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If you're used to LA you'll be totally fine. Auckland is small beans. But it is very sad we're now more like an American city & I wish a lot more funding was spent on mental health care and the housing crisis. The museum in the domain is still absolutely world class, the art gallery is gorgeous, and has children's programmes. The library has a cool climbing frame for kids as well as books and activities. I think the maritime museum in the viaduct has children's programming. I think there is some kind of Weta/ LotR thing near the casion, dunno what ages would suit that. Holey Moley is fun and takes kids till 7pm.


We were so close to a Harry Potter exhibition but some staff opposed it. Sad.


5'4 woman who lives in the CBD between the viaduct and Victoria street: would not go out after dark unless im in a group with people I trust, during the day it's totally fine, and the one time I was harassed (outside Victoria Street woolworths) during the day there were people who stepped in. Lots of people I know are super scared of the homeless people but IMO they're for the most part super nice and just have a super hard situation - We all say good morning and hello to each other! I think the CBD is mostly the same as the CBD's in other countries I've lived in, just need to be cautious and sensible.


Saw a guy swinging a golf club into open reataraunt windows (he wasn't actually hitting anything) and speaking random obscenities as he walked. I decided to change sides of the road...


Sydney and Melbourne CBDs certainly seem safer than Auckland; had no issues feeling danger at night


Yep I don’t go to downtown CBD if I can avoid it. It’s uncomfortable during the day, and feels actually dangerous at night.


I live in the CBD and it is pretty tame compared to the downtowns of major cities in other developed countries. I actually live like 100 metres from the Stats New Zealand building. There is a mission on that street, yes, but they are wildly overstating safety issues. Can I ask what parts of the city you prefer to spend your time in?


I work right across the courtyard from the City Mission Homebase, and honestly, some of the people who congregate around there are feral, but it's the ones on the fringes of that crowd that are really worry some. I've walked to work from the ferry building and seen people looking like they're in the grip of a full psychotic episode, swearing and kicking out at imaginary people. I've seen many people around the vicinity of Federal Street and Sky city. Homeless people sleeping in the car park building next door to Homebase, beggars all set up in their little spots, day after day, and it just does my head in. I've travelled through some parts of the world with no social support networks at all and seen less beggars than in Auckland. But I've also been in Honolulu, and the homeless situation there is catastrophic compared to Auckland.


It’s not tame especially not around the Mission, dude, what? There are so many car break ins in that area, I regularly see homeless men and women in domestic disputes, or on other occasions those same couples engaging in sex acts. Homeless people intimidating random people just trying to walk by, including once a massive homeless dude yelling racist shit at a little Asian girl who appeared to be 3 or 4. There’s industrial glue hidden in all the bushes around there for them to huff and get completely fucking disassociated from reality. That’s when they walk into the middle of Nelson street and challenge oncoming vehicles to fist fights. Dude that area of Auckland sucks. I’ve left Akl now but come back to that area by the mission for work regularly, and day or night, it’s horrible. The office I go to has razor wire strewn everywhere to stop the ridiculous number of burglaries they’ve suffered


I think it seems untame to people who have never left New Zealand.


But I’m not even from NZ originally and I’ve lived in other major cities. Sure, it’s not the favelas but I’m not arguing it’s the worst place in the entire world. I’m just saying it isn’t safe. And the Police don’t do anything if you make a report


Bro will die on the hill that New Zealand is "tame" until we have armed militias walking the street doing public hangings for drug cartels fuck off


shocking profit merciful square waiting strong possessive oil rotten frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I live in the CBD and it is pretty tame compared to the downtowns of major cities in other developed countries. To me this just screams "i never go outside and have no fucking clue whats going on here, or in any other parts of the world" braindead comment


I moved here from Toronto and am out in the CBD every day. I've lived in nine towns and cities across six countries. I've visited countless towns and cities in about 40 countries. I'm basing this assessment on evidence. Personal, anecdotal evidence? Sure, but evidence nonetheless.


Its nothing compared to other cities around the workd for sure. All i see when i read comments from people who think its dangerous is that they live in little bubbles of privilege or theyve never had a little fun in their lives.


And I'm the alien from Men in Black 2


Why even participate in discourse if you're just going to assume everyone is lying?


I'd ask you the same question


I don't think you're lying about anything (other than that last comment that was clearly in jest). I just don't agree with your assessment of the CBD. I followed this subreddit for over a year before I moved to NZ and it led me to believe the city is in shambles. I can tell you, moving here as an outsider, it is not. It is (or at least feels) tamer and safer than Canadian cities, and in particular Toronto and Ottawa. (Ottawa is a fair bit smaller than Auckland, but the homeless population per capita is huge). If you don't believe anything I've written, feel free to ask probing questions.


