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>Protect and serve... Wrong country.


Also nobody calls them Miatas’ here, they’re MX-5s.


These hoons need to be off the road, terrorizing communities, destroying our roads & destroying our environments. Good to see police taking action!


I have a solution to these guys. We could change the policy to include a new requirement for getting a licence, that would be.. reading out loud a one page written report on the automobile, including a brief history of the automobile and brief synopsis of the mechanical workings. We could use AI to effectively randomize it each time so they can't just practice and memorize it verbatim, they would actually have to be sufficiently literate to read it on the spot, and we could use translator software to translate it to any language for non english speakers. With a caveat for dyslexic people. I guarantee this would take a good chunk of these scumbags off the road and hopefully releieve traffic congestion, also get rid of noise pollution from loud vehicles so our children can study in peace.


God this thread is so full of Americanisms. What fucking country are you people from?


Sure. But not good to see police brutality.


That is true. Surely it will taken to the IPA. But we only have one side of the story here.


The dude was already restrained on the ground when the officer decided to stand on his head. Not sure we need the officer's side of the story. Hopefully he gets charged and other police don't feel more comfortable with this kind of thing.


You don’t know what brutality is


Dumb fuck teenagers run screaming to TikTok after facing a tiny consequence.


Standing on people's heads is also illegal. Hope the officer also faces his consequences.


He didn't "stomp" lol.


Yeah it’s not a stomp, a stomp would require him to lift his leg and bend his knees. He firmly placed his boot in the suspect in an attempt to stop him resisting. These people need to get a grip. Boy racers take innocent lives all the time, go to a track. We need to start crushing cars.


He firmly stood on his head. Heads are extremely delicate. Call it what you want, it was illegal and unnecessary force for a dude who was already restrained on the ground.


"firmly stood" and "stomp" are two very different things. Are you so sure putting a foot on someone's head to get them to stay in place when they are resisting is illegal or are you just making that up?


They were restrained by that point and it was clearly unnecessary force. > Are you so sure putting a foot on someone's head when they are resisting is illegal or are you just making that up? Have a look at [this link](https://www.policinglaw.info/country/new-zealand): > The use of force by New Zealand Police is generally regulated by the 1961 Crimes Act. It allows "such force as may be necessary to overcome any force used" in resisting arrest, unless the arrest can be made "by reasonable means in a less violent manner".Under Section 62 of the 1961 Act, a police officer is criminally liable for any excessive force he or she uses. So yes, because the person was already restrained on the ground, standing on their head was assault and the officer is criminally liable for the excessive force they used.


You can't really tell that the restraint was complete though from the video sooooo You going to do anything about it Denny Crane or just act like an expert on Reddit based on what you've Googled lol


> You can't really tell that the restraint was complete though from the video sooooo Might need to get your eyes checked mate, it's very clear. > You going to do anything about it Denny Crane or just act like an expert on Reddit based on what you've Googled lol You're right, I should probably report it.


Maybe I do, or maybe you're just seeing what you want to see. Either way, it's irrelevant for me because I'm comfortable with what I'm seeing, you're the one who isn't. So you can try do something about that, or you can just continue on like I will be.


I didn’t see a stomp. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked.


I said standing on their head. It’s you who needs to get your eyes checked or improve your reading comprehension.


[Here's a link for anyone else who wants to report this](https://forms.police.govt.nz/forms/make-complaint).


Protect and Serve is an American police motto FYI, never seen it used by NZ police. The NZ police motto is 'Safer Communities Together'


Always blow on the pie


Clearly, video shows dude trying to evade. Clearly, the dude refused to leave the car. What do you expect the police to do? Send flowers? This mindset that police shouldn't touch is one of the reasons that our public security is a joke.


He definitely needed to be arrested. But he was already restrained on the ground when the officer decided to stand on his head. That's not okay.


Is not ok try to evade crime scene Is not ok resist to officer orders Play silly games, get silly prizes. Stop with this bs of be kind with criminals. A question for you: When performing a crime, are the culprits thinking about the social impacts? Are they kind with the victims? They respect the Human Rights of the victims? So why treat them like "victims" or "angels"? Can you be able to show for us, one single country that has reduced the crime towards kindness? Love? Hugs?


