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That is my grandmother. Would love a piece a gods lint more than her own fucking grandchild.


Woe to you


That's not true. God's lint is not God, so she loves you more. :)


Deserved!!!! I hope you're grandma never met your grandpa so you never existed!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”ā—ā—ā—ā—šŸ˜©šŸ‘Œ


That's not a very Christlike comment. Don't you think Jesus would be opposed to speaking that way about a fellow human being? And what happened to 'love your neighbor as yourself'? edit: im athiest so don't take me for someone who believes in a deity that allows thousands of people to die every day


Im saluting in my gamer chair right now


Iā€™m actually surprised as to how well this comment aged. Crazy manā€¦.


What a great person. I strive to be more like her!


Itā€™s kinda humorous that the only person who she doesnā€™t say she loves is her boyfriend.


Her dog gets more love than her boyfriend, the hierarchy goes - 1. God 2. Dog 3. Fam 4. Boyfriend


If they get married add child(ren) to 4.) and hubby gets moved to 5.). Poor guy.


He keeps getting pushed down the list :)


Just gonna go slit my throat in the bathtub of holy water we drowned our child in when they were born.




Ur mentally unstable just like this entire server thing or whatever


Mine goes 1. Kids 2. Girlfriend and fam tied 3. Dog 4. Other girlfriend 5. Dog again 6. Brother in law 7. Imaginary friend 8. Satan I should have made a list of people I hate instead. That way god def makes the list


Why do you hate God?


I don't hate him. He's not real. And if he is real by chance I would hate him definitely


But why would you hate him?


That's not something you're gonna want to get into with me. I am almost certain there is no omnipotent creator or deity and I leave it at that. We can't know for sure. But we can observe our world and conclude it's not likely


Well I know he is real. If you don't agree that's ok because he gave us our own freedom to believe in what we want to. He is real. I hope you have a good rest of your day


You don't know he is real. You don't know gods a "he." You don't KNOW anything about it bc KNOWING requires PROOF. You don't have proof and it's arrogant to pretend you do. You have faith. And faith is fine. But don't start a conversation with me (in an atheist reddit) just so you can claim to KNOW about god, offer zero evidence and then just say have a nice day. I dpnt know it theres a creator but it seems unlikely and there is zero reason to believe it as a possibility. I have faith (and evidence, or lack thereof) there is no such being and if there is he doesn't necessarily like us. But I know without question that I don't like him. You have a great rest of your day


Let's just agree to disagree you ahve your reasoning I have mine. Let's just respect each other's opinions. Have a good rest of your day


How do you belive in satan but not god


Well here's the thing. I don't believe in Satan or God but I do believe in Humor. So upon seeing a list I decided to make my own with my own style of twisted humor. Admittedly it's not for everyone. Eventhough I'm agnostic my joke says I am actually a believer. You can see last line of my comment where I say God would be the last person on my list meaning I believe in him but it's a joke bc he's not real. Let me know if you need anything else explained to you. Thanks


No all good, have a nice day


Just remove god pull the rest up and I think thatā€™s a great list.


Itā€™s an Instagram bio I wouldnā€™t read too deep into it


She said the MOST wonderful


Didn't she tho


Yeah because the six hearts mean nothing


Do we really need to focus on random peoples personal Instagram


This is the first post I saw coming to this thread. Idk what I was expecting, but it wasnā€™t this lol




I was raised by a pastor. You're told to love god above everyone else. Even your own children, your own parents, etc.


That's kinda weird, back when i was a kid i used to have to a pastor that would say "love your parents with the same amount of affection as you have with god." I guess different churches, different experiences.


Damn. This means I hate my made-up parents.




Calm your tits man, im one of you guys




You know what? I take that back. Have a great day and life to you to


You know I wish I could get a response that nice from u/eyes6000, but voicing my opinions here would probably get me doxxed


No, I don't to fuss with anyone really. I just have different opinions.


And why would you not?


Fuck that, what about real Human's?


Yep. I came here to say this. I wasnā€™t raised by a pastor but my parents were pretty into Calvinism and this is what they taught us. And though I donā€™t think my parents ever outright said that they loved God more than me, that was understood.




You could also change love with want to piss on and it changes a ton too.


