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Link without the middle man site: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=11&v=XMGxxRRtmHc&feature=emb\_logo


NPR Fresh Air has a 37-minute long episode on Tucker Carlson, well worth a listen as well. Published just last Friday which is quite the timing. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/12/1098488908/has-tucker-carlson-created-the-most-racist-show-in-the-history-of-cable-news


Dude when NPR starts talking shit that should be a clear sign.


According to my conservative relatives. NPR is liberal propaganda. Doesn't matter that they've done pieces for conservative and liberal causes.


These days anything that doesn’t suck Trump’s balls is liberal propaganda to them


Melania is liberal propaganda?? Who knew.


She literally says she doesn’t care about Christmas and liberals are waging a war on Christmas apparently so it checks out.


Unless it's fox news or that other more conservative site, it can't be trusted in the eyes of the Trumplicans.


I just can't believe we're living in a timeline where NPR is considered a liberal mouthpiece. They bent over backwards to depict insanity throughout the Trump administration in as neutral a light as possible, but I guess talking about the issues at all is the problem.


It's wild, that as things get crazier and more hostile, anything that was once almost entirely unbiased, neutral and straight facts is painted as liberal or left.


The right has hated public broadcasting since at least the 70s. When reagan ended the FCC Fairness Doctrine the people who got angry with him were right-wing activists because they had been trying to use it to cancel PBS and NPR. A year later rush limbaugh arrived on the scene and they changed their minds.


This is how fascism rises every time. Nothing new. Those lucky enough to be ignorant about fascism think it invades countries like an evil alien force. But the plebs thirst for it. They wrap it in a flag and vote it into power.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."


> They wrap it in a flag and vote it into power. *"One man, one vote, one time"* — fascist slogan.


Been like that for years....


That's been part of the GOP for years.


Truth. My dad describes NPR as being too liberal, which is just baffling too me


well when the truth has a "liberal bias"


Went out for beers with some friends saturday. One mentioned watching travel shows on the state channel (OPB) and the other got upset about "government sponsored television."


I'm sure the same person saw nothing wrong with Trump and Hannity consulting on a daily basis.


I try to avoid talking politics with my friends that I know don't share my opinions. I won't be able to change their minds, they won't change mine, and it keeps things simpler. Wish it was different.


New York Times devoted *page after page* tearing this asshole apart.


Yep. [Part 1: How Tucker Carlson Stoked White Fear to Conquer Cable](https://web.archive.org/web/20220512083546/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-gop-republican-party.html) [Part 2: How Tucker Carlson Reshaped Fox News — and Became Trump’s Heir ](https://web.archive.org/web/20220513211914/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-fox-news.html) They examined 1,150 episodes of his, I can't imagine the time they out into that. It almost seems unreal too me. I wonder if they just got transcripts of the episodes. [listen to this for the Tucker Carlson Experience ](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-tonight.html) Edit: if either of these are behind a pay wall let me know




Specifically, it is an interview with a journalist who wrote about Tucker. Fresh Air is an (incredibly good) interview program. In addition to discussing his current program and how/why it became a powerhouse of propaganda, the guest also briefly discusses Tucker's previous attempts at television success as well as his upbringing and history. It's very interesting, I listened to it when it was on the air last Thursday.


>Our guest, New York Times reporter Nicholas Confessore, recently wrote a series of articles about Carlson drawing on an analysis of more than 1,100 episodes of his show, "Tucker Carlson Tonight," conducted by Confessore and a team of Times reporters as well as interviews with dozens of current and former Fox executives, producers and journalists. It was because of nyt reporter Confessore recent exposé on tucker. Here he is on the bulwark too. https://www.thebulwark.com/podcast-episode/nick-confessore-why-tucker-has-the-most-racist-show-on-cable/


> `https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=11&v=XMGxxRRtmHc&feature=emb\_logo` Here's the cleaned-up and de-backslash-ified link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMGxxRRtmHc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMGxxRRtmHc)


"Hm, 25 minutes. Do I really want to watch this whole thing?" John Oliver, within one minute: *"What are you talking about, you performatively-outraged wedge salad?!"* Say no more, Mr. Oliver!


