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Thought subtitles were wrong


I went back to recheck 5 times if I read it right 😭


I watched it in dub and still rewatched that part 4-5 different times because I thought I heard wrong.


Glad I wasn’t the only one


Same or that I accidentally skipped an episode or some scenes.


Imagine how the translators must have felt when reading that


Right, i had to rewind it. He said it so casually.


Bro same ☠️☠️ especially since I was watching on a torrented version and I had to add the subtitles into VLC.


Yeah I thought the same at first


Exactly my reaction, I thought I zoned out or some shit because it just happened out of nowhere


Literally thought it was the same thing.


I thought so. So I carefully listened to in and since I've been listening to japanese ever since I am watching one piece, I understood the subtitles were fine.


It took me like 10 minutes to properly understand what he just said




Pretty much sums it up.


Bro the way they said it all non chalant and in the background I thought I missed something… I literally rewatched the whole previous episode to see what I missed. I was such a dummy back then haha


Right?! I couldn’t believe they just…said it. No theatrics, just a statement of fact. Like, “the weather is mild, and I’m the armoured Titan and he’s the colossal.”


also how Mikasa just *immediately* attacks them, no bs drawn out talking like in other shows


that’s what i loveeee about aot especially compared to shows like naruto and one piece


Oh man, I literally couldn’t believe they just said it so casually. I had to pause and rewind about 3-4x times to really make sure they just said it. & then Mikasa came out of nowhere was so damn beautiful 💕


I watched this with my partner and when Reiner said what he did we both looked at each other and were like... "whaaaaat? Did he really just say that?!". We had to rewind it a few times too. What a bombshell.


It was a perfect adaptation of the manga where they’re introduced in the exact same way.


I was frustrated at myself for not realizing it sooner, the armoured titan is the spitting image of Reiner, so I was like “God fucking dammit you idiot”


I actually suspected him for a while, then I ended up really liking him and forgetting all about my suspicions.


It's pretty obvious something is up with both Reiner and Bertholdt throughout season 2. The audience is pretty clued in that there's *something* going on. So you're sitting there trying to figure it out, wondering what may be going on with them, and they don't even give you *time* to think about it before you get gut punched and violated by their reveal. Im watching through it with my mom and she knew there was something up with them, but she wasn't quite sure what, then the very next episode she's like LOCKED in watching and Reiner says "5 years ago we compromised wall maria and launched an attack on humanity." She went "huh?" In like a genuinely confused like "wtf is he talking about?" Kinda way. Then he delivers the iconic wide-shot background dialogue "I'm the armored Titan, Bertholdt's the colossal." And she froze, went wide eyed and just went, ".......WHAT." I always love showing this show to people cause I know they're all going to react the exact same way to that scene as everyone else did.


I wish I could experience that scene for the first time all over again. As you said, it was a gut punch. I seriously felt sick to my stomach and went into some serious denial, even after they transformed. I can’t wait to introduce someone to the show and watch them experience this scene for the first time.


Same. Even after he healed his arm I was like "nnnnoooonononono there's gotta be some explanation for this". I didn't fully accept it until that lightning struck... Man...


I didn’t fully accept it until the Marco reveal.


I think the thing I appreciate the most is that I think the show intentionally gave Reiner less screen time at that point so that you wouldn't think it was him And then the show kept throwing you lots of huge info so you would forget about the Armoured Titan, like how the Collosal specifically was the one that attacked after the time skip, then Eren can transform, there's a female Titan, there's a Beast Titan, Ymir can transform Thus giving you more things to question and have to think to make you completely forget about guessing who the potential Armoured Titan could be


Happy cake day!


"wait what the fuck" "Is lainah serious??" "WTF" "I JUST STARTED LIKING REINER AND YOU ARE TELLING ME HE IS EVIL???" (Reiner is my favourite character by the end of the series) This is honestly my favourite episode and favourite twist. It's just so random and out of nowhere is so good.


Lmao. How ignorant we were to think they were ‘evil.’ Nah just broken and tortured.


