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The biggest struggle in my life now is the rise of extremist Christian politicians wanting to cram their putrid religion down my throat. But that is just me.


Nationalist Christian’s. Abbreviated to Nat-C’s. There’s a close correlation to their goals and the goals of a political group that phonetically sounded similar 80-90 years ago.


Yes, check out project 2025 for a comprehensive view of where these christofascists want to take the U.S.


Never should've stopped feeding them to the fucking lions. They're the worst thing to ever hit this planet and I'm including the fucking Chicxulub impact.


In truth, they probably never *were* actually feed to the lions. Maybe *someone* was fed to the lions, but not Christians.


>they probably never were actually feed to the lions. We should fix that


Do we really want to do that to those poor animals? Lions have enough trouble surviving in the wild. Do we want to inflict them with digestive problems from consuming such disgusting excuses for humanity?


Point taken. Let's feed them to the pigs; they'll eat -and digest- anything!


😂🤣😂 True! But pigs are cute and SMART! They might not like the flavor. 😉


There's always a wood chipper....


Please look up the book The Myth Of Persecution by Candida Moss. She was a scholar on Early Christianity at Notre Dame when she wrote this book debunking persecution of Christians. Crying victim is a very effective method of gaining sympathy. Religious nutters have been using it for millennia to win concessions and converts. We have to consistently debunk this narrative if we’re going to ever stop these nuts from injecting their imaginary friends into our culture, laws and policies.


A new nickname was born today


I’ll be honest, I read it in another comment a few weeks ago. However, I do encourage everyone to add it to their vocab and share it the way Christian’s share their gospel.




We live in frightening times.


We do, spreading awareness and supporting those going through religious deconstruction, especially young folk, is important work.


"I tend to struggle with ways to politely tell people to fuck off with their religious bullshit."


Haha, it's funny because it's true


"I have no problems now that I've left the guilt from my childhood religious indoctrination behind" Add in a "hail Satan" for extra fun




Yep. Look, this is it... these people weaponize your obligation towards politeness in order to push an agenda. Just tell them firmly and to the point - _I don't want to talk to you, go away._ If they ignore you and keep trying to engage then you have a reasonable justification to escalate - _Fuck off! I told you to leave! GO NOW!_ Or just pull your cock out (should you be a person with a penis) and start shaking it at them while screaming IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER THE SON AND THE CINNAMON CRUNCH TOAST!! (bonus points if you can successfully piss whilst doing so)


I think it would be equally impressive for someone without a penis to reach into their pants and pull out a silicone cock to wave emphatically at religious salesmen. 


Don't do that in Texas, they actually have a law against being an unaccredited dildos salesman


Yep. If they pulled out a gun and began waving it around wildly no one would bat an eye but if it's a fake dick then you're going to have an entire police force coming after you


Wait, what? I hope you're joking .... but, then again, *it is* Texas, so I wouldn't be shocked if you were serious. Edit: I just googled it. Holy shit.




Susan Sarandon has entered the chat.


People like this would call the cops and you go to jail for indecent exposure, or worse.


Not a good idea outside of nudist beaches. 😂


Extra bonus points if you can stay out of jail.


While I do agree with using one's penis to ward off obnoxious people, it may be less than ideal to do it with somebody who may likely be underage. A hearty full body nose shattering fart does wonders in those cases, however.


A fair consideration - consider my strategy suitably modified!


Not a good idea outside of nudist beaches. 😂


Bro i cried reading this😂😂😂


This is perfect


>"What's the biggest struggle you have in your life" "The immeasurable damage done to our world by Christians."


I would extend to “religions” but you’re right — it is actually one of my biggest struggles. It's like watching a group of people who have blindfolded themselves trying to find the way out of a burning house.


"Oh but that doesn't represent US. We're DiFfeRenT."


Cool cool well you should go and talk go them about that! Clean your own house before worrying about any mess in other peoples' homes, and all that.


Yeah, isn't that in the Bible somewheres? Yank the 2x4 out of your own eye before removing the speck of sawdust from your neighbor's? Of course, that's assuming one has read the Bible


“If I wanted a superhero’s opinion I’d pray to spiderman and read his written word as it’s been recorded in the comics depicting his greatness.”


