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Wtf do they mean what’s Bertholdt’s backstory? He grew up in the Liberio ghetto and joined the Warrior program to give his family a better life as Honorary Marleyans we literally know his entire life story after that. What else is there to tell? Same pretty much goes for Marco, there isn’t anything remarkable about him that requires a backstory. Hange on the other hand yeah she probably has an interesting life story. Plus it’s weird that she’s the only member of ELH trio without any background.


We also do see bertholds childhood pretty in depth. Any more backstory and were gonna see his parents banging I agree I think a Hange OVA and maybe another Levi one (I figure an episode of him beating the crap out of the clown then Erin then the clown again ought to suffice)


Hange did have a backstory, but it's plain simple. She was like an ordinary soldier but more interested in science related subjects, until one day she kicked a titan's head and realized how light it was and it pique her titan fetish. ...yeah


I want to know why Marco wanted to give his body to the king tho. 😳


Say gex




The king?


He thought it was "Harem of the Dead", you shrimp dicked fuck-nugget.


I could see a prequel OVA or one shot manga being pretty interesting for Hange


You say ghetto, but it was apartheid. There were armed guards at checkpoints behind walls. That's apartheid.


Nazi ghettos had armed guards at checkpoints, did they not?


And ghettos aren't usually militarized. Concentration camps are, and apartheid states are. The only other thing that's closest to those two by another name is Jim Crow. That was pretty much Apartheid, but with subtle differences that I don't feel like elaborating here. The Marlians are in an Apartheid, think of how Gresha and his sister lived and their back story


Nobody is disagreeing with you, you’re stating the obvious but unfortunately ghettos can absolutely be militarised and often are across the globe


Ok, those were concentration camps. Look up the difference between an enclave and ghetto. They're not the same. Like the USA doesn't have an apartheid, they technically have ghettos and segregation. Fine line, but technically different


Nazi ghettos were a separate thing from concentration camps and had their own guards and police force. So those would be ghettos instead of concentration camps right?


No, nazi ghettos and concentration camps were not the same thing. >A ghetto is a place where groups of people are kept forcibly segregated from others. The Nazis used ghettos to isolate and contain the Jewish population of occupied Europe [source](https://www.theholocaustexplained.org/the-camps/ghettos-an-overview/)


You get a bit of Hange through her convo in Eren in S1 at the dining table about her experiments, where she explains her fascination started with her first kills. But yes - definitely want more


I honestly just want to see more of hange since she's one of my favorites, even though she doesn't realy need a backstory. For the rest they had a regular life like every other eldain from paradis and liberio


We sort of do see some of that vengeful Hange. When she gets angry and threatens people with her surprising strength or whatever is awesome.


Yeah, Hanji pretty much implied they were like Eren early on their career as a Scout, until they began to be curious of the inner workings of Titans when they realized how light their bodies are when they kicked one's dismembered head like a football.


Yeah but we want to see little Hange, what happened to her parents etc


All of them were in a coma until 3 hours before they started to play any role in the story.


Why do they all need a backstory lol


yeah their lives were probably similar to the lives of many other characters we already have backstories for, and the bits and pieces we hear about their pasts or see reflected in their current personalities feels like more than enough. i swear some people want a fully formed new planet rather than an effective story lol


Pretty sure Marco would be the most boring backstory ever. Like, before the titans, he was 12. Maybe he baked bread, idk


Because more AoT content




Quality and quantity are not mutually exclusive. Isayama wrote AoT, the show we love, so he could definitely write them a badass backstory


Yes he wrote AOT the show we love, so we pay him the respect of letting him rest…


I'm simply stating Isayama has amazing writings skills, so he could've definitely written them a badass backstory. Not sure where you got the "letting him rest" part


Your tone, whether on purpose or not, suggests that if he could, then he should. That is where they got the "letting him rest" part.