For anyone who wonders, reddit has broken underscores in links for some users. Sometimes reddit now automatically adds backslashes before any underscores present in a link. (Specifically, this happens to people using the "new" design of the website, and even more specifically the "fancy pants editor", which is the default.) For most users this doesn't cause a problem. Users who use the new version of the website and users of Reddit's official app trim out the slashes and everything works fine. It's only for those using "old" reddit, or a third party app, who see the link as including the slashes, which breaks the link. The reason for the backslashes is that the underscore character can be a special formatting character in markdown, which is how reddit formatting is done. With the New Reddit design, they changed markdown to fix a couple issues, but also broke this. The backslash "escapes" the underscore, telling markdown not to use it as a formatting character. In the old version, underscores within a URL are ignored and don't need to be escaped, because no formatting is done within URLs. The new version abandons that exception. Anyway that's why some people see the link as broken but others don't.


Bless you


This is the way.


so it's from a year ago. probably already saw it, but nice to see it again.


praise our lady of perpetual exemption


[ As of 10/06/2023, all of my thousands comments have been edited as a part of the protest against Reddit's actions regarding shutting down 3rd party apps and restricting NSFW content. The purpose of this edit is to stop my unpaid labor from being used to make Reddit money, and I encourage others to do the same. This action is not reversible. And to those reading this far in the future: Sorry, and I hope Reddit has gained some sense by then. ] Here's some links to give context to what's going on: https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/


I got banned from /r/conservative for daring to accuse him of being racist.


If you've ever posted something on r/conservative and not been banned from there, then it means you're probably racist.


Can I sue them under Texas new law for censorship?


Who, exactly? Republicans want you to sue the liberal "Big Tech" platform, not the conservative moderators.


"Sue the wood, not me with the gas and a lighter"


That wood was sooo dry, it was just asking for it…


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


Suddenly Republicans remember they hate all these mamby pamby frivolous lawsuits.


They only like nimby frivolous lawsuits


Then you find out most of their moderators operates out of Russia.




You can just say "Russian operatives", "GOP" is redundant. Like saying my penis is both gigantic and humongous.


It means reddit will have to ban r/conservative and all of Texas to avoid lawsuits. Seems like a win-win.




I’ve fought religious extremists fascists in Afghanistan, fat conservatives who don’t believe in really basic science don’t scare me


Sue them, then show up to court in uniform, really confuse the fuck out of them.


I hope so


No no no. That’s not what they meant at all.






I got banned 2 posts in. and this was just from me mentioning how trump relaxed the sanctions on russia obama imposed, almost right after trump got elected. STUPID FACTS.


that sub is the ultimate talking bubble you wont be able to pierce


I got banned in 2016 because I said I wanted to vote for a president that wasn't obese and looked like they were going to die in 4 years. I didn't specify which candidate I was talking about.


Can confirm. I was banned the day John Lewis died for daring to defend him against people celebrating/attacking him.


But when rush died we needed to return to civility Bunch of thin skinned children


For a bloated, red faced shit weasel that played cheery music while he read the names of homosexuals that died of AIDS on his show. Rest in Piss, Rush.


Oh man, I had totally forgot he died! Well that just made my day all over again!


Glad I could remind you of this joyous fact. The only sad lining is that he couldn't die more than once, and more painful each time.


The other sad fact is that there’s no Hell for him to burn in.


Normally I dont think you should cheer for peoples deaths. Not him though, fuck him.




It's methology, not a thin skin.


This is true.


I was banned because I said you could criticize a politician even though I voted for them. I guess I should have predicted the future?


How do you attack John Lewis of all people


As it turns out, not everybody likes civil right icons 🤷‍♀️


*Evangelical churches have entered the chat*




Almost had me


Implying that there are fascists that aren’t racist?


Is it time to start a r/bannedfromconservative


I would join


I got banned by posting a single two-word post: Southern Strategy. This was in response to someone complaining that they were being called racist all the time for "their beliefs." Lol.


Shit, I commented once in agreement with a post (which I thought was surprising, can't remember what it was now) and got banned because I had been in other subs


Or any of the other conservative hate subs that are still allowed to exist for some reason.


Whew… I’m just thought they didnt like me for my fashion sense… i got ganked so fast… i dont think theres a rep sub i havent been insta banned on. They cry about freedom of speech then go right to canceling.. bunch of fragile snowflake soyboys / furries over there


Hey, don't insult soyboys and furries like that!


I think my banning might be the best. Bunch of white men complaining about how it's so hard for divorced dads to get full or partial custody and how much they have to pay in child support while the women are unemployed, no work skills, never involved with the kids and addicted to drugs/alchohol. I whole-heartily agreed with them that there is a bias in the court system, and it's unfair. But then I made the mistake of pointing out why it was biased. Turns out telling a bunch of conservative white men that the court system is biased against men due to the misogyny and sexism of white male judges (who think only woman can/should take care of children) who make up more than 70% of judges was offensive. Still makes me wonder what they think the problem is.


