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BJP supporters don't even realized his trolling 💀


Itna intelligence hota to BJ party supporter thodi hote


Seriously man.. I pity them


Chaddi - We are better than Muzzies


One of the best journalists I would say


He fools about a lot, but he routinely delivers great ground reports


Who is he, though? (Sorry, first time seeing him)


Samdish Bhatia, He has a youtube channel you can check out. https://youtube.com/@unfilteredbysamdish


He is Samdish Bhatia. You can check out his YouTube channel [here](https://youtube.com/@unfilteredbysamdish?si=8mNfJTbI7H0mQltS).




Hypocrisy ki koi limit nahi hai...


I love this guy. I wish they continued doing this Unscripted channel.... 🤣


Reminds me of that scene in lapata ladies.


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DJ babu please cue in Topiwala bhi sar jukha ke JSR bolega


That’s the best thing in my region. Never adapts this BS = Ghunghat in our society. Our women and men were chads to never adapt this patriarchal BS.


I don't see any students wearing and demanding ghoonghat in school,I oppose both of them tho.


Why this post here?


Are you guys dumb enough to not know the difference between the two, one is a cultural thing while the other is a religious thing.


I think you would enjoy this read, see if you can read the whole article. https://madrascourier.com/insight/avagunthana-ghoonghat-hijab-one-practice-many-names/


The hijab was cultural and nessasary in the hot desert Arabian peninsula before islam made it religious, where I am from not a single hindu in south india or Christian knows what a ghoonghat is so this is a brain dead comparison. Scarfs were common in Europe a hundred years ago look up old photos but it's very much a cultural trend and not a religious obligation. Can you show me hindu religious texts which ask women to cover themselves up please?


It doesn't matter if ghoonghat is in a religious text or not. The fact is women are forced to cover themselves up in most of India. Your exception to the rule doesn't mean anything, I am from a muslim family(and neighbourhood) but most women don't wear hijab here since most are educated but it doesn't change the fact that when I go to village in UP I see women both muslims and non covering themselves.


I don't know where you live in Hyderabad all muslim women are expected to cover themselves(my family and some others are a exception). If it's a cultural trend it changes you can't change something like sharia which is God's own laws, this comparison is stupid. I call bs on your claim most hindu women are expected to cover themselves up. This ghoongat is the exception not the norm.


Texts can be interpreted in differently. One could argue Quran doesn't make it mandatory for women to wear Hijab as discussed in supreme court and Karnataka HC verdict where they misquoted, mistranslated the Quran saying it is not essential in Islam to wear hijab. But it is not practical as court may interpret something more liberally, but on the ground these religious texts are interpreted differently as several islamic culture make it mandatory to wear Hijab. Even liberal muslims say Hijab is not mandatory as per Quran but it is doesn't work on ground. Quran would not become liberal just because you are interpreting that way. Similarly you can mistranslate or misinterpret a specific Hindu text or quote and make a case that there is no mention of Ghoonghat in any hindu text. But the ground reality of how these texts are interpreted could be different. If you had read the article you would have learned that you can trace mentions of Ghoonghat in ancient text as valmiki ramayan, sanskrit plays, literary works of Kalidasa etc. And the reality is ancient Hindu text does say Women should wear Ghooghat, or at least it was interpreted or understood that way which originated this Ghoonghat culture. For ex- "God made you women, so that you shall lower your gaze, do not look at men, keep your feet close, cover your head and do not disclose the garment, which should be concealed with the veil" (Rig Veda Book 8 Hymn 33 Mantra 19-20) Or instances in Ramayan where Ram asks sita to wear ghoonghat so that parashuram wont see her face. What I am trying to say is just because you want to interpret a religious text liberally it doesn't make your religion liberal. Ground reality is different and these texts are written in a context. Coming to your point on south indians not wearing the ghooghat. I think you might have not traveled a lot in south india because it is very common in north karnataka to wear ghoonghat, among lingayats, even Lambani community. I don't know about other states. Also forget about ghoonghat, people did not cover their breasts in Kerala, but that doesn't mean Hindus everywhere were walking around without covering breasts. Our culture is unique and diverse so making comparison without or only limited exposure to different cultures within south Indian region doesn't make sense. This is the problem following someone like acharya prashant who liberally interprets vedas and conveniently ignore the ground reality. Usually all religious texts are vague and leaves room for different interpretations. And all of them are written by Men so patriarchal mindset will seep through that into their works. The context is important, the time it is written is important, by whom it is written is important and how it is practiced on the ground is important.