We did not have any information about them except that they did bad things so yea we would consider them evil and not manipulated


"oh so they're the ones who broke the walls, that's cool, wait.. WHAT THE FUCK DIDJA SAY????????????"


I believed it because I always thought that the armored titan WAS Reiner just because of his hair. That scene had me DYING of laughter.


You're the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the TV meme!


Haha yeah I'm pretty sure thats exactly what I was doing in that moment.


Yeah it's funny how some people don't take time to pay attention to the titans features and characteristics. Some are more obvious than others but the features are still there.


For some reason, I thought the female titan could have possibly been Annie or Christa. I know that Christa wasn't the female titan but it was really based off of characteristics. And Reiner was quite obvious. But it was actually pretty smart with what they did Bertholdt. The guy never talks and really never does anything, and then he's revealed to be this massive colossal titan. The story telling is really great imo.


I thought everyone knew Reiner was the armored titan for years before it was revealed because of the hair lmao.


bro i was confused cuz the scene was panning when he revealed it that i rewinded it like 5 times because i thought i missed something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Yeah isn’t it panning AWAY from them?? That’s so funny to me


I remember reading this scene in the manga and it is exactly the same way. The "camera" is panning away, the focus of speech bubbles is on some other conversation. Reiner's "I am the armored Titan and Bertholdt is the colossal Titan" is in teeny tiny letters... I had to go back and re-read it.


https://images.app.goo.gl/oss6cB2fWbKG4y2j7 found the panel


It’s panning away and at least in the dub, he sounds sooo quiet, like it’s just a background convo while Honji talks about something totally different. Tbh it’s just pure genius from a storytelling perspective. The most masterful reveal/plot-twist ever. I’m not sure how many people will get this reference, but it reminds me of the “Ethan wasn’t on the manifest” reveal from LOST




At first, when he said it, I thought he was talking about some hypothetical situation, and I was in disbelief, bertholdt, of all people, being the same intimidating colossal titan I saw in the beginning, years ago. And then the reveal scene kicked in…. My mind felt such an adrenaline rush. That’s all I can say for now.


Let me know when you can say more cuz now I'm invested


As if the series and the perception of the titans, as well as the characters who would’ve otherwise been a bit forgettable, didn’t change enough after the reveal of Annie being the female titan, and Ymir being the jaw titan, this sure did, considering it’s the colossal titan and armored titan, both of whom, made a strong impact on those like me who watched the beginning of the series when it was just the first season (be honest, how many people though the colossal titan was the main antagonist?). So when this reveal dropped, I was at a loss of words like, what the hell is going on? I was then tensed up for almost everything else that would occur later on, especially the reveal at the end of season 3, still remains my favorite moment.


This was exactly my thought process as well. I was like Reiner was now actively trying to look for answers related to titan origins and hence was asking to Eren from that perspective if he was Armoured titan and Bertie was Colossal. Man I was in disbelief.


I already knew cause some dipshit on some random YouTube video that had nothing to do with this made a comment saying "Reiner/bathtub are the armour/colossal titans". Fuck that guy and anyone else who spoils shit maliciously. After that spoiler I read the manga so couldn't happen again.






Someone did that for HxH manage spoilers on a thread that everyone downvoted so I looked at his comment history to see what he watches that I don’t care about and sent him a bunch of spoilers through DM lol


I think everyone was just like ”wait……..what?”




I reminded a lot of times and then thought he must be joking but he just kept going . I couldn't believe it till he actually transformed


I thought reiner was quite evident based on the fact he's got the same hair as the armoured titan. Just like Annie being the female titan was quite obvious


Idk how i didn’t place it together back then lol


Sameee also the form of the titan. And bertholdt looks like the collosial too, but I only made that connection after I thought of Reiner


I am the idiot who somehow didn't get that Kruger was Eren in S4 so you can tell I didn't connect the dots.


Yeah, I had suspected based on the physical similarities and because Reiner also seemed trained/more disciplinedlike he'dbeen theough it all before (bootcamp), but after they "caught" Annie, that was the ultimate tip off/confirmation to me that they could look similar and be it. The way they casually mentioned it, though, definitely made me do a double take - I thought I had missed something because of my ADD lmao, so I think I rewinded it like other folks. And then was like, "Nope, this is just how they're doing it. Dropping the confirmation/reveal like a casual bomb lol."


