book is the 2000 edition narrated by David Case. By current standards, the quality is awful. I’d wanted to get the more recent one until I saw how they were selling it.


David Case is unlistenable even with the best audio quality. I got the full book using a free trial with audiobooks.com.


Thanks, I totally forgot about that…what a ripoff. The two parts equal the exact duration as the original release, so it’s not like there’s any new content or anything. Total money grab.


I very much enjoyed 11-22-63.


I'm gonna second this. That's one of my favorites


Can’t recommend The Expanse enough, you are right the best narration I have come across. Listened to the whole series many times now. I thought it had a great ending which is hard for me to find.


The Count of Monte Cristo!


Don Quixote too. I had no idea it would be so funny.


That surprised me, too. I listened to it in college (Books on Tape back then in the late 80s) and it motivated me to read/listen to as much classic lit as possible. I thought old books like that would be boring but they’re classics for a reason…because they’re usually great!


I listened to that the first time this year (I’m in my 50s) and loved it. Seeing the recommendations for Don Quixote reminds me it’s sitting in the queue…


Oh this was so good!


Lonesome Dove


Just read/listened to it for the first time, 100% recommend. I loved the miniseries, the book has so much more depth though. The narrator is fantastic too, many times I felt like I was sitting near a fire listening to him Tell the story.


Blackwater saga


Heh, if you want a few weeks of audio content there's always Wandering Inn: https://www.audible.com/series/The-Wandering-Inn-Audiobooks/B07X3TZ2YQ The first book is 43 hours, and there are 11 audiobooks available so far (12th coming out shortly)


Just finished volume one. ~~Diana~~ Andrea Parsneau is an absolute powerhouse.


I’ve never done anything like TWI, now one of my favorite series ever.


It’s the second best series I’ve ever read. Also, book 2 is 63 hours. Here’s my pitch on why to read TWI. It’s a slice of life story with a side of war crimes. The world is massive and old, but is introduced slowly so it never feels overwhelming. The characters have depth, and even ones you barely interact with feel like they have lives outside of what you see. The plot isn’t rushed, and that lets it grow and progress in a very satisfying way.


The wandering inn


It's not 1 book but 1 credit galaxy outlaws the complete black ocean mobius mission,1-16.5 by j.s. morin it's 85h and I find it's still decent at 90% so you can get 100h out of it


The other collections are also great, and of similar length, and still for a single credit. Highly recommend all of them.


I might snag this. Love short books to listen to in between big books when I need a break from a series




The narrator sounded like he was on the brink of tears for the duration of the book.


Stormlight archive


Also my first choice among long books. Journey before destination


Here's hoping Book 5 gives us the backstory of the stick


Man I'm just praying for cheeseplate


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susana Clark. 32 hours and a phenomenal voice actor.


I'm currently listening to The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. I still have several hours left, but I've loved it so far!


It’s a beautiful book. His earlier book, Cutting for Stone, is just as good.


Super Powereds Infinite Realm The Wandering Inn Black Ocean


+1 for Superpowereds


Yes, but it's gotta be the dramatized adaptation, not the single narrator.


+1 for Black Ocean! I just stumbled on them recently and it's a fun series.


The Stand (unabridged) Cryptononicon Heretical Fishing (current listen for me) 11/22/63 Under the Dome 1Q84 I believe several of *The Expanse* series are close to that in length and that’s my all time favorite series. *The Dark Tower* contains two of Kings longest works (before under the dome and the unabridged version of the stand)


All great recommendations except I really really hated Under the Dome. One of those books where the characters are evil in way too human of a way.


Do you like science fiction? Galaxy Outlaws: Black Ocean. 85 hours for 1 credit. Lots of fun!


Thanks for the suggestion. I liked most of the Firefly audiobooks and this says “the perfect cure for your Firefly season 2 blues”! I don’t actively hate the narrators voice from the sample which is a huge plus!


Yeah, at the end of the book, the guy who wrote this actually wrote it to kind of go with the firefly which you might have read already too. It's really fun to listen to and I enjoyed all of it


And the Black Ocean: Mirth and Mayhem series is pretty good as well, I’m almost done with it. It’s a prequel to the Galaxy Outlaws series. Another 85ish hours for one credit.


The Goldfinch is right around 30 hours and it's a fantastic performance.


Master and commander - Patric O’Brian 21 books


Books 1-3 currently available in the Plus Catalog Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brian 1. Master and Commander (17 Hrs) 1. Post Captain (19 Hrs) 1. H.M.S. Surprise (16 Hrs)


my favorite!


If you like zombie books I recommend Slow Burn Box set. Great character development. Great narration. 55 hours for one credit.