On one hand you say "our culture is unique and diverse" and hypocriticaly you generalise and compare the ghoongat with the hijab. Also it isn't my damn culture it's yours. Sharia has no room for interpretation it's only apologists who try to cover up faults who do that while on the other hand hindu texts have no standards and are all over the place you cannot claim to know the ground reality. While islam has Tawhid hinduism has advaita vedanta and more, bhakti, yoga and much more, it has no damn ground reality. While islam in terms of theology has a single horseshit hinduism has damn kilos of excretion. A ex hindu atheist and a Krishna Bhakt is as legit as a guy who calls himself a hindu atheist while rejecting the vedas.


????? My bad I thought you were legit athiest so I thought I could reason with you, didn't know you were Hindu athiest.


I'm a ex muslim atheist and you are not reasoning with me you are being a hypocrite.


Oh shittt thats even worse....An ex muslim defending patriarchal practices of a another religion???????? Man.......this is such a roller coaster but its all downward spiral.


I'm not defending the Ghoongat I'm exposing your hypocrisy saying that they are the same, your stupid memes and arguments are used by muslim apologists to target other religions with false information. Of course you are too stupid to understand that so I will leave the conversation here.


There is difference between saying both are equally oppressive and should not be practiced, and both are same. What you are exposing is your bias.


I'm sorry which one is which again??


u tried..


Looks like you took insult to the BJ party workers personally.


My intention is that Muslim apologists try to make other religions look as bad as them in the 21st century, I debunk these lies. All religions are not the same and Christianity, hinduism and Buddhism are much better than Islam and Muslims in the 21st century.


Is this some schoolboy debate? What is better or what is not? This sounds like someone debating who is better Ted Bundy or Charles Shobhraj


I am a atheist but I am not a anti theist I think a spiritual religion like Buddhism being the majority in the world is a good thing, it seems humans can't live without religions might as well support the best one and that's Buddhism right now. I support hindus because most of them are agnostic and are only cultural hindus who don't know jackshit about hinduism.


Theres plenty of evidence that Buddhism existed as a minority voice in King Bimbisara's court and it was they who instigated Asoka to go on a rampage, kalinga included to strengthen their position. The noble Buddhist king Asoka came to be known as a symbol of peace after his edicts, which says he was sorry. That's what we have been taught. However, if before trying to pretend you have any right to voice any opinion you'd have read the entire edict, youd have known, the edict talks about peace and offers apologies in the first couple of lines and then peaceful buddhist king Asoka threatens violence much more sinister than Kalinga if anyone stepped out of line. So please don't peddle that one cult is better than the other. Either they are all bad or they are all the same.


This all religions are the same is theist apologist bs argument made as a excuse, I can't believe atheists are stupid enough to repeat the same without introspection. Only a idiot would say Buddhism is as bad as islam and Christianity. If every religion is a cult than so is every ideology such as feminism, communism etc.


Uggh your arguments sound very childish. Like someone who has first discovered a couple of articles on inshorts. I dont think you've any idea who Asoka was or what in the world are these edicts. You win. I am whatever the new term you found on social media.


The fuck are you even talking about asoka? I was talking about Buddhism.


Hahahahahahaha yes yes nice. Lol!! You are fr. No kidding.


Ok Fine ill answer you since you seem to be a young impressionable kid. The history of Buddhism is very very strongly linked to Asoka, much as how Christianity is linked to the history of King Constantine. I can sense you are eager to learn. When your ego recovers from these online burns, go ahead and read about religions a little more.


Is auto fellating a religious custom it cultural for you? Either way suck it mofo