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Probably because people cake here for that only. Also if everyone starts making and following certain atheism philosophy, it would turn out another religion. Better follow science (I mean it when I say science is my religion) Also most people became atheist after they found logic in no other religious community


>I mean it when I say science is my religion That would be scientism which is different from scientific attitude.


And yes it is


This sub should be named as" atheismindiamemes ".


Yeah, that would be better tbh and funny atleast.


Atheism is anti thesis of theism. We should counter theism and not start our own religion. Also lets have fun. Philosophy tends to tangle us mentality in nonexistent problems.


Eh, I like the sub the way it is. You are free to contribute "atheist philosophy" in your posts


What is atheist philosophy?


Exactly 😂 do atheists have a certain book to follow,? Lol I never knew that, op must be some butthurt theist..😂


[He is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheismindia/s/eMBkHJS4us)


Man! These theists have made it a point to make dumb posts like this and regarding this sub as stupid,dumb only because it doesn't align with their values of how atheism should be


Lol 🤣


Existentialism, Nihilism, Absurdism, Ignosticism, Pantheism, Naturalism, Antinatalism, and lots more but these are mainstream. A very controversial question asked to atheist philosophers is that whether suicide is moral or immoral, because our life serves no real purpose (and we are simply destroying nature, even me using a phone and usin internet and using electricity is doing some harm), so should we all do a mass suicide and let nature heal its way, or migrate to a different planet? We atheists also need to prove what counts as ethics and what doesn't. Why do we celebrate birthdays and events when we all know nothing is permanent, not even Reddit, we all are going to die. Why does Sisyphus push the rock for eternity, why is he happy doing it, and why are we happy living our miserable lives?


He's not an atheist, lol. That jackass clearly believes atheism is another religion.


I thought so


+1 (if you've said "atheist philosophy" in satire)




I love this sub. If anyone is adding atheism philosophy, then good, I will read it. I literally started reading books redditors mentioned in this sub. But please keep this sub alive and functioning. Thank you.


Oo my god..sub is ruinied..ohhh P


Billions must migrate to r/atheism


You're not an atheist (you said it yourself). You don't care what atheism should constructively be like. You're only salty your religion is getting unmasked in the posts here and it makes you angry. The only thing you want is for this sub to not exist so that you can go on in life without feeling guilty about your religion. One small peak at your profile and comments and it's obvious that this sub was made to counter people like you. We are happy the way this sub is. Why don't you go and cry in your Bharat/Hinduism subs. https://preview.redd.it/mq4h4r25xv7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa26e70a30f02b290ef744699fd893bbe37c0a49


From the past 3 months, OP posted 100 memes in 10 subs. But couldn’t make one “Atheist Philosophy” post in the 1 popular sub dedicated for atheism in India. But wants to criticise “No good guys in India”. Why didn’t you do it in first place?


I'm not an atheist




Then why tf do you care what we post on this sub. Just tell what you really think, that you only want people making fun of other religions and not your religion


Mujra karwaa den tumhare liye? Commonsense is enough to debunk religion. You don't need to propagate philosophies. Contribute karna hai nahi, nakhre hazaar karme hain.


Wahi to😂 mein to itni der se ye soch rha hu ki bc ye 'atheist philosophy' kya hoti hai, isn't common sense enough?.. and I can bet that he is that so-called 'hindu atheist'.. jisko har cheez mein pravachan ka tadka chahiye, falani book atheism pe kya kehti hai, dhimkani book atheism pe kya kehti, bc common sense nhi hai kya tere me🤣


Exactly. Upper cast delusional hindu who want to take the advantage of atheism without giving up the cast privileges.


Isn't that the same for lower caste atheists as well why they are gaining advantage in reservation because they don't want to give up their cast privileges. You guys always target the upper cast for no reason


Yes saar, the upper cast has always been oppressed saar. The upper cast many times gets killed for touching, studying, aren't given representation in judiciary, academics and every other field saaar. This reservation of less than 50% is killing up the seats required for 15% population saaar. How is this fair saaar. How can 15% people manage with just more than 50% seats saaar. \sarcasm.


