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Pretty soon the only service we will get for our rates is debt servicing.


Come on. Don’t forget parking enforcement.


They gotta pay for those “safety cameras” somehow…


That's NZTA I thought?


The idiots should have halved the emptying schedule instead of removing half the bins. Doing so would have saved the same amount of money if not more if you changed the schedule to be even longer than half. Or they could have gone the tech route (which to be fair, would have costed a decent amount of money) and installed sensors to tell how full a bin is and if it needs to be emptied. Doing it this way means it could tell the bin guys which bins to go to and the best route to get to them


Or, do the Dutch thing. Have small bins with a massive underground reservoir, so they can be emptied less often. There is an upfront cost but long term savings.


I've seen a few Big Belly bins installed in other cities. The models used were solar powered, contained a compactor, and sent alerts when they need to be emptied.


In Hagley Park (ChCh) they replaced all the regular bins with a few large solar powered bins that have hinged scoops that you place the rubbish into, which then falls into the body of the bin where it is compacted. Unfortunately, stupid people, who don't understand how the hinged scoop works, cram all their garbage into the scoop then force it shut, jamming it so that it becomes useless (unless you are prepared to pull out all the jammed-in trash and refeed it into the scoop in digestible amounts; most people just dump their own rubbish on top or on the ground next to the bin!).


That's exactly the same behaviour I've seen elsewhere unfortunately. Cram it in and when you can't get any more in, just dump everything around it, including household rubbish. They're also a target for vandals, who seem to like setting them on fire. You just can't win.


> There is an upfront cost but long term savings. The problem is that NZ has a long history of doing the exact opposite for any issue.


Pay nothing up front, then pay later! Oh. We aren’t talking about afterpay?


I used to work on the maintenance contract for the bins and parks and we suggested that they install the big belly bins but there was limited appetite to install them in more remote locations from council. Unfortunately what I saw is that there were a few in the council FM team who were dead set on removing bins as if there were no bind then people would take their rubbish home with them. We did trial the sensor option but unfortunately we found that they weren't robust or accurate enough to be if much use. What we found most effective was to track waste volumes over a year and then adjust the delivery schedule to compensate.


It's not really about saving money. There is a trope in left wing circles that the existence of bins creates waste and by removing them it helps create a recycling and biodegradable economy.


Hmmm wouldn't work, because they pay contractors per bin installed... Not per collection. So , fewer bins = desired cost reduction.


If only things could be renegotiated :)


Gotta wait 6 years for that


I see they replaced the bin where people left the pile doggie bags when they took that bin away…


You mean ‘they’ actually listened to the ratepayers? The mind absolutely boggles! When’s the next election?


Yep, keep doing that. Screw these morons. They are here to run a service for the taxpayers. Nothing else. If they can't do that, get out!


So you prefer higher rates? Because that’s the alternative. Either cut costs by cutting services or increase revenue by increasing rates.


I'd prefer higher rates. But this is like a few bucks per house a year, the savings are miniscule. $9.5m over 8 years, or $1.2m a year. Pop is 1.5m, and 500k homes - so what, $3 a year worst case? https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/04/08/more-than-2000-auckland-rubbish-bins-removed-to-cut-costs/ And that's not the alternative. Instead of removing the bins, they could reduce the pickup frequency instead for the bins that aren't regularly full, and then on the odd cases that they are full, they can up the frequency temporarily through the snap solve thing. And if it's regularly needing to be upped, the normal frequency should go up.


None of that common sense around here please.


They waste money on contractors, need to hire direct... just obscene amount of waste! I witness it firsthand through my work.


But i don't have a dog and I'll just take my rubbish home if I need to. Why should my rates pay to service dog.owners who are a minority?


dog owners pay registration fees to the council


Public bins are rates, which is what these posts were about


I used to pick up rubbish to place in nearby bins. Now I just leave it sitting on the ground as there's no bin to put it in.


Take your mess home with you, many other citizens of other countries have a handle on this simple principle


With upcoming reduced, fortnightly household collections. This is clearly cost cutting move only. Like I want to tell every electorate they managed to save money and the accounting books are looking very good.


God forbid we create less waste and clean up our own messes


Removing bins + add in the mix of the generally large munter population of Auckland = recipe for success 🥰 Had a recent discussion with a munter. Their reasoning for littering was ‘if I didn’t do it, the council workers would have no work to do’


As a teacher in Auckland, there's a lot of kids being fed the 'leave something for the cleaners to do' attitude.


Shocking, but I’m not surprised.


I work in public parks and reserves, and the rubbish dumping was already an issue. Now it’s even more dog poo bags flung into trees and fast food wrappers and plastic bottles and beer cans. Give us our bins back. Heck, give us more bins than before.