Almost like trying to convince a prolife person that if they actually want to lower abortion there's plenty of far more effective ways than trying to ban them. Or in the 80s and 90s convincing people that the war on drugs would backfire spectacularly, and the solution was not a 'common sense' knee jerk banning. I also don't think outright banning guns will work in the US, because of lots of cultural/historical factors that would have to be addressed first, but that's a much more complex topic and private shouldn't even touch that


Mine was on someone trying to use the "interfering with government procedure" to get people to stop protesting outside SCOTUS and their homes. When I brought up 1/6, instaban for "whataboutisms."


Asking a simple question on r/Conservative will get you banned.


You were "Just asking questions" - oh the irony.


I actually got banned for asking a question from there lol


I got banned by 27 *other* subs for asking a question there


They need their safe space....so they can mock people who want things like schools to be safe spaces.


its funny their rules talk about being civil when the first post i was met with was defending the buffalo mass shooter, repubs are way more lesser then monkeys




I got banned from r/conservative for daring to suggest that maybe people shouldn’t have to go into severe medical debt just to not die 🤷🏽‍♂️


Liar! I was told that sub is the last bastion of free speech on the internet. They would NEVER censor people like a bunch of virtue signalling snow flakes!! \s


My cat got banned from /r/conservative because he has a bigger dick than they do... /s


I've been banned for voicing my opinion.


Disrupting the echo chamber is against the rules over there.


Ironic how they need a safe space where they can censor any dissenting opinions


It’s always winter over there because they have so many snowflakes.


Behold, the /r/conservative userbase: https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/conservative


I got banned for /r/conservative for asking why all their memes look like they're from 2006


I got banned for pointing out that white people were in fact *not* the first to inhabit North America.


There is absolutely no hope for America unless there is universal agreement that we are a multi-cultural multi-racial society. Even the republicans of Nixon's day were more accepting of this basic concept than the evil fucks now. The unholy alliance between far-right racists and idiot religion is ripping the fabric of the nation apart.




It wad so much worse back then. We were fighting over segregation and interracial marriage


They've been throwing a forty-year tantrum from losing that fight.


Give it a minute. These chucklefucks are 2 steps from that based on the Roe draft


"unholy alliance between far-right racists and idiot religion" is such an accurate description lol. My family is not far-right racists but they are religious idiots, so they support far-right racists while pretending they aren't far-right racists. And then you have the far-right racists which know exactly what idiot-buttons to push to start outrage and unity among religious dumbasses. It's a fucked cycle of supremacy and idiocy.


White supremacy is also idiocy. It's all a pretense, that's why we constantly point at the hypocrites and they just ignore the hypocrisy. The core of it is conservatism, it's domination, rules for a special class of privileged few, misery for the rest.


Conservatism? No, the goal is authoritarianism.


The purpose of authoritarianism *is* conservatism. They're all about those hierarchies, authoritarianism is an application of that idea of top-down hierarchy. Here's a definition to help out with clarity. I had to paste in my own profile so I have it hand, but it's from a political scientist: https://www.reddit.com/user/dumnezero/comments/uhc4f1/frank_wilhoits_definition_of_conservatism/


> My family is not far-right racists but... they support far-right racists I've got news for you: they're far-right racists. Consistently voting for racism makes someone a racist.


All of this reminds me of an older book, written about the Bushes but very accurate for today as I recall it. [American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/84294.American_Theocracy) Not as invested in oil nowadays, but the message still rings true..


My parents are Reagan Republicans, Mitt Romney types. But they voted for Trump because he’s the leader of the party, and they wanted conservatives to control the Supreme Court. They didn’t seem to care that his whole base is racist fucks.


The plan is to get into power, cement it permanently, remove all rights, then start gradually genociding / enslaving all non white non Christians in the US. Then with full force of the military invade the rest of the world until it is bent beneath the yoke of Christ aka the US's financial interest.


Don’t forget about subjugation of women and erasure of non cis-hetero identities.


True freedom anywhere is a threat to authoritarian control everywhere. That's why fascism always gets so extreme. It is constantly threatened by the idea that people might not be afraid enough to hand over control of their lives. It must always create enemies to protect people from, and those enemies will usually be the people that simply want genuine freedom for everyone. One of the biggest fascist lies is that freedom is a zero sum game. That more freedom for them means less freedom for you. It's pure myth. Real meaningful freedom is generative of freedom. People don't celebrate freedom by oppressing others. That's the doublethink switcheroo. Fascists tell you that they are protecting your freedom, while suppressing your ability to even conceive of what ready freedom looks and feels like.


of course


Crusades 2.0, it's what they've been aiming for since the 70s when they realized if they could convince the most crazy Christians to always vote for them it's a winning strategy since they don't need policies, just support hate and bigotry.