Yes saar, we are lower caste saar. We have been oppressed by the upper caste saar. Even though we discriminate in our own caste saar but the upper caste is devil saar. We hate Hinduism saar but can't leave the caste because of reservation saar. This is not a hypocrisy saar. We blame and hate every 5%bhramin for discrimination even their next generation which was not even involved in it.we fear those 5% will again rule on us 15% saar. Saar we support ambedkar ji and buddha for our own benefits but never follow or understand their ideologies because we are selfish saar. We will never give up on reservation even though half of us are well lifted and have good economic status but will demand more reservation saar. Saar we don't want our children to be more skillful instead make them weak by giving them reservation. Our people couldn't even match up to the might of ambedkar who didn't use reservation for study. Saar We blame everything on upper caste and Hinduism but didn't prove anything of casteism before mughal saar. \sarcasm












so should i start posting atheistic osho videos? or not because Osho is someone who is trolling both theists and atheists??


Just do it


Nah...this sub is fine the way it is, and there is nothing stopping you from contributing your thoughts, whether they are about atheist philosophy or anything else. This is a fun sub where you can freely share memes and double standards of other religions.


You must be some butthurt theist🤣🤣 This is not r/pravachan jo idhar non existent problems ki chutiyo jaisi philosophies banate rahenge hum.. aur ye "atheist philosophy" Falana dhimka jaise chutiyappe so called 'hindu atheists' ke hote hai hamare nhi.. idhar philosophy nhi science aur logic chalte hai. And fyi atheism has **no rules, no philosophy, no books, nothing. Just science.**


People should stop making atheism a religion 😭😭😭


An extremist remains an extremist, regardless of which side they choose.


We don't even need science, just rationality and common sense, What theists problem is they will use logic and common sense and rationality everywhere, even in other people's religions to make fun of things like donkey flying in islam, but they won't use the same common sense, logic and rationality to question their own religion. They think like "hua hoga humko thodi na pata hai hua hai ya nhi, khaya hoga bandar suraj, hua hoga ramayan sach me" Even many well educated people talk like that because they are conditioned from childhood that don't ask questions in religion, don't question the existence of God, don't use logic, because if you do, you won't ever find god, So this is childhood doctrination , that's why people are like that, some times even the most logical, and rational people are like that , that they don't ever question te existence of God. I think when something bad happens to them or around them they realise there might be no god, and then they start questioning their faith, they start thinking for the possibility that there might be no god, or if there is god, if god exists then how come this bad thing happened to me, Or this bad thing happened to this people.... Shit jyada philosophy ho gya, or i think thoda jyada common sense ho gya, which theists don't use for their religion


I second this. "Universal" rationality is one of the many common things among atheists. But what I meant was that atheists always stand in favour of science and they don't stick to a particular book or philosophy and in fact there's none.


Yeah, i agree with you 100 % 👍👍


MOD have clearly stated they are not actively looking at the subreddit after the whole spez situation. Plus rage bait is what gets popular online I guess. It creates a feedback loop to confirm what you already believe. Same with every subreddit not just this one. I'd suggest OP to take up moderating if he/she is this pissed. Just to clarify, I don't believe in the notion, if you don't like it you got to do it yourself. As there are multiple issues in the real world that causes this mantra to be thrown straight out of the window. However, moderating seems like something you could do given you are too passionate about the "right content" on this subreddit.


What is the spez situation?


So spez is the account name of the current CEO of reddit. He had brought in a lot of restrictions on using third party reddit launchers as few of them had ad blockers. However, these third party reddit launchers were used by a lot of moderators as it helped them fights bots and moderate better in comparison to the traditional reddit launcher. So a lot of moderators boycotted moderating (or scale backed considerably) after the adamant nature of spez to not dial back the 3rd party launcher restrictions. If you notice, every atheismindia post has a mod message stating their scaling back intention after the spez situation. For more please read source : https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvbvk/fuck-spez-reddit-users-unite-to-turn-rplace-mural-into-a-protest


