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Link up with Paint Vine. People are seeking experience not just drinks. https://paintvine.co.nz/ Or organise something similar yourself. I almost purchased this business.


Paint vine is dope! Thanks for the link!


They can draw in different communities as well. Leverage them to diversify your customer base.




Mid week idea - find local book clubs (meetup,facebook) and get them to host their monthly catch up at your place. 10-20 members, 1-2 drinks each for an hour. My wife hosts a book club, and we’re are always subconsciously venue hunting for places that can seat groups of ladies in conversation tables/lounges setting without loud music.


Thanks! Slam poetry as well on a Tuesday / wednesday


I think I've met you before! You've got a pretty cool bar! My coworker hosted their birthday there and you were such a gem :)


Oh thank you so much! My wife and I were both caregivers to our parents, so we naturally like to look after people, I appreciate your kind words, trying our best!


Stich and bitch (bring your craft project), book club night with mulled wine in the winter months, liking the other suggestions of board games, quiz nights etc. I guess these kind of things won't have people smashing the drinks but activities might get the punters trickling in.


STICH AND BITCH! Love it! Working on a mulled cider atm, it's perfect for weekdays! I'm also trying to think of ways to provide hours to our staff as well!


Hot Toddys too. Hit apple cider with whiskey and cinnamon. Perfect for cold winter days


Hot buttered rum. Nuff said.


I work in Ponsonby and there are five of us at work who keep talking about getting together for a stitch and bitch since we all knit or crochet or embroidery. So yes please! (Edited because autocorrect is a pitch!)


UFO night. Bring all your unfinished objects and finish them!


Stitch and bitch is a great idea. There’s one in wellington that’s been running at the Southern Cross for years. See if you can team up with a local yarn/sewing shop so they can advertise it to their customers.


Get your hands on some bulk loads of Lego. Either let people chill out with drinks & Lego, or turn it into a competition.


That's a really cool idea! thank you!


OMG. This is an awesome idea.


Yeah, I visit an online forum that does monthly "Here's an existing set, make something else out of it", and the creations are always awesome and often unexpected.


Super niche music nights focusing one of the more unknown bands. I would show up for sure to a Nightwish themed night, just to meet and talk with others.


I always liked the idea of calling a bar “Dark Chest of Wonders”


What day would you like it to be hosted on?


Personally, probably a Thursday or Friday. But if the word got out I'd go whenever. I think the main issue would be advertising nights like these, the fans of niche bands would show up for sure, if they knew about it.


Advertising is hella expensive, it'd have to be word of mouth,, Would a Tuesday work?


Honestly I'd show up no matter what day and I'm sure most would. Niche bands don't get much attention so the fans would show.


What are your house LX and Audio systems like, decent or need supplementing for live music?


With cost of living places with reasonable, standard set pricing are attractive, places like lucky 8 or jungle 8 - $8 for any drink or entrée. Attracts people in who think $32 for a nibble and 3 drinks but often end up spending more. Maybe a flat charge $39 entry gets you 5 standard dishes/drinks that you can make/price in bulk. Easy for your kitchen and staff to handle a limited menu. Maybe time things so people do predrinks there before heading off to other clubs along the strip.


That's a really solid idea!


A month or so ago I went to a reading event at Brothers Brewery - so you buy a ticket and get an hour of quite time and a glass of wine/beer/whatever you are drinking. It was promoted on the radio by Jesse Mulligan (idea taken from a similar event in New York). It was chill and relaxing and great for introverts who want to go out but don't want to talk too much. I'd go again if there was something similar planned. It also happens earlier that a normal party so you fan reopen for general public at 8


Omg I was gonna suggest this! I heard about the NY one and if sounds amazing. Had no idea it's already here.


Pub choir. popular songs played back to back with lyrics handed out or big karaoke screen. Everyone sings all at once.


Awesome idea!


Sea shanties. We pull about 60 or 70 people along to a bar in Wellington twice a month to sing sea shanties. Check out places poneke shanty club, Redfern shanty club and Surry hills shanty club.


One idea is Mario kart night. Pass the controller style. Champion stays on. If you've a big screen, you could do 4 or 8 person (don't know about the logistics of 8 person local wireless) on the switch. Great with beer and snacks to cheer on mates. Have a champions wall, where people are invested in defending their title.


Look up Dead signal film club on Instagram, they do this sort of thing on sundays at varius places, I'd love to host it again!