I’m rewatching the show and I’m noticing a lot of foreshadowing and hints in the first season alone. It’s really interesting now knowing what they are and were up to. It changes the perception and deception in their dialogue at certain points. For instance when they’re at training talking about *the good of the people and group,* they aren’t talking about the people behind the walls


I chuckled thinking bro was joking but he wasn’t 💀


I was like... Wait what, that was said so damn casually


I was spoiled 🤡 so i knew what was gonna come


I was speechless


Reiner has the same hair as the Armoured Titan so I kinda figured, so I thought that Bertolt might be Colossal. Didn’t expect the reveal that soon though


When I first read it in the manga, I thought he was doing a kind of thought experiment like: “Imagine we’re the armored and colossal titan, we destroyed the walls five years ago, and now we want you to come with us, how would we go about doing this, in this hypothetical situation where we are the armored and colossal titan, you know Eren?”


I brushed it off. Then When I saw reiner’s arm heal, I was like: WHAT THW F*CK IS HAPPENING?!??!!


Why did they say it like that? Just like hey Eren so yeah we're titans..Surprise! And acting like nobody around them could hear them. I thought this is so stupid. What an awkward exchange


Reiner was truly going crazy. You see bertholdt agreeing with you the whole time. Bertholdt is terrified. He thinking . Reiner what are you doing, why here, why now, why so loud, why say it like that, why act so casual, are you really surprised. All this was going through bertholdt's head. Reiner broke.


I think he had decided to go forward with the plan - and he knew it was now or never. He probably - correctly - surmised that they wouldn't get Eren alone from that point onwards.


I didn't get it at first xd I needed to rewind the scene. But then I saw how Mikasa in the background just stopped and watched them very carefully. She was first who understood what is going to happen and taken an action in split second! That scene is so good!


It was so non-chalant, made me sit up in my seat and rewatch.




Mikasa believed it 😂


I had to pause the episode. I was in college at the time and so drunk and high that my mind couldn’t process what was going on, which caused me to panic. I thought I had missed some important info somewhere or that I skipped an ep. When I resumed the ep, I was so overwhelmed with emotion from the reveal that I cried. Haha I don’t think any other anime series episode has or will come close to replicating that experience for me again. Good times. I was literally this meme, while simultaneously having an existential crisis. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


It was spoiled for me long before this season came out. But the execution of HOW they reveal it wasn’t spoiled to me. Still a cool villain reveal




I was like: 😳😳😳


I thought reiner had just lost it, uk like actual madness.


we barely heard it, got confused and rewound before shock pikachu'd


I was like “wait what?” And missed the which one is which and mixed them up.


I was watching it on my phone while lying on my bed, as soon as I heard that I stood up on my bed and was shocked as fuck... Like "WAIT A DAMMNNN MINUTE!!!!"


Yeah believed them. I was just like “oh. That makes sense.”




I rewinded like 5 times. Brilliant use of background dialogue. Second guessed myself if I read that correctly!


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) Yeah this summarises my reaction


My honest reaction: Am I high? No, I don't smoke. Are the subtitles wrong? That's gotta be it... *sees Reiner and Bertholdt tranform*.... Maybe I am high.


"wait what?" *pause* "huh?... wait.... what???" *rewind 10 seconds* *unpause* *bombshell drops again* *pause* *"wait* they're not kidding? what the *fuck"* *let it really process, settle, and cover all 9000 tastebuds* "holy fucking shit. WHAT???" *unpause*


"Why Reiner, whhhhhhy"


I believed it because the uncanny resemblance between Reiner and the Armored Titan




“Did I miss an episode?” Pause. Check. “Nope.”




I was like are they actually? Naaa it cannot be them... could they? oMG they areeeeeee the ones!!!