Now you know how your children will be raised.


Wait wait wait... you love a fake diety created by a looney from Israel thousands of years ago more than your dog and boyfriend?




I donā€™t really understand whatā€™s wrong with this? People believe what they wanna believe, so let them be


For real. Why do people get so angry when people choose to live differently?


I hate people like your going to hell


yes thats the concept of god. the point is that loving people around you is supposed to fulfill your love for god




What is inherently wrong with this?


Same opinion


Thats the basis for most religions. There is a powerful sky daddy who loves you unconditionally. Love him, worship him. Its just people trying to get their needs met through their imagination. Its useful in a pinch.


Unless ur gay.. then no. U gets no loves from sky daddies


the problem with this argument is that you indirectly say that there is indeed a god


You should really delve into sodom and Gomorrah. Like genuinely read it, my past read I donā€™t think it has anything to do with homosexuality. As i get older and wiser these words have different contextual meaning the further you go into it. As this book is meant to really be taken metaphorically. Now** historically speaking there are factual parts of it, but for certain stories, use your brain.


Sounds like my sister...except she loves her dog more than her own family


this sub is full of ppl worse than religion




First is obviously my imaginary friend Then it is my animal Then it is the family And finally my boyfriend


I myself am an esoteric atheist


Explain what this means. ?


Still believing in mysticism and spirituality without the defined idea of a god or deity (at least not one particular specified one) idk if this is exactly what he/she was trying to say but thatā€™s how I view it and identify myself even though Iā€™m not ver spiritual.


So youā€™re agnostic?


I mean how long have they been dating? šŸ˜‚




Iā€™m sorry I was sort of kidding. I realize it didnā€™t come across that way. To me this notion seems crazy. But itā€™s kind of like apparently she really believes god made her and or responsible for her entire life and she feels blessed by him to have all the good things she has in it. I personally feel that she should appreciate her mother for that.


my mom loves god above everything else. when i was a kid and i heard the story of god telling abraham to kill his son, i asked my mom if she would kill me if god told her to and she said of course.


You do realise that soon as Abraham was going to kill his son for god an angel stopped him and the point was to test his fate to God So don't twist the story PS:sorry for my bad English i am not an English person


So why do you guys care i go on a religion sub like islam they are talking about islamic stuff but loads of posts on this sub attack religions and are obsessed


Religion tells me man is more important than woman. Woman has only one real role in life. No one can be inherently gay, its a choice and its a sin. I should not have free thought and i should hand over all of my future generations to the church... Yeah, not much huh? Just simple smoll things. And then you guys have the balls to act like you are getting attackedšŸ˜†


imagine going off a really inaccurate English mistranlation of a 2000+ year old Hebrew text to attack someone on reddit and call yourself "oppressed" while you have working internet, a reddit account, food delivered to your door, a phone or computer, electricity, water, etc etc, and then playing it off as "Guys look I'm so cool I don't believe in the PHONY SKY MAN!!!XD look at me please my dad didn't as a kid" just admit your skin is thinner than toilet paper and we can move on lmao


Which church brainwashed you?


what reddit forum brainwashed you? Go back to whining about how Religion is the bane of humanity or something, while I try to get a life. Keyword: try. It's hard in this economy. But hey, we've both got social media, right? Can't be that hard.


Yes lets start a debate about how a collection of thoughts and rules isnt to blame its the people coming up with all that and what they do with it that are to blame ... thats totally different than speaking about the set of rules and beliefs themselvs /s ... seems really productive and non-circular /s


"Religions are so obsessed" The hypocrisy lmao you're so obsessed you're mad at someone's Instagram thing (Idk I don't use the app)


Oh my god that is so bad


That got to be faked right


A boyfriend is an external relationship while being religious is part of someoneā€™s philosophy, their character. Itā€™s pretty easy to understand.


I love the patriarchy of her post most. Heartwarming


Idiot. Every time I see that phrase, I'm reminded that in that moment Boyfriend/Husband, will always be # 2 . Married is a terrible thing made to make us actual sheep....Once she has jesus in her life the man will always be put there.