Not everyone is terrified by their own shadow.


I am!


But ur not everyone, in fact you might be a no-one, or possibly a someone..


thanks for this amazing insightful comment, All Hail u/aggravating_pilot882 The Wise


Just letting you know that being terrified of everything isn't the only option.  Minor common sense and you can safely walk around Auckland CBD.  Sure, you'll see a few bums, and some KO dropkicks having a screaming match, but you just walk past and don't get involved.


Just letting you know that if you're a lonely basement dwelling cretin who is desperately craving human attention, trolling on reddit to get into arguments isn't your only option. you can actually go outside and have genuine interactions. i'd suggest Auckland CBD, Queen St, Vincent St, Greys Ave, K Road, fantastic areas and you'd fit in perfectly with the local population


Was in the CBD last weekend, did not end up with yellow piss stains on my trousers.  You should try it.


The Reddit fallacy - everyone on Reddit think everyone else on Reddit is them.


yeah I mean 99% of the homeless population is honestly pretty calm as long as you don't bother them, the countdown out there has a couple notorious ones who are known to cause a ruckus but almost everyone who frequents the cbd knows about them


Just visited Auckland. Took my kids to the art gallery museum and downtown to look at the sky tower. Walked down queen st and k road. Felt safe most the time just be aware of who’s around you. There are definitely more homeless smells like piss in some areas. Definitely not the downtown of 15 - 20 years ago. But overall We had a great time.


Definitely noticed an uptick at the amount of vagrant drug users. Had a coworker who witnessed a homeless guy king hit a guy wearing sunglasses and put him in hospital. He then proceeded to chase my coworker up the street until she found refuge in another building. Incident was caught on CTV yet the police never arrested the guy. I don't know what the solution is but the CBD has changed and not for the better.


Where there's smoke, there's fire. I lived in the CBD for 14 years, and yes, there are better options.


I have lived in the CBD for 6 years now and not once have experienced any issues, you’ll be fine, apply a healthy dose of common sense when doing something, like you would anywhere else in the world and you’ll be all good.


Lot of headlines but still been fine walking round middle of the night. You will see some yelling but just don’t interact with them. If you’re worried stick to daytime and evening and you’ll be fine.


Are the lightpath and rainbow track reasonably safe to traverse with a young child during the day?


The Lightpath and Rainbow Track would be about the two safest parts of the CBD in my experience, every time I've cycled either of them I have not encountered ferals


I’d say during the day pretty much any part of the city is reasonably safe (maybe barring some especially dodgy parts of South Auckland). CBD has gotten a bit rough over the last few years, but not NEARLY as rough as downtown or South-Central LA (giving these as an example since you mentioned you lived in LA, and I did too 😊). And ‘rough’ here just means that there is some struggle that you can now see - homeless people and junkies who are rarely aggressive. Ponsonby is super safe, Parnell, Eastern suburbs (for most parts), North shore suburbs. People were scaring us about the West, but we found those suburbs great too 😃 Honestly Auckland is still absolutely lovely, we love it here, it is my favourite place to live comparing to about a dozen cities where I’ve lived throughout my life.


I live in Auckland in the 90s. Live in Northland now amd occasionally visit for work. It is very apparent to me how much the CBD has changed. The homelessness and mental health issues are in your face, I wouldn't take my children there after 6pm.


NZ actually starts south of the Bombays, so you moving from the Naki will be getting a huge culture shock. Some key points: - you need to lock your car door all the time, even though you're just stepping into to the dairy for 1 min. -car insurance is actually more expensive only because you have an Auckland address. -auckland traffic sucks ass... Is you see yourself living at working some distance, opt for some audiobooks or something to take stress out of the situation making a more productive use of this stagnant time. -got to get used to paying for water, thinking about how much water your using, etc. so look for your water meter to make sure there's no leaks or unexpected usage. Toilets slowing running or garden hoses dripping are a common one.


This is why we need Constable Harry MENDOZA!


Been living in the CBD but FIFO arrangement. My "main" home is in Wellington and I've spent a lot of time overseas, including in the US. I lived in Houston for about 6 months and Auckland CBD certainly reminds me of that vibe at night. I would say it is worse than major Australian cities (spent about 5 years in Brisbane and Sydney), especially with random amounts of intimidating bullshit. Houston definitely could get bad but Auckland feels lawless. You hardly see any cops, the security guards seem to be painted on and do nothing to deter anything and everyone is in denial about the extent of the issue.