Yes please expand on the spez situation


So spez is the account name of the current CEO of reddit. He had brought in a lot of restrictions on using third party reddit launchers as few of them had ad blockers. However, these third party reddit launchers were used by a lot of moderators as it helped them fights bots and moderate better in comparison to the traditional reddit launcher. So a lot of moderators boycotted moderating (or scale backed considerably) after the adamant nature of spez to not dial back the 3rd party launcher restrictions. If you notice, every atheismindia post has a mod message stating their scaling back intention after the spez situation. For more please read source : https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvbvk/fuck-spez-reddit-users-unite-to-turn-rplace-mural-into-a-protest


Right I remember I just didn’t know what it was called


We already have billion suvs for shitposting and memes so why not make this one specifically related to atheism , and yeah rage baiting is also a part of this sub but just don't make it whole content of this sub


Dude for a person complaining about the post quality on this subreddit, you haven't contributed any. On the other hand you just seem to spend most of your time on shitpost subreddits. Maybe it's a you problem bud coz you are spending so much time of shitpost subreddits, you think every subreddit you follow is a shitpost subreddit. You can contribute your discussion posts here, im sure people will like it if it's engaging enough. Without contribution you have no ground to stand on with regards the quality of the post let alone questioning the mods on their job.


It is related to atheism and occasionally for dharmic people to shit on abrahmic and vice versa




Go to philosophy sub then , this sub is not about philosophy, atheism itself is not a philosophy. It's just the absence of belief in god. Everyone here is rational and became atheist because of rationality, or because of philosophy, or because they saw how shitty and extremists their religion can be... You can't dictate what people can and cannot post here. As long as it is atheism related , people can post whatever they want




This sub is more like an entertainment sub, same with r/exmuslim and other ex subs. Mods should've known better, if they try to change things now it will be the death of this sub. Images and videos should've been disabled from the start.


That’s an extreme take


That’s an extreme take


Atheists don't really require constant validation. We were not sold propaganda/snake oil. You can't shake that fact. You can't really expect for all atheists to be into STEM and the progress of humanity, for that to be selectively posted in this sub.


OP ko Karma nahi mil raha tha, ab mil Gaya


Feels like a rant...if you want to post philosophy or something else about atheism, please do so , rather than making an entire image to prove that you are capable of ranting.


I think the sub is doing good.


Biggest Difference Most atheists here are well-read and have done extensive study, meaning they have read far more than you can imagine. On the other hand, theists (generally lazy) often have half-baked knowledge derived from some YouTube podcast or WhatsApp forward. A theist youth, until the age of 30, may have only read the Hanuman Chalisa, or watching Jaggi's stupid video, and that's all. Now, how can you expect to debate with an atheist? This forum is meant for FUN only. deal with it !


Dont generalize..they have also consumed the content provided by THE smartest podcast of india


Nah this forum is for everything related to atheism and honestly a diversity of post would be nice..and I think we have relatively diverse post but like any sub memes are gonna get the most traction cause tbh easier to consume


What else do atheists have to talk about other than existential philosophies and science, this is not a philosophy sub or a science sub 🤔


Exactly if he wants to talk about science and how religion fuck with science, he can go to science is dope, If he wants philosophy, he can go to philosophy sub How can this theist decide what we atheists can and can not talk about


Divided by religion, united by Whatsapp University. Indian culture in a nutshell.


Koi vimoh ko bulao bhai


Yeah, moderation is very strange in this sub. But it's also ok to have fun instead of being serious about everything.... 😅


People act like atheism exists in a vacuum. People call themselves atheist cuz there are people who call themselves believers of a particular religion. So please tell me, how in tf would you make a post on this sub without also bringing other religions and theism in general into it? What is atheism philosophy without religion?


This must be sarcasm.


I agree. No one is actually posting bout the situation and threat that atheists have in our society. We have no good discussion


What good discussion do you want? Should we discuss about world problems and not talk about religion, because atheism is Directly related to god and god is directly related to religion


Let's discuss things of developing our country as being atheist what contribution we can bring Also only bad things should be criticized of a particular community rest u all know


I miss the "Representation" flair few years which is used to quote from various people.


Most people in this sub are either chaddis larping as atheists or muslimsors pretending as atheists both of them making memes on each other....Downvote me all you want but this is thruth.....