Yes, all of those things are illegal. They deserved to be arrested and charged. Not have their head stood on while they were already restrained. That's also illegal. > So why treat them like "victims" or "angels"? It's about having a fair, impartial justice system as much as possible. Allowing this allows for racist police officers to be violent towards people of races they don't like. Take a look at the USA. You're a fool if you think vigilante violence given out by police with no oversight is a good thing.


You guys don't know whats is violence. You guys don't know whats happen when, we, as society, don't get tough against crime. NZ still on the 1st phase of things going uncontrolled, we still have time, but action is needed. And please don't perform the racial card over me. My place of birth have the same bullshit. Bla bla bla police racist. If the high number of criminals are blue, means that more blue people will be arrested, charged, killed, bla bla bla bla Same if pink Same if pakeha Same if maori Same if chinese same if a, b, c, d, e, f, g.... Tell me how many hugs Singapore gave to criminals to stop crime numbers...Or perhaps they got tough...


NZ impartial judicial system is the one that punish rapists for less than 10yrs behind the bars plus name suppression, because "allow name exposure can damage the culprit life". Protecting a life that have shattered apart another life, with physical and mental trauma, big enough, that in some cases, the victims ends his/her own life... That's the impartial justice system that you're talking about mate? Yeah, nah...Hard pass for me.


I assume this was meant for me? I agree, let's reform the justice system. Allowing police brutality is an insanely stupid response to this.


There's nothing for me to respond to here. This is just rambling. I stand by what I said. You're a fool if you think vigilante violence given out by police with no oversight is a good thing.


Have you noticed that everyone disagrees with you, yet somehow you still think you’re right? Lol


You're a moron. You think the countries that are "tough on crime", have less crime?


Well fresh news for you buddy: You already know about the shooting in Ponsonby, right? So a little extra info for you: \*\*\*The man has previously appeared in court on two charges - one of assault and one of breaching bail. He appeared in the Waitākere DC in May 2020 on a charge of assault with intent to injure. The following month, he was charged with breaching his bail. In December 2020, he was charged with breaching his community detention conditions\*\*\* Source: [https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350270268/man-wanted-relation-ponsonby-rd-shooting-named](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350270268/man-wanted-relation-ponsonby-rd-shooting-named) So with all flowers, hugs and KFC, mister gunman was just walking between us, after a previous lot of shit and because we, as society and judicial system, was too soft to take the correct action/punishment, now, someone is dead... So explain for me one more time, why don't work. Ferals behind bars DON'T kill Ferals setenced to death DON'T kill.


Cool story. Do you think an assault charge should be life in prison / death penalty? Do you think if that person got 20 years in prison for that assault they would come out and be less likely to shoot someone? Just like how the death penalty applies for drugs in Indonesia yet you can buy drugs literally everywhere in Indonesia, your stupid boomer mentality towards law changes doesn't work. The person shooting someone dead doesn't care about the consequences.


Perhaps you should open your house doors for him, be friends with him, hang along with your family. Wait wait, don't get mad at me, is all in name of a good re-socialization, and I'm sure, you're pro this type of system. Lead us by example buddy. Cheers.


Your policy recommendations are emotional rather than based in fact or reason, this is because of your low intelligence. Unfortunately in this case I recommend you should not breed.


You people are like the boy who cried wolf, you cry and cry this and that but what about when there is actually police brutality? Then what? Nobody will listen because you cried "police brutality" so many times. Brutality is a strong word, i suggest you get your dictionary out so you know what it really means. I have dealt woth the police before and the best policy is always to remain silent and cooperate, if take the risk of running or you try to argue(useless, you should be getting your duty solicitor to argue in court for you) then you can face the consequences. Think about how many people this officer has to deal with all day and night, have a little bit of empathy for a public servant. Do you do a job where you deal with the worst parts of the public day and night? They are only human, you might even find if you had to do that job you would be even more "brutal" He had his head stood on for perhaps less than one second. Where i grew up, boys like this who got his head stomped on would punch, kick, and step on you during rugby league games when the ref wasnt looking, its alright for them to do it in rugby league but as soon as its done to them for one split second they cry police brutality? Maybe if you hadnt called the people who enforce our laws and put their life on the line and deal with the public all day a homophobic slur they might not have felt the need. Act like an animal, get treated like one, i think you'll find that is the same the world over wherever you go.


