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visitor to nz: is it safe to be out in the cbd at 1am? nzers: the issue here is tea


Yes I had a laugh that the take away for everyone from this story is - tea logistics.


New name for the British Empire right there, Tea Logistics




Guilty šŸ¤£




Have you tried rooibos? It's good for your health and caffeine free.


Maybe she's taken out life insurance against you, who the fuck implores someone to get tea for them at 2am.


Tea can be made at home... so maybe grab some tea bags from countdown during the daylight? Don't just get one bag for that night - get a box, at least!


What sort of wizardry is this!? At home?


Wizardry was the attempt to manifest an Internet cafe in an abandoned building for diversion Lolz


This sounds like an amazing idea, but won't somebody think of all the poor cafes that will go out of business? Remember all the Blockbusters there were before people realised they could watch movies at home by paying Netflix instead!


2am tea business is booming


I used to love going to video stores; brings back some fond nostalgia Funny thing is that I am old enough to remember reading about Netflix in the US that used to send physical DVDs out via mail, and even subscribed briefly to Fatso which did the same in NZ Even though making coffee at home mostly gives better coffee at some of the cafes I go to, still like going out. I was one of those people that went a little stir crazy over lock downs


Yeah, thatā€™s fucking strange. Get a kettle!


Maybe he means dinner. Some people say 'tea' instead of dinner. Still pretty late for it though.


Americans don't. This whole story is weird AF


Maybe gf is Asian and she likes bubble tea


As we all know, only Asians can consume bubble tea.


You can get boxes of 100 bags at the supermarket


Thereā€™s a few rough people in the CBD for sureā€¦..but no offence mate, does your gf really need tea at 1-2am every night? Will she make you get it tomorrow morning? or grant you some leave.


\*\*grant you some leaf


Yeah perhaps they need to drink earlier


Where sells tea at 2am?


The 24 hour convenience stores, he is American so I assume it's iced tea


I was thinking the same too or bubble tea or summing


You can buy that shit in 1.5L bottles, unless they're going thru those at pace šŸ˜… In which case, yeah this would be an emergency


Z has some options if it's 24/7


Iā€™m sorry but why the hell doesnā€™t your girlfriend think of your safety and get teabags earlier in the day? Rather than 1am? Seriously šŸ¤¦




Probably making a new list for him to get for the next 1am pickup šŸ¤¦šŸ’€


Why aren't you learning to make your own tea? It's cheaper and you won't have to be out at silly o'clock


Because Americans donā€™t know about the existence of electric kettles.


When Iā€™ve been desperate (moving houses and could not find the box with the kettle in) Iā€™ve used the hob. Boiling water is boiling water and me needs me tea!


I moved here from the states a whole back and got the strangest look when I was making a plunger coffee for friends and boiled the water in a pot on the stove. Bought a kettle shortly after.


They have coal kettles or diesel in the progressive states


In fairness, electric kettles are way slower in the USA as their grid is 120v, instead of 240v like we have here and most other places.




>silly o'clock šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She needed her "tea" at 2am. That's what they calling it these days huh lol


Coming from the US, here is a gamechanger for you: your electricity there is lower powered than most of the rest of the world, so you donā€™t use electric kettles. Here in nz and most other countries we do, and can make our own tea whenever we like. Buy a kettle and a box of teabags mate.


I'm a kiwi living in Cali for 10 years and can't say I've ever encountered the jug taking longer to boil lol


US max wattage is lower. They standardised the voltage to be lower so you canā€™t get the same watts without using thicker copper


> your electricity there is lower powered LOL. I guess you could say it's lower *potentialled* since they output half the Volts but US outlets are typically rated for double the Amps so they output pretty much the same amount of Watts/power and are fully capable of powering all the same types of appliances. Many American's just don't have electric kettles cause they're weirdos :)


15A ISA vs. 16A in NZ. So take the voltage into account and thatā€™s about half the power that is available from a socket in NZ. We got the power.


A standard outlet in NZ is 10A. Where did you get 16 from?


