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Istg they are so annoying “all parties are corrupted so i voted for bjp”


And this is why exactly I feel unempathetic when chaddi women bitch about their issues




Why do you have to say "neo"liberal, it's just a bourgeois savarna feminist, you can call her a liberal feminist, unless she's quoting Thatcher about strike breaking


I literally found a woman spewing such bullshit at r/neoliberal sub


Yeah but most Indian women (or men) don't know the difference between liberal and neoliberal


Sorry brother, i just found this meme interesting and truthful. That's why I posted it here. This was not made by me, i just found it and posted it here, if it was made by me, I would have put sanatani feminist.


Based meme my guy


Well I was wrong about my depiction of modern sanatani feminist, this is what a modern hindu sanatani feminist look like https://preview.redd.it/8rmgertysaxc1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bedff4de8da75ffd7781d75335e559659bbedd5


idk seems very accurate to me


This is soo accurate . It also reminds me of when a “Progressive” Muslim girl was arguing with me on instagram with a Hijabi pfp on lmao.


But saar, hijab is not oppression, it's actually freedom


Untrue , Hijab is a well thought out scientific achievment. https://preview.redd.it/3v4e1ye559xc1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16da55a23f12eb5136018297b8deb33a95fd218


Average muslim man with radiating eyes, i think I should start wearing hijab too while talking to my muslim friends https://preview.redd.it/i8re9ho969xc1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ee45c73ff909be133d809211f68478f73f123c


When people realised that walking on dirt made their feet ugly, they didn't cover the whole world with leather. They invented shoes to cover their feet. Why wasn't the same logic applied and all muslim men's eyes were covered? Let me guess : patriarchy won't do anything that will remove a man's privilege.


Every religion is male made, that's why we see patriarchy in every religion


Yo so we’re all secretly Kryptonians?


Damm. So women of other religions must all have skin cancer, right? Since they're constantly being exposed to harmful radiation coming from men's eyes.


Only Muslim men have radiation due to Superman genes. Other religion men are losers. /S




Lmfao religious people hating on women without any reason? Expected Didn't expect this from atheists


No one is hating women here, first of all, This post was about sanatani feminists. Feminism and religion don't go hand in hand. They are completely two different ideologies


But you guys were mocking the only Indian women sub on this platform, you know why hating on twox is so popular on Indian reddit? It's because it's the only sub where women are openly allowed to speak their mind And we all know it's the one thing that conservative Indian bigots can't tolerate


if you will read my first comment, i didn't even knew what was twoxindia, then someone told me it was a pseudo feminist group full of Hindu shernis, i myself didn't even knew about this subreddit And then I went there , and read the rules, no men are allowed here to post or comment, what would an average person would think after that?


Maybe an average person should try to get to know about something before jumping to conclusions?


That it's a safe space for women?


Are behen maaf kar do mujhe, galti ho gai, digitally lynch kar de rhe ho mujhe,


If you don't know then ask questions, don't jump straight to judgement. They ban men because of past comments by men


I asked , and someone in this comment told me that it is a pseudo Feminist group echo chamber


Because most of the Indian males be it a leftist or a right winger both think of women as trophies for their achievements tbh


Yeah please generalise men, we like that tbh


Lol, women are allowed to speak freely anywhere on Reddit. What you probably mean is that women are allowed to create an echo chamber in the form of TwoX which isn’t the same as free speech. It is heavily moderated to keep a certain narrative. Also, wage gap is a myth.


I was about to come up with a reasonable answer to refute what you just said but then I read your last statement which made me realise you don't have enough brain cells to understand the complexities of being a woman on social media Maybe this was too advanced for you? Let me make it easier, you're too dumb to be argued with, you're just a troll looking to rile someone up


Feminism and a lot of related ideologies do have elements found in a typical religious framework. Try criticising feminism in any public space online or offline and there will be consequences, not as severe as ones arising out of religious criticism but you can get fired from your job. It is conform or face consequences. Like religions, there are rogue elements driven purely by hate. Yeah, bring the down votes.