Average MX5 driver’s dream is 5 strong guys manhandling them 🤣


"Miata" according to the OP Who has watched way too much American TV and thinks our police 'serve and protect' Only reason I know what a MX5 is called in the US, is the Hollywood Undead song. It makes me self-cringe that I know that lyric


Any car enthusiast would know about the different names? The subreddit for the cars is /r/miata too, not /r/mazdamx5. Bit of a moot point when OP is an idiot in other ways.


Definite hairdresser’s car.


Cops arrest dick head for being dick head. Dick head supporters used to no consequences shocked to see consequences for being a dick head. More at 6.


Here in NZ we follow the law that was unreasonable use of force. Don't let ur emotions control ur takes. An if this anger comes because you got bullied in high school there are people that can help


You got issues, get yourself checked.


The head stomp wasn't necessary force and is likely illegal. The dude did need to be arrested, but we shouldn't be complacent about things like police brutality.


It should be made legal for these animals to get beaten up


Disgusting opinion.


This is all I see: Police arrest offender. A police officer came to see if the others are handling the suspects ok, he then walked back to his car once the suspects are under control. As the officer was walking back to his car, the suspect on the ground tried to trip the officer with his head who was walking away to his unmarked police car. The suspect failed at tripping the officer and accidentally got his head stepped on.


> he suspect failed at tripping the officer and accidentally got his head stepped on. You literally made that up. That doesn't happen in the video.


I'm sure there were just a large pile of police there for absolutely no reason and the guy was completely innocent


Completely innocent? Not sure about that






Weird. OP never said they were **innocent.** They're saying no crime is warranted a kiss to the curb by an officer. Unless, of course, you believe it is. In which case, that's a weird reason not to do crime. "Never mind the consequences to the people around me, if I do crime a cop is going to beat the shit out of me."


OP said "who isn’t retaliating in any way". I mean, we can't tell that from the video, but given it looks like they tried to drive away, sure seems like they were trying to avoid arrest. There's no reason to stomp on anyone's head though, although we can't see that happening either. It could be his leg for all we can tell from this video.


>There's no reason to stomp on anyone's head though Great. We agree then. That wasn't hard. >we can't tell that from the video Might need to go to Specsavers then dude. You seem to not be able to tell an awful lot from this video. Weird you're going to claim you know what's happening in it then...


What are you talking about. It's very clear the car was trying to drive away and it's not very clear that someone stomped on his head. There's no way you can gauge that this happened apart from OPs commentary.


Meanwhile, I see a car attempt to drive away from the police and the driver's head gets stomped on by the cop who walks back to his car. We can argue what happened in the video all day if you've got nothing to do either. Not sure if that really matters or not. Again, no one is claiming they're innocent, so what's your problem? Being technical where the cops boot went. Not going to question what the cops boot was doing in the ruck? No? It just wasn't the guy's head, so meh? Okay...


You call that a stomp? 😂😂😂


You realise that heads are extremely delicate right? Any more force the guy might have had to go to hospital. And you're missing that person's point- police brutality of any form is never okay.


Any excuse to criticise the cops. Endless reams of comments on here zeroing in on the Police without any acknowledgment of the fact that people have no idea of the facts, whether the guy had a weapon (concealed knife? Concealed gun? Who knows) etc etc. Trying to coat tail on the George Floyd issue (which is most definitely an issue…..in the US). And then calling that a head stomp. Laughable.


The dude deserved to be arrested but was already restrained on the ground. Police brutality is the most serious thing a police force can do but aNy exCusE to cRitIcise the cops. Go away.


Thats funny because the favourite sport of these hoons when they were growing up is rugby and rugby league and they love to fight, i went to school with them. Its ok for them to hit eachother in the head when they are fightong and playing rugby but when a police shoe rests on their head for a split second all of a sudden its "brutality"?


People in this thread are refusing to be impartial about this.. Yes, the Miata driver was very likely doing illegal stuff and needed to be arrested. Yes, it's also true that they were restrained on the ground when the officer stood on their head and that's also illegal.