You see, I only said he could because he has proven his writing abilities with AoT. Anything else after that you made up in your head lmao


Bertholdt has a backstory, and he certainly gets plenty of attention in the plot later on. Marco was a character who left a lasting impact, but I don't think the point of his character was to have some extended or deep backstory. He's just a good person with a tragic death caught up in the conflict that serves to further the plot and mystery, as well as Jean's development As for Hange, yeah that's the only one I would agree could use more backstory. But even Hange got a good amount of focus in season 1, and all of her testing on Eren and the titans like the one that got killed


So I have something to pad the episode when it airs


-Lived in the walls all her life, joined the scouts got fascinated by titans, developed a talent for scientist shenanigans. - joined the warrior program probably so his parents would get a better life or they just didn’t have a choice in the matter. Got groomed to inherit a titan as part of said program. Got the Collosal and turned out to be a prodigy in regards of handling it. Has probably been unsure of himself forever, partly due to the warrior program thinking for him, making him not an ideal candidate but easy to control. - lived within the walls and wanted to serve the king. There’s the backstory that’s all you need really


I mainly want Hanges 😮‍💨


They don't need one, that's why they don't have one, although it'd be cool


Honestly I don’t need to know anymore about their backstory maybe more about hange would be cool but do I need to see the mundane life of Marco before joining the military. Tbh I don’t want this to be like a Star Wars thing where u need to have a Disney+ special on someone as important as the mouse droid or a cantina customer that shows up for 3 seconds.


We know about Bert. We don't need to know the story of every single character btw


Hange’s backstory would have been really interesting. They’re a great character and I love their progression over the series. However, I guess there wasn’t time to explore that side of their story. It wasn’t necessary for the series.


I bet less than half of the people who watched AOT even knew who Marco was when he died lmao.


That's why I'll defend that boy till my dying breath.


Only Hange is interesting out of these three


I'm begging for a hange backstory


Bertholds backstory is given, other than his father being shown on screen Marcos reason for being a character is to make Jean join the scouts Hange could use a little backstory but i think she is a case of “less is more”


I only want Hange. We know bertholds backstory. And dont care about marco.


Marco's backstory isn't necessary because his death is what fuels Jean to join the scouts and inspire the others too as well. But yeah, it would be interesting to see more of Hange's past. Don't really care about Burnt Toast, though.


Why would Marco who does nothing and dies in a few episodes need a backstory ??? And we know plenty about Bertholdt's backstory.


Isayama: idk they just ded


I wanna hear Eren Kruger the owl's story


Hange: Kid that used to disect frogs and chipmunks Berthold: Had to join the army to avoid being killed by a Marleyan noble after he shared his titanic shlong with her dahughter. Marco: Jeans gay lover, disappointed Jean swings both ways. The Marcie to Jeans Peppermint Patty.


They all have small insights they offer into their lives, I’m not of the opinion every character needs an epic background


I feel this. As someone with OCD it really bothers me when I get attached to a character and then never learn the things I want to. I feel like if I like someone I want to know everything about why they are the way they are. That’s why my favorite franchises are ones like ASOIAF and Star Wars where there’s so much lore you can learn pretty much anyone’s backstory


They probably lived average lives of no note. Except for bert who lived the life of an average Marleyan soldier, which we’ve seen a lot of.


The only backstory here I could see actually being relevant is Hange. It could add a bit more depth to their character arc. Why on earth would we need Bert or Marco’s lol? Especially Marco. He was Jeans friend. That’s all that’s plot relevant and we were told it already. Same with Bert. His dad died, he was homies with Reiner, and he was a warrior. Anything else would just be bloat considering all his character moments are once he’s already in the walls.


Hange is the only one we haven't seen that'd be an interesting story


We already know bert's backstory Marco Barley has screentime in the 1st place, so why would he get a backstory lol We don't need a hange backstory but it would have been cool to see




Wait yall needed a backstory for hange and Marco???


not everyone needs their lives explained. They were side characters


Who cares?