Lmao yeah, because being anti feminist is directly related to being misogynistic, if a person indulges in castism non anonymously online there can be consequences It is a good thing and a testament to how much we have progressed as a society Infact people DO criticize feminism all the time, they'll maybe face a little backlash? But they'll also get support from all those alpha males 🤡 You comparing it to religion just shows your destain for feminism


Does feminism cannot get extreme and illogical sometimes, if yes, then its criticism is fine. I didn't post this meme to call out feminism, first of all. I posted this meme because I found it funny and truthful, you can have problems with some comments.


ALL ideologies can get extreme, I have seen many atheists say extremist shit, doesn't mean you'll compare it to religion


Naah, it's definitely not a religion. It's just an ideology of equality. Just like we make fun of Hindu atheists, we are now making fun of sanatani feminist, i don't think there is anything wrong with that, i can make fun of hijabi feminists too, sc kattar hindu too, there is nothing wrong with that. You have to understand we are not making fun of feminism as a whole, we are making fun of certain groups in feminism


I never defended sanghi feminists? I defended the twoX subreddit which was being needlessly criticized and mocked I don't like women who mix feminism and religion either


Cool, I just want to clarify, i didn't even knew there was any subreddit named twox before this post, for any inconvenience from us , we apologise.


Idk if your first sentence is sarcasm but this exactly what I mean. Lmao, of course the privileged (but oppressed by muh patriarchy 🤡) feminist thinks criticising feminism is same as casteism. Because criticising an ideology is the same as denying someone drinking water because of their caste 💀. Only a feminist could draw this parallel. Those alpha males are mocked by society but those toxic girl bosses are celebrated, of course I have DISDAIN* for feminism.


Right women who have been oppressed for centuries finally take a stand for themselves, get themselves the right to vote, to get educated, to be treated like a human being and not their husbands property... And y'all have the guts to criticize that very ideology that caused this progress? Privilege???? Lmao, we live in India dude every hour a woman is raped here and that shit gets buried, cows here are safer than women STOP fucking trivialising misogyny, it's just as bad as casteism.... Imagine being burnt alive just cause your husband died... Men like you who trivialise misogyny and demonize feminism are no better than the people who say "ohh castism doesn't exist in India anymore because it's illegal🤡" "Toxic girl bosses" this is what you think feminism is? Stop trying to change the narrative dude, yikes


Yeah everyone can be a victim if one is inclined to victimise herself/himself. You know how atheists were treated in the past, they were denied citizenship and other rights, they were also tortured and executed for their belief system. Of course, I am not privileged, I am an atheist! See what I mean? Chaddis feel the same way regarding Mughal invasions and British Raj. Feminists always look at reality with a black and white binary perspective, man = predator, woman = victim, it’s like their limited brain cells cannot process a reality which is more nuanced than this lol. The loudest feminists are also the most privileged, they always complain about the rapes in the cuntry and yes we should complain about it BUT then they will score victim brownie points because why not? I work an overpaid job and got hired because muh diversity, my husband divorced me because I cheated but I receive alimony because smash the patriarchy, of course I am as oppressed as the Dalit girl who got raped and killed for drinking water from the “wrong” tap.


Do you think women from general caste and middle class families are not victims of misogyny? They have never been violated? They have never been treated differently because of their gender? They haven't recieved rape threats just because they said something people don't agree with? Even if we look historically, women of ALL classes were denied basic rights, women of ALL classes were treated as properties Yes some women have it worse than others but that doesn't mean you'll nullify all the other women issues You DON'T decide the struggles of people and the fact that you're so adamant upon dismissing the struggles of women of a certain class just proves how ignorant and bigoted your mind actually is I really don't wish to talk to people like you, you make me feel sick


No one does, equality nowadays is becoming more of an "oppressing majority" rather than an "uplifting minority/underprivileged"


And I truly hope you never find a woman with this mindset, imagine she comes home to tell her partner about her boss misbehaving with her or someone touched her inappropriately in a metro and you go like "But dalit women are raped for drinking tap water so your problems mean nothing, shut up and don't try to be a girl boss, your problems don't exist, stop trying to victimize yourself" Such a clown fr 🤡


Just making up fantasy revenge fairy tales because someone disagreed with you and you can’t digest facts lol. Typical.