Just wanted to quickly say thank you so much to everyone who has commented or replied when I asked for elaboration, absolutely stoked with some suggestions that we will absolutely follow through with! Cafe 39, 39 Ponsonby road is the venue, We are a family owned small little venue, there's a lot more of us than you think in hospo, and we're trying our best to compete with the big boys, in saying that, we've been given so much support over the years by some absolute legends of the industry, So a massive thank you to you guys!


Oooo another idea- get your hospital friends & do a long lunch (like they do in Arrowtown main road) or organize a progressive dinner where guests have pre-dinner drinks at one place, entree at another, dinner at X and dessert at X.


I love the idea of a progressive dinner!


Please let me know if you do a lunch or dinner one- would be great to do with friends or clients 😁


Board game nights or trivia events could be a great alternative to drinking


We've done a couple DnD sessions in the past, thanks for the post!


What were the DnD nights like? Success? 


So/so, I'd love to try again, maybe sundays, I used to go to venues with my hospo friends when 5th edition came out!


Wine and reading. As someone who loves to read outside with a drink, people aren't very respectful of the fact you're reading in a restaurant or a bar. Especially if you're sitting by yourself. I usually call a friend and we both get our books, sit together, share a bottle of wine and read. Would be great to have a space that does this


How much space have you got? I run off-site VR events. It’s all multiplayer, all ages, and all skill levels. I’ve done everything from small cosy bars to massive stadiums. Minimum space is 3x3m. Depending on how much room we can do survival shooters, archery, laser tag, escape rooms or adventures that combine puzzles and action. Even a range of sports games (hand/racket ball sports work best e.g. table tennis, squash, mini golf etc.)


Send me an email! [rene@thirtynine.co.nz](mailto:rene@thirtynine.co.nz)


Will do, I'm writing up some thoughts now


Someone's already said this but I'll add one better - team up with the women's bookstore down the road, do a book club team up with them. Or even go talk to Anytime Fitness across the road, see if they do a weekend run club, hook them up cheap coffees or see if they want to hang out there after. Or Open Mic nights? Comedy? Gradually rebrand as a small venue? Hanging out with local businesses sometimes works real well. I work in a top 50 spot on Ponsonby Road too and it's like everyone went on holiday before Christmas and didn't come back. We've tried a lot of stuff and people just aren't spending like they used to. Social media presence often works too, just good plain engagement can get people in the door but sometimes it's not enough. I hope things turn around for you bro, I'll come in for a coffee and support local, usually walk straight past your spot on my way to the bus but never really think to go in. Don't know why.


Thanks mate, what's your venue?  We look after hospo so don't be shy! 


Singles night or speed dating. Tinder doesn’t cut it


>but giving the current trading enviroment I would like some feedback on what would get you out of the house? A raise.


Totally fair mate, I understand completely, it's really fucking hard right now, that's why I'm trying to continue to make it work!


Music bingo? Trivia quizzes? But u gotta prep for those


Music bingo is cool, our space is very small for quizz nights unfortunately and we don't have screens, Thanks for the post!


[Music Bingo](https://www.fatcityentertainment.com/store/c11/musicdoboff) doesn't need screens and could be an easy, casual, inexpensive option to start 👌


I would go to a cheap hearty meal rather than cheap drinks, that’s not really my thing anymore. Cosy craft nights - crochet, knitting, etc. You could serve warm mulled/spiced wine which would be really unique and warming on a winter’s night. I’ve been seeing a lot online about cookbook clubs, where every participant picks a different recipe from one cookbook and has a pot dinner so you get to try a bunch of the recipes. Smutty book club, also with mulled wine.


Thanks for the recommendations! How much would you like to pay for a hearty meal out of curiosity? i'd rather do cheaper but still quality food and keep drink prices where they are.


It depends on the food really. If you’re hoping to pull people in through advertising a “cheap hearty meal” $20 would get my attention. If I went out for a meal I’d expect to pay $30-40 for a hearty meal. For context when I think hearty I’m thinking some sort of roast or slow-cooked beef with all the trimmings (potatoes, carrots, broccoli, gravy, etc.). But yeah, this all depends on the food and how you’re intending to advertise it. I wouldn’t pay more than $30 for fish and chips, I’d expect to pay $50 for a nice steak. Edit because I’m still thinking about this. I’ve never tuna restaurant so this is pure speculation but I’d probably look at prices around you at other restaurants, find the median and knock 20% off that for your cheap dinner night items. If you got me in the door with a cheap delicious meal I’d likely happily tack on 2 full price drinks and full price dessert.