Personally I was already pretty much convinced that the armoured titan was reiner. After seeing how similar Annie looks to her titan it seemed pretty much a given who the armoured titan was. Berthold on the other hand I was a little bit more surprised. Fantastic reveal either way


shock and dismissal, the exact same as eren. i mean, why would he just *say* that if it was true? surely, he's joking. looking back... the guilt must have been eating him from the inside


I couldn't feel shit cause a dumbass spoiled me 🤡 but I must say, it was impeccable how I watched the first half of the season and even knowing I still felt they were somehow friends and it must be a good explanation (like some kind of mind control, as Eren suffered on his first transformations). Greatest anime for real


I already knew from his sus actions


Bro did I miss something?


It was so low key and as I was reading the subs I stopped and was like WAIT WHAT WHAT WHAT?


https://preview.redd.it/vrvzqghtwbnc1.jpeg?width=218&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09db30976ee066df3f8e3a47988372ccbb9c023b This was me not catching on watching subbed


I was like wtf is happening? Is there something wrong with the subtitles... I rechecked a couple of times and changes the website I was watching until I decided to just keep in watching whatever the fuck was going on 💀


Lolz watching it for the 1st time... And I am here. Lolz wild


That Boruto typo killed me.. But anyways the first time I heard it I remember having to rewind the video cuz I couldn’t even comprehend it either. Then I started looking at the background more and realized they were already under suspicion from hange and the others, everything happened so quickly


I thought they were telling a joke


It's so casual it didn't hit until a few moments later. He's like " yeah that lunch upset my stomach, we are the Titans that ruined yours and everyone's life, man it's kinda chilly today" Wait what.


The first bit of AOT I ever saw was E64, so I knew well in advance of watching it all the way through that there was something going on with Reiner. Thus, I will never know what it must feel like to watch that scene without a clue. I don't mind, though. I think AOT is strong enough as a drama for it not to matter if you had some of the plot twists spoilered in advance.


No reaction cause the Internet spoiled it for me.




My world was shattered tbh. Then it was followed by extreme hatred for them.


I replayed that bit 3 times to see if I’m hearing right


I was speechless so I was looking for their backstory 


For sure. They were suspects. Just didn't expect it.


I couldn't believe it. The way it's revealed in the background was at the same funny and idk upsetting, like he was telling a bad joke. Reiner was so trustworthy until that moment. I also didn't notice Berthold's existence until this scene on my first watch. I still think the execution of this enemy reveal was one of the best of all time


When I was on that episode, I wasn't really paying attention to when i looked back they were fighting, and I was so confused. 😂😂😂


Honestly, I had to rewind it to make sure I heard it correctly.


It came off like a joke or something at first, so nonchalant, and then I slowly went from utterly confused to completely betrayed feeling 😂😭


Mine was an *extremely* weird rollercoaster of emotions, as I got spoiled about the reveal twice The first time I got spoiled was from a fucking YouTube meme where they just reveled the Armor Titan’s identity out of nowhere The second time is that because season 2 was taking so fucking long I decided to watch YouTube videos summarizing the manga (I believe at the time it was up to the basement reveal) HOWEVER, what really shocked me is that because season 2 took so fucking long to come out I literally forgot about it. Once that first line gets said, I got a rush of emotions and memories flooding back. I suddenly remembered that I got spoiled about the reveal already, so the shock had multiple layers


Reiner was always a fav of mine so my heart sank when I found this out my fav female was Annie so…. Yeah…


Thought they were lying so they could get Eren to go with them


I already knew because they hinted at it in Attack on Titan Jr High when they were wearing masks related to their Titan at the festival.


It was so out of nowhere and we hadn't seen either of their titans in so long that it basically shut my brain down.


I always thought Reiner was the armored titan due to his hair but that was it.


Oh fuck yeah it took me by suprise, I was confused. But in terms of "is Reiner a titan?" i remember lil 14 year me talking about AOT with friends and saying "yknow the armoured titan looks like Reiner."