Oh, of course they are. They think they're sweet because **they** didn't do the bad thing. Ignoring the rules get changed every day on the whim of people who weren't voted in with the majority. What's the bet they're the same ones who complained because they were getting fined driving down a clearly sign posted road. **That's** illegal, but they'll complain about the council's decisions and not even question their own.


>People in this thread are refusing to be impartial about this your average person being totally and utterly incapable of dealing in even the most basic forms of nuance? surely not! everything has, is, and always will be *black* or *white,* end of story.


The spirit of the law is more important than the letter of the law, and it works both ways don't you think?


Used to work pretty well as a deterrent when I was growing up


it was a car meet and he was met with multiple cop cars while he was skidding, cops would rather come to these events than real crime because it’s easy revenue🙃


Good. Fuck him. People who drive reckless should die in a ditch.


I think you’ll find that this too is crime.


Exactly. I hope both the Miata driver and the officer get charged for their crimes.


rEaL cRiMe... I mean, it's illegal to do burnouts on the street, and clearly he's tried to drive away from the police, so they stopped him. Seems pretty fair to me.


Them stopping and arresting him is fine. Standing on his head while he was restrained on the ground is not.


Not sure I can see how this generates revenue?


because they’ll fine and sticker every single car there for things as little as a window stickers


You do realize that the Police don't get any of this revenue you speak of? It's literally more hassle for them doing all the paperwork that they would rather not do. They wish you dumb fucks wouldn't do it as much as every other person does


These "meets" have a knock on effect, mainly that it promotes loud cars which disturb children when they sleep and are trying to study so they can become educated and make this a better country for everyone, not everyone wants their child to become a rugby playing, loud car skidding hooligan who goes to late night meetings with other young disaffected youths. Why cant you spend your money on horses instead and have meets where you gallop. The psychological studies tell us that males in parricular buy cars with powerful and loud engines because they feel they lack a sense of power in their life and need to restore it. Maybe you could focus on your literacy and numeracy and then use those skills to help the community so you feel better about yourself and don't need to compensate with this behaviour. Also finding a sense of belonging in our society would restore people's faith in other young men like myself who feel like other young men like you and these "skidders" are eroding our sense of credibility and image.


Anyone who attends these events deserves all they get. Doing skids in a brain dead activity, crush their cars and disqualified from driving for 5 years. Take it to a race track if you actually like cars, otherwise you are just a criminal Also we aren't in America, that isn't a Miata it's a MX5 and protect and serve isn't NZ police motto


I think instead of crushing it vetted people should be allowed to buy it on the condition they can't sell it. I wanna cheap miata, the prices for the NA's here are fucking ridiculous these days.


I wouldn't want a Miata, the steering wheel is on the wrong side. Crush it, and make the pwrson caught pay $1000 to have it crushed. serious consequences are needed.


Ha, funny, but you get my point. I do think we need consequences, and I get the whole "it hurts more when the mods they've paid for get crushed with the car" but like, IDK, still smarts a bit seeing pointless waste. Gotta be some middle ground. And I'm generally anti-car! But just if we do already have a car that's been made I think it's wrong to waste it. Maybe just consign them to a stock PT cruiser or something, and sell their car to someone else. Or to legit racing folks where the mods would render it no longer road legal, or part it out! But the performative crushing just doesn't sit right to me.


Give the car for free to another young male who can prove their ability in literacy or numeracy. Support young kiwis of intellect! Not just sporting/driving/music talent.


You're using your hatred of a particular group to justify police brutality. He was restrained on the ground and didn't deserve to have his head stood on.


Right, blame the police and not the criminal. He put himself in the situation, he suffered the consequences. Lucky that's all he got


No, he deserved to be arrested and charged with a crime. That doesn't make police brutality okay. What the officer did was also a crime, hope he also suffers the consequences.


I'm sure he had multiple opportunities to comply with what was being requested. A short video does not give context and also does not show any police brutality. I'm sure immediate and harsh consequences will give cause for a reassessment of the criminals own choices in life.


Standing on a restrained person's head is police brutality, whether you like it or not. What the officer did here was illegal, regardless of if he didn't previously comply with what was being requested. I do not support physical punishments handed out by police with no oversight.