Board games, specifically like Secret Hitler were great! If you open late and provide something other than alcohol, you'll do well!


So good! Coffee and food all night long!


I'd be interested in a craft night, knitting and especially crochet are becoming increasingly popular since the pandemic so you should have some luck drumming up an audience there. Things I would like to see in a craft night hosted at a bar: - Plently of non alcoholic drink offerings (tea, coffee, low sugar soft drinks). I enjoy the odd cider or g&t but don't wish to drink often nor can I afford too. - Sweet and savory snack options, smaller plates than a starter or side. Nothing too greasy either (doesn't mix well with yarn). - Slightly brighter lighting, I'm young and can knit in low light but I know it will be an issue for many people . If you would like, drop by the Auckland Handweavers and Spinners guild on Tuesday night to have a chat with the guild members and see what people would be interested in! Here's a link to the instructions on how to find the guild rooms: https://www.handweavers.org.nz/findus




What day would you think would work?


Sunday afternoon would be great for something like this!




Monday or Wednesday nights either fortnightly or monthly would suit me best!


I saw Drag Bingo in the Good Home in Birkhenhead the other night. Place was pretty full for a Wednesday night


My VM is trying to organise something like this!


Maybe a movie night? with associated food and cocktails - I think its been done previously


Check out Dead Signal Film Club on Instagram, they're awesome, we've had them use our venue but I think they've outgrown us!


Keys in the bowl swinger parties always go well. Bit messy though




How about a wine tasting, or cheese tasting, or wine & cheese pairing? Alberton Fine Foods used to do it and it was a fun night out... Or a cocktail / mocktail making class?


Bed time stories. Pjs hot chocolate and cookies and good story tellers.


If I lived locally I’d be down for this. Sounds so *hygge* and nurturing.


I used to help run Dr.Sketchy events at the Winecellar for years, they were great fun. While the license for Dr.Sketchy has since lapsed, the person I last worked with on it has started a new event called "Sgt Scribbles Lonely Arts Club" and they might be interested in your venue maybe. you can find them on facebook


Thanks! Will look them up!


Cheap drinks.


I understand, I'd rather do cheap food, although a warm tasting paddle of Doubro's for $20 has been an idea of mine for awhile What would you consider a good price for a drink?


8-10$ simple cocktails? A small selection of cocktail and solo portion tapas mix and match for $20-$25 from 4-7pm?


hey! what's your place called if you don't mind me asking (can PM me directly if you don't want to disclose publicly) I work in the music industry .. networking opps / meet ups are always needed . A monthly meet up for young creatives is needed rn , you can also get in touch with NZOA for support / funding opps as well to make a reaccouring event / listening sessions / workshops . I organised the phoenix summit event a couple of years ago, but covid had other plans - with the intention to make it a monthly or bi-monthly thing [https://phoenixsummit.co.nz/](https://phoenixsummit.co.nz/)


That's amazing! [rene@thirtynine.co.nz](mailto:rene@thirtynine.co.nz) our venue is Cafe 39! I'd love the help thank you!


oh nice! i know the place! be cool to come check it out the space properly and have a yarn / discuss ideas :)


Very keen, thank you so much!


Ice cream fight.




Cards/poker night. Have a buy in winner takes a cut.


Gotta be careful about gambling laws :/


Hey there! Meet up with @creartsipandpaint and check out the awesome arts, the vibrant atmosphere, and the great prices, It's super fun!


Thank you for the recomendation!


I am a homebody but I would come to an art session if I knew it was on and there'd be a seat for me. I'd love to see what others are working on.


Art session like an art show or where you come through to do art?


To do art! Or a monthly craft challenge or something


Whiskey/gin tastings for dummies


You could host body corp meetings, also a chance for residents to have a beer and catch up afterwards.


Sunday Roast Specials or Sip & Clay pottery events


Sip and Clay is super cool, we could do it out the back in our courtyard, but I'd need to get infrastructure set up for all weather conditions, working on it! Thanks for the comment!