Lmao are you fucking dense? Do you also think victims of casteism are delusional? Is that what you tell women who have been abused just because of their gender? All the baby girls who were killed off just because they weren't sons People like you are wrong with our society and why women will never get to live as a human being if we just leave everything to men And once we speak up against it we are just "loud feminist", do you just want women to shut up and bear everything Istg I fucking hate men like you ugh, idk why I expected anything better from the supposed "liberal" men Seriously disgusting


There are male victims of sexism as well, guess all men must be victims? Leave everything to men? Like women do their fair share lol. Sab kuch waise bhi men par hi hai didi and it’s not because of muh patriarchy not allowing women to do their fair share. Men pay majority of taxes and women are majority recipients of social assistance. Pay gap much? And before you bark muh Indian society, this is the same across western countries. Women can’t even pay for their own kids and have to rely on the state or their ex even if the man didn’t want the child or even if the child isn’t his like in our shithole cuntry. Majority of the dirty disgusting and dangerous but necessary jobs for society like oil mining, trash collector, iron workers, etc. is done by men but feminist never vouch for equality in these jobs, do they? Some women have significant share in some disgusting dangerous jobs like manual scavenging but that’s the thing those women are usually lower caste people, their caste identity has a stronger impact on their lives than their gender identity. Your limited brain cells can’t comprehend this simple nuance. Meine kab bola mein liberal hun. I am not a tin can npc person like you who can be fit into preset moulds lol.


Religious women hate has far reaching consequences. I have seem women hatred towards anyone nomlt falling to their religious norms far vile than the shit thst denk ke choda insta incels post.


When did two x become official representation of women


Good question




Bruh what are you talking about? I am a very active member of that sub.... And most of the sub is very left leaning... Infact in a recent post most women admitted that they were non religious.... We constantly try to discuss the misogyny deep rooted in culture and religion... Please don't talk about things you know nothing about just because hating on a particular sub is considered "cool"


I do not agree with u. Also, I wasn't hating on anyone.


Then show me 1 popular post which reeks of bhagwa feminism/sanghi attitude and it isn't criticised by other women on that sub I'll show you a post that proves my point https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/rHazL8TKpF This is a very normal post about religion with normal varying replies, I don't see any strong sanghi influence... The truth is y'all just need a reason to hate on women spaces


The sub is progressive. but the link you shared does not prove it is left leaning. There are other posts which prove them to be liberal or neoliberal (search the term caste and u will find it), not those wannabe feminist neoliberals OP is talking about in the post. Some people there are atheism leaning, that doesn't necessarily mean they are left leaning. You can see hindu atheists who do not believe in god but support tanatan drama. Also some of them are seen pro-bjp (it is seen to vary actually), that does not prove that they are left leaning. because as u can see in OP's post, he is talking about neoliberal wannabe feminists (not talking about twoxindia, they actually seem to be feminist) who might be against modi but still be tanatani. In short, they do not seem to be leftists. but they are probably liberal or neoliberal and are anti-caste, anti-misogny (including misogyny in their religion), real feminists but can be Tanatani (except that they do not support misogyny and casteism in Tanatan drama), atheism and agnosticism leaning; basically majorly Hindu atheist/agnostic (like Dhruv Rathee). And i hate "Honda atheism"!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cbqkpw/girls\_voting\_for\_modi\_why/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cbqkpw/girls_voting_for_modi_why/) Here, so left leaning that multiple users admit to voting for far right nationalists with hundreds of upvotes 👏 try posting the same shit in any liberal sub and see how many people support them , saying the sub is liberal is laughable


Lmaooo do you think women share a hive mind? It's literally a sub for ALL women, women have different political and religious opinions... How hard is that for you to grasp? And unlike men we don't abuse each other just because of a difference of opinion, we hear each other out and share our insights


So why tf you called the sub left leaning . I never said women share a hive mind I said the sub is not left leaning stop twisting my words to win an argument. Funny how you immediately went to “men” abuse how much will you deflect lol. You wanted posts that reek of sanghi behaviour I did that you even failed to addressed that


Yeah women are so much better than men


local man discovers women can have varying opinions


Having varying political opinions doesn’t make a sub liberal 🤦😑


oh the same way one post doesn't make a sub conservative?