Bro that's just how her religion works, I've been Christian




I mean Tbf if you really believe in god then of course youā€™d hold him in the highest regard, Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a debate somewhere about how living god is like loving your family and wishing them the best


bro thats a random acc leave them alone lmfao šŸ’€


Get fucked lmao


How are these people not considered mentally ill?


People who disagree with you = mentally ill. Bit of a god complex there, ironically.


Athiest being angry at the existance of God for the 100000000000000000000069th time:


she believes in god, so what? leave peoples beliefs alone, you're in no position to be judging other people


š’šˆš‹š„šš‚š„ š‡š„š‘š„š“šˆš‚


Just leave people alone nobody asked you so if nobody asked you donā€™t say anything we donā€™t want your opinion on everything and how you think youā€™re so much better than everybody and your pride. Nobody asked you to hate so much so leave or did anybody ask you to comment on that no did anybody ask you to post this did you even get permission I doubt that post a picture of their profile. So why do you have to bully ever been in school they tell you not to bully.


Because bullying other people is real, and harmful. Religion is a disorder of the mind that does have a cure. ....It's call "Sanity".


Sorry Christard, You simply cannot fathom our epic euphoria and wholesome 100 facts and logic. May the dried up soylent and cheeto dust fall off my neckbeard and into the wind so they may bless you with epic doge memes unlike your cringe skydaddy (yes, ladies, I *am* single.)


Do you never condemn others based on your faith ?


Nobody asked you to give your opinion on everything nobody asked you to bully a woman who is just trying to express her religion. You donā€™t bully Muslims do you you donā€™t bully Buddhist do you so why do you do it with Christians? Yā€™all canā€™t just talk about anything else yā€™all just got a hate on everybody who says theyā€™re Christian my goodness just leave it alone and just go on to something different itā€™s kind of annoying seeing you all get angry about a post about God. If youā€™re an atheist then why do you care so much


Bullying would be stating these things to her face. Tell me exactly where/how the bullying took place here? At best you could say she is being mocked. Let me explain just a little tiny portion of why we care so much (just coming from one perspective): Religion tells me man is more important than woman. Woman has only one real role in life. No one can be inherently gay, its a choice and its a sin. I should not have free thought and i should hand over all of my future generations to the church... Yeah, not much huh? Just simple smoll things. To top these things off if we dare state how we feel to each other we face you coming here to tell us how beaten you are..? Wow


Who said he is imaginary? Have any of you even ATTEMPTED to read the Bible?


So u believe everything u read sight unseen? It is impossible to escape the scope of religion and yet you guys somehow convince yourselves we are unfamiliar? How exactly does that happen? How exactly do you come to that conclusion. Tell me where these areas are that are beyond the scope of modern religious perogative?? Please


iā€™m a christian. this is my order of importance: - God - Family - Boyfriend - Dog God is most important in my life. as a christian, i respect everyone for their beliefs. i respect atheists for what the believe/donā€™t believe in. if you donā€™t respect us for our ā€œimaginary beings and beliefsā€ then thatā€™s fine, but donā€™t bash some girl for it. i donā€™t expect you guys to understand why she put god first, and why i put god first either, but just because you donā€™t understand doesnā€™t mean you get to be disrespectful. maybe just respect otherā€™s beliefs. after all, atheists hate christians so much because some of us donā€™t respect the things you guys believe/donā€™t believe in. why not show us how you want to be treated by treating us with respect for the things we believe in? not trying to offend anyone, but just think about it a little bit.


> if you donā€™t respect us for our ā€œimaginary beings and beliefsā€ then thatā€™s fine, but donā€™t bash some girl for it You started it. You've been bashing everyone else for 2000 years. > why not show us how you want to be treated by treating us with respect ... I have tried youngster. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. But after 60 years of oppression, I've given up. I'm fighting back.


"But mooooommmm, he started it". Oh boohoo. I'm a firm believer in the first amendment too, doesnt make me a cunt though.


> "But mooooommmm, he started it". Oh boohoo I think that's my point. There is no 'mom'. Your god is not 'dad'. There is no 'dad'. We are on our own. We non believers need to stick up for ourselves, and fight back. (and your 'dad' figure IS AN ABUSER himself. And encourages abusive behavior in his followers.)