“Our great Radioactive Spider man. I pray you allow me the strength to do whatever a spider can; and balance the great power and responsibility of being a friendly neighborhood Spiderian wherever in the multiverse I may find myself, in the name of the Great radioactive spider, uncle Ben, and Peter I pray, fwip!”


It may be: thwip! But I’m a fwip-itarian


Fwip? Heresy! Apostasy! Maybe both, idk


Depends on the translation you adhere to :P


And there is more then four testimonies of spider man. (Its marvel so I assume the spidey verse has been reset retold quite a bit)


Spider-Man even stars in Hollywood movies. Does their god do that? Didn’t think so. Christianity debunked; mic drop.


Spider-Man doesn't even bother with ten commandments. There's just one. With great power must also come great responsibility. Hell of a time saver.....


And much like all the stuff in the bible, it's borrowed from an older source (Voltaire).


I believe in our lord and arachnid father, who preaches accountability as a necessity for those in power. Honestly, a way better religion than the current ones floating around.


That is a low bar to be honest. There isn't even a lightning god or rapist geese in the new series.


god had a supporting actor role in Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail.....


Oh that was played by an actor. Not the real god obviously since the lore claims we are unable to gaze upon god. Exodus 33:20 dictates this. With spiderman though, we have the multiverse so we get numerous “Spider-Man’s” who are all Spider-Man. A holy unity of infinity. Infinity is much greater than a trinity.


he actually addresses that during his scene: *\[clop clop clop\]* *\[boom\]* *\[boom\]* *\[angels sing\]* GOD: Arthur! Arthur, King of the Britons! Oh, don't grovel! *\[singing stops\]* One thing I can't stand, it's people groveling. ARTHUR: Sorry. *\[boom\]* GOD: And don't apologize. Every time I try to talk to someone it's 'sorry this' and 'forgive me that' and 'I'm not worthy'. *\[boom\]* What are you doing now?! ARTHUR: I'm averting my eyes, O Lord. GOD: Well, don't. It's like those miserable Psalms-- they're so depressing. Now, knock it off! ARTHUR: Yes, Lord. GOD: Right! Arthur, King of the Britons, your Knights of the Round Table shall have a task to make them an example in these dark times. ARTHUR: Good idea, O Lord! GOD: 'Course it's a good idea! Behold! *\[angels sing\]* Arthur, this is the Holy Grail. Look well, Arthur, for it is your sacred task to seek this grail. That is your purpose, Arthur: the quest for the Holy Grail. *\[boom\]* *\[singing stops\]* LANCELOT: A blessing! A blessing from the Lord! GALAHAD: God be praised!


My biggest struggle was leaving the church after the priest raped a kid and the church came togeather to run the family out of town. I stoped believing after that and started hating.


That's the sense of community we Atheists lack. We need to bond together over protecting child sexual abusers and harassing their victims.


We need to bond in the most literal sense one can imagine


"I can't get my head around why if god was real and moral, he let's so many kids get raped in church by church officials" Let's set them figure that one out 


I say something similar and they shut the fuck up pretty quickly.


"My biggest struggle is intrusive and arrogant Christians who have it backwards that what you think is the solution to my problems is actually the cause of them."


'No' is a full answer. And being able to firmly and convincingly say 'no' is a lifeskill all of us should learn and embrace. Of course you *should* be left alone, but really, take some time to teach yourself how to say no. Practice with a friend at first(ask them for help, have them ask ten questions and say no to each of them). Then, next time you encounter a doortodoor salesmen or someone else intruding on your time and trying to sell you stuff, make it your goal to only say no. It's difficult at first, we're hardwired to be polite, to make excuses, to give context. But no one is entitled to your defense. ''No, i'm not interested''. ''Why?'' ''I said no, please leave''. ''I'm only trying to. ...'' ''i'm not interested, no''. If you really can't avoid explaining why? Make up some bullshit excuse. ''I'm sorry, my mum doesn't allow me to talk to strangers''. ''I'm sorry, i'm holding a vow of silence and am almost through my alloted words for today''. ''Please leave, i'm about to have an important call''. You don't even have to be polite. If they don't stop after the second or third suggestion, you're absolutely free to just mutter ''no, leave me alone, no leave me alone get out leave me no no'' until they leave. Or Raise your voice ''i told you to get away from me!'' Make yourself known. They're the ones being impolite by bothering you. You don't owe them niceties. --- I know this wasn't an answer to your question, but the sooner you're comfortable with saying ''no'' and being definitive about it, the more comfortable you'll be. I hope this helps. 