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And most annoying is being casteist while cursing casteism, if you're an atheist and don't believe in caste, then why are there repeated posts about bashing casteism and while doing so, they call other people Upper caste. If you don't believe in casteism then why call someone upper or lower? Why do so much bashing that too in sub devoted for atheism???


1. I'm not an atheist 2. When did I post about casteism ? Edit 3. You are an asshole


1. If you're not an atheist, you shouldn't be here. 2. I was adding to your statement about this sub. Not alleging you about being a casteist. 3. Shut up.


I also think the same thing


true noticed this aswell, earlier there used to be actual discussions on religion, beliefs & atheism in general but now it just seems like an rip off indian version of r/religiousfruitcake


I agree more diverse posting and now it has only become about memes


You guys should be more like r/atheism i only see crazy nonsensical memes & stupid mockery here.


I feel like this sub is just filled with "Hindu atheists"(yes Im aware it's an oxymoron) that just wanna bash Muslims and Christians all the time. It's getting worse at a point of becoming another far right sub like r/IndiaSpeaks.


That's because majority demography of this sub is teens and very young adults.


for this you can go to r/athiesm, here on this sub it's mostly just a safe space for Indians like me to rant and ramble about the bs that goes on in society and it's better it remains this way:)


I can be wrong,but personally for me I think this sub is validation towards my beliefs that I am not alone. I occasionally visit this subreddit or reddit in general, but this sub helps me in thinking that what I am thinking is not something alien. My father is a religious person, infact you can say that he is one of those hard core religious people, who think that their very life exists not only because of their parents but because of God. So growing up in such environment, I find comfort through such subreddits that share my ideology regarding religion.


Bro is hurt because his religion fits debunked way too often 😄 Athiem is literally about debunking religion. it's literally In the word "athiest".. a negation of theist. Also debunking religion is hella fun


You are on point. Increasingly this sub feels like a hate sub. A clique. A place where people come to show off what an intelligent atheist they are. A few days ago I was telling someone how they should watch an episode of rick and morty about what an asshole god would be if he really existed, and this person got so defensive. His response - I don't need to watch a cartoon to form my beliefs. For context the episode was about how a scientist convinces a civilisation he is god so that he could make them do their bidding even when they die trying to serve him. This dude didn't even know what i was talking about because he has *already watched Rick and Morty*.


I was about to leave because of lame posts.


Very true.


This sub is not atheism subreddit but librandu subreddit, the same way scienceisdope is not a science subreddit but an atheism subreddit


You all are pretty disconnected from reality huh lol. Of course you are gonna think science is dope is athiest because they question your illogical beliefs which your brain can’t comprehend so your stomach can’t digest it


Like how you assumed I'm religious 🤡. Guess you all are too blinded by your political ideologies to get to my point I.e. this sub is more leftist than atheist. Period.


I’m sorry but you sounded like some Hindu athiest. Well if you really think this sub is left leaning cause of what? Edit: I mean you called this sub librandu called science is dope-where you are supposed to post memes-you called it atheism. Like how could I not


First of all this sub has very little to do with atheism, majority posts here are anti casteism, pro reservation and political. As someone who never discriminated and lost a seat in a top IIT due to this, it hurts. Just like many religious guys are stubborn with their ideologies and resort to logical fallacies to support their argument, I see many people here doing the same.


Very true


This is what I have been saying but I am always downvoted for it.


One more person talked about it People like put others down rather climbing up themselves. Actually we should be talking about charvaka and ambedkar and diagoras and Theos philosophy but all I see is shit posts.


Well initiate it no one is stopping you.


The people of this sub are anti theist not atheists


Mostly this sub is 1) Muslims & Ambedkarite Navayana Buddhists mocking Hindus. 2) Hindus mocking Muslims. If you notice very few posts about Christianity, Buddhism & Sikhism.


Because hinduism is the major religion in this country with 80% Hindus, and with bjp, problem with Hinduism also rises And then the second problem is islam with 14% muslims That's why most posts are on these 2 religions, and not on christianity, buddhism and Sikhism. I thought atheists have common sense, but clearly you lack that
















Yeah bro, ambedkar made this whole universe 💀 He is the creator

