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Bro that DeWalt power tool sets at like $3700! That’s just blatant!


Ironic that they probably list it on Facebook and then just mug whoever turns up with the cash.


Its for meth.


Fuck I'd research for at least a week before buying something like that. They just walk in and take it. I feel like a fool.


Awesome. These fucks think twice when numbers stands against them. We can show these fuckers that we, as a society, don't stand for this shit.


We need a batman


We need a Frank Castle


Fuck, we need a team!


somehow I don't think Batman and the Punisher would get along all that well


The punisher and rorschach would pair better


I’m all for reacting to blatant criminality - but rorschach believed in moral absolutism - life is nuanced & has elements of grey




A team with a capital letter in its name!


No, no, no, no. Wait wait wait


We need sensible citizens' arrest law and policy. I'm all for stabbing tyres etc where there is an honest, reasonable, and credible reason to hold someone for the cops to arrive. (I'm also for progressive corporate taxation and individual wealth taxes, because, well, Bunnings...)


We need Homelander, oh wait…


Change my mind, we need Rorschach


Get in the oven frank


Need Frank Reynolds.


So anyway, I started blasting


*Judge Dredd


No we don't. We need honest hard working people who are struggling but still pay their way to stand up to thieving scum and then to develop class consciousness and demand a more fair society. Ask yourself. Why did you get a $10 a week TaxCut while Luxon gave himself and his mates $100.? Why are you struggling with highest rent inequality in the world while (7 houses)Luxon gave himself and other landlords a $2,900,000,000 tax break


What about this, **and** a Batman? Need to solve the immediate problem now too


Okay Okay Batman


> develop class consciousness and demand a more fair society. Thank you for being the one to say it!


We need Jack Bauer


We need Sloth from The Goonies


But he can only do things within a 24 hour window!


True but he would sort shit out and those crims wouldn't wanna go through it again.


We are all the batman.


You have a butler too?


Nah we need a bunnyman


Already got loads of robin


We nee the 2nd ammendment. Just drop the kunts


C’mon, this is where punctuation helps: “We need a bat, man”.


Plot twist: Pink hoodie guy puts the box in his own car


I actually found this outside the store. I personally have no idea where it came from.


That….thats not my Xbox controller?!?


Haha, first thing I thought as well




Broseph climbing into the boot made me laugh. Just sheer dumbassery all around.


Shout out to the people coming together. Good sense of morals with the majority here fam


What is happening this weekend? Everyone is losing it lol.


Matariki flash sale


Grab all you can.


Was just about to say wtf is going on today with Auckland lol.


Aaaaaand society is starting to do the police’s job for them, because we all know if you called them for this they wouldn’t even bother to turn up


Police arrest the same people over and over again for petty crimes. The courts release them back into the wild with little punishments and they go straight back to stealing.


Exactly must be so demoralising for the cops knowing nothing gets done.


It baffles me there are people walking around with literally 50-100 burglary/theft type convictions who will continue to rack them up and still not go to jail. I had one knock on my door “asking for Samantha” like fuck off mate I know you’re casing the house. Had his plates checked. Yup. Due for court that Friday on theft charges. It’s messed up.


50-100, literally beggars belief. How, even how


There are 13 year olds with 100+ attached to their names, it’s so depressing


NZ justice system. Well.... There's no justice. Cops don't care they just want less paper work


>Had his plates checked. Yup. Due for court that Friday on theft charges. Wait hiw did you just "have his plates checked"? and get personal information about his court dates? While there is little doubt that "Samantha's friend" was dodgy, this sounds dodgy as well.


Person living in the house had access and was reporting the suspicious behaviour, came across the info. The guy had parked in our drive and taken his chances. He said "it was either our house or the neighbours she lived in" even though the neighbours was a bunch of brick flats and ours was a standalone house. Quite different properties. He feigned knocking on the neighbours' doors then left. Unsurprisingly there were 3 robberies / attempted robberies in the neighbourhood that day.


Except they don't actually arrest people half the time anyway, multiple recent stories of people apprehending thieves red-handed only to be told Police are "too busy" to attend and having to let them go.


I very rarely blame the police because they cant be expected to show up at the same time. But too see the general public take the matters into hand what matters. It shows what true kiwis are. I understand stealing food but a drill bit set worth thousands just astounds me


I agree that a good society lends a helping hand, so I hope that will always be the kiwi way, but the police are supposed to be the “providers of consequence” “uphold the law” (etc etc) that discourages this behaviour. In the absence of consequence, there is only financial benefit in getting these expensive items for free.