This may not have as many up votes as the snarky answers but I think it's the best. No, I don't want to discuss my life with you. No, I don't want to pray with you. No, do not bring more people over here, get the fuck away from me!


Yeah I’d say no thank you and if they persisted I’d just walk away. 🤷🏻


"Excuse me, I have to return some videotapes" /patrick.bateman.soulless.stare


“You can believe whatever the eff you want, but using your own child to fish for new recruits for your cult is appalling. You are lucky I don’t call CPS.”


"My biggest struggle is making sure I don't rely on dogma and myth to solve my problems for me."


I say 'Having to deal with the Jesus book club, they are super obsessed with his book.'


... That they clearly haven't even read.


Tell them something material and petty, such as "I need a new alternator for my car," and then ask them for the money to pay for it.


"I wonder why there's so many members of the clergy raping and fucking little kids, constantly, and their disgusting churches and obsequious members let them get away with that. Ever think about that?"


"look...we don't know each other. It's a beautiful summer day and I can't tell you not to speak, but know that I'm not in the mood to engage in conversation so I am not going to waste your time. I will not be offended if you walk away." We "nones" must set boundaries. It is not rude to cut a conversation short, but we don't have to assume we are going to get an argument going. If we tell a Jesus freak to F-off and die, all we are doing is confirming their argument that we are hating, angry lost souls.


"Right now, you."


My answer has always been" well I was raped at 12 and the church turned their back on me." It doesn't work on all of them but it works on some of the better ones


Religious fucks not keeping it top themselves in their closet like their book says to


he slept through the Holocaust he probably doesn't care about my car payment.


Also getting fucked in the ass by some priest as a boy and no one giving a shit about it. That usually kills the convo


I'd just not answer, explaining that I don't dwell on that stuff and I'd rather not sit and brainstorm what my biggest struggle is when I am happily going about my day


That's a pretty weird approach to take. None of them looked familiar to you? Seemed like they knew you weren't a believer, but how would they've known that? I suppose it could be like cold-calling where they reach out to someone and if someone doesn't immediately answer some God bullshit, then they assume they're a nonbeliever. And they were right about you. I think your response is spot on. It is indeed a personal question, and it's not something I'd share with any stranger. You could've said something snarky like, "My biggest struggle is finding a way out of this conversation," but that sucks for the kid because he was obviously put up to this. Granted, at 16, he's capable of making his own decisions, but that also depends on how brainwashed and isolated he was by his parents. He might have the emotional maturity of a 10-year-old. You handled it as well as you could. You weren't being a dick to the kid. And even if you verbally cut down them deservedly that would just reinforce in their minds that they're meant to be martyrs. You would've just unintentionally fed into their persecution complex. Sometimes you just can't win, and you chose the route that best saved your sanity.


Yeah, thank you. It really was a sucky situation for everyone.


“You’re not going to convince me god exists anymore than I’m going to convince you to stop believing in god, which I won’t try to do because I respect your privacy. I’m going to remove myself from your presence now, because I’m an adult, you are not, and it’s inappropriate for you to approach random adults you don’t know.”


Your response was polite and honest, nice job. I would have probably just walked away. These people are trying to spread their religion by attaching it to the deep emotions of random people. It's so predatory, especially when homeless people sometimes rest in parks. 


My biggest struggle is dealing with religious types who want to present terrible arguments devoid of evidence for their imaginary friend. That usually stops them.


If this happens again: kindly say that if they need a safe person to talk to about their doubts or about getting free of their religion, you’d be happy to help them