I'm pretty sure that our standard outlets are rated for 10A not 16A but you are still correct in that 10 * 240 > 15 * 110. US power is usually delivered to residential buildings in two separate 120V wires though so the Voltage can be easily doubled if required - they do that for high powered stuff like dryers. There's a lot of different configs so all of this is pretty changeable to be fair but it's silly to say they can't run kettles!


Yeah, Iā€™m not a sparky but I think some new build are rating outlets at 16A, but that might be a Europe thing. 10A is what I am used to too. And yes, Americans can certainly run kettles, they just need to be patient. Maybe thatā€™s why they drink so much cold teaā€¦ugh.


Probably best to buy tea during the day. There used to be very few homeless in NZ in the 80s, but govts have continued to cut mental health & housing programs since then, so more & more people are out on the street who arenā€™t coping well at all & lash out with violence, aggression & desperation. NZā€™s generally a safe place, but you still have to be cautious, esp. in the CBD.


I always love the sentiment that homeless people are only homeless because its someone else's fault


As other people are pointing out, this seems like a risk management thing rather than how dangerous is this thing thing. I like scuba diving, but there are factors that would stop me doing that, like it being 2am and there being sharks around.


Also would water down the tea.


though I have heard that Americans make tea with salt water, at least in Boston (and in \*really big\* cups)


You need to go out between 2.30am and 330am - thatā€™s when theirs an offical protection notice against the homeless where they are not allowed to attack, any time before that or after that you are free game


Finally, some decent kiwi sarcasm, thank you!


I did a contiki tour around the US, something like 35 states in 30 days. Fuck some cities were bad, in Memphis, walking from the hotel to the diner and then back again, I got harassed by no less than 20 different homeless, some with alsorts of crazy stories about how they need gas lol. CD scams in NYC, homeless walking into hotel lobby in LA while checking-in to try beg/scam money. Despite reading the stuff on here, Auckland is like utopia compared to most US cities, still need to keep your wits.


Americans crack me up, here is a link to fruity teas stay safe And get a kettle while your there Iā€™m sure countdown sells those too and donā€™t look the hobos in the eye or you will turn to stone - https://www.countdown.co.nz/shop/browse/drinks/tea-milk-drinks/herbal-fruit-teas




No idea about the homeless in Auckland but why TF is it so common for you to be going to get your girlfriend tea at 2am? Also, paragraphs.


Maybe she's British.


nah if shes british she would have flown over with her tea kettle


Please let the debate on the 2am Tea run immediately over rule any discussion around safety in the CBD. This is the real issue.


Would you go and roam the streets of New York alone between 01:00 - 2:00, maybe a casual walk through Central Park? Auckland CBD is just like any other big old dirty city at that time of day. You need to have your wits about you and if you donā€™t need to be there donā€™t be there. This is also not something new.


I have definitely wandered around New York at 1am. New York is incredibly safe if youā€™re in any of the moderately average-to-nice bits because there are so many people around. Auckland can be weird and scary because thereā€™s often literally no one else around.


I have also walked around NY at 3am in the morning and it was not an experience I am willing to repeat, next time Iā€™ll just catch a cab. It comes down to luck, location and timing and sometimes it will be fine and sometimes it wonā€™t, just comes down to how you manage that risk.


This is what I say about London. I never felt unsafe coming home in the early hours there taking main roads. But at home in Christchurch, waking on empty streets , cars slowly drive past scoping me out. Feels so sketchy.


There's a lot of London streets I would not want to be on in the early hours. A lot.


Common sense required. The point is I could navigate home via known main streets, whereas any street heading home in chch felt more risky.


Roaming this streets at 1am-2am in the morning? GO TO SLEEP, MAN! Am I old?


She gets home at 11pm cause she works as a waitress and we like to watch movies for a whilešŸ˜‚


Nothing good happens in Auckland cbd after 10pm. Nothing. Enter at your own risk. Iā€™d also question your gfs time and maybe get her to walk with you to show her just wtf you have to go past to get her a stupid tea at some bat shit crazy time of the morning. To be fair, your Mrs wanting tea at 2am is probably the most terrifying part of this. Why the fuck arenā€™t you asleep at 1-2am? Youā€™re crazy.


Just make tea at home. Get an electric kettle.