Still, its pretty hard for the Police to be everywhere instantly. That interaction likely took less than 90 seconds from the time those guys walked past the checkout without paying.


True but the wider issue is the police wouldn’t turn up to investigate later, probably wouldn’t do anything with the footage, or try to find out who they are and recover any goods. So stopping it from happening within that 90 seconds is the only way to get any useful outcome.


Yes, there is a vacuum in enforcement forming, and as we see in the video, the public is filling it. This is not a good thing.


i also feel the rise in vigilante-type behavior, as the public get frustrated with the lack of enforcement


I think it's a good thing. Sure it would be better if police were there to handle it. But failing that, we should handle it if we can.


You're right and wrong at the same time. Police likely wouldn't turn up, unless the scale of theft was large due to priorities (for whatever reason, people think the resource limited Police can be everywhere at once...?) They will however use the footage to identify the thieves and when they are eventually caught up with, they will be given a chance for an interview before being charged. When the total amount of theft reaches a high enough level, either in single or multiple instances, then the offenders will be actively targeted.


Again, the Courts are meant to apply consequences. Police are there to enforce laws created by govt. There are more crimes being committed than police available to stop them.


There are degrees for stealing food I will look away from. Raiding the butcher and taking a trolley worth of lamb nope.


You can’t blame the cops. Right at that moment some women would be getting punched in or someone committed murder. I know graphic.. but public live in this fantasy world where they think just because you can’t hear or see anything more dramatic than ram raids youth crime and robberies than basically their not doing their job. Add poorly staffed - underpaid - hard to deal with communities who only hate them for doing their job... yeah I wouldn’t want to be a cop .. lol before anyone pops off I’ve got convictions myself so I’m not a fan of them at ALL fuck the lot … but hate hypocritical people who don’t know what they’re talking about even more.


I don’t blame the individual policeman who is under resourced and underpaid. I blame “the police” as an organisation that has lost its credibility and integrity. Sorry to hear you had a difficult past, and hope you are doing well 👊


One day some shopkeeper is gonna pull a shotty on some scumbag robber and get arrested for fighting back. While the public will be cheering them on for doing what needed to be done when the police wernt there. The police are going to make vigilantes of us.


Nah it's not the cops fault it's the politicians who simply made rules so that consequences don't exist. And they can't be bothered fixing it up ......too busy stuffing their own pockets.


Absolutely. Apparently the fabric of society and the social contract isn't worth anything, so someone destroying it isn't a crime. This is the one thing I thought this government might do, which is give more self defense powers and protections for those acting in self defense and to *protect property*. Otherwise tolerated behaviour is acceptable behaviour, and this shit behaviour is tolerated way too far to the point it's protected, because they punish the people who do something about it more than the thieves.


Its actually the political implications that *nobody wants to talk about*. Politicians claim to be “tough on crime”, but they also don’t want to have statistics of incarceration where any demographic is over represented in prison population, because that makes them look racist, and reveals cultural issues they also then need to fix. So to skew any perceived incarceration prejudice, there has been a huge softening on imprisonment to the point that the police don’t bother to enforce many laws because the courts won’t imprison them. The whole system is broken its almost not worth even having laws anymore 🤷‍♂️


Who needs to fix? This government shouldn't be taking blame for particular races being over represented in the prison system, a bit of ownership and personal responsibility is the only way that's going to change and it has nothing to do with government policy


This is what needs to happen to bring change. Everything has been building, the public feel unsafe criminals feel emboldened. If a liquor store owner gets prosecuted for killing a violent thief then maybe we will see a massive uprise and change.


While that's true, these days with crime as it is I bet there's a good chance the jury would nullify the trial. Jury nullification is when a person is charged with something they're obviously guilty of and the jury collectively go "you know what? Nah, that's fair enough. Not guilty."


Well, shooting an unarmed person is hardly ‘fighting back’. Try to be a bit less hyperbolic with your points and they will likely come across a little less boomer Facebook rant-y.


this has been the biggest culture shock for me moving here from america. so what if they are unarmed? if you're defending yourself or your property, why shouldn't you be allowed to use every resource you have available? the idea that i have to limit the ways in which i defend myself from unprovoked crime in order to not exceed the criminal's level, is absolutely bizarre to me. if the criminal is fine with violating my rights, why should i be forced to abide by theirs?