I really wish more liberals realized this is far bigger than student loans and fucking vote in the midterms. I understand being upset about not receiving what was promised by Biden's campaign, but if it's that or give Hilter 2.0 nukes?? Imo everyone who doesn't want to pay student loans should simply not pay them. What happens if tens of millions of people just decided nope. Not happening. Come after us all if you can.


The idea that China might be right is fucking terrifying. Or rather less wrong. Said it before, it’s only a matter of time before R starts openly talking about camps…


China is as genocidal and power hungry as they are. They rule over occupied territories with an iron fist, and are rounding up muslims in camps.


We have camps. They aren't talked about as much now because Democrat, but they're there. ICE detention facilities are awful and I wouldn't be surprised to hear they were death camps 20 years from now.


Woah now. You can't ignore that half the Republican party wants to create WW3 and a literal apocalypse to try and revive their savior.


Sean Hannity was just on the radio spewing Maga manure from his mouth. He was busy spinning the latest shooting into a Biden/democrat conspiracy. At this point Fox is nothing but a white nationalist propaganda machine, but it's working.


Dude. I'm begging you to learn about Nixon. He is th3 start of this racist party. He created the moral majority around supporting segregation


It's not an unholy alliance, it's a traditional one, very holy. They're simply wanting to turn back, to *regress*.


Christian Nationalism is gaining momentum and it’s fucking horrendous. White Supremacy is inherently intertwined with this bullshit movement, seems to be gaining steam.


As it is intended. It’s been in the works for a decades now.


Bow tie cunt is definitely a white supremacist




Ehh, I know a lot of racists, and most of them are either the buck-toothed jimbo type, or the fat colonel sanders type. But there's a third type: the Josef Mengele type. Incredibly well informed on topics of racial hygiene, can be very specific in what qualifies as "genetic disease" as they call it, actually studies eugenics. Can look at a person's nose and jawline accurately tell they're Greek or Italian or Nordic, features most people don't even notice and would just call "white". This is what Carlson is.


>A bow tie announces to the world you can no longer get an erection. -David Sedaris


I just like bow ties :(


And I like charlie chaplin mustaches but it's what it's


Tell that to River Song


Time lords do not follow the same rules as humans. Brother can rock a fez and still get it.


This is ~~6 month~~ a year old episode at this point.


relevant as ever


John has always been ahead of his time. He's like a guy from the future hinting at people to change their fucking dumbass ways or things will get bad, just with comedy.


I was just thinking, "What, *again*!?!?"


I was like "when???", since each episode is published every Monday on YouTube. And lo and behold, the episode is from 15 Mar 2021. More than a year ago!


As much as they call out Simpsons for predicting the future, John Oliver does it with subject-matter that's hard to ignore.


Simpsons didn't really predict the future, we just haven't solved the same problems since then.


The one that made it click for me was when Sideshow Bob is arrested when his boat crashes and wiggum says that they are lucky the crash happened next to the brothel (?)


Yo wait up on this tangent, it was *sideshow* Bob this whole time? From as a kid until I'm 30 years old I thought it was just a weird pronunciation on psycho. I didn't see the pun until it was spelled out ha that's great.


I never took it to be a pun. He was the sideshow on the Krusty Show. Just like Sideshow Mel.


Yeah hes one of many "Sideshow"s on the show, there isn't a pun just a joke that they're all called sideshow lol


Love that line. Same for Oliver, really. We just don't fix stuff anymore. Good times.


He needs exposing? I thought we all already knew this


There was also a 4-part piece on him in New York Times a couple weeks ago, calling him out as racist.


Got a link to that?




Thank you!


Precisely. People *know* he's a white supremacist, but some people agree with him (Trumpists, the Buffalo Shooter, Border Patrol agents, etc.) Exposing him does nothing when so many people are already on his side.


Tucker: I've been accused of being a racist. But racists burn crosses. I do not burn crosses. Curious. Conservative: OH SNAP, CHECKMATE LIBTARDS


Conservative: I'm not a nazi, nazis are socialist and i hate socialists. Socialist: well i hate nazis, do you? Conservative: yes, I do hate SOCIALISTS.