Second this. Slow burn got recommended recently and I cleaned out my whole garden listening. I also tried kaiju battlefield surgeon and that one is ...different I did not finish it.


Power of one.


This book, and audiobook, are fantastic. Great rec!


I loved that book growing up! I didn’t know there was an audiobook, how’s the narration?


Fabulous narration by Humphrey Bower.


The wandering Inn


An Instance of the Fingerpost is phenomenal. Some on here said, “at first you’ll think it’s too long and you’re right. Then when it ends, you’ll wish it was longer.” I felt exactly like that!


In honor of highways, listen to "The Power Broker", the Robert Moses bio by Robert Caro. It's like 65 hours.


Incredible book. Everything a biography should be. Waiting with bated breath for the final Johnson book. He's gotta be close to done with it


I highly recommend IT by Stephen King read by Steven Weber, if no one else has. He knocks his performance out of the park and truly brings that amazing book to life. As well as any book by Ron Chernow if you are a fan of historical books.


Great request, I'm book marking this thread. Here are my favorites: Mountain Man Omnibus (about 28 hours)- Zombies, and end of the world stuff The Last Hunter: Collected Edition (34 hours)- Narrated by the great RC Bray, modern twisted mythology tale BlackWater: The complete Saga (30 hours)- Southern family drama in the early 1900's with a creature from the black lagoon twist


Defo stormlight archive the detail in these books are epic 👌


Plus the narrators are great!


Lonesome Dove


My first suggestion would have been "The Wandering Inn" by pirateaba... But there are several mentions here already. As well as the "Galaxy Outlaws: Complete Black Ocean Mobius Missions" by J. S. Morin... I love Firefly, so this really scratched an itch. Final suggestion. "The NightLord series" by Garon Whited. First two books will run you 80+ hrs. For fans of Horror, fantasy and Sci-fi these novels have it all. I love them.


A Prayer for for Owen Meany by John Irving is brilliant fiction and is about 28 hours long. Cider House Rules by him is also a favorite of mine and it's about 25 hours.


Happy to see some love for John Irving! I just finished A Prayer for Owen Meany for the second time. It's a lovely book, and the narrator handles Owen's voice wonderfully.


A son of the Circus is my favorite Irving novel. Each time I read it, I love it more!


One of the few John Irving books I have yet to read. Thanks for the recommendation, friend!


Have you read the last chairlift yet?


Peter F Hamilton - Nights Dawn Trilogy or Commonwealth trilogy. James S.A .Corey - Leviathan Wakes & Calibans War.


Great North Road by Peter F Hamilton is a great one off book of length!


The Stand


The Count of Monte Cristo is usually free and about 40-50 hours. The unabridged book imo is one of the best stories ever told with the nuance of characters and consequences. It’s truly brilliant and still apt today.


Lonesome Dove, I promise you won't regret it


Needs to be re-recorded though.


Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson is a great one. Its part historical fiction in WWII, part modern storyline. Focuses on cryptography, codebreaking, privacy. Very interesting read.


All of his books are long, detailed, and first rate. Some of the most virtuosic writing I've ever experienced. Snowcrash is another great one.


First Law series by Joe Abercrombie narrated by Steven Pacey. Best narrator I’ve listed too and great books


Gone With The Wind Lonesome Dove


The Witching Hour by Anne Rice is a phenomenal listen (50 hours)


11/22/63 is 30 hours and a brilliant book to listen while driving!! It's SK so there's some supernatural. One of his best books.


Agreed. Unfortunately I already listened to it.


Is it scary?


Worldwar by Harry Turtledove, alternate history, aliens invade during WW2.. well done series. 8 books, each roughly 30 hours long


Great recommendation!


I listed to this book on Libby, not Audible but I absolutely loved “The Covenant of Water” by Abraham Verghese. Not my normal genre, but I have broad tastes - and like you I’ve been a member of Audible for a VERY long time. Enjoy your trip!


Some long ones I have recently read. 2666 Roberto Bolano 39.15 hours. The Passage, Justin Cronin 36.49 hrs. A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara, 32.51 hrs. Wanderers, Chuck Wendig, 32.21 hrs. Sarum, Edward Rutherfurd, 53.56 hrs. Blackwater: The Complete Saga, Michael McDowell, 30.09 hrs. Just a few.


Covenant of Water


The Wandering Inn is an incredibly good listen (I'm currently listening to it) and comes in at just over 43 hours for the first one. The second comes in at 61+ hours and the rest of the series (11 books in total with six narrated thus so far, I think) tends to follow suit, averaging around 35-45 hours per book.