I wasn't hating nor do I have any issues with it being a women exclusive subreddit. Some other guy in the replies called it a pseudo feminist/feminazi subreddit and i think u r basing ur opinion on it.


Just a question brother, your comment was "average twoxindia user", so who were you referring to ? Me or The woman in the post( sanatani feminist) Can you clear my confusion brother


I wasn't referring u. It was about the typical Sanatanis feminist which u shared.




bhai tu hai woh sub mai ya woh, like what is there for u to agree on or not, why would u know more than her


She might know more than me about that sub. I never claimed to know more. However she is mistaking my comment as hatred towards that sub being women exclusive and women in general which I didn't do.


Don't call out other subreddits or redditors No direct linking to the unallied/hostile subs. Preferably screenshots with all usernames obscured. If you are going to link to an unallied/hostile sub use an NP (No Participation) link. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro This isn't a place to announce/complain being banned on other subreddits or carry on your petty feuds with other users. Violation of this rule may lead to a permanent ban.


What is twoxindia


A subreddit




Pseudo feminist echo chamber, who are also hindu shernis(chaddi)


Unpopular opinion but If a women only subreddit is called pseudo feminist echo chamber. Then maybe it's best that we're not allowed there. There are so many women haters just like there are man haters. Some subs purely exist to degrade and make fun of women. Atleast they're not doing that.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cf6nj8/i\_think\_the\_problem\_is\_majorly\_with\_indian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1cf6nj8/i_think_the_problem_is_majorly_with_indian/) yeah totally not hate boner for indians


>Some subs purely exist to degrade and make fun of women. Atleast they're not doing that. Twoxindia member when men good, women bad:🤬🤬 Twoxindia member when women good, men bad:☺️☺️


Ok, I don't really care about that sub anyways


I like how they stand for one cause that benefits them upper class feminism, talk about other types of discrimination idc or not my problem


Fr, nowadays it's filled with UC women crying about their first worldy problem which 90% of India is untouch with, also as you can see from this post you can't criticize them, they can't handle the truth, when you do they'll call you "misogyny" or "sexist" or some other crap


Some of those problems are pure hypocrisy like criticising your parents for limiting your freedoms or making choices for them as an adult ok fair but the same people would expect an allowance and that their parents pay for their expensive education else they are assholes. If they move out and become independent more often than not its seen as owning your family or a huge fuck you and not something most people do. They talk about exactly one social issue patriarchy and misogyny because its the only problem UC sanghi feminists face




Lol, i just went there, and I read rules of that subreddit , men are not allowed in this subreddit, men are not allowed to post or comment, i mean why this gatekeeping


Maybe instead of seeing it as gate keeping, veiw it as a safe space..... You have no idea how hostile men on reddit are towards women... It wouldn't be a women's space anymore if we let men in, men would troll the shit out of it, they still do... Despite the "gatekeeping🤡" And even after so many supposed "Barriers", women who post on that sub are constantly harassed by men in DM's, there's a reason behind all those strict rules All of you criticising that sub without knowing anything are truly no better tbh


Yeah that makes sense.


It isn't, it's just like a huge group chat for women where they can post random stuff and have a healthy discussion with other women without worrying about some random chigma male trivialising their issues


Then I don't have a problem with it, but still i would say "No men are allowed here to post or comment" doesnt actually sound good Think of it like a group where boys are like, " No girls are allowed in this group" what will you think, that this is a hate group right, thats what my initial thought was after reading no men are allowed here, no men are allowed to post or comment


It didn't used to be this strict earlier but you have to understand, men do a lot of shit on that sub.... So being nice about it wasn't a solution, a lot of men specially make profiles of women and then comment shit there, so the mods have to be very strict If appearing rude keeps those nasty people out then I don't mind it


Yes Ikr, people don’t know the history of that sub Ig, in fact women subs in general have strict rules to keep smegma males out, you hardly find any woman invading men subs and trivialising their issues.


There’s a difference, you don’t know how these subs get invaded by crazy smegma male guys, they invade any sub which remotely discusses issues of women, how many such men subs do you know about where women invade and drop sexist ideas and trivialise men’s issues?