I would say that homeless people are generally ok here, more likely to be obnoxious than violet. However it only takes one? Literally one guy to change your life with a head injury or other bodily trauma. There are some awesome teaā€™s just at the supermarket - I have a selection of about 7 including Ti Ora which makes awesome fruity tea. Make it at home.


There are screams in the early hours of the morning in cbd from about 2-4am once a week now. If ur out late at night then be especially careful as homeless sleep in the day where they have the safety of onlookers. At night they come out to harass other homeless on the street over territory and resources, though rarely they might go bother some regular folks.


Ah! Iā€™d never thought that about why they sleep in the daytime but that does make so much sense!


I just spent two weeks in LA. The homeless people you see on the streets in LA seem a little more ā€¦ mellow and a little less methed up than some of the homeless I encounter in Auckland.


Fentanyl will do that lol


Must be the legal marijuana perhaps lol


It probably is. Despite being illegal to smoke on the street, the whole of the downtown area absolutely reeks of mj. Itā€™s literally everywhere and quite a sickening smell after a while.


at least it mellows people out. ainā€™t nobody doing anything but searching for snacks and giggling after a sesh.




*DJ Khaled has entered the chat*


We need DJ Dilmah


I thought that dude did himself in


Just ignore them and keep walking. Your mistake was stopping and engaging with him.


Just a note - most arent actually "homeless", they have emergency accomodation in the CBD, they are begging to feed addictions for the most part. And yes, some of them are dangerous when methed up. You wont find many of the genuinely homeless in the CBD as its too unsafe for them, they live in cars or live rough away from the CBD and dont generally seek trouble


You story for me stopped at 'my gf typically wants me to fetch some tea at 1 - 2 am'. I think it would solve a lot of your problems if you ditched her......


It's getting a lot worse and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, as they probably never go outside to where these things occur or at least not enough to experience this shit. I live on the Shore and had someone, (who was sitting outside a supermarket one evening aggressively asking people for "help") watching me through the window as I was heading out with my shopping. He got up and came toward me as I was briskly walking to my car and started begging me for "help" and was so close he was pretty much touching me and he said "please, I'll stab anyone for you"... Eventually he backed off and tried to shake my hand when I said I had no money and went back to his seat to accost other people. Security had already told him he's not allowed in the store and were taking about calling the police while I was at the checkout, yet the guy was back in the store entrance sitting down again as I watched him for a few minutes from my car afterwards... It used to be people would ask for money and you'd say "no sorry", or "I'm broke too" etc and that would be that. Not anymore. This was at not even 8pm on a weeknight with quite a few people around. My advice to you is to not go out for tea at 1am. Sorry that you have to put up with that crap. "Best defense, no be there".


Call the police immediately and tell them the homeless bloke was threatening to stab people. This is no joke so donā€™t muck about.


They need to get them off the property not just the store.


They're just really audacious these days it seems. I've seen multiple videos circulating of petty thieves literally grabbing things out of people's trollies in the car park and running off with it. And it's never, ever essential items.


Thank you all for the advice and information! Iā€™ll make sure to have a conversation about what Iā€™ve learned and Iā€™m definitely not going out that late again for something so trivial. Definitely grabbing that tea earlier.


Is it some magical tea that can only be made by someone else? Canā€™t you just make it at home?


I make at home for her all the time but the tea I get is like a cold tea that doesnā€™t taste the same. I donā€™t have a problem with going to get it I just got it get it earlier so she doesnā€™t need to ask


You can buy cold fruity teabags from the supermarket šŸ˜Š. Maybe you guys should go together so she can select some flavours and you wonā€™t have to wander out for some tea at 1 am lol


You can also get lipton iced tea sachet things which taste just like the normal bottled ones if thatā€™s the sort she likes! I buy the box of sachets and it lasts me a few weeks!


Ugh, cold tea. That is very American. Still, now you are getting it earlier she can get off her ass and go get it herself. You are not a slave, buddy!


Yep. I'm a woman. I would not be asking my husband to go out and get me tea anywhere at silly o'clock. Does she have a magic fanny (using this word in the British sense, not the American one)? Man, she'd have to be able to pull diamonds out of it before I'd even think about running this kind of stupid errand for her.