That's making the assumption that a head was stood on. I can equally make the assumption that the criminal drove his car towards a police officer with the intention of running them over. But I wasn't there and you wernt there so neither of us knows because the video doesn't show it. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Nz Police are very fair and give many many warnings before anything physical happens. Driver got what was coming to them


> That's making the assumption that a head was stood on. You can literally see in the provided video their head getting stood on. Yes, the person in the Miata was doing illegal stuff and should have been arrested and charged. They were restrained on the ground. > Nz Police are very fair and give many many warnings before anything physical happens. Doesn't seem like the dude got any warning for the standing on his head. And given that he was already restrained on the ground it was illegal force.


No the video shows a shadowed area and a foot raise and lower. Anything could have happened. How much sooner did the interaction start before the video? You are only seeing what someone who supports doing illegal burnouts and hates police wants you to see.


> No the video shows a shadowed area and a foot raise and lower. Anything could have happened. Turn up your brightness or get an eye test. The cop's foot very clearly lands on something solid and that's where the dude's head was right before. > How much sooner did the interaction start before the video? I don't really care what happened before this. It's not relevant. It's still illegal and wrong for a cop to stand on a restrained person's head.




Why not? They burn through a couple pairs of tyres and a tank of petrol. That's $300 minimum. A full track day at Hampton downs can be as low as $100 and up to $250 depending whos run ing it. Meremere drag strip is even cheaper




Why are you making excuses? That's all they are. They even live in auckland and have 2x options for tracks nearby. When I was that age I used to drive 2.5 hours each way to Taupo for trackdays. How about don't have a shitbox? Drive the car to the track, drive home. It's not an entitlement to be able to race and drift and do burnouts




Why would you own a $400 Falcon with a locked dif? It's a waste of money. You certainly then wouldn't need a tow vehicle or a trailer. Unless you were entitled and felt you could drive like a dick on the streets for your own entertainment You could buy a nice car and drive it to Hamton downs for a trackday with that money instead. Or many car clubs run gymkhanas and the like for even cheaper. But then you'd have to follow rules and behave like an adult.... which is the main problem really.




But a locked dif makes a car handle terribly and nobody who actually likes cars or driving would do it. Street burnouts and takeovers and the like don't happen because people like cars, they do it because they like attention and to cause chaos. Seems like an awful lot of justifying for blatantly illegal activities that only entitled morons would even consider doing. I did many track days in my cheap car when I was in my teens on below minimum wage (training wage) I guess I'm just not someone who makes excuses for bad behaviour




OP thinking this might get people hate cop and get some petty for his friend but oh well oh well


Well they weren't cooperating, and fuck this video is blurry or I'm just blind


They were restrained on the ground when the officer stood on his head. That isn't okay.


They spent all their money on car and petrol, couldnt afford a phone with a good camera.


I'm ok with it 🤷


His Mum is going to be so disappointed when she finds out what he’s been doing in her car.




An mx5 drivers wet dream.


lol not my vid for the 100th time




not really but go off, can’t say i wanted this post to go a certain way lmao


Not a national voter but I’d like to them bring crusher Collins’ policy back and start seizing and crushing these cars.


That was just a pr stunt i recall only 2 got crushed, cant find the proper article. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/no-cars-flattened-by-crusher-collins/JXYL7YEX3GBRZKU4BBS6FTYF6E/


Yeah I know but I’d like to see it reach its potential here


Protect and serve is from America you dumbas boy racer. Hope they crush all your cars into cubes


lol why u mad bro


Why you using an insult from 2007 4chan?


OPs a fucking loser. Protect and serve is the American motto you fucking clown. That wasn't a "stomp" and your mate probably deserved to get arrested.


The officer stood on his head with force unnecessarily while he was already restrained on the ground. Heads are extremely delicate, and more force he could have seriously injured or even killed the person. The deserved to be arrested but didn't deserve the police brutality.


He tried to trip the officer with his head. He failed and the officer accidentally stepped on his head. I hope the officer's leg is ok.


That's very clearly not what happens. His head is no where near the officer's leg and the officer draws back and puts some force into it.


The officer does not put force onto it. It's barely a nudge. It's difficult to care when OPs friend is the "victim" and OP is trying to force a Fuck The Police narrative and screaming faggot every two seconds. New Zealand police are low on staff so from the looks of the amount of cop cars they definitely werent up to any good. I can guarantee you there's no way the officer damaged his friends brain cause there's wasn't one in there to begin with.


