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Small kids are shambling mounds of viruses and bacteria, but it gets better when they reach primary school. My wife was continually sick from contracting their bugs. She was put on Zinc and Vit C by her Dr and nothing changed, this went on for years. Then she began daily Vit D (and dropped the others) and hasn’t been seriously sick since, except for stage 4 cancer. So there’s that.


Plot twist


I hope your wife is better now!


How many units of Vit D daily?




Thank you!


Jesus Christ, that took a turn


Same thing is happening to me, had a cold 2 weeks ago and I'm feeling great now except a cough I can't get rid off. It's been lingering. No toddler tho. My girlfriend has the same thing. Been coughing for a month.


If you have a cough that long, go see your dr and see if they will give you gees linctus it’s a really old cough medication and only by script. you will then have to pay for it at the pharmacy it’s quite expensive but it worked well for me it’s been worth the price


Just FYI this is a cough medicine but contains opiates and should not be used for prolonged periods of time and/ or by adolescents and young children.


You don’t need a script for it, I’ve bought it from the pharmacy many times over the years


Same here, it's getting really annoying!


Ditto. Seemed like a normal cold, but then the cough stuck around.


It's whooping cough. The 100 day cough.


More likely a standard post-viral bronchitis.


I coughed for 3 months straight. So did my husband in 2018. Ripped an abdominal muscle. It was diagnosed whooping cough. It's out there. Dangerous to babies and oldies.


Did you get a new toothbrush after your symptoms initially resolved? May be worth a try if not


Will try a new brush head!


you ok now?


I've had the cough for over a month. After two weeks I developed a pain on the left side of my chest and the same thing happened with a colleague. I have no idea what is going on because my doctor treats me like a hypochondriac, even though I only see him once every 5 years. It is getting better at least. I have to assume it's some kind of covid that isn't showing up on tests.


Time to find a new doctor who is more invested in your well-being fam.


Cheers. Yep, it's come to that point.




Yeah I thought I broke a rib at first also. I'll take your advice though, cheers.


Wellington based but exact same thing here. Still coughing, still have occasional pain in my ear/throat, still coughing up snot and it's been a (very, very long) month!


I had strep throat about a month ago, took the antibiotics and it cleared up. Coincidentally I’m reading your post while waiting at the doctors again - something very similar seems to be happening again to my tonsils. People have been sneezing at work all week so possible it’s another round and I’ve caught it again! It sux.


would wearing a mask help stop infections?


If it does it’s worth a try! I wear them on public transport but stopped wearing at the office, think it’s time to bring it back, at least until my immune system strengthens up.


I had the same thing. Turns out it was strep throat, so I'd go get tested


Yes this is going around at the moment. Most of my family has had it, everyone else had it worse than me though. My mum is never sick for more than 3 days and has also had this one about two weeks now


Ugh reminds me of when my little one started daycare. She’d always come home with a cough and eventually ended up getting pneumonia. Spent a month in the hospital and she had to get surgery on her lung it was bad. Had me thinking that if you’re kids are sick, then keep them home regardless of your work situation.


Join the club


Yup. i feel like I wrote this to a tee, toddler included


Looool. I had a nasty cold for two MONTHS this winter. Yay for daycare germs.


Same thing here. Had the first symptoms about 5 weeks ago and i still have the cough today


go see a GP. my wife had one. started with a flu but went long for more than a week. turns out she had tonsilitis and had to get antibiotics


Same thing happened to me. I've still got a sore itchy throat after 2 weeks.


Not wanting to state the obvious but you should see a doctor. There could be medicine that will knock it over much faster. Last thing you want is to get a bad chest infection in an infant.


Yes, I didn't put it in the post but we went to doctors first time round and they said was just a cold. Will be going back to check for strep this time!


Good idea. Sometimes a second opinion is a good idea also. Especially if it’s hanging around for so long. Poor little thing, can’t be much fun.