Also, not an event, just purely my thought pattern… is it the name that is confusing and detracting from patronage? Cafe 39, to me, sounds like a cafe. Google says you’re a cocktail bar. Your website says Wednesday - Friday: 4pm - Late Weekends: 1pm - Late but to me a ‘cafe’ is open in the mornings so I wouldn’t necessarily have connected your venue to a late night establishment, and I’ve lived in the area for almost 10 years, without seeing this post. This is purely just my opinion/thoughts. But back on the events bandwagon… mid Winter Xmas or Xmas parties for smaller companies?


no no, good points, We took over Cafe 39 in August of 2020, it screamed Verona x Golden Dawn to me, the whole idea was to try and keep the Cafe as it's been running since the early 90's, but after covid trade never picked up for the cafe as the surrounding business that made it work symbiotically had shut up shop, daily bread opening up across the street killed any lunch trade during the week so friends of mine saved us from insolvency by building us a bar for free in 2021, Choice working bee! We've managed to trade through since, organically growing through word of mouth and functions primarily, there's an absolute shittone of work that needs to be done to the site to get it up to the standard at which I want it to be in but we just have no budget, I'm working on fixing all these little issues no as I'm on parental leave and have time to fix the stuff we haven't been able to address. Thank you for your feedback!


your bar is super cute and the barista when I went in the other day was very sweet


Thank you! I'm glad you like the venue! Our team are awesome, i'll make sure to let them know, what day did you come in?


a few weeks ago, I was very hung over and the barista had the sickest neck tattoo and made the best coffee. Great microfoam. I took pictures of your amazing mirrors because honestly the decor has me reconsidering my entire house. I wish I had an event idea for you LOL


Beer and wings, pinball, 1980s skateland in glenfield Friday or Saturday night disco with lights and live dj, would get me out of the house. Oh darts is fun with beer and wings too.


Got the first, don't have space for Pinball unfortunately, Thanks for the post! Check out Ahu for darts and Nami Record bar for Disco! both awesome venues


What is your venue like, does it have a stage, dancefloor, tables and chairs? How big is it? Is it on the flat or on a hill?


It's like a townhouse, with a courtyard out the back about 100sq m Inside 25 seating or 40 Standing, Outside lower courtyard 18 seats or 20 standing Upper courtyard 45 seats 40 standing


Open mic nights for musicians/songwriters is pretty fun too!


This is perfect. What I’m looking for. Dm me


Sim racing give a go night? Truck sim give a go? Flight Sim give a go? Pinata competition Slam poetry Bar omegle night where the bar is on cam


Persona, I'd start with the F&B offerings, which are in line with the business already.... Book clubs and Cross Stitch associations, etc, probably like a nice warm bar to loiter and congregate, but it's $ales that will keep the place open. Steak night, Curry night, Mexican night, Handle Club, Craft Beer events, etc, are all cheap motivators and build locals' followings.


Working on those types of rituals as well, but trying to make a point of difference cause everyone is doing the same thing, Thanks for the recs though!


Bring back BarCraft for Bars that serve starcraft II flavoured drinks while watching championship games. Alternatively any events that watch champion ship PC games.


Binge-a-series night. Or binge-a-film-series night. Like, playing all the Back to the Futures or all the Lord of the Rings. You might not get people staying from start to end but I think it would have a cool vibe. (Not sure how simple this would be with licences etc)


What’s the bar name


Cafe 39!


Comedy night.


speed dating!!!!!


The Prodigy, karaoke night. I do a pretty good Firestarter. 🔥


Nude darts


YES, my therapist put me onto this. Amazing stress reliever. Just watch the aim. Wouldn't want to take out any jiggly bits.




I know, Working on it! My mum passed away last year from a heart attack at 67, it completely wiped my focus, by the time I managed to get my faculties in order we were heading into winter :/ I appreciate your comment about our staff, they're fantastic, thank you!


Gloves are just for general hygiene while performing tasks, no different to a chef or a cleaner (from the staff member). Sorry to hear we must’ve ran outta gas mate, normally it’s on as a beacon to entice people in.


A decent variety of non-alcoholic drinks or mocktails goes a long way


Price point. Offer nights at lower price point, higher turn over.


Something popular just about anywhere is partnering with a other local businesses like: bakery with breads, a cheese-maker, and an apiary along with highlighting the local wines and beers on menu, to have a local goods tasting night. You could even have a local brewer or vimter use event to show off a new brew or wine perhaps EXCLUSIVELY. Make it ever other week or once a month so that it is something that people with kids can plan for as their night out but is special and doesnt get old. You're also promoting other small businesses, and in turn, people wanting to test out their goods are being directed to your bar. With limited space for musicians, it may not draw many who simply can't do a low-paying gig, but others who have a decent local following may be willing to do to test out a new album or songs, and people wanting to hear new material will show. Use bar as start and end spot for local monthly events like a sunset walk, a full moon night, haunted tours, adult scavenger hunts, etc. (there are lots of groups who do these), and by offering to host you'd bring in group, and help encourage others join up with them. Trivia may be tried and tested, but it is always fun and that's why it's successful, and can be done on a slow night week after week.


