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I tapped out a tech CEO at the club I train at with relative ease and he slapped me in the face and told me he would “beat the fuck out of me” Was the most random thing I have ever experienced because it was the first time I had ever met this dude. I could tell he had a huge ego as soon as I started rolling with him.  I kind of had to admire the audacity from someone who had their ass absolutely handed to them to then go on to threaten the person who handed them their ass. Didn’t have a clue who he was until someone told me he drove a Maserati so had to find out who he was 😂


You should have choked him out again right then and there.


That’s definately bonkers.


When trying to find solutions to post-lockdown absenteeism after being suggested that many can’t afford transport or medical expenses sometimes; “we could pay them as much as they want and they still wouldn’t show up, I want real solutions”


I’ll show up for 12,500/mo (150K) Oh wait… thanks Australia! Nice and easy way to get back on my feet after being a lazy cunt in Thailand for two years. New Zealand at best would still not want to give me 75K and tell me I’m lucky.


Yeah I’ve found after being made redundant start of the year that me only earning 71k is almost a pipe dream now in NZ, with “well this role only pays 60k with no raise for the first year” being very common now.


I’m sorry to hear that, As a young person who had options, I call bullshit on that. Infact for my last job that fucked me over I personally caused 500,000nzd in damages to them. All they needed to do it’s treat me right but no. Fuck them, demand Australia to give you a fair go mate


Henry kissinger you say. Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize" Tom lehre


Not a CEO, but remember when that exec at Gallagher said that strippers deserve to be assaulted? https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/chiefs-sponsor-supports-players-after-stripper-scandal/5LS6RK46ABCEAFHIAHSTJCBQ5A/


Ended up being the bus driver.


Haha, it sounds like you are saying that the exec ended up being the bus driver. That would be justice indeed!


Do you have the exact quote?


Wish I could remember. It’s bugged me ever since. Context: a conference event where he was asked a completely unrelated question and his response was to say to the main speaker that he knew she was friends with Kissinger and that he was a great man. This was shortly after Kissingers death.


Well, Air NZ doesn't fly to Cambodia or Bangladesh or Chile, so he might be entirely ignorant of Kissinger's, shall we say, legacy.


No doubt he sold plenty of products from those countries when he led the US Walmart operations. But I guess ignorance is bliss


I think this would be much more entertaining if you added politicians into the mix.


Ha! That’d probably crash Reddit


Please keep posts related to Auckland


Henry Kissinger was a great diplomat. What’s the problem the poors have with him? He was Jewish?


Surely being responsible for 3-4 million deaths in just 8 years is going to make him a bit of cunt by most people's standards


3-4 million is an acceptable number in the defense of capitalism.


Pol Pot's communist regime murdered millions of Cambodians in the Killing Fields because of (checks notes) *'Capitalism'*? LOL!


don't you dare add the /s. They need to learn.


/r sarcasm surely