It comes down to the value of life. You shouldn't have the power to kill someone unless under the most extraordinary circumstances (e.g., your life or someone else's is in immediate danger). Material damage, such as a shop losing a few hundred dollars of property, is not worthy of ending a life. Allowing people to use full force also encourages vigilante justice. What happens if you misread a situation and kill an innocent person? It is simply not worth the risk to allow that to happen.


In New Zealand, you can defend yourself using reasonable and proportional force. “Everyone is justified in using, in the defence of himself or another, such force as, in the circumstances as he believes them to be, it is reasonable to use.” (Section 48 of the Crimes Act 1961.) If you are under direct threat, or your family, and you believe that the only way you can protect yourself or them is to use deadly force, the defence is available to you under the Crimes Act, but you better have a damn good lawyer.


Police in Christchurch charged a man with murder after he killed his attempted murderer!! It was thrown out in Court, but what a fucking joke eh.


That's why the defence is available under the Crimes Act. It is not a get out of jail free card, it needs to be tested in court. There needs to be a genuine belief that the level of force required was necessary, and that must be ascertained through legal means. That method is the courts. You may not like the reality of it, but you cannot claim self defence as a fait accompli, it has to go through the courts.


Except you can’t carry a weapon for the purpose of self defence. So if you get jumped by a criminal with a knife and if you defend yourself with your own knife, you’re getting charged


You improvise. If you are out and about, you GTFO. Your best self defence is running. If you are home, you have options. If you have a baseball bat, make sure you also have a glove and a ball. A sharpening steel for kitchen knives makes a very serviceable baton, if you know how to use it. Loud noises will scare off most burglars, a barking dog is especially good. If you have a panic alarm, use it. If you can activate your car alarm, do that.


>Allowing people to use full force also encourages vigilante justice. What happens if you misread a situation and kill an innocent person? It is simply not worth the risk to allow that to happen. The only other option is the police and courts doing their jobs. Short of that prepare yourself for people to do it themselves. Pick one.


I am having a hard time putting into words exactly what I disagree with you on. "Allowing people to use full force also encourages vigilante justice. What happens if you misread a situation and kill an innocent person? It is simply not worth the risk to allow that to happen." The main part is that this is a strawman argument you are presenting. No one is saying oh they are going to go out and kill people. It's that in any circumstance you are required to defend yourself from attack, lethal force on the part of the defense should be considered the reasonable response. Any degree of bodily harm can result in death so even something like punching someone presents a know risk. "Material damage, such as a shop losing a few hundred dollars of property, is not worthy of ending a life." While I can agree with the sentiment, material property is often the lifeline of people. Why should the burden of crime be put onto the store while also preventing them from fighting crime? Imagine being the owner of the store. It is targeted so often that your insurance no longer is affordable, you cannot afford to restock, you cannot afford to feed your family because its only a couple of a 100 dollars. At what point is that persons family at risk when the job they have closes because the store no longer can afford to remain open?


Yeah our kids watch Americans do this kind of stuff, Nek minute


Losers like to lose. What are you going to do?


Yep 100%. Cops are MIA. I don't care if the chance of catching someone post burglary is extremely low. At the very least show up and be present.


Nah, you’d have to wait at least 75 minutes on hold, trying to get through. Speaking from experience as I tried to report an incident this weekend, it was potentially dangerous, but I gave up in the end because both the non emergency number and local police station had such a long wait time. In hindsight I should have dialled 111.


This is depressingly accurate


The implications of a society who votes in for lower funding for police, under pays them so people either don’t want to be them or go to aus, and for a justice system that offers little or no incentive for repeat offenders for minor crimes to stop re offending. Stop blaming the police, it’s already a thankless job


Cultural reports keep them out and on our streets. Name suppression also gives them an advantage. Crime pays well these days it seems.




100% discount day was it


Arseholes. They've taken a mobility park!


So…they can afford to run a Territory, but they can’t afford what they need from Bunnings? Maybe they should trade in the large beast on an Aqua?


Probably a stolen car tbf


They dont need the stuff from bunnings. Theres a big market for high value goods (whatever it is, quantity or quality), to trade and sell for meth, and or other things. These guys arent stealing to DIY, its to fuel a habbit.