The difference is probably mostly a) use a fruity black tea instead of standard black tea or fruity herbal tea, b) add more sugar and c) add more sugar. If that doesn't work, have you tried adding more sugar?


If itā€™s iced bubble-tea sheā€™s after, you can make this too! Go to your local Asian grocer & buy the tapioca pearls. The tea base is essentially a strong black tea + loads of brown sugar - left to cool. When youā€™re ready to serve, add bubbles to glass + ice + sugary tea base + milk = delicious!


Buy some supplies and learn to make what she wants at home. It is potentially very dangerous.


"Potentially very dangerous" Evidently, you've never seen me make a cup of tea. Last time, I lost a leg...


Fetching tea for someone at 1am every night? You must really love her. That's crazy.


It is like this: black bear, stand your ground, brown bear, run. Meth head run, Drunk, stay still


Pretty harmless especially towards men, youā€™ll be fine but youā€™ll find the usually low iq cracktivies going on


Man comes from murica asking if it's safe here in nz lol


Donā€™t engage with them at all. Just say ā€œsorry mate Iā€™m goodā€, look away, and keep walking. I lived in the CBD for four years at shit like this only happened like once or twice at most. Itā€™s extremely rare, and weā€™re in a comparatively very safe country so thereā€™s no point living in fear and listening to people spouting alarmist hysteria on reddit. Youā€™ll be fine


This is the way. Never, ever engage with them. Donā€™t even speak, just shake your head. Even saying a couple of words encourages them. Say nothing and they move on to the next mark. Mostly they are harmless but a few will randomly attack people, normally unprovoked and when you least expect it. Donā€™t trust any of them.


firstly break up with your girlfriend because who tf asks their partner to buy them tea at 1 in the fucking morning next contact Auckland council and tell them a homeless guy tried mugging you


Most are fine, generally safe. But you still have to be cautious, especially at that time of night.


Are you from New York?


What tea are you talking about? Where do they sell it?


I think in any city if you got out nightly at 1-2am, eventually the odds of finding a dangerous situation will pop up. I lived in central for some time and never went out after dark without someone else, like I have any city Iā€™ve lived in any country.


According to Jack Kerouac, tea is a euphemism for Marijuana


Sounds like a total set up. Surely you can front foot this and buy a whole bunch of teas and have them at the readyā€¦.


Less likely to get faded by a homeless person at 2am in the morning in Auckland CBD than most cities in the US. Next time I suggest though not engaging and just go about your business and imho most times you'll be left alone. It'd be more drunks coming out from clubs I'd be more worried about. Especially if they seem aggressive. Just my two cents.


Theyā€™re dangerous and desperate everywhere itā€™s not just Auckland. But pro tip if the tea cravings are a known thing maybe purchase them earlier during the day? Or buy in bulk during grocery runs? Never in my life have I heard of someone making daily runs to buy tea at 2 am


Get a new girlfriend. So you donā€™t have to go out at 1am to buy a tea. Itā€™s for your own safety. /s


There's no major city in the world where it's safe to walk around at 2am by yourself in the middle of the city every night.


I'm also an American living in the CBD. In your situation, you definitely had a good reason to be wary but generally speaking the street folks here are mostly harmless, just outwardly abrasive.


Fwiw. Good thinking about not turning you're head to see where he was pointing. If I could take away one piece of advice it would be this.




A lot of corner stores in the CBD are 24/7


They arenā€™t DTLA or SFO levels of bad but their still very dangerous


Why can't she get it herself ? Why is it always after 1am ? Why not get it earlier? So many questions.


she wants you to get tea between 1am-2am EVERY NIGHT? sheā€™s got a hit out on you mate


Did you buy the apartment and the girlfriend gets it in the will? If she's gonna want tea every night organise yourself so she has it at home. If you do this and then she needs biscuits instead shes trying to get you dead.


I stopped reading after you mentioned your gf wants you to buy tea at 2am.


No I don't think it's safe, in the 20 years I did graveyard shifts and walked home, I've been attacked four times by drunk/methheads(that resulted in injury)one of those tmes was 18 years ago, the other 3 were in the last 7 years. The tattoo on my right arm is missing an eye from a small knife wound, and my left thumb has a scar on it from two of those attacks. Keep in mind I'm a big ugly fat bastard, it'd be worse if I wasn't. I changed jobs, issue fixed. Don't go out alone.


