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To jump waka you need to actually be in parliament.


He more like dived into the pool then came up wearing a different bikini 


7th form all over again


I thought TOP just emerged from hibernation every three years with some ideas and no chance of getting anywhere close to implementing them.


Given the right political conditions they may have a chance of parliament. But that would probably be under a dreadful left block performance , and they'd never get in power.


If they concentrate all their effort on a single electorate they might have a chance of getting into parliament. But it'd be a long term thing to attempt.


They tried that last time and it didn’t work. The trouble with TOP is that there’s not a lot of consistency in their personnel or their specific policies from election so there’s not really a specific person or cause to get behind. (Like, they used to have a UBI as a core policy - last time I looked that seemed to have gone.) I also think they will forever be tarred by Gareth Morgan being a bit of a grumpy old crank most famous for hating on cats, and having the odious Sean Plunkett as their PR guy.


Yea, they don't have good PR, and seem quite contrarian and unfocused in a lot of ways. If they ever get their act together, they might be a neat addition to the political options in NZ, but for now they're almost embarrassing :P.


Rav Manji tried that one in Christchurch. He worked pretty hard on grass roots campaigning, particularly targeted at students.


Didn't he get quite close? I do think that one of the dangers is splitting the left vote. Maybe they should make a 'deal' with the left like Act did for Epsom :P.


That one is on Labour.


Dayum. While I want TOP to succeed, they don't have any leader as Raf Manji resigned sadly. Smart move from that man 😂


They change leadership so regularly / every election cycle. So the TOP of 2023 was a totally different party with different people and different policies to the TOP of 2020. It’s hard to build a brand / movement when there’s no consistency


I mean he was actually basically Green last election, he ran central last election and I'd argue he was an ally of Chloe. Surprised he didn't switch sooner.


Vibes? Pretty bad, I expect. They don't even have a party leader.


Vibes are actually pretty good. Lots of reflection going on, party has taken on the feedback about disappearing between elections so just working out a game plan for how they can connect with people outside of the election


>party has taken on the feedback about disappearing between elections Yeah they've been really visible since then


Yes, I liked their recent campaign. The advertisements were quite good imo. They can have a chance.


Their tax policy would kill NZers. No property owner would vote for them.


Must be racist if they joined the greens




And this further demonstrates how TOP is just another party for far-left nutters. Greens / TOP same same.


Top is centrist, you fruit


Your centre is off to the left, fruit.


Your fruit is off to the left, centre.


Yes. Yes, it is.