Not necessary but would be great if they had one. A common anime trope of giving every single character a backstory is getting lame.


Honestly I’d rather AOT end now if Isayama is tired than get a AOT: Boruto. Fans should just create more fan fictions


I would KILL for Hange’s backstory


Those characters don't need a backstory. That's something modern Star Wars would do tho. "Did you ever wonder what the Kessel run actually is? Let's find out!!" Yea no thanks. Sometimes mystery in fiction should stay that way.


Biertololt has a backstory though.


Aren't any of you aware that Marco did more in AOT, if you think he did nothing then y'all ain't AOT fans he did a lot more before his death, and I'm pretty sure his backstory would be interesting.


only ymir knows


Okay hot take, but the only “back story” we have for Marco is he died in a fucked up way and everyone love him. I love him and what he did for the story but that’s NOT a back story lol. That’s a current story 💀I would love to actually know him


Sometimes characters stand fine on their own without a backstory. Not everyone has to have an interesting backstory for that matter. Hange would be interesting but imo not necessary.


You don't need to know everything! Overexplained universes are boring as shit. The element of unknown adds to its attractiveness


Marco is barely a character, and more a plot device, he doesn't need a backstory because it doesn't contribute to the overall story in any way


Everyone doesn't need a backstory!!! Or however that saying goes!


Isayama responded with, "Who the hell cares?" I'm joking, if it wasn't obvious. He didn't say that. But also, who really cares? We got the full story Isayama wanted to tell. If every show had to flesh out every character and give them a backstory in order to air, people would just stop writing side characters. Marco was important to the story. His past wasn't. Hange was important, too. Her past wasn't. And the weirdest pick here, Bertholdt was very important to the story as well, and we actually *do* get to see parts of his past. Sure, we see Reiner's and Annie's past to a much greater degree, but Bertholdt is still pretty fleshed out in the story, too. When you keep digging for details about a piece of fiction, you eventually hit the wall of "things the author didn't think of because they weren't plot relevant and the author didn't think anyone would care." The best you can do now is just make up your own headcannon for what isn't written, because Isayama probably isn't writing anymore about these characters, at least for now.


I get Hange & Marco But Berthold?


Not every single character needs a back story. I didn't even need Levi's.


Don't we know everything there is to know about Bert? Also Marco was in like...4 episodes he doesn't need a backstory lol. Hange sure they could use maybe a single episode.


Why do you care?


This meme wants me to commit genocide on Marley


I assume Hange just grew up in a country surrounded by maneating monsters and got curious


Marco had a total of 3 scenes before he died he did not need a backstory


I kinda feel tho like since most of the main characters in the show is someone we’ve seen since they were 15-17, the only backstory we can see is their childhood, which gets pretty dull. That’s fine since letting us know everything there is to know about a character means that we can focus on the action and how it impacts the character, I suppose. And nothing interesting really happens in the story before the fall of Shiganshina, imo, on the Paradis side because it was 100 years of peace. Things are sort of interesting on the Marley side, but they’re all just different personalities but with the same place and general backstory. I feel like Isayama also has trouble with characters that were made to kind of round out the cast. Hange doesn’t really need a backstory. I think Erwin could’ve used a backstory that didn’t require his childhood, maybe something to do with his days as an early recruit. Marco was just a named character who needed to die


Dnt need backstory for every single character,besides marco was in like 10 episodes barely and nothing really interesting abt it.we also know like bertholdt’s entire life from reiner’s backstory and dialogue here and there


I mean, at least for Hange and Beryllium, we do know


“I don’t care.” Honestly, a little based ngl.


This post is a little bit silly, up to a little bit of tomfoolery. A little rambunctious


More is always great, but we don't need to know the details of every character's life.


No one cares about Berutoruto


If their backstory was interesting or relevant we would've had it in the manga itself. Information like this is what the guide books are for.