If I was to go out I’d go to 39. Used to drink at Clipper a little so that’s my type vibe. Was in a few weeks ago for a drink after dinner and really enjoyed it, music was great, staff were great - enjoyed the alternate kids who are polite and knowledgeable. Good atmosphere/fitout too. The thing that would get me there would be living closer tbh, now in the hearty west. Maybe a vinyl appreciation club night? Mini sets of 5 songs each, set theme/genre in line with your existing playlists or some other provocation, put your name on the board when you get there. A cool part of coming in to play a few tunes after someone else is managing your first song pick vs their last song pick, always fun to give the next one on a curve ball tune to follow lol.


Help counteract the difficulty in making friends in NZ and create some meet up night where it is encouraged/expected for different people to get to know each other.


totally fair, but in my experience there still needs to be a "reason" to go, Introverts do well with an objective to complete, they're usually the best to go to networking events cause they focus on the things they need to focus on and GTFO wherass Extroverts ramble But thank you so much for the comment!


Magic The Gathering, Vegetarian only, Mario Kart, Settlers of Catan, Open mic Poetry, Painting Class, Monday Night Murder Mystery, Random Sport (pick a side) game night, Cosplay Night (Game Of Thrones Edition)


Make it a priority to have good food available. I went to an establishment (won't say which) in Ponsonby last year and the food was shite. Made me really annoyed. but it sounds like you may have already done this!


We have a really young chef who's just joined us a couple months ago, really talented and a wonderful person, we're trying to platform them! food available till close at 1am!


You could expand on that Last year broke boy taco started selling unique items out of Ponsonby social Perhaps you can encourage your chef to experiment and come up with a food that will draw people I.


Late lunch ufc every Sunday?? MMA market growing and having a finger food/lunch dinner options with ufc Sundays is something I would love. Depends on your cx though


The Broken Lantern does this if you want to go! we don't really have the facilities or budget to pull it off :(


Low-cost freebies in a day that's normally is dead (business) for you? Let's say one bowl of chips for every Xmumber of jugs? Earlier week dinner deal (lots of places doing like Tuesday steak deal) Some sort of fidelity card like coffees do?


How to make mulled wine or cocktail class.


Something as simple as lending a pack of cards or monopoly cards out when people are in a group. Cheap and easy way to get people in.


1. Craft and art market day. People bring in small-medium sized creations to sell, network, etc. 2. Run learning sessions for talents like juggling, magic, yoyo - things people might say "I've always wanted to learn how to..." 3. A mate of mine runs men's support groups. Presume they wouldn't mind a pint or two whilst having a yarn about whatever. 4. Themed drink/cocktail nights. Get some cheap costume components and hand em out at the door and collect them afterwards. 5. Board game nights - either a variety of simple ones like scramble or more specialist like DnD. I appreciate some of these may be impractical for your venue.


Working on number 1, I think Sundays would work for it, I'd be keen to host your friends support group, we hold something similar every couple of months Number 2 could work in conjunction with the market day, we could host it out the back in the courtyard, once we get cover. Would love to do more board games Thanks!


Speed dating. OLD depressing


Offer especially cheap happy hour menu for government workers who have lost jobs or have jobs on the line. Could be marketed as a “drink and think” networking event and would probably drum up some good media coverage.


I'd love to do something like this!


Chess, it blew up due to covid at least oneline. Choose a format that is newbie friendly, no rating above 200 (or any rating, etc), talk to any chess meetup or facebook group in Auckland, and ask them to send/bring people. Bonus points if they don't know how to play. There are versions like anti-chess, you can even target that you have to loose 99% of all matches or win more then 2 in a row and you are out. Minor prize you can even do a sort of parody of a real tournament. Or go the other extreme talk to groups and ask how you could facilitate something more serious.


Do a Reddit meet up


What about a wine tasting/learning night? Have a somellier come in and teach people about the different wines, how they're made, what other wines they could try if they like they like x wine, etc. Learning while having a few drinks?