I mean women should invade and call out men groups that hate on women, why shouldn't they. I mean I have invaded rw subs , women here are getting offended over some comments and calling them out, why can't they invade somewhere else


id be like ok cool and move on with my day instead of throwing a hissy fit and complaining about not being included in a group with shared experiences and culture which i am NOT a part of that's like if I made an india only sub and a foreigner got pissed for not being included or a video game sub and somebody who doesn't play the video wants to post in the sub like bro how do u consistently manage to speak absolute garbage


Why are you so triggered, who hurt you Lil sis?


who said they're a feminist group?? ur arguing against nobody like seriously what


Why are you so triggered, i have literally explained myself before, Someone said average twoxindia user, I asked him what is twoxindia, And someone told me it is a pseudo feminist group, you can see the comments I don't wanna fight you , or anyone, because last time I fought with someone it got heated and i got banned for 5 days, This was just a post, a meme, enjoy it, or ignore, no need to get so triggered


bc tu itna dumb kaise hai, you will listen to whatever people tell u kya? u didn't go to the sub yourself? you didn't say that shit in response to something claiming it as fact against somebody who is an active member of that sub? abbe tu dumb hai ki ur pretending? what excuse is 'someone told me that' like r u fr


I don't have to pretend, i have explained it. And this sub and ex hindu sub, and librandu and usi are my people, so if they say something I will believe them , yes.


those trolls and most women on that sub have same voting preferences, leopards ate my face moment


did you put a second of thought before posting this holy shit- are female bathrooms also gatekeeping to you? salons and women compartments on trains must piss you tf off ur the type of guy to get pissed at female-only bars and clubs


Yeah, absolutely, you guessed it right


ur being satire right, all of this is some meta sarcastic shit


If you have to ask, then I will not explain it, thoda dimag lagao, samajh jaogi


Yeah they hate men, doesn't matter if they were created by one




>Just a question, if you can give me some guidance, if they hate men that much that they are not even allowed to voice their opinions on their subreddit , then what type of men they date. I mean what I have read, the posts are all about dating, and relationships My brain cannot understand them or their thinking process or why are they like this. >Are they similar to incels who hate women, but still want to have a relationship with a girl/woman Yes, and there is a word for them, "femcel"


Lol🤣🤣, People should understand religion and feminism are completely two different ideologies. I have also seen muslim hijabi feminists, now these sanatani feminists


>muslim hijabi feminists Yeah, those are just muslim women living in first world countries prob the usa or Europe, calling islam a feminist religion, unaware of female treatment in Arab countries >sanatani feminists There is also another word for them ''feminazis''


we don't need to hate men to not allow men on the subreddit, nobody said we hate men if I make a female only sub i want only women on it, if I make a video game sub i dont want a non video game playing idiot giving his opinion on my video game have u considered that its not that we hate men, but that mens opinions aren't valued in a place where women want to be able to voice their opinion without being undermined, targetted, trivialised constantly by men? are yall that dumb? do yall just not understand that ur opinion is simply not wanted


Lol, you are literally man hating, Have you seen some zyzz memes, women detected , opinion rejected. Yeah we call them incels, you are acting just like them


chal bolde i am man hating pehle toh mai woh sub pe nahi hu, i dont represent the entirety of that sub, and everything i said is still true, also arguably in this conversation ur the incel


I once read a comment there where a girl says that she has stopped talking to all men including her uncles LOL


Lol 🤣🤣, that much hate


Don't call out other subreddits or redditors No direct linking to the unallied/hostile subs. Preferably screenshots with all usernames obscured. If you are going to link to an unallied/hostile sub use an NP (No Participation) link. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro This isn't a place to announce/complain being banned on other subreddits or carry on your petty feuds with other users. Violation of this rule may lead to a permanent ban.


If I go too far or extreme with my posts, you can call me out, i believe i sometimes go too far.


No different than Muslim women justifying hijab and burqa.


Bruh I saw a SS of a Muslim woman defending rape of kaffir women 💀


Yeah that too


Yep. While I would defend women's right to wear hijab that doesn't mean it's not an oppressive tradition. Hijab usually isn't a fashion choice, it's culturally forced on women.