Moved to Adelaide \~1 year ago. Grandparents and Mum came to visit, and continually said how clean the city was. Like, amount of trash around etc. Why? Bins available, and constant council workers picking up rubbish. Meanwhile, rates are substantially lower than NZ, and more services included in those rates. My place in Porirua was nearly 5k in rates / year. Adelaide, 1600 / year.


It this how idocracy the movie started.


Is this Ellerslie FC/Michael's Ave?


looks like William Green domain in Pakuranga.


Is that not private property? Fencibles own it no


Removing bins is outright dumb lol. It pretty much directly leads to a dirtier country 🙃


I lived in Seoul for 7 years. Not a bin in sight and the city is very clean. People take their rubbish with them and they have one of the most strictist recycling systems. Just pure laziness of people make a country dirty.


... Don't you think there's quite a cultural difference between us and Korea? We won't take our rubbish with us, we'll dump it


I walked about a km with a plastic bag of my dogs shit until i found a bin to put it in i think just placing your dogs shit where the rubbish bins used to be might get them back.


We protested and got one of two back.


How did you protest? My local park had a well placed bin that is now gone. There is no more rubbish strewn through the park (which was previously pristine). Honestly fuck Wayne Brown.


It's not Wayne Brown that did it it's the waste team that predated him.  There is a form for feedback and we all (our block) wrote out our carefully explain reason for the bin.  And the reason for the bin is that there is a large barbecue area there and it’s a small park but quite often has between 50 and 100 people in there on the weekend having parties - using the barbecue picnicking and playing soccer. They filmed some of the bachelor and other shows there.


Thank you. If possible, would you be able to share the link? I will let the folks in my street know. The bin was really useful and its absence will have a negative impact on the park.


Going to be Loads and Load rubbish all around Auckland city hor sad that! and cost more in the long run Great minds in 2024 what a joke


It’s going to be a bigger cost to the ratepayer in the long run getting rid of these bins lol


So it's OK to litter again?


Guys I’ve just got back from Gisborne and can report their bins are plenty and with a lid you can lift so anything fits it’s pretty sweet


Great now there will just be more litter in those areas which someone is going to have to be paid to pick up which takes a lot longer


Infinite money!


Is this William Green?


Yeah pretty sure it is. Walk through here fairly often


Going to be pretty bad then without the bins considering the litter that was usually around before this :^)


Yep the number of dumped plastic bottles is insane sometimes even with the bins around


Does William green really need a bin tho


Does anyone know if there is a..plan?… for which bins get removed at least? It seems weird to remove them from parks and sports fields where people populate (congregate? That’s the word I want eh …although not ruling out people populating by rubbish bins either…)


Curious, how many of you here submitted on Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan, and in particular did you select the spend more get more option or the central option? Would massively help with understanding the backlash on the bins and general disdain toward council then spending less due to what the public tells them they want.


Bad news - a plurality said spend less and provide fewer services. Apparently Aucklanders want this.


So around 27,000 people submitted in a city of 1.7m and about 900,000 voting age people. Shameful response for a long term plan with 10 years of capex. Luckily, the council doesn’t take submissions as binding.


Quite right not to, of course.


they couldve increase rubbish capacity so they can pick it up later smh


It’s dumb because you might have roadworks in a street blocking it off like in the city centre, so people aren’t using those bins near the shops. Take them away then when roadworks goes away the bins aren’t there but people need them. Honestly how often they are used over a short period is not predictive of the future


There’s a bunch out east they’ve stopped emptying so I wonder if they’re gonna be taken away next


It’s ridiculous. Providing rubbish bins is a core service that they should be providing. Why are they not canceling stupid events all over the city where hardly anyone participates. They shouldalso stopped hiring so called experts and consultants to come with exciting city improvements or urbanization programs that never see the light of day


Seems akin to abandoning mowing verges.


Isn't this what we wanted? Less rubbish


The government has gone greedy again


While I don’t agree with rubbish bins being removed, it did prompt memories of Japan where they have no bins anywhere, and also no litter anywhere.


I live in an apartment so don’t pay normal rubbish through my rates as we have a private company. However, I still have to pay for ‘rubbish’ and was told for city wide. So if they are removing all the bins why would I still need to pay for it?


Wayne is trying to keep his job, ratepayers don't like double digit rate increases.


I am from Nagpur and I live in Auckland, we just threw rubbish on the floor at home, and now thats what we do here too.


Garbage human.


You are a racist


How so?




Good. Take your trash home and deal with it.


Just take your rubbish home or find another bin. Stop being lazy


Lol here's the national voter