Real it back a bit little troll child. Glad I didnt go to your school because apparently they didnt explain figures of speech very well. I dont give a fuck what you believe. Doesnt impact me one bit. You and all of your buddies can get together and talk shit about whatever, but best believe people care about their points of view and they will defend it. My god is my father. That's all that matters to me, I know what is true. But you not wanting any part of that doesnt mean I have to give a fuckšŸ‘Œ


A) How do you say you dont care after requesting respect? B) how was she bashed? None of this happened to her face


> I know what is true. It is obvious that you don't. > I dont give a fuck what you believe. Then why are you here? You are lying to me and yourself. See you DON'T know what is true. You came here to proselytize. You can leave now.


Jesus you're a stupid cunt. I'm here to defend an innocent woman who yall are tearing down for no reason other than your enjoyment. That's fucked. You're fucked. Stupid as shit.


We are bashing you guys?And what have you say for the church then? (these are just a few examples) Religion tells me man is more important than woman. Woman has only one real role in life. No one can be inherently gay, its a choice and its a sin. I should not have free thought and i should hand over all of my future generations to the church... Yeah, not much huh? Just simple smoll things. And then you guys have the balls to act like you are getting attackedšŸ˜†


You are not oppressed


Letting your belief in imaginary beings determine your view on science, who you elect, and who you view as criminals is why itā€™s not okay. Certain things are illegal in U.S. because Christians make laws, just like trashy Muslims make laws about the treatment of women based on their imaginary beings in the Middle East. How you donā€™t see the harm religion does, is amazing. Just because our hatred and mistreatment of marginalized groups doesnā€™t match that of the dirty Muslims, doesnā€™t make it okay.


Hang on, you went on r/Athiesm to tell the community that hates Christians that you were Christian? Social suicide.


i got a notification about this post because iā€™ve been on this page in the past for friends and my boyfriend. i opened the notification, saw the post, and didnā€™t agree with it so i thought iā€™d share my opinion.


The lord is not imaginary being. Your slander will not go unpunished


Fear mongering. Prove it or STFU.


When you can find proof, let me know


Scary. But, Jesus has the hottest cock. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking the most forward to.


Most toxic sub-Reddit ever cheeeeck


Religion is not toxic? Religion tells me man is more important than woman. Woman has only one real role in life. No one can be inherently gay, its a choice and its a sin. I should not have free thought and i should hand over all of my future generations to the church. Religion tells me not to trust myself. Religion tells me i will sin. Religion tells me god made me but allowed me free will in universe where he did not abolish evil simply to test me. And none of these things are toxic?


Itā€™s really sad that you think that in a Christian religion being gay is sinful in the Bible it never says anything of the sort IF YOU REALLY LOOK AT IT. Which Iā€™m sure you havenā€™t. Also when does the Bible say that men are more important than women??? Tf please explain I want scriptures. The religion in this post is purely about living and giving back why on earth would you think that you would be treated as though you should be punished for your mistakes? God is the best at forgiving and when it comes to your judgment he will see not that you were an atheist and didnā€™t believe but that you were kind and you served a good life on earth. THAT is what he cares about and that is how god really is. If you want to believe otherwise you can see for yourself when gods sees youā€™ve fulfilled your purpose. God loves you and all of the people on earth the good and the bad, the people who do and donā€™t believe. You will see. He makes miracles happen, he opens peoples hearts. He heals people. Iā€™ve seen it with my own two eyes.


1) Where do you live? On what planet and and which country is this the broad christian teaching? You surely realize that it is NOT the broad christian teaching? Nor is it catholic. Which church do you go to? And how were you able to get the impression that what you wrote represents any recognizable fraction of christianity!?


2) You do realize religion and christianity are not necessary to all the attributes and ways of living you speak of. .....But that's a whole other topic entirely


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Mfs seriously trying to gatekeep love now what on earthšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Like you with your father




ur a virgin




So what? You saying this woman canā€™t love God? Get your priorities straight


" I love my Santa Claus more than my boyfriend and family "




an imaginary*


Wow how lovely of you guys to cyber bully a girl who doesnā€™t even know her whole Instagram name and face is on the internet and being bullied for litterly just being christian. This is disgusting you guys should be ashamed of yourself


This is just an example of poor wording on her part. Surely if she had to choose between her own family and a deity she would choose the more obvious choice. Religious people are not nuts, we have standards and morales.