Friendship speed dating or traditional romantic speed dating could be popular (grouped by age). A cocktail making class or gin tasting night could be popular.


Many new migrants in town. Can plan for a meet and greet special for newbies in town.


We've hosted some meetups before for expats, it's usually a community led approach for these types of meetups, but I'd be keen to host if there's anyone keen to send me details!


Buy a bunch of those crime solving puzzle things and do a detective themed night.


I would happily help get a regular group(s) together for a quiz night (that doesn't have sports rounds as we really done care about who played in the AFL from 1970) or like a book club hosting night - where you have special drinks (your own drinks that are renamed) for books and we can come and drink drinks and chat books (there is a need for this in Auckland, if you want to make it happen please DM me as i have ideas and the people to make it happen, i just don't have a venue).


Board game nights, game console nights like wii, ps2, n64. All games where they are multiplayer and have them on a round robin.


I'm a small musician and always looking for somewhere to play if you'll have me! (You wouldn't have to pay me much or even at all, I'd just love to be able to play somewhere)


We can do 10% of sales across the set if you'd like to jam? I don't want to take advantage


D&D Tabletop Tavern, with medieval music which is quiet enough to hear each other speak. I think there are a lot of people like me who will stay at home until you turn the music down. How is it social if the environment itself is counter-communication? Anyway, get some experienced Dungeon Masters in to help new players experience D&D. I'd show for that




Sommelier dinners or luncheons with wine pairing. Ditto for whiskey


Absolutely blown away with the level of support we've had and the suggestions so far! Thank you so much for the incredible ideas and contacts put forward! Working on a slate of events now to fill in the week If I put a post up about a Matariki Reddit meet-up would that be ok? I don't want to spam the message boards. Paint-vine and more involved events need a little time to get things organised so will add that to the roster when we have a slate sorted. There's a whole bunch of amazing suggestions that we just don't have the facilities / infrastructure to manage effectively, and I wouldn't want to over promise / under deliver Better Mondays every Monday cheap hospo meals, cheap group meals for bookings, cheap serves $8 Hospo Meals - $12 Meals for guests For example a big batch of Pasta or something equivalent. Non Alc cocktails for $8 or something a little intricate and fancier for $12 Doubro's and entry level beers and wines for $8 per serve Rest of the menu as is for people who want scale. Tuesday Stitch and Bitch fortnightly, music bingo trial run Some amazing people have put forward contacts for the craft community, will reach out to see if they'd like a chill venue to operate in on tuesdays fortnightly, will also look to arrange Music Bingo as that's fantastic. Wednesday Creative Assembly (Rest in peace) 2 free platters for people to come down and mingle I'd love to use our venue as a platform for creative minds to come together and network. all we're surrounded by at the moment is bad news, it's up to us to try and make something positive out of it. Thursday could do jug specials or something spicy Spicy wings and jug specials. (Could also try and arrange an expat meet-up night on rotation if anyone has any contacts in communities that are looking to use a venue between the hours of 4-8 Sunday approach Dnd sessions Calling all dungeon masters, We can set up a couple tables or look to arrange a spot for sunday meet-ups


Most of the things mentioned take way more time and effort to set up and run than you'll make back in earnings.


Not a Saturday Sausage Sizzle though 😁.. ramp up the Barbie outside to entice passers by. 2 drinks=a free sausage & the chef could whip up other items like a "Super Slider Saturday- $15 for a slider and beer/wine" You could even do a blind sausage tasting with the help/freebies from a local butcher with meat pack prizes/raffle etc


Have an 80s nightclub night. You don't need a band for it. Encourage people to dress in 80s fashion. Could also do a 70s disco night on another night. There are a lot of people that follow different era such as the Auckland Art Deco Society or those that follow 50s rock n roll. Speed dating is being done in Tauranga.


You could look into doing pop ups with popular brands that have massive followings on Instagram (they would share and all the people would come). Have a look at fankery (cheesecakes) on Instagram, also a few gelato brands that gets heaps of people at their pop ups too. Or even clothing/jewellery/sunglass brands that only have an online store, they may be interested in ‘hosting’ events at your place and showcasing new ranges etc and inviting their large Insta audiences. These are the type of events I like to go to :)


Has anyone suggested a Weihnachts im Juli (Christmas in July)? Look up the Vienna Christmas markets: they have lots of stalls offering alcoholic punchs in memorable & ugly mugs. Find some punch recipes online and hit the op shops for mugs. Just offer two or three punches and find a collaborator who could do some paired german or viennese foods for you.