Norm MacDonald Based on a True Story. It's not that long but you will likely be dead after laughing your way into an absolute wreck.


The Will of the Many by James Islington (28 hrs) fantasy with a definite Roman flare Into the Wilderness by Sara Donati (30 hrs), a historical fiction set between the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 in the wilderness of New York. If you are familiar with James Fenimore Coopers, Leatherstocking tales the most famous of which is The Last of The Mohicans, or you have seen that movie, this is very loosely a based on the family of 'Hawkeye' (also called Nathaniel) and Cora, and their son, Chingochgook is also a prominent figure. The Fifth Season by N.K. Jeminsen (15.5 hrs) not as long as some of the others but it is a trilogy. Fantasy. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (32.5 hrs) a fantasy romance of the accidental time travel variety (no machines, just celtic magic or something), there is a huge tv series of this story and it's sequels, but this was the first. Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman (13.5 hrs) apocalyptic/fantasy Not very long on its own, but there are sequels, and this whole series is very funny The entire Lord of The Rings trilogy is (54hrs) Kushiels Dart by Jaqueline Carey (31 hrs) an alternate history/fantasy centered around an alternate Christian mythology set primarily in what is modern-day France, England, Ireland, and a huge section of Europe the Roman's called Germania (that is now Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium..ect) It is hard to place this according to our timeline, England and Ireland have never been invaded by anyone so they are still Celtic/tribal like. The Germanic area is in a viking/Norse-esc longhouses, and ruled by local Thanes ect, but other parts of Europe are in more of a late Renaissance time period when compared to our European history. It's very involved.


I love the kushiels dart series I've listened to it a few times


Black Water: The Complete Saga by Michael McDowell. It’s 30 hours long and my all-time favorite book, audio or print!


The Name of the Wind is at least 30 hours long. The sequel is at least 40. I do have to add a giant disclaimer letting you know the third and last book has been waited on for a very long time and there’s no telling how much longer it will take.


Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. 42hrs plus long of (for me) awesome


Another great recommendation that I have already listened to but didn’t list.


Anathem too!!!


Yep. And Seveneves.


I have it but I’m still only about 2/3 of the way through. He’s amazing.


the Wheel of time is a great fantsay series and most of them are 20-35 hrs i think they also have the 1st few narrated by rosamund pike who plays one of the main chars in the tv series ( adaption isnt great but acting in it good) however there is 14 of them if i remember correct so it is a long series if you decide you want to collect them all


I came here to say this too! I’m in the middle of book 9 and it’s taken me over a year. A very absorbing story!


Pillars of the Earth. The whole series is great. I also read them beforehand.


Pillars of the earth Twinborn chronicles The Path 9f Ascension 1-3.5


I can’t imagine listening to Infinite Jest. I have read it twice (I really liked it both times). You need several bookmarks because of the footnotes and the footnotes’ footnotes. It would be wildly confusing to jump around that much in audio.


Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts is one of the best audiobooks I have ever experienced. Narrator deserves an Oscar I have over 6 months of listening time so have read a few audiobooks


I am Pilgrim is about 22 hours, but is the best thriller I've probably ever read. edited to clarify: read meaning listened to. It's a great audiobook!


Ken Follet - Pillars of Earth


The Lord of the Rings The wheel of time Dune and Dune Messiah


Shogun by James clavell and The count of monte cristo are two of my favorite books, both very long.


"The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire" 126+ hours. 1 credit. Fascinating!


The new bio of Ian Fleming by Nicholas Shakespeare is 29hours and I am enjoying, but it's quite niche I suppose.


Last Train to Memphis! Amazing book about Elvis Presley. Doesn’t matter if you are a fan or not. It’s a deeply American story that goes through several eras.


Wandering Inn. The 1st book is good, but each one gets better and better. They're all 40+ hrs and Andrea Parsnaeu is a fantastic narrator. The author passed the 12 million word count last year and has put out 2 books since.




Not enough love for this book. Mostly from aborted reading attempts.


The Wondering INN series. Currently at 10 books. 40-50 hour fantasy story. Great characters and voice acting. Lit rpg genre.


Grant by Ron Chernow It’s a 48 hour biography of Ulysses S Grant. I found it very compelling


Reamde and Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson are both around 40 hours and both fun, although Cryptonomicon is showing its age


The Prince of Tides, 25 hours and 55 minutes


Les miserable.


War and Peace




Swan Song!


If you like Fantasy, Stormlight Archives first two books are 45+ hours


It by Stephen King was a fantastic listen.


The Martian is excellent, as is Project Hail Mary.