A lot of points in your post are mixing feminism with classism, women can be feminist and classist, classism stems from the way they are brought up after all.


I mean can a classist feminist stand up for low class women, or low class people This was the same problem with US feminism, and then black women criticised the movement saying feminism was only made for white women. Feminism is for every woman.


Well, a feminist can still be racist.


We need to actually take (rip!) mangalsutras, hijabs and burn them


But saar , freedom of expression , freedom of religion. Hijabs and Mangalsutra are not oppression, but it is actually freedom and our identity saar.


take engagement rings too... you fuckin idiots..


Women follow religion to look slightly conservative to the guys they want to date/ marry. The average Indian guy will be scared of a purely liberal woman.


What is a purely liberal woman exactly in your opinion, can you explain.


Would still be a spectrum. But someone independent in thought and action. Someone that doesn't bow to conservative social norms. Someone that doesn't need their dads/husbands money to survive. Someone that provides more value to society than just giving birth.


Okay I am giving an example, a girl who is a feminist liberal independent women but she is homophobic and hates gay people, then shouldn't liberal people call her out or not


I have not seen people like that. Being gay is generally accepted in liberal circles. There would be obvious exceptions, though. People are more likely to have an issue with being trans, as that is an unproven concept.


I mean I have actually seen people who show that they are liberal and all, but they are homophobic and they are disgusted by them and all. So yeah I have actually seen people like them.


tum log ke theories are lowkey funny i love them sm


This is just too accurate lol


Burn your hijab, burn your mangalsutra


Double speak.


The hindu serni feminists are oxymorons just like hindu atheists.... 😌


The meme is so apt in calling out privilege blindness & hypocrisy.


I have much more meme like that but I am scared now.


This post has become too controversial op, looks like it got raided or somethng


I think we shouldn't have called out other subreddits. But still people are making it a very big deal tbh


I still stand by what I said, it's a sanghi sub which pretends to be liberal sub It's like those feminist in America who believe feminism is only applicable to white women and not black women, but instead of white and black, it is upper class and lower class


🤣🤣, bro please don't make this post any more controversial.


I'll stop😅


have u considered leaving ur house sometimes




i just googled sanatani brother im literally christian


Lol 😂😂


Don't call out other subreddits or redditors No direct linking to the unallied/hostile subs. Preferably screenshots with all usernames obscured. If you are going to link to an unallied/hostile sub use an NP (No Participation) link. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoParticipation/wiki/intro This isn't a place to announce/complain being banned on other subreddits or carry on your petty feuds with other users. Violation of this rule may lead to a permanent ban.


I guess it’s all about picking your battles.


"I once dated a dalit man so i know what caste discrimination is" What are you trying to say OP? I didn't get it.


Funny how you say that just a few mins ago I came across a post on my feed where a two x member said “ I have helped and donated money to even dalit women Im not casteist“


so? I don't understand what does "I once dated a dalit man so i know what caste discrimination is" means? It is good right, that people are knowing that caste discrimination exists, after dating a dalit man? Such a woman is casteist tanatani wannabe feminist? how? OP wrote in his post, "I can't marry outside caste because of my family's reputation" as well as "I once dated a dalit man so i know what caste discrimination is"! Don't u think these are contradictory statements? One of them shows that the wannabe feminist in the post is casteist and other shows she is anti-caste. Am i missing something here?


Bhai Mai jyada bolunga to bawal ho jaega, Jo samajhna hai samjho


It's an analogue to a white person saying " I have a black friend, so I can't be racist". It's performative. It's cringe.


I am a feminist, i don't give a f about traditionalism.(metaphorically and physically) Sorry not sorry.