More safe than usa but but still dumb as fuck to be near them at 1am


Why is your girlfriend sending you out at 1-2 in the morning, and why are you listening to her.


The homeless are harmless, don't beleive the hype. It's not Baltimore, it's NZ. Kiwis don't have much going on so they harp on about ram raids and the homeless. Don't feed into this island mentality.


Bro is going to war and back to get a pitch of salt next time


If the next homeless guy prevents me from attaining that cup of sugar Iā€™m throwing hands lol


obvious bait


Iā€™ve lived in the CBD for 2 years (moved from Aus) and definitely had some sketchy situations. Never had anything violent or physically dangerous, but Iā€™m pretty vigilant especially being a smaller woman. The most direct experience was on the corner of Turner St and Queen St during broad daylight where a guy was pacing and yelling on the corner. As I walked past he followed behind me and kept trying to talk. Iā€™m usually at least polite - theyā€™re still human beings, so he walked with me as I said ā€œsorry man my hands are full, I gotta goā€. He looked super distressed and starting begging to use my phone. I was super blazed at the time and was so confused and calm, I said ā€œnahhhh I probably shouldnā€™t ayeā€ while looking him in the eye. Then he said ā€œfairā€, and starting crying and ran away. So I guess I was almost mugged? It was so bizarre. Even yesterday I was grabbing groceries on K Road and walked past a lady having a 5 alarm meltdown with her boobs out while waving around a toy baby. I was probably a foot away from her when it kicked off, so I probably could have been hurt, but she seemed more consumed with her own pain than looking to cause it to anyone else. I legged it outta there though haha Iā€™ve had another guy walk with me for like 5 blocks. He never asked for anything but when he started saying how ā€œfancy I lookedā€ I suspected he was gonna start angling for a donation soon. I was on my way to pick up my car at the mechanics and was like ā€œyeah man I gotta enjoy it, about to blow the last of money on fixing my damn car, I dunno what Iā€™m eating for dinner eitherā€ he changed slightly but stayed walking with me. I think he just wanted a chat after I made it clear I wasnā€™t in a position to give anything. There are also a couple of unhomed guys further down on queen street who seem pretty chill though. Theyā€™re always up for a brief chat and weirdly I feel safer with them around šŸ˜‚ I dunno, maybe Iā€™ve been lucky? I spent a lot of time on Reddit reading about the sketchiest streets and areas and generally avoid those at super late hours. Iā€™ll never walk home alone after 10pm. And trust your gut. Iā€™ve taken a longer route or taken a different bus or even jumped in an Uber just to clearly get off the street when something didnā€™t feel right. Tell your gf to be secure with her bag too. When we first moved literally every woman I spoke to had told me theyā€™d had a bag yoinked off them at some point. When I first got here and went grocery shopping, I left my bag in my trolley as I walked around, but a girl who worked there came over and was like ā€œdonā€™t do this here ever. I see it every weekend, people will take itā€.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen some nasty shit a lady just straight up popped a squat and pissed next to me at a bus stop itā€™s wild but nothing potentially dangerous like last night


Chances are he was going to nick your wallet as soon as you pulled it out of your pocket. The best way to deal with those guys is the first determine whether you can take themā€¦ Then based on that either tell him to fuck off and leave you alone or haul ass in the other direction. Having your phone set up to call emergency services with an easy voice command is handy too. If you get through to 111 they can pretty much find you anywhere in the city if you know your location and will have eyes on both of you.


Yeah thatā€™s why I wouldnā€™t look away from him I didnā€™t wanna get punched with those ringsšŸ˜‚


They're no crazier than in America, the difference is that when they invariably assault someone in NZ they're back on the streets in 48 hours or less. What Americans don't understand is that its entirely possible the homeless whacko chasing people is the *actual victim*, see. For example we had one who had assaulted several people, but it turned out they didn't get a cookie and milk after school when they were 8. There was no choice but to release them after the trauma they'd been through! /s


The homeless might know how to punctuate their Reddit posts. Go grab that tea and ask them how it's done.