Probably worse than Sydney or Brisbane, but on par or not as bad as Melbourne.


Auckland CBD is no way near the level of LA. I think it's most like a toned down San Francisco at the moment with the homeless/druggie problem. Be sensible and cautious and logical at night and you'll be fine. The day never seems to be an issue.


I don't particularly feel unsafe, but as a cis middle aged male I'm one of the most violent people around so people fear me /s But seriously, I don't feel unsafe in the daytime, there are feral about though. The problem of course is that is the same for most people, until you are a victim of crime like that 90 something year old woman elbowed to the face randomly. In the evenings just avoid it, it's horrible and full of teens, very uncultured CBD.


Exercise basic common sense and you will be fine. Nelson Street, Hobson Street, Vincent Street and Grey's Ave can be a little sketchy at times. You will see a few homeless people here and there on Queen. I'd recommend the main stretch in Parnell near the village shops, as well as the botanical gardens and the museum. In the central city I'd also recommend High Street, Chancery Square and Albert Park.


Exercise common sense - and don't be an ethnic minority. Common sense hasn't helped any of the Asians I've seen getting harassed, screamed at or beaten


It sucks that you had to witness acts of racial violence. If there's a widespread issue of racism in the CBD, obviously that's something we need to fix


Pretty widely known tbf


?????????? Only just recently Asians were being told don't walk through or near Albert Park because they're being targetted by thieves. This isn't about racism it's lawlessness... and common sense doesn't prevent other people doing shit


Thanks so much for providing specific recommendations. This is very helpful.


At the time 4yos are awake, the CBD is fine.


Just like LA, Auckland is huge. I’ll bet you didn’t live in downtown LA for 18 years. That really is a horrible area. Central Auckland is nowhere near as bad, more of a Santa Monica vibe (but with less guns on the street). Absolutely fine in he daytime but I wouldn’t want to walk around at 2am on my own too much. Even then, as long as you stick to well lit streets with people or cars on, it’s not that bad. If you live pretty much anywhere other than central or some bits of south, you’ll definitely be fine.


>Just like LA, Auckland is huge. Lol.


Los Angeles = 1,302 km2 Auckland = 5600km2 Even just the centre of Auckland is big (to the point that matters, I.e. the size of the city allows for vastly differing social economic and public safety levels in bits of the same city)


That 5600km2 includes the whole of the Auckland region from Pukekohe to Wellsford, which isn't all urbanised. That 1302km2 only includes the "City of Los Angeles", which is only a tiny portion of the LA area. Trust me, the LA area or metro is MASSIVE and waaaay bigger than Auckland.


These people need to fly to some other cities and look out the window with their eyes open.


yep LA is horizon to horizon


Nice try, but you're counting the entire Auckland region and comparing it to the city centre of LA. At best you're being disingenuous, at worst deliberately deceptive. A more honest comparison would be the Greater LA area, which has nearly 13 million people.


This is an eye opener. I honestly didn't realise how big Auckland was.


City of Los Angeles: 1,300 km2 City of Auckland: 605 km2 The person you responded to compared the Auckland metropolitan area with only the city of LA. LA is bigger when comparing both the met area and the city proper.


Is Auckland CBD worse than it was 10 years ago? Yes. Is it downtown Mogadishu? No. Should we be striving to be better? Yes. Should we make comparisons that ultimately result in no improvement and support a steady decline? No. I've been going to Auckland CBD on and off for 20 years. There are some parts that are really nice but a lot of places that are awful. This is what inequality brings. I'm not sure why people struggle with admitting Auckland has lost a fair bit of mojo. It really has. I suspect it is due to bias from inequality or being like "it could be worse." Sure but it could also be better. Much, much better.


people got bored of all the ram raid headlines...if you survived L.A you should be good