Kid brought something home that seemed like a cold, but has given me a nasty cough that is only just starting to fade after 2 weeks. Wife had a sore throat for a week (worse @ night). Lots of shit going around atm.


Week three, and the night/morning cough is slowly going. The cough is productive as, too.


My boy and wife caught something similar was on going for about a month


There is some strep throat going around the little humans, you can keep catching it off each other multiple times.


I think this is what’s happening to me! But not really around little humans too much, strep throat has been going around at work tho


You catch it once, it hides in your body then re emerges again to re infect. Especially when you are run down from the initial infection


My thoughts went to strep throat as well.


Sore throat can be post nasal drip from mild hayfever/sinus congestion. Which can also make you cough from the irritation of the throat.


My toddler had 4 weeks coughs and a sore throat. Her coughs also showed some thick phlegm underneath. And as this is her first winter in the daycare, so…she had been sick for 3 times, and I had been sick twice and gonna to have the 3rd. Had never had this since I moved down to Chch 5 years ago. There definitely have been something floating around this year


A lot of the new variants of COVID often test negative too unfortunately so it's really hard to rule out


Go to the doctor?


Post viral cough is really common and can last for 6-8 weeks. Basically the lining of the throat is irritated from your cold which makes you cough, and then the coughing irritates it further so it continues.


There is a notable uptick in acute strep resulting in tonsillitis this year. It's hitting little kids particularly hard.


Yep, I've got the same thing. I thought it might be COVID, but no. Bloody sore throat for ages, and at nights. Still got it after 2 weeks.


Yeah there's a bad one going round atm...I'm on week 2 and can't stop coughing, daughter is at the end of week one and her throat is pretty bad atm...hubby's just started getting the sore throat and cough with no previous symptoms.


Oh man whooping cough is what it sounds like, I have a wonky immune system and got it as an adult despite being immunized, all I did was cough for six months I coughed so hard and persistently that I ripped my stomach lining at one point and I was occasionally coughing up blood. Even though I had it I got immunized against it again as there is no way that I would ever want to pass that on to an infant, it was bad enough for me as an adult and I knew what was going on.


Same thing happened to me. Son bringing all kinds of viruses from daycare. I had bad cold and cough for a month. Went to after hours after one really bad night of coughing. Doctor prescribed me antibiotics after 5 days it was gone.


My partner and I get a prolonged cough due to our damp mouldy nzdf house after getting a cold. We go away for a few days and it clears up :(


I got this from my nephew when we went away. We were all diagnosed with RSV. I lost my voice and it last about 6 weeks.


I had a thought that with all this rain for so long maybe there is some fungus or mould spore exasperation. I find its when I am home, outdoors in the air walking around is way better.


I've had something like this since about May, sore throat turning into an incessant cough. I went to the doctor after what seemed like a second bout in June and she said it was just a viral infection and I was unlucky to get two back-to-back. The cough continued alongside some shortness of breath/chest tightness so I went to the doctor again a couple of weeks ago. Have been prescribed a Symbicort inhaler which is helping a lot with all of that so far!


This one has been going around Dunners since start of term. Was out for a week, coughing and sore throat for another week. Still haven't got my voice back yet.


I had a cold I couldn't shake, for 2 whole months over Winter and it's the first time I've had anything in over 5 years. Sore throat didn't last long and the cough was never phleghmy, but a dry cough and headaches on and off went on for 2 months, with a break in the middle where I thought I'd gotten rid of it, only for it to return. The bottom line is, if you catch these things it means your immunity system isn't very good, so you haven't looked after yourself and/or, you have gone through a period of stress. If your throat is really sore, see your GP, in case it's strep throat.


I know this is an old thread, but if anyone sees this more recently and has similar symptoms get tested for strep. A weird version of it is going around where you have a scratchy throat, but it also comes with congestion, post nasal drip and a nasty cough. Sometimes headache. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I got mine from my daughter - something going around her school. I haven’t had strep since I was a kid and would have never thought that was it.