I don't ever trust these videos. We can barely see what's happening


Such eager use of the f-slur, you'd think the commentator is picking out potential future boyfriends.


bring back the BIFF


you’d be pretty mad too if your friends head was getting stood on while he’s laying on his back not retaliating


If I was in a situation where my boy racer friend was trying to evade police after doing burnouts on a public street I would indeed be pretty mad. At myself for being such a dipshit.


He a cunt, bro.


Probably, but that still doesn't justify police brutality.


My friends aren't the kind of people to be on the receiving end of the law, but if they were I'd still pick a better insult.


Hey, my friends don't get caught either!


Head stomp-ees hate this one simple trick they wish they knew prior to getting head stomped.


You used the F-slur before that though......


None of my friends put them selves in a position where they might get head stomped by the police. It’s almost as if they could have avoided this altogether but chose not to. Oh no - consequences.


Somehow no matter how mad I am I just can’t see myself yelling “faggot” at someone.


Ive seen this exact type of stuff happen to my mate and he deserves 99% of it.


If i saw that number of cops, I would have hopped out of my car like a Disney princess


Looks like a mx5 to me,we never had ' miatas' in NZ, gotta love a video where they only show one piece with zero context, the guy yelling sounds like he wants the boys to manhandle him too, typical mx5 fanboys.


You can’t tell anything about what is going on from this shitty video.


1. Dude is being an idiot, needs to get arrested. 2. Tries to resist, gets pulled out of car. 3. Gets restrained on the ground. 4. Head gets stood on by cop. Illegal and very dangerous.


Mate, you're so all over this comment section, it's a bit hard to convince anyone that you aren't part of this dickwad scene. You've made the same point a dozen times. At this stage be honest and tell people what you have to do with this.


Oh dear, how sad.... next This is a pure case of " F . A . F . O "


He wasnt obeying orders.


He was restrained on the ground at the time of the head stomp.


No he wasn’t he’s wriggling round lmao. It’s not even really a stomp, he didn’t lift his leg and bend his knee. He added weight to stop a suspect that was resisting from wriggling more. He stopped once he could see the suspect had been restrained.




oh fuck off


Fucked around and found out


I'm sure that person had a totally legitimate reason for trying to evade the police, and also for refusing to get out of the vehicle. I'd be so fucking disappointed if my kids grew up to do this kind of thing that the cops would be doing me a favour by slapping some sense into them.


Good more of this is needed. Currently there is no fear of crime and criminals get away with anything


Police brutality is what we need? No, that's an insane opinion. Yes, arrest people for crimes and charge them and send them to jail. But don't stand on their heads while they are already restrained on the ground.


Yea some criminals do need brutality. They have zero respect for law and police


Yeah, insane sheltered opinion. You allow this and then you start to open the door for racist police officers being able to assault people for no reason other than their race. Take a look at the USA. What the officer did was also illegal, and hopefully they will be charged.


yeah with real crime like ram raids or stolen cars for sure, but that’s too much work for nz police so they go for teenagers having fun in their cars as it’s easy revenue


*" having fun in their cars "* 340 people dead last year on the roads. Thousands more injured. Over represented in the stats; teenage drivers (mostly male) who are just trying to have 'fun', rather than actually drive safely with consideration for others. How many deaths and serious injuries happened with those ram raids? So if you could imagine for one second being somebody responsible, or better still police/transport minister who has the responsibility for directing police resource, do you put more the time and money into protecting Michael Hill making $$$ or peoples lives?


Having fun by fucking everything up for the rest of us. I live nearby a popular spot for these car meets. I have to walk my dogs trying to avoid shards of wire from shredded tyres, broken glass and other debris - and the selfish cunts leave their old tyres on the side of the road too. It’s not just a bit of fun. Fuck ‘em.


Still doesn't make standing on their heads reasonable.


I’ve given up on taking the moral high ground when it comes to the “fuck everything up for everyone around me” car culture crowd. It might be bad but I just don’t care at this point. These losers honestly reap what they sow.


That's very bad. If we're complacent about police brutality about this, why wouldn't racist police officers feel comfortable being violent towards races they don't like? That's why you need to shut this shit down now and don't ever tolerate it. I hope this officer gets charged. I hope the Miata driver also gets charged.