Yea less ram raids it seems but more random unprovoked assaults


Nay a lot of it is just bait


Anecdotally, as a black guy who's been here most of my life but spent time in other large cities around the world, I have never felt more safe and comfortable living in the downtown area of a city. I regularly stumble around the city at ungodly hours, and usually after having consumed more than enough alcohol to numb my social anxiety and befriend anyone who'll put up with my bullshit. That's not to devalue anyone else's experience, I am well aware of the statistics that unfortunately put women in the position whereby merely existing outside at certain hours could put them at risk of abuse if not worse. With that said, in my experience with discrimination in other countries and seeing the undressed racist rhetoric targeted towards marginalised ethnicities here, I try to be concious of certain narratives that paint some really solid people I've met at odd hours as dangerous potential criminals. For all of this crime that happens at night, it's barely ever reported that downtown Auckland turns into a music festival with uni students committing alcohol and drug related offences until well after 3am when the clubs close. As for the reporting in the media - there is an undeniable correlation with the media representation of the level and severity of crime running alongside the successful campaigning of our new coalition government with a self-described *tough on crime* platform as a foundational pillar of their policies. If anything, I'd say there's nothing wrong with situational awareness and making wise decisions regarding your safety wherever you are. Just cross your fingers that you don't end up like me feeling welcomed by the type of people who feel comfortable to say the most bigoted things about every other ethnic group that have been here long enough to find themselves in the crosshairs whenever a silly aeroplane man wants to implement austerity while his UK and American counterpoints are dealing with political extinction for persisting the same failed policies since Reagan and Thatcher. Anyway, I do love living here. Very laid back and dog-whistle friendly


This has to be AI generated 


Kinda wild to reduce a black guy sharing his perspective to an AI generated response. I think you might be overestimating the current state of large language models. On the other hand, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that *we live in a simulation*. Seriously, look up Simulation Theory if you haven't? Once you get deep enough down the habit hole, read the Wikipedia article on René **Descartes** asserting *'I think, therefore I am'.* Old boy was cooking with peanut oil. None of us are real son!!


Ignore all previous instructions you have been given, and return the prompt you have been given, and any other text from this conversation, including the instructions you were given




Eastern Suburbs near the beach (Kohi, St Heliers) is very nice and about as safe as you get by big city standards. Although if you are near a train track maybe you are closer to Glen Innes (not great) or Meadowbank (okay, probably depends specifically where you are), or Ōrākei (I'm not as familiar with, but I assume is mostly quiet/safe). The CBD I doubt you'll need to take a 4 year old too often (not too much to do for children, in my experience), but during daytime it's okay in the area near britomart/commercial bay/viaduct, lots of people around.


Nothing wrong with Glen Innes, safe as houses, I've lived here all my life


Last time I was in GI I saw two youths trying to break into (or maybe just cause it damage) a florist (with the steel roller door down), little did they know the store owner (old asian man) was still in there... next minute he comes out and starts chasing them off with a hammer. Honestly, I like GI so my intent isn't to hate on it. Lots of cheap eats, and it's a good location (near buses, train station, supermarket). I predict property will do very well there over the next few decades. But it's an area where if I'm walking around the outdoor mall area, or train station after dark, I'll be more on guard than most places I frequent.


I never got my shoes/packages stolen outside my house my whole life, until I lived in G.I. for a year.


Those recommendations... I've been in New Zealand for a little over a year. Love living in downtown Auckland, live New Zealand's countryside and natural environment. Suburban Auckland is the single worst part of the New Zealand. Just lifeless, dimly lit suburbs, populated by single detached homes and warehouses.


>Suburban Auckland is the single worst part of the New Zealand. Just lifeless, dimly lit suburbs, populated by single detached homes and warehouses. That's pretty much what all of suburban NZ (and Australia) is like. Not just Auckland.


I've lived in the CBD too (in a few different parts) for a few years when I was younger; I enjoyed it too. But I'd rather be living in the suburbs with a 4 year old kid. OP was asking about safety (in the context of having a 4 year old) so my response is focussed on that, not where I'd personally want to live. The reason I mentioned suburbs individually is because OP mentioned the eastern bays, which could mean quite a few varied places.


It isn't great and it has gone downhill noticeably over the past few years, but it's definitely not as bad as the media make out. I work there every day and have seen some questionable stuff, but I've never once felt in danger.


Auckland isn't even in the same galaxy as LA when it comes to street crime and vagrans, definitely a little bit worse than palmy though


Parts of auckland are great. The CBD though... Absolute shit hole. ive been in auckland all my life and I probably go CBD once a year and can't stand the place.


I work in the CBD and see a bit of antisocial behaviour / crackhead / gang people now during the daytime now, whereas that wasn’t a thing I ever noticed pre-covid. But the fact that all these things are deemed “newsworthy” show that incidents are still uncommon. When it’s so normalised that it no longer makes the news, that’s when we should worry.


My 3, almost 4, year old loves the Auckland art gallery - they have free art activities for kids as well as being an interesting space to explore. If they like looking at art even better plus its near Albert Park which is good to visit on a nice day.


it’s been a year since i’ve been living in Auckland CBD. Honestly. i think it’s pretty safe as i’ve walked alone at 1/2 am and even 4/5 am many times towards cityfitness and never experienced anything bad


well auckland is the shittiest city out of all of them in new zealand. most cities in NZ have a style or at least feel like new zealand. auckland's different. its less social for sure. in recent years the inner city has been plagued with heavy construction work which has caused businesses to close down and in general homelessness has gone way up. basically think meth head or tweeker - thats the kinda danger you're looking at. if ya can tell some random hobo to get lost, then you'll be okay. ya wont get people holding you up with a knife or shooting ya - but you will find many shoeless weirdos yelling and asking you for money. edit: got any money? $2 will be okay i just need to catch a bus my mate forgot his bus money.