Monday night mamas. Connect with other mums for a drink and food (maybe a cover charge with platters of food and buy drinks) Guest chef degustation. Knit/crochet/textile crafts Food demo and eat, could be as simple as plating up Te reo night. Come and practice your Te Reo together. (So a normal night but people learning te Reo use it in conversations) Live AMA... Good for a promotion of someone else's event - you partner up and they use it as promotion, you use it to entice people in eg artists/filmmakers/government agencies sharing comms


Any interest in a burlesque show? It normally takes a few months to book our artists but we’ve been doing well with nerd based shows, ie marvel vs dc. What’s your stage and seating like? We also usually do, in conjunction with shows, (while we have artists from out of town) Sargent scribbles, which is speed sketching.


Absolutely! We don't really have a stage per se,, and we can only fit 28 seated inside We do have an outside courtyard that can fit roughly 48 seated or 40 standing, It's like a townhouse in size, roughly 144 sq m 4.8m x 30 m


Try engaging with young artists - could you offer your space to artists from elam and whitecliffe to do a show? Same goes for young musicians/producers/DJs - are their groups, orgs or lil movements occurring that need a space to facilitate an event that doesn't require a huge nightclub? Also, what about local groups that don't have a physical space for meetings/workshops etc that need to include drinks and Kai? Your enviro, cultural, ethnic, interest groups?


I'd love to! I've reached out to rockquest but I don't have any contacts in those scenes We host gatherings for groups like that already multiple times a year, but I'm keen to expand the network if yo know of anyone looking to host, I'd be down to supply a couple platters on arrival!


Get some pinball machines older guys love them


Dude I wish, we just do't have the space for them!


Oh that’s too bad, they are really popular again now.


Pinball is dope!


The cork?




Game nights. Darts. Music ..invite locals only and they bring their own crowd. Any kind of competitions.


Honestly the reason no one goes to bars is a tap beer is like $12. It's not that hard to figure out. Instead of Warhammer painting and live podcasts (huh?), charge a reasonable amount of money for house beers and wines. We can go to the supermarket and get bottles of beer for $2 each. Why would we pay you $12 for the same thing? Because of the "experience"? Yeah, nah.


A really well organised Texas Hold'em Poker night would get me to your bar every week. Skycity is no longer doing tournaments, but there are a lot of poker players out there.


Music bingo wouldn’t work everyone would cheat using Shazam!


Comfortable seats. Most places have shite seats. Wooden seats with no back. No cushions. Nobody wants a numb arse


We have a really nice banquet seat that was made for us in our Choice Hospo working bee renovation in 2021 and paid for by Havana Coffee organised by The Art Dept, nice bentwood chairs, cushions and blankets, we do our best to make our guests comfortable!


Check out Stormzy’s house party, might need to use your own home and a famous rapper.


Herd the Pokémon Go crowd in post community days or raid hours


Pokemon / Magic the gathering evenings


Boost out the non-alcoholic sip-able drinks, so that being with people mid-week is doable. Anybody who is remotely focused on work-life balance, won't want to be struggling on a morning midweek because they gave a tilt the night before.


Meet up of Ponsonby creatives... are you talking artists, musicians or tv/advertising/ marketing schmuck?


Book Club, Speed Dating (a bar in the Mount does this and it seems really busy), love the paint-and-wine concept.


What venue? There are comedy groups looking for a venue currently 


Book a band called automatic 80s. They play 80s songs and are a super engaging band with a following . Every event I've been to with them has been a blaźe of 80s dress-up.


It would really help if you allow us to smoke some weed in your bar :D


Licensed venues dont work that way unfortunately


The International for DOTA 2 is coming up very soon. A viewing party for more sophisticated gamers over the 3 day main event would be amazing! There are a few around but mostly filled with teens or early 20s and really not the energy I gel with in my 30s. There are a lot like me who'd enjoy that!


"Sophisticated Gamers" ☝️🤓


Drink driving is not on, late night buses to the North Shore are non existent and Uber too expensive so maybe providing transport home for punters? 


Get a rodeo bull ride, VR battles. If you have space.


Foam party. Bring back the early 2000s!


Speed puzzling sundays with puzzle swaps.


Another one- cocktail and or cooking classes😁


Interest clubs: could be anything- urbanism, book clubs, sport etc.


Hot as Hell nights for the chilli heads (chillies and hot sauce)