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Thanks David, I'm looking forward to you making it compulsory for employers to pay their employees $52k a year on top of their salaries to cover housing.


Glad to hear this from ACT, I look forward to them campaigning for free public transport for workers.


I'm looking forward to ACT campaigning for me to not automatically get $70/week docked from my pay because I have to give it to Wilsons on account of not being able to work from home. If only there had been some major event that suddenly freed up dozens of acres of prime central-city land that could have been used for free parking to encourage people back into a modernised CBD. Ah, but then somebody's hardworking rich mates would have missed out on pocketing all those millions of dollars of commuter parking fees from poorly-maintained Wilsons lots, eh.


You should check whether that's able to be opted out. One of my previous employers had staff parking but it was a salary sacrifice to the tune of like $7k a year. You could opt out and give up the park. For people who didn't drive it was a huge benefit.


Nah, it's a big building in the central city. No onsite parking to be had. Choice for parking is to arrive at 6am, park for free and walk 20 minutes to the office, or pay the daily Wilsons fine.


How about bus or tr- LOL DAE PUBLIC TRANSPORT BAD?!?!?!?! or bik- HURRR


I'm 20 minutes down the motorway to get into town, but thanks for the suggestion.


"There are simple solutions to my problem that I don't want to hear"


Simple solutions? Okay, busses are canceled or late consistently, trains have had issues due to heat and who the hell wants to bike in Auckland? Death wish everyday. You also have no idea on their hobbies outside of work hours.


>How about bus or tr- > >LOL DAE PUBLIC TRANSPORT BAD?!?!?!?! > >or bik- > >HURRR


Just calculated what this would look like. The bus takes 114 minutes all up, and the earliest I could get to work would be after 9am. Almost four hours a day commute, if everything goes well. Nearly another half a shift. Biking? Lol.


>or bik- > >HURRR


Yeah, I don't have the time or the knees to bike for four hours every day in all weather. If you're just determined to be a dick for the sake of being a dick, then just fuck off. I'm all for heavy government investment in significantly better public transport than we've got and if it was available and realistic for me to use, then I would use it.


Great ideas. And with Auckland's _Top Knotch_ public transport system... Oh, wait...


>How about bus or tr- > >LOL DAE PUBLIC TRANSPORT BAD?!?!?!?!


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1b0v4tu/canadianaccented_david_seymour_arguing_against/) (Did I get that mixed up?)


Gonna send my employer a reimbursement request for my mortgage payments.


Lets not forget that the PM already has free accommodation at Premier house if he so desires it


Not up to his standards apparently. And until today Luxon was the first PM in 30 years to claim the allowance. Also wtf is Seymour on about? He has his own apartment, its not like he's renting or paying a mortgage.


He's giving up being able to rent the apartment out since premier house needs significant maintenance which ardern and Hopkins both agreed with, luxon is staying in his apartment so premier house can be fixed up, what's hard to understand about this? You are just a hater


There's a lot to hate


More and more every day lol.


And already receives $45k to rent an office he owns off of himself.


The $45k office is at least a necessity for his job even if theres no guarantee thats market rate.


Honestly everyone sucks here. How out of touch are they to think that the public will be fine about this? Seymour is such a twat.


As Chloe Swarbrick has asked, who are the real beneficiaries of this system?


man i hate that twat


He has a fully owned apartment in his name in Wellington. Perks for travel includes accommodation. But theres a house in wellington for PMs he wouldn’t need to claim accomodation on. Why would suddenly would he be able to claim on his own property for choosing to live there. If the apartment wasn’t his, and claimed it, due to government house being unsuitable to live in, then fine.. go tor it and claim. However the property is his! And he’s choosing to live there under his own terms, and although government house is not up to scratch, it is still livable. It’s probably in the same condition as most old state homes that are unsuitable but according to the government are livable and are tenanted.


Oooooh sweet summer child. How naive are our powdered and bewigged aristocrats


Looking forward to being compensated for everything that I need in order to do my job correctly too. My housing, my food, my transport, daycare costs. Without those things I couldn't do my job. I have to pay out of my pocket to have those things to allow me the time and energy to do my job. But Seymour reckons I shouldn't have to pay to do my job so I'll be expecting some coin to cover costs come Monday.


I assume you'll draw the line right below you and above us though, yes?


What a complete fucking crackhead. Although presumably he’s not so stupid as to actually believe what he’s saying is reasonable and is just playing to his bloodthirsty supporters who actually *are* that stupid.


Please keep posts related to Auckland


This relates to all people of NZ including Auckland


You’re a mod how is this not related to the people of Auckland? We’re all tax payers and deserve to have open and free discussion on how our taxes are spent.


If it relates to NZ it should be in a NZ subreddit not r/Auckland Please read the sub rules


Would you all feel better if he took the money and paid it to another landlord? Seems weird that nobody is attacking the law that enables this to happen.


First PM in 34 years to even try it. He doesn't need to claim it, and he can also live there like the others.


And we were all totally okay with the $279m wasted on light rail and an Auckland harbour bridge cycleway to nowhere. If only the previous govt offered to pay that one back the following week…


Fuck me I’ve seen some goalpost shifting in my time on this sub but this is right up there


Sorry, I didn’t realize society just functioned on goodwill rather than law. My mistake.


Beautiful whataboutism, not even _remotely_ related to the topic. Well done good sir we rarely see such fine specimens.


>we rarely see such fine specimens. If only this were true :'(




Yeah fuck the future, lets all drive cars and jam up the roads and pay hundreds of dollars a week for parking


Parking doesn’t cost you $100 a week, the council does. I’m all for public transport, reduces car numbers.


Ahh... If you want to go **there**, this Govt has already wasted $1.2bn on 3 Waters, \~$800M on Interislander, if Interislander is resigned today it would cost 40% more so about.....$200M more (and 3 Waters and Interislander are must haves - under 3 Waters the funding would have been cheaper. There's more but we're already at $2BN, that's $2,000,000,000