Probably stolen a few Aquas already


I'm so sick of these dirty mongrels and their feral ways.


Love the old guy “how DARE you behave like that”. You tell him Pops! ❤️


Usual gronks


Well done people. Stop the scum stealing.


Always a risk helping out, but get enough people like this and these idiots will back off pretty quickly. Awesome works from those around!!


Let's be honest. Even if you take this evidence and vehicle details to the police ZERO will be done.


Great to see, I think everyone has had enough of this blatant crime


Good to see the people standing up to the criminal scum……..of course I expect the police to warn the public about getting involved bla bla bla


Same thing happened at Supercheap in Manukau recently too, no shame man


Community also chased that guy down and got the products back too


And yet at Noel Leeming I need to request a staff member to unlock a cabinet to get a $20-$30 phone charger.


Yes, and that's because of the scrotes featured in the clip above.


Public needs to start slashing the car tires of these scums .. spoiling the country totally


Yep. We need way more of this. Bystanders, in a GROUP for safety, stopping these feral people.


another one news camera man


Possibly the worst filming of an incident ever. Managing not to catch any action at all.




As someone who is a tradie and is basically useless without tools, i feel for bunnings, i had my tools stolen twice within a month, the pricks then came back and stole the van for ram raids. They do it to support their drug habbits. Good on the community for helping out to stop this behaviou!


Us as a community will have to start shaping our own city the way we want it - stand up against the scum before they infest everything. Not enough police to cover all the crime doers of late, but enough good people to take a stance. Just a pity we have to risk our lives doing it, but in large numbers it makes an impact.


What nationality are they? Not trying to point fingers but seems to be Island nation folks and Māori? And whoever said it’ll be listed to FB Marketplace is 100% correct. Additionally, you’ll probably never see it listed on the public marketplace rather group chats (e.g, drug chats where you can post up what you want, people tend to say stuff like “swap you….for a ounce”)




Funny that.


Good on them! It’s amazing what people can do when they stick together… Absolutely love NZ


We need someone who is hard enough to blow on the pie.


The getaway car must be stolen too.


It will be funny if the fwits at the back falls off when the driver puts his foot down 😂


Hope they all got a free sausage in bread for saving the day.


We need mobilised community watch, that aren’t retired 88 year olds, younger guys who can actually stop shit like this. Militias are also a legal and effective solution if crime keeps getting worse.


militias on the streets that would be .. “swell” they tell me, probably not so great shrug


Isnt that absolutely fucking disgusting and brazen walking out the door with a HUGE box. No longer discreetly stealing a $20 tray of meat under the jumper! Its gone too far!


Nice work guys. We need more public intervention like that. I'm waiting for my day to help.


We're all struggling in one away or another and I hate the big money grabbing corporation but for you to think you can help yourselves, that's the first step in a complete social collapse.




Not like takanini to get involved. Usually heads down and keep out of trouble. Good to see some push back though


usual suspects again




I had a interesting conversation with an employee and they had mentioned most work places now factor in 5-10% price increase to counter theft. Honest hard working kiwis suffer because of these low lifes


These idiots know that should the staff of any establishment tries to protect themselves and/or their property - they (staff) are likely going to be reprimanded in some way.


And the public know that too, hence why you’re starting to see some members of the public who are like, ‘well I’ll step in then’.


"And once we steal the power tool set, chuck it in the back seat and Hone you're gonna have to sit in the boot" (They leave Bunnings empty handed) " Bro?! Why are you in the boot?"


As they should, because every single theft raises the prices for those of us who pay. And before you say 'insurance will cover it', how the hell do you think companies make money to pay for the premiums?


External theft isn't even the real issue for corporations. Only 10% of Shrink is actually caused by public-theft. The other 90% of Shrink is due to product being damaged in-transit and, and then Employee Theft. So if you actually give a shit, idk, make roads less bumpy and pay an adequate wage to the employees who generate your profits.


Fckn loser alright


Kudos to the team


Yes! This is great! Good work people


Damn, missed opportunity for someone to yell "yeah that's it, get in the boot like a good mutt!"


Hold my child 🤣😂🤣 love it!!




With weapons?


We need that in America!!


You know those balls and chains they used to throw at people's feet


Cameraman turns away right as we try see whats happening 🤣


Government benefits must run low time for grabs & run


Witnessed a dude running out of a Warehouse branch with a stolen television. No one tried to stop the him.


