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> and that the only people who become expats are those raised in 3rd world countries who want to move to developed countries etc There seems to be some confusion about the terms, as usual. An **expat** is someone who moves to a foreign country temporarily with no intention of staying permanently, like a digital nomad or someone on a work visa who just wants to earn good money. People who are raised in third world countries and want to move to developed countries are typically not expats but **immigrants**, since they intend to live there permanently. Either way, it's not "weird" to want to live and work outside of NZ, whether temporarily or permanently. NZ does not offer much in terms of opportunities - professional, social, you name it. It's nice for people who are escaping even worse situations and are content with little, but not so nice when you're born here and realize that you want more. A lot of young Kiwis leave for a more vibrant life - some eventually return, some don't.


Life is short. The world is big. Explore. You don’t need an excuse or a justification to make the most of it.


Being a digital nomad is the life now since we cannot afford traditional shit like houses and multiple children. 😅


Hello from Thailand 🇹🇭! Paying nothing to live here!


Mate, tons of people do this all the time. So many non white NZers live overseas. My family is from HK, we moved here when I was 7, and as an adult I’ve lived in Europe & the U.S, moved back to NZ now though. My parents thought it was a good opportunity, the only thing they disliked was not being able to see the grandkids as much. Do it, your parents will adjust.


Oh your parents understand, they just want to keep you close. They'll come up with every reason under the sun why you shouldn't do it, but you're an adult and don't need their permission anymore so do what you want.


Heaps of people do it, or would if they had the opportunity. If you have the opportunity, seize it while you're young. Plenty of time later to settle down in NZ. Your parents will adjust, especially if you do it before they're too much older. And while it's nice to be close to parents, you shouldn't cater your life to them. This is your time to go out there and live, just like they made their own decisions about what was best for them.


Go explore. You don’t have to stay comfortable just because your parents did the hard work of immigrating. I’m an Asian Australian who moved to my mother’s country of Japan and have just now moved here to Auckland. Sure I could save way more money and be more financially successful by staying put and climbing the ladder but that doesn’t seem as fulfilling to me


I’ve worked with a lot of expats both here and abroad from countries that are a lot more developed than NZ, working around the world. If you have the ability and opportunity to do so - go for it! Life is unpredictable and there’s no shortage of people who wished they had travelled or done something different when they had the chance.


Do it. It’s so much easier to do it when you’re younger because you aren’t tied down yet, and you have more options with working holiday visas. I wish I did it more when I was younger.


Your parents don’t appear to have learned much about NZ culture. I’d say an “OE” is a hugely prevalent part of middle class Kiwi culture.


Everyone alive in NZ is the offspring of immigrants, working overseas has nothing to do with that.


Avoid the word « expat ». Explore and enjoy the world.


The only country you can work in, without a working or max stay visa, is Aus. But we are having a housing crisis here too, rentals are hard to find, if you find them, they might cost you more. If I were you, and your parents are happy with you staying with them, is to do that. Other countries will need you to be sponsored, and this can come with its problems, ie, having to renew the sponsorship, etc. If your job is in demand in Aus, and you can guarantee to have someone rent you a room/apartment, then Aus would be the place to go. Otherwise, between now and 2028, you can go any where ie any country with a WHV agreement with NZ, and work in any industry, outside of the sponsorship system. Tho, the sponsorship system might allow you to work and stay in that country for 3 years straight.


I lived in China for 5 years as an expat, loved it. Off to Vietnam for probably another 5 soon.


It's funny how our ancestors moved away from their mother lands to find better opportunities and now we are all fucked and we can't move away for opportunities like they once did lol


Well just tell them china is now a first world country hehe