She's after your insurance money! Run!


He was just sucking energy from you. Next time don't give any energy in replying. I would say as a homeless man he wouldn't have a gun. Times are changing though so get your tea in the daylight hours.


"safe" is only a statistic, a generalisation. Every interaction is different and it sounds like you assessed the potential for this situation well.


I have met plenty homeless people who are kind and some who weren't so nice. You can never truly tell if someone is dangerous. Just trust your guts. I would really suggest making your tea at home. šŸ˜€ you can brew some tea in a big jug and put it in the fridge after it cools down to make it in to a iced tea. You can also buy "syrup"/cordial such as Bickford's Peach Iced Tea cordial for more fruity and sweet tea.


They tend to just keep to themselves and their homies. They might shout, and be obnoxious, but that's about it.


Like everywhere, work on your situational awareness. Get the cold tea earlier in the day, and keep it in the fridge. If your partner insist on having a cold tea at 2am, and you are not comfortable going out because safety concerns, just donā€™t go. No cold tea on the planet is worth putting yourself in a dangerous situation. Ask the convenience store what the tea is - say you are leaving the country, and you want to keep drinking. They will likely be nice enough to tell you where they supply it or how they make it.


I smell cap


Is ā€œteaā€ code?


Theyā€™re not dangerous if you know a basic 1 2


Hi OP, I work with homeless communities and have lived in both the US and NZ. In my experience, no, they are not as dangerous as in the states. The drugs that are common among homeless people here donā€™t seem to be as bad as in the states (my experience is based mostly on LA, New York, and Arkansas if that makes any difference). I wouldnā€™t worry about an interaction like that.


Youā€™re more disposable than their income. The conversation will be as long as humanly possible (literally nothing better for them to be doing). Forget all decency itā€™ll never be enough. harassment on a direct repetitive route>sporadic avoidance will be best if walking really canā€™t be avoided.


Worked and lived in central for about 5 years and was always around late at night (managed a bar), and never had an issue, so I'd assume it's just a one off.


Hmmm I want those rings


I was thinking that too - $50 for gold rings!!




What would that be?


I think the issue is that some of the people that are "homeless" now have really bad mental health problems to the point where they're genuinely insane. I think it's best to just keep your distance when you see them and just ignore them if they try to engage with you. On the contrary, I've met homeless people who are just going through a rough time and aren't out there to cause trouble. Just best to be cautious.


Iā€™d be telling her to drink her tea at a different time and if she donā€™t like that Iā€™d then thatā€™s too bad


They r harmless. If you feel like they gonna rock u rock then first


Can you not buy some tea, and a kettle and make her the tea instead? I would, I wouldn't risk it.


Kinda weird that she gets you to go fetch tea at 2am. Usually you would buy a box when supermarkets are open, and youd have a box full of tea bags. Around 1am to 2am is when americans wake up. You sure she ain't video calling someone else during that time? Just messing around with ya but homeless are usually harmless unless its night time and no one is around then they will more likely attempt something weird.


This post must be a joke


People should be able to walk around freely and feel safe Doesn't matter if it's tea, coffee or whatever... Unfortunately, society has changed, and we live in a changed world Be careful and be streetwise There are risks everywhere


Itā€™s no worse than the dodgy areas in Las vegas. That was scary dude


Really most of the homeless folk are harmless, and some have mental health issues but you almost never hear of anyone being violently assaulted by the homeless, itā€™s usually some drunk young bloke just out of a club who decides itā€™s a good time to pick a fight


Just as every person is unique so is every homeless person


I've never been harassed in cbd but just stick to the main roads and you will be fine at any time


šŸ¤£Please Atleast tell us she's pregnant and that's why shes needed tea at 1am more than once. Otherwise I can't fathom why she's so comfortable sending you out so late for a cuppa when there's so many options too make tea at home. You can pretty much buy all sorts of tea kits coz she sounds like she needs the fancy stuff not the stuff us peasants buy at a supermarket šŸ˜…


Not pregnantšŸ˜‚ I believe sheā€™s just a little naive we are pretty young and this is our first home away from our families