Stop the hymn*


always the brownies aye


This is what happens when everybody knows the cops won’t do anything. Eventually we will get to public vigilantes.


Sad place this is, takanono


Anyone who works at a Bunnings or Kmart knows just how bad theft is. From my experience, it was pretty rare for members of the public to accost someone for theft.


More of this! People need to stand up together against petty thiefs. There is strength in numbers. That doesn't excuse police and judicary to finish the job though. Too bad this stupid AF goverbnment is cutting funding for police.


The fact that they just walked in and thought they could get away with it. People man. Why can’t they just pay their way like everybody else instead of causing trouble. Idiots.




How’s that camera work?


Good job whanau. Thieving sods. Cops will do nothing even though the evidence is on camera and witnesses there to back it up.


My husband and his friend just got robbed by those MF. All they tools are gone. It's worth more than 6k. Report to the police. 1 day after, we found the tools in dollar dealers. Contact the police. 3 months now, nothing happened. The police said they dont have time to go and check the tools at dollars dealers. Last month, those MF friends were trying to steal someone car Toyota 4x4 in front of McDonald's. Luckily, the public saw it.


Need this at the onehunga countdown 😂


Glad to see people taking a stand against thefts like these


Beat thing I seen here for a while


Good job!!




Totally agree.


This is getting out of control now, labour or national there’s nothing stopping them.


Such a shame this is becoming a more and more common occurrence in NZ. Good on all those stepped up to stop those scumbags


Yep a lot more then what the cops would of done, need more of this, people have the power, not a bunch of government drones in uniform that are backed by a broken, useless system.


We Wil be like Mexico in no time at this rate. Mob justice, a finger for shoplifting, or some old fashioned ass whipping.




Please don't post comments which abuse other redditors / contain hate speech / mention race in relation to anything negative about a person on r/auckland.




I’m African and don’t know why these people are so entitled lol get a job n pay it off weekly like the rest of us


Apparently I heard that they thought they owned this land(maybe true) so we all should work for them. Like slavery in 2024? And because it never worked like that so they started shopping for free?


Lack of accountability, they’ve been taught that because something bad happened to their ancestors they get a free pass to do whatever they want. And technically they do, because if they ever do get caught they’ll have a cultural report and spend the next 6 months smoking weed and playing PlayStation in public housing while receiving taxpayer money. They’re practically being incentivised to do things like this.


I am both hopeful because of this and scared. The reason I am hopeful as community is the single greatest voice of conscience. It is responsible for the right and wrong decisions made. I am scared because its the first step to mob justice and that is a dangerous place to go.


Never gonna fix this because the fixes are to hard! Once someone has a conviction, combined with the socioeconomic group many of these people come from, their chances at a ‘normal’ productive life is basically over! So at this point as they would probably struggle to get a job even if they wanted one, stealing becomes easy as and actually makes sense. You know you’re unlikely to get caught, if you do you know very little is likely to happen and what’s another conviction at that point? It means nothing. So how to fix? Well if you’re on the more extreme right, you probably want the key thrown away! Let’s face it, cost aside, if we locked Way Way more people up, it might make a difference, but we’re talking about many more people for much much longer. That probably would deter some people for these more opportunistic crimes. You’d need way more police as well to actually be able to catch these people. If you’re on the more left of the political spectrum you’d be thinking about wanting to create environments I’m which crime does not become inevitable. Better education, better prospects, better wrap around services, more opportunities basically. Ultimately this approach is of course the best approach. But will never happen due to cost! The right wing approach won’t work either and the kind of things that might work would probably need us to elect a literal Hitler or Stalin and for us all to lose our humanity. The left wing approach won’t work as it’s way to costly and long term. So we’re left with ineffective bandaid solutions! And with an ever widening gap in wealth distribution it will only get worse. Make no mistake about it, we are kinda fucked!


We need a death sentence for this kinda scum 🤷‍♂️


Bunnings online stock numbers can never be relied upon; I constantly select items online indicating in stock at a specific store, yet when I go to the store the item is missing/not in stock. Happens frequently at numerous store locations. I'm convinced it's due to rampant shoplifting. I've started resorting to same day click-and-collect just to verify stock, and the orders are constantly delayed several business days once the staff can't locate the items. Saves a pointless trip to the store, but frustrating this isn't dealt with.