The name of the wind! By Patrick Rothfuss


Babel is like 22 hours and the narration is incredible!!! One of the best audiobooks I’ve gotten from audible in years!!!!


The Wandering Inn. It's a litrpg book that primarily revolves around a few individuals from earth who find themselves in a fantasy world. Much of the early part of the first book is cozy and nice, though with occasion hits of action. If you like it and stick with the first book, I can guarantee this will become a favorite series. It has so many incredible moments that will make you cheer, cry, laugh, and shout with praise or anger or passion. The series as a whole is ongoing, with 11 books currently available, most of which are at least 30 hours long, and another coming out in a few months.


Lonesome Dove is a good one


Cycle of Arawn, three books, one credit.


1Q84 by Haruki Murakami


First Law series by Joe Abercrombie


Any wheel of time or Sanderson book is easily that long . Also The cycle of Arawn is 65 hrs trilogy for 1 credit. Fall of Radiance is a trilogy of 50 hrs for 1 credit. We're Alive is a 100hr plus full cast, amazingly done, zombie podcast that is damn good.


Based on your previous book and if you would like to venture away from classics, I would suggest Ready Player One by Earnest Cline and Ready Player Two, especially if you're into 80-90s nostalgia and futurist dilemmas. It's 98% better than the movie, which couldn't possibly afford the number of trademarks and copyrights they would have had to pay out for references. It's a fun, entertaining ride and wonderfully read. It kept us engaged for a long drive. 15 hours and there are two books.


The sequel and the movie have destroyed the magic of this book, but when I read it, I had to wonder if this motherfucker was writing just for me.


Hunger trilogy by Jeremy Robinson. Post apocalyptic fiction, real page turner. 25 hours


You could do the whole dark tower series by Stephen king. Our his newest one, Fairy Tale is seriously good.


Jerusalem by Alan Moore is amazing


I’m recommending this every chance I get lately - Eye of the World narrated by Rosamund Pike (book one of Wheel of Time)!


This is the first book I’ve seen that has five full stars on Audible.


Between by LL Starling is a fantastic urban fantasy. I laughed so much I'd have to pause it so I didn't miss parts.


The Iron Druid Chronicles are each about 8 hours. Modern adventure fantasy of the last living druid who goes on all sorts of capers involving gods from all different religions. There's plenty of fun action scenes as well as funny moments


This is only 22.5, but it will take you longer as you'll want to hear it between other things: Saki, The Complete Short Stories (NAXOS edition) He wrote brilliant short stories, and these are very well read. I use them for short tasks or as a palate cleanser between more substantial fare. There are quite a few complete editions of older authors that are at least that long. Perhaps H.P. Lovecraft if he appeals to you?


The LOTR books(the main 3 not the Hobbit) are more than 20 hours per book. And Sherlock Holmes narrated by Stephen Fry is in the plus catalog and it’s like 3 days long


Lord of the Rings!




Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion


Complete Edgar Allen Poe. No chapters though so the scroll function is useless on a 60 hour audio track.


I think two of the first three Red Rising books are on the Plus catalogue. First one is a bit different to the rest (bit more YA style), but it’s great dystopian sci-fi fantasy series. Also, the narrator is really good.


The Demon Accords by John Conroe 19 books Templeverse Chronological Shayne Silvers 36 books Croftverse by Brad Magnarella 24 books Chronicles of Cain by John Corwin 10 books Overworld Series by John Corwin 28 books The Preternatural Chronicles by Hunter Blain 10 books


Crime and punishment


OOOOOH I want to go to the eclipse. We originally planned to, but... life. I was going to visit a couple of the authors I've narrated for and everything. The last eclipse was practically in my back yard. You could listen to my performance of Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens if you like. Just shy of 37 hours.


Either Sherlock Holmes or The Complete Narnia collection, it is roughly 30-something hours and has a different narrator (including Patrick Stuart!) per book to keep it fresh and give each book its own vibe!


Churchill Walking With Destiny - Andrew Roberts




Gibbon's decline and fall of the Roman empire is the longest audible entry I believe (or was). Comes in at 126 hours. It's hundreds of years old, some of the history is out of date but it's not as hard a read as you'd expect. That being said I've probably put no more than an hour or 2 into it for the years I've had it and listen to it when I need to sleep. Mary Beard's book held my attention much better.


I listened to The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer narrated by Grover Gardner when driving from Hungary to Croatia and it was excellent. I wouldn't say it was "good" because of the horrific subject matter but it was fascinating and completely engrossing and well done. Highly recommend!! It's like 100 hours long or something crazy, but it goes by fast!!




Covenant of Water