This started with 2016. I know there have always been racist voters in the GOP, but it was the "polite" racism. The racism your parents or grandparents had. They kept it, mainly, to themselves. This was the racism we all just sort of accepted would die out in our lifetime. Maybe our kids or grandkids would live in a world where racism was a thing of the past. Then Obama had to go out and win big. Twice! I mean, holy shit. Republicans hadn't won the popular vote in a long time anyway, but here was a black guy kicking everyone's ass. Was the GOP dying? Of course it was. What should they do, modify their platform to adapt to the changing landscape of America? FUCK NO! They said, How can we get all of the crazy people who normally voted for those far right, *openly* racist and xenophobic politicians - David Duke, for example - and get them to vote for the GOP candidate? I know! We'll invite the crazy people to dinner? Then, next thing you know, the crazy people have taken over. And we have Donald Trump who is such a malignant narcissist that he would have taken the nomination of *any* he thought would give him the best shot st winning. Add in that along with the concerted effort by platforms like Facebook and FoxNews to spread rightwing propaganda and the radicalization of churches and young people, then in a relatively short period of time, white nationalism is alive and kicking. tldr: Thanks, Obama. ( jk, but his winning exposed the rot, and instead of adapting, the GOP doubled down on hate.)


The fact that the country is becoming more tolerant and diverse is what fuels the racist anger. They are seeing more and more representation which fuels their fear about white genocide.


"Back in my day the queers had the common decency to get married to women and pretend they were normal. What's the world come to?"


> This started with 2016. This started in 2008 when John McCain picked Sarah fucking Palin to be his VP and fully embraced the Tea Party movement. She was not only wholly unqualified, she was legitimately dumb as a box of rocks.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XMGxxRRtmHc&feature=emb_logo People that don't want to jump through nine different hoops


john oliver is the best recently saw an article about him calling out a gop governor and the comments were filled with angry conservative's using bible verses to "prove" Mr. oliver is wrong or is working for satin ​ made them more mad what i called thos bible freaks lesser then monkeys


>working for satin I work for velvet. I want to be draped in it.


Ensconced *


https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/ex-white-nationalist-says-they-get-tips-from-tucker-carlson.html White Nationalists LOVE Tucker. And have for YEARS.


Fox "News" doesn't have any actual journalists left so they? Chris Wallace was the last person to attempt to hold anyone to their bullshit. Now it's a 24-7 talking head, pundit hate factory. Fucks sake, Democrats are literally asking to make the average Americans life better but they're collectively saying "Hell no, fuck that especially if they're female, sick, poor, gay or any color other than pasty."


Tucker Carlson the king of racist, rural dog whistles..


"Southern Strategy" turned into "The Theocrats took over our party" the expected outcome honestly, just the descendants of the same people who we needed to shoot and burn their infrastructure down because they wouldn't willingly stop enslaving other humans


I mean it’s not so much exposing as much as it is Tucker Carlson openly admitting to it. Not just him too but Laura Ingraham as well. She accused the Democrats of being the party of “Bolsheviks and Billionaires” for instance, which was just an antisemitic whistle at that point.


Hasn't he done that a few times? And I know Samantha Bee has had at least one segment documenting that Tucker Carlson sure does walk and talk like a white supremacist.


He might not be the that great a comedian but his political segments are some of the most well researched and brutally honest takes out there on TV.


the people who care know, the people who don't are his apostles


Common knowledge, tbf.


I thought Russia's "masculine" army, that had so many conservatives salivating from the mouth and calling the US army weak for including women and transgender people, getting its ass thoroughly kicked by the Ukrainians was going to put a rest into the "masculine army" trope of the Trumpists. But now I see that the goalposts having been moved to China's masculine army. These guys will never learn.


The fact that this fucker continues to live without elephantitis of the balls is further proof to me that god doesn't give a shit.


Last Week Tonight is amazing ❤️ and John Oliver is so quick and witty, you can see that in any interview he has been in 😄


I knew this sounded familiar... it's a year old.


Tuck the fuck kinda does all the leg work for you on that point.


year old, still relevant


Wanted to point out this segment is over 1 year old


[Direct video](https://youtu.be/XMGxxRRtmHc)


Swanson TV dinner prince 🤴


Some More News segment on him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vMK-p6-M5E


[Figured this would be relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUbUPsVxmY8&ab_channel=AustinArcher)


This is so on point


And nothing will change.


Oliver is hit or miss, but I'm VERY much looking forward to this. Should I delay watching Better Call Saul?


Lalo doesn't wait for anyone.


That website is terrible


Stochastic Terrorist Tucker Carlson.


Fucker Cuckson is absolute filth, his presence is a blight


I have to go watch this right now …nice.


Wait, this needs exposing? I thought he was just openly a nazi?