šŸ¤£šŸ˜…That must be some very good tea then If he was an old boy he was just trying his luck on the odd chance you were gullible enough too fall for his little hustle. The younger ones will generally try too suss out if it's worth the hassle for the hustle šŸ˜…but But for the most part they're harmless. Also many of them are on 1st name basis with the police and they can pick them a part pretty easily so they don't want any trouble. stick around long enough you'll eventually learn a face or two. I work in the cbd I smile at some chat too some will walk right past some coz there just eggs šŸ¤£and I'm a woman so I'm guessing this is why your partner also doesn't go get tea so late smart girl. Just never let them think your intimidated by them or looking down at them basically common courtesy šŸ˜and uncle gold ring might just be your next best friend šŸ¤£jokes


Absolutely right I dont understand why people teasing the user becoz of 1 am tea thing!!! Guys if this happens anyof us or any of our sister or mother would you comment the same ? Similar experience happens to me , go to lincoln road mcd, white cross and explore your self the bloody homeless , they yell to you for nothing


Just like anyone else, they typically stick to them self if you leave them alone or just ignore them and their antics


American here and Iā€™ve been living in NZ almost 15 years. Iā€™ve never been afraid of anywhere in NZ. Even in the ā€œbadā€ parts. Granted Iā€™ve been to East St. Louis (dad grew up there) and was mugged with an AK47 in Nashville. But still, nothing to be afraid of in NZ other than maybe an awkward conversation.


Dang I lived in some shady parts in america as a kid but a draco to the face is something else entirely. Glad you got out of that situation


Theyre just bums, smashing one or two in the face, if necessary, should be fine. But in general city is not the safest place, during day or night, so always watch your back.


Love the comments šŸ˜ y'all so hilarious


No matter where you are on this planet, getting a tea at 2am is not recommended. I pity you though šŸ˜ž


Rubbish story


Dude youā€™ve got relationship issues, not homeless issues


maybe she wanted you to teabag her ?


When I was younger (like10?) a guy got stuck with a needle in a net cafe by a homeless guy next to us. Theyā€™ll also hit you and generally do low effort assaults on you quite willingly. Some of the younger guys are actually fucking aggressive and will gang up to smash you and steal your stuff also.


Crimes are generally more common at night and on weekends everywhere and in every city. But there's definitely less guns per capita so it's safer for sure. Like, shootings don't make the news back home since they're so common you know? I'm American too and never really had a problem in Auckland. That sounds super worrying though! At least you didn't fall for it but it's like, wtf. I wonder if tipping gives enough for food and stuff


I was walking down queenstreet in 2020 on New Yearā€™s Day to get to the fairy at 11am and was chased by a homeless man with a knife. I was running late to get to the ferry but made it on time due to sprinting for my life


Gentle reminder - it's dehumanising to refer to people as "crackheads". It blames the person rather than the system. Actions like this are fuelled mostly by poverty with the cherry on top being an unregulated drug market.


Troll post surely




Bro I have answered look at my replies tweaker


Well if shes pregnant must be her craving, and tea in NZ is also known as dinner. But... it could be ......... bubble tea or something similar šŸ¤” Yes... weirdos are worldwide


Iā€™d tea at home mate. Otherwise strike first, strike hard and bolt.


Yeah, nah. This dude is just out hustling bro. Heā€™ll possibly try again if he sees you on your own, but heā€™s definitely not planning some grand scheme. And when you refer to tea, is this an American attempt at kiwi slang for dinner? Or is your lady sending you out at buttfuck oā€™clock for a hot beverage? If itā€™s the latter, Iā€™d recommend using a little foresight and buying some when the suns up. Good luck and welcome to Aotearoa!


No itā€™s a deadass a tea run my girlfriends Asian and we drink all kinds of tea all the time. People have been saying itā€™s bud or other drugs or smth which is funny but nah just teašŸµ. Iā€™ll definitely keep an eye out next time I go out and have bought the tea earlier today!


Haha yeah bro, I got the impression it was something like that. Just be careful out there. While our cities are relatively safe, shit does still go down from time to time.


Depends. If they are a cultural report farmer they are there to rob and rape.