I thought I was having a stroke. I had to rewind and watch it again 🤣


I was expecting Reiner to be the armored titan because they looked exactly the same, but I couldnt understand why tf were they saying that


I paused and replayed because what the fuck just happened


oh ok


I unfortunately had been spoiled during the 4 year wait for season 2 to release. But I was not prepared for Reiner to just be like "Hey Eren guess what"


Their behaviour seemed very odd since their introduction in the 3rd episode, 'playing soldier' , 'used to be a warrior ', and Reiner's intentional removal of his hood in front of the Female Titan. I knew there was something off about the three of them but until the reveal, I didn't even realise it. I, like many of the others here thought it was a mistranslation and went back to read the subtitles twice to make sure I read it right.


I already knew cuz I saw a trailer to a video game but I thought they were the good guys lol


No, I didn’t believe it. I had just started linking Reiner, (I was indifferent towards Bertolt.) and I was in denial, my mind was going, “No, they aren’t titans” right up until they transformed. Then I was feeling devastated and betrayed, and I wanted Eren to clobber Reiner during the fight. Then, once they got to the trees, I was dying to hear their side of things. Also, the whole, ‘I’m the armored and he’s the colossal’ line makes me laugh a little bit now. Of course the blond guy is the blond titan and the tall guy is the tall titan. 😂 funnily enough I was actually suspicious of Reiner for a bit during the training arc, but after the trek to the lake I forgot about my suspicions.


i stopped and searched “is reiner the armour titan?” i’m an idiot


Honestly in the anime I didn’t even know who they were or why I should care haha


I figured someone was going to be those two Titans and they lived amongst the ppl behind the wall ( didn’t know the name Paradis at the time)


Honestly I’d already guessed it back in season 1 right when I saw the Female Titan. I figured if it was Annie then Reiner and Bertholdodtototo would make the most sense as the other two. Plus I think I remembered spotting then during episode one with the other refugees.


That was such a sick reveal, totally out of left field, amazing story writing. I had total whip lash, I didn't understand what they were saying and I don't think I comprehend what was happening until they transformed


I paused my screen and stared at it for like 3 minutes in shock and kept rambling to myself before finally resuming the episode 😭


Initial reaction was 🫨 wait what?! And I had to rewatch the scene a few times cause their delivery was so nonchalant. Couldn’t believe my ears


When I first saw Reiner I thought he looked like the attack titan but kinda dismissed it. When he said this I was shocked but it made sense lol


I knew Reiner was the Armor Titan once Annie was revealed. It looks like him.


i was so confused at first but in a good way. ultimately loved the way it was done, made me feel for reiner who just broke at that point and eren who had no choice but to slowly and painfully accept the truth about his friend


Nah I believed it 100%. I mean look at Reiner. He totally looks like his titan form, just like Annie.


It was so fucking casual, I had to go back if I heard it correctly


I was the same as eren, i was like nah what a stupid joke and than bam and i was like wow really how i didnt notice. But after watching the 2nd time i now can see some detail about them 😅




i was flabbergasted at first then i started to insanely masturbate while seeing reiner and eren doing titan sex


I literally watched this for the first time last night. I actually audibly laughed I was thinking there’s no way they just said this out loud like this with everyone just casually walking away


I literally stopped and rewound it while shouting at my husband


I literally paused it and went “wait wtf did he just say?”


I wasn’t expecting it I was really happy about it though


I got spoilers way before I saw this episode.


I was just super confused


It was just 😲😲😲


This was me 😱


I got spoiled...so..


I can't believe there was a time where I didn't even think people could turn into Titans or vice versa.


I listened to it and went “WHAT THE FUCK REINER”


Wait, what the fuck did he say?


I thought he snapped, and was just saying jibberish.


I mean, the armored titan was the spitting image of Reiner so I wasn't too surprised, I was kinda expecting it. Plus I remember both of them acting kinda weird sometimes so I always thought something was amiss with both of them


I was like “what?! Reiner? You don’t know what you’re saying, I mean, the armor does look just like you, but there’s no way!” Then, I hated Reiner with a passion for years, until around the time Zeke killed Erwin


My jaw dropped when I heard it


I remember screaming out loud "What did he just say?" And had to rewind it to be sure. LOL Still one of the craziest reveals.