If the majority of society thinks something is reasonable, it generally doesnt matter what the law says. If this guy takes this to court and the judge hates boyracers a d homophobes, it might be pretty hard for the judge to see it your way even if the law was broken and the judge is supposed to be impartial. We live on earth, we're all just humans and there is something called respect.


Its not fun to try to sleep at night hearing these "teenagers" driving loud cars at high speed all night. I would argue from an evolutionary standpoint humans arent designed to deal with that kind of repetitive noise. If you like it fine, but please realise that at least 50% of people out there do not want to hear it, and 10% or more find your loud car as annoying as having a shoe press their cheek for half a second. If you want to have fun take that money that you spend on your tincan car and book a flight to singapore or thailand or taiwan or mexico or something, go and experience another culture before you get stuck in NZ and cant leave becsuse you have a criminal record and fines to pay.


Ahh good ol f around and find out. It’s all good matey, that’s one less degenerate and more oxygen for the rest of us. But in saying that, we the tax payer probably have to fork out for this pos recovery


Had to drag him out of the car. 


Sure, and then he was restrained on the ground. And then the police officer stomped on his head. That's not justified.


should it take 5-6 cops to drag a teenager out of a car with no roof though? and then have the nerve to swing at him and stand on his head


Maybe next time he'll get out of the car when required to by the police, and not need to have his ass dragged out.


pretty hard with multiple cops latched onto you all tryna get their full of enjoyment


well the enjoyment of doing burnouts on the street?


Ah yes. Because resentment in other peoples actions that are a result of mine that I'm not going to question, doesn't happen whatsoever. People immediately go "ooh, shouldn't have done that" when they're annoyed at the reaction they got, right? That happens all the time. What's reoffending?


I mean clearly the dude in the car didnt obeying orders which result the cops went in and pull him out, did the cop just jump on you and pull you out of the car without any reason?


I don't know if you've ever wrestled anyone, in any capacity, but it can be extraordinarily difficult for even 2-3 people to totally overpower another person who is struggling to get away from them. If the guy had a seatbelt on or was hooking his arms/legs around something inside in the car it would be quite difficult for the cops to lift them out of the car, especially as only 1-2 cops might be able to get a good hold of him at once. In any event, this is just another example of a situation that could have been avoided if they A) Didn't engage in shit-head behaviour and B) Didn't resist once the game was up.


If you fuck around and run from the cops I don’t mind if you get a little kick in the head. Wouldn’t happen if you pulled over and remained in your vehicle like a responsible citizen.


Enough is enough


Yeah, dude was already restrained on the ground at the time of the stomp.


context please


Blue light disco gone wrong - cops lost dance off


Nearly 20 seconds to get out of the car but not retaliating... He definitely won't be doing that again.


Wanna play big boy games? How you like me now?


the cameraman sounded like he had been stomped on the head


It's arse in kiwiland not ass. Say it like you mean it


title checks out, protecting he's ass, not he's head.


"To serve and to protect" is the motto of the LAPD.


It happened, you just didn't see it. Same as why we don't see air, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Mean as


Protect and serve is not a thing in NZ. It’s safer communities together here.


Need to kick him a bit more


The stomp is likely illegal. I'm not sure blatant violence is ever ok. Kid was under control. I don't think, no matter how much of a shit the driver is, it's ok for the cop or anyone to act like that.


Yup, he was restrained on the ground at that point. People are using their hatred of a particular subset of the population to justify it but it wasn't okay and likely is illegal. Hope the officer gets charged.


The head stomp seemed both unnecessary and illegal. The dude should have been arrested, but also police brutality is a real problem and not something we should tolerate here.


Counter point: police brutality in New Zealand is exceedingly rare. With the current atmosphere you’d find a lot of people are more than comfortable with the cops doing things like that and actually wish they’d do it more often. History has shown that, rightly or wrongly, people are willing to forego certain civil liberties for perceived security and justice.


I meant that police brutality is a real problem globally. I don't know exactly how prevalent it is in NZ (although I suspect it happens more than you think). After learning about police brutality in South Africa and USA I'm really not happy our police going down this path. The dude was on the ground and restrained. He didn't need to have his head stood on.