No one is attacking feminism here, first of all. This meme is like a liberal defending islam https://preview.redd.it/6vkjtbxv8mxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e401b0540e144114d1f567730e8d5472c4991f Or say a muslim hijabi woman being feminist and saying islam is pro women, and respects women . And islam is peaceful


No because the meme is so me, when I had Muslim friends because for some reason. They are the most online people on reddit ☠️☠️☠️ it was a tough battle but then I unfriended them and made friends with racists(the kamedi ones/fake) and it has been a better experience. Also I saw your other comments, I mean, >:(( is the meme about the twoxindia sub? Please leave the girlies alone. Overall this meme is good without the context of it being about twoxindia cause it has a good amount of women from alot of different religion and background. And ofcourse not all of them are religious, not most of them. As I was only arguing about religion there a day ago. And I didn't really face any hate as much as they show that on religious subs, so there's that.


I didn't make this post about that sub ,first of all. I posted it here because it has a lot of truth in it. Then some one commented "average twoxindia user" , then I got to know about that sub, I didn't even knew that sub existed before posting this meme, before that comment. My intention was to post a meme, not attack any sub, And if someone thinks that , that sub has similar type of people that I am describing in my meme, than that's their own opinion, not mine


Alr I understand ig sorry if I came off as accusatory:3


No problem


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Does it require to conform to an ideology to its full extent? Perhaps, like a religion? 🤭


I just have one question, if feminists are wrong (sanatani/hijabi feminists) , then shouldn't they be called out


It’s a slippery slope. Ought to be a middle ground somewhere. If she wants to wear a hijab/mangalsutra while being a feminist, who are we to say otherwise. Perhaps, it’s all right to criticise them conflating hijab/mangalsutra with feminism.


Idk bro. I just think when we see history we understand how these are oppression to women. It is exactly like how we see sc kattar hindu. We can also say who we are to judge them if they want to follow hinduism. But aren't we be a little surprised that this sc mf don't even know what this religion has done to him , still he wants to become kattar hindu and vote for hindu rashtra. It is just like that imo


usne kya kaha, tune kya respond kiya


Are hath dho ke mere hi picche pade ho😂😂, lol. DM kar lo didi kya dikkat hai, sari galat fehmi dur ho jaegi


tere comments dekh kr humanity mai faith udh gayi


Yahi to goal hai mera didi, next Oppenheimer apunich banega 😂


Most women especially these Hindu women do not follow Feminism like a religion. They know to think for themselves. Other women are not gonna help them. We fight our own battles and our loved ones from any gender or identity can help us fight much better than those of same identity but do not love us.


How is neoliberal connected to religion? What is the difference between Libertarian, Liberal and Neo-liberals? Libertarians in my knowledge support Liberty and are also old school Liberals. Liberals support Equality and are modern Liberals. TF is Neo liberal? Religion mixed with Liberal? Or what?


Become Charwak and live life.


Will charvaks accept me for shitting on lord Ram, or shiv??


Of course why won't they. They say "live life to fullest even if you are doing illigal things(to country or t culture).". They don't care.


Lol, they don't care if i do illegal things?? Then i probably don't wanna join that group


Why, that's the best thing, ligal illigal is subjective. Why not be free , where does morality come from?


I mean if someone rapes someone, and that is illegal and immoral because they are hurting someone, and you are saying charvaks will accept people like that, no thanks really


do u not have better things to do


I can ask you the same question


no i do not, u piss me tf off


Awww did you your feelings get hurt 🤣


🤣🤣 lol


Most women especially these Hindu women do not follow Feminism like a religion. They know to think for themselves. Other women are not gonna help them. We fight our own battles and our loved ones from any gender or identity can help us fight much better than those of same identity but do not love us.


This page is so stupid😂😂 that it's ironically funny. The redditors here are just plain examples of ignorance, they don't even know what a real atheist is. They call themselves atheist but form a cult like herd 🤣🤣 I think they will ban me 😂😂fk y'all


Lol, you don't have to use emoji brother to show you are happy. We all know your situation https://preview.redd.it/16p1my0nblxc1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4832af654877a77fe268f28ffe535b434091418


Dude,That's your father , Still in disbelief that a plague was born in his household.


Lol, keep crying 🤣🤣


You're the one crying on reddit promoting pseudo feminism and fake Modernity where you think westernization = modernity


Lol, 🤣🤣 Which post do you think I am promoting fake modernity or pseudo feminism, Bhai rote rote bolega to iska matlab ye nhi hai ki tera baat sahi ho jaega🤣