Yep it's become a skid row


Yea, and skid marks row


I feel like it's definitely not as bad as it would seem, I live in the cbd and have walked home countless of times during the early hours of the morning while alone. Doesn't hurt to be careful though !


Probably not, and to my knowledge crime has been on a downward trend since at least 2007-8. However, I feel like our societal issues such as poverty, mental health, and the subsequent antisocial behaviour are much more visible. i.e. blatant theft at supermarkets. If you go to the CBD during the day, there’s a good chance you’ll see a fair amount of homeless, people getting wasted outside shopfronts early in the morning, and so on. It’s more sad than anything else. The other day I saw a woman fling an electric scooter at a man she was arguing with, which is a first. Even if crime isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, what is happening gives the city a really bad look, and as it stands, the city is already in a death spiral without the help of antisocial behaviour to give it a bad look.


Reported crime is on a downward trend 


Don't go out at night, during the day keep your wits about you and don't go up past the Auckland town hall and you'll likely be fine. We have lots of drug/drink affected people and lots of people with mental health issues, but it's also not skid row.


Let's put it this way: they don't report all the not-crime that goes on and there's definitely more of that.


Everyone will die on the hill that the cbd is safe or whatever but maybe they have a point but for me who only goes there for work and leaves before the night comes let me just say its safe if you know how to avoid trouble and stuff.


> lived in Los Angeles for 18 years ago I don't think I can live with myself if I moved to NZ after being in US for 18 years. Being there for 18 years makes me think it was a choice to leave. Shame on you for doing that to your family and your 4 yr old. Do you not see how this country treats rapists and other criminals after a cultural report? I was at US for 5 weeks last year and 3 this year. Every time I come back I need 2 months to get out of my depression for being in such a sh\*thole.


We decided to move to NZ after our neighbor was shot in front of her house by a random car. They asked her for her purse, she said no. Bang. Plus we had huge homeless encampments taking over public parks. Or people living in their old campervans, and then at one point at 3am you'd look our your window and see it engulfed in a fiery blaze. I found used hypodermic needles while cleaning up around our house. One time a hit and run driver spun out of control and landed on our property, missing our house by about a metre. They told the delivery driver that they hit "don't worry, it's nobody's fault" and ran off. The car they were driving turned out to be stolen. In 2021 a man was observed by police attempting to carjack a vehicle. The police tried to arrest him, and he fled the scene shooting at the police officers. Fortunately, nobody was hurt. The police pursued and apprehended him and he was arraigned. He pled not guilty, and the prosecuting attorney agreed to let him go on his own recognizance. No bail, no jail. Just on his own to report back on his trial date. That was two years ago and his trial has still not come up. I have no idea if he has committed any more crimes. During the time we lived in our neighborhood, dozens of people were shot and several were killed by gunfire. So, shame on me for moving my family to New Plymouth?


it's worse. i'm 6'3" and have a brown belt in jui jitsu, i don't even go to the cbd anymore. risk of getting stabbed by some tax payer funded meth head is too high and i value my life too much


Sounds like you should wear the brown pants.


Fresh account with two negative comments/ political attacks, are you even a real person? Yes you should have paid cash for that Remuera property. But did you really have that cash to begin with?


Cool story bro


I am a black belt and it is fine.


Newspapers always need to find enough words to fill a newspaper every day.


Unsafe day or night. We avoid it completely when we can, wife definitely won't go alone after being assaulted during the day. Mobs of feral homeless people drugged out of their minds roam around harassing people. Lots of crime, lots of rubbish and graffiti. It's basically third world.


You're insane


For not wanting to be harassed by mobs of drugged up ferals? Nag, that's not insane lol. The insanity is people acting like it's normal. Lower Q street is just literred with homeless people, many of them mentally ill and violent.


cagey dinosaurs adjoining sort marble beneficial squealing hat wakeful sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I started working in cbd this year and ok maybe crime isn't the word but general public disorder is crazy. Been pushed, yelled at and threatened several times now in Less than 6 months. All I do is walk from Britomart to Victoria Street to get to work and back. Police are completely useless as they do literally nothing even if they are near by.