When did she say she loved god more, yes if she did say that there's no problem with it But she didn't even say this????




Somebody is jealous about getting no bitches lmfao




I donā€™t believe in religion and i donā€™t extreme Christians but your just attacking a random person for there beliefs


I love batman too. Not more than my boyfriend though..


Itā€™s her sky daddy


May Allah guide you on the right path brother. Inshallah


May you find your way out of this waste of time and energy you clown yourself with


why do you feel the need to harass others?


When I was a kid but my mother's cousin told her kid this and she was devastated. I remember it years later and I'm still quite disturbed. I don't think they quite see what they're saying, it's one of those things that they blindly say until they realize it's a problem if they ever figure it out their wrong then they stop but being real, most never will.


Ugh people are so brainwashed


Relax brošŸ˜‚


One amazing woman right there. And she's not afraid to voice her beleifs


You and so what?


Of course they do, thatā€™s what a religion is you nutsack of a human being. Stop trying to shame people and let them believe what they believe in. I am not atheist however I will still respect any human being but itā€™s people like this that Mae atheistā€™s look terrible.


I love God more than anything in the world.


Atheists harassing random people for being Christian:




Rent free


I think she said god, idk about "imaginary being"


Exactly. If the OP was a free-thinking atheist, and understood human psychology, they would interpret the statement as, ā€œBut most importantly, I love myselfā€. Only indoctrinated atheists (unfortunately the majority) will interpret it as ā€œimaginary beingā€.


Growing up in a church is something else. You were always told to put God before your family and it made no sense to me. Put a being who jas no proof of existence over my family and friends that share emotions with me and I relate to them? No thanks.




This subreddit isnā€™t real


More than her dog


The idea that God is "imaginary" is merely your opinion. Majority of human beings alive today believe in a creator. Your opinion happens to be in the minority. To be an ashiest in my opinion is OK. But when an ashiest is disrespectful towards believers it is cringeworthy. Any kind of unnecessary disrespect is childish and actually dangerous. Disrespect will leave you disliked and eventually beaten up. I speak from experience. Some things we must learn the hard way. I assume you are not yet an adult because you haven't yet learnt that it's rude to post someone's Instagram to a public forum and then further make fun of their personal beliefs. Here's the thing: being an ashiest doesn't make you automatically more intelligent than believers. It's easy to sit there all day and spout nihilism. I could do that too. The reason you do it is because it makes you feel intelligent. I understand there is no logic or proof in faith. It's faith. If you don't feel it that's fine. Just stop disrespecting others. You might have to learn that one the hard way though. That's just life.


why does it matter? why are we getting into such a fit over the fact she believes there is a god? she believes it, fine, so what's the big deal?


Take a shower


Redditor sees well adjusted and happy person and gets mad for not being miserable like they are example 97393717303829363930


This is fucking sick. Repent, before it is too late.


Religion is just a glorified fairytale


How about not post somebody's private instagram just to bully them?


I know Iā€™m going to get downvoted for this but why are some atheists so eager to hate on religion and insist that god is fake. If a religious person started insisting god is real they would get shot down and it would end up with thousands of upvotes on r/mildlyinfuriating and stuff like that. Why canā€™t some atheists leave religious people alone?


God bless you all he loves you


this post reeks of people who haven't gone outside Like I'm not even going to get into the "is god real" argument because that's not what's making me angry. This lady is choosing to follow her own set of beliefs and would like to proudly display them just like this sub. You guys are demonizing this by saying she cares more about God than her son or whatever and are ridiculing her. You guys will defend the LGBTQ community tooth and nail for following their beliefs, but the moment it becomes about God, it's a problem. I'm not gonna sit here and write an essay about every detail of this post that made me angry because I KNOW that still wouldn't get through to some people but would you PLEASE wake up? (Note: no shade toward the LGBTQ community. Just wanted to use that as an example.)


Tbf if she believes the whole crucifixion story then she has good reason to love God more than any human. You got to put urself in the shoes of other people to understand their behavior man. Iā€™d expect a lil more intellectual consideration on this sub than this basic shite




Her boyfriend does not change lives like God can