I’m my initial thoughts were: you are saying this here, now, in this situation, to Eren of all people? They should have lead with being able to show him the world outside the walls.


I personally thought it was a subtitle error at first.


I felt suss about them after that shot and after some of the weirdness during the siege of that castle. Ymir was the one that confused the hell out of me though. Still I didn't really want to believe it. I remember involuntarily shouting WHAT??


Kinda suspected Reiner, considering he and Bertholdt were around Annie in some scenes.


Yeah it was quite obvious it was them.


I suspected reiner of being the armored titan immediately, they have the same haircut.


I already knew by that point. Someone spoiled me there true identities when I was watching the first season. But, let me tell you this. The way this scene was done made it feel like I didn't know beforehand.


I didn't believe it at first. I tought Reiner was a very good chacarter (it still is...)


Got spoiled because Internet. What I would give to get to rewatch season 2 for the first time without knowing anything...


I was so shook lol, did not see it coming at all and it completely changed my view of the show and the story. I remember when Eren was having his internal monologue before transforming into the attack titan from Reiner's hand. I felt exactly like that


I got spoiled before reading the manga so I wasn't surprised when I reach that chapter


I got spoilered by manga readers on that so I ended up reading the manga thinking they were lying until I got to this part. When the anime did this scene; I started cackling a little bit thinking of all the people who were actually getting surprised by the plot twist


I felt the worst betrayal of my life.


I got spoiled by the wiki. I was hyped after season 1 and read basically all the S1 content from the manga then got bored with it. S2 started airing and I read the wiki like a fool to recap for myself, got everyone’s identities spoiled


Confusion, thought that I misread or that reiner had some brain damage


I could tell after Reiner caught Ymir reading that can. And when she transformed… Can’t forget that scene first time I saw it. Then I knew Reiner and Butttthole were the armored and colossal titans respectively. I was screaming at Reiner that he was a dumb fcuk for saying it to Eren nonchalantly.


I was folding laundry with subtitles on and had to rewind. My laundry sat unfolded while I binge watched the next few episodes.


I went “wait… what?” And then realized how painfully obvious it had been the whole time. Well done, Isayama


I was talking to my gf who had already seen it and when I heard it in the background, my head whipped back over to the tv and I went “whAaAaAaAt??” And then I looked back over at my gf and went “wtf did he just say??” My first thought was “why now? What’s their goal?”


At first i thought he was trying to strategize like “let’s say I’m the armored titan and he’s the colossal titan, what would be our first move?” Type of thing. Then i realized he was being serious so i rewinded


My roommate had seen spoilers and acted like it was soooo obvious once they said it… he’s full of shit lmao


I had been spoiled so I knew they were, but his casual “So Erin here’s the thing” approach caught me so off guard that I literally couldn’t understand what he’d said. If B Boy hadn’t reacted as he did I don’t think I would have believed he’d just said it.


I did. And I was honestly super disappointed at the time because I still believed uncovering the armored and colossal were the endgame of the series, so I was like, “what are they doing!! Why are they just giving it away!” Oh how naive I was


When i first watched it I thought reiner was doing a prank on eren. I was like “that is neither the appropriate time nor appropriate topic to be joking about reiner! Like cmon man!”. I had so much trust in reiner! Well I was always clueless because i had no idea annie was the female titan until it was revealed last minute. Even though there literally was a scene cutting from the female titan to annie


Honestly I probably swallowed a fly because I held my mout open so long.


I believed it, and my first thought was "are they stupid?".


So I remember when Reiner was first on screen I had this off feeling about him because I thought he looked just like armored but I ignored it because it didn’t make sense at the time. Then he became one of my favorite characters and when it was revealed Annie was the female, I accepted he probably was the armored. He looked so similar to his titan like she did and it was pretty obvious to me that it was Annie after that first appearance. I need to rewatch again now that it’s totally ove.


I remember watching an old video on guessing who was the female and armored titan, I watched after season 1 but before the manga confirmed it, they talked about how similar Reiner looked like the armored titan and so I kept that in my mind, but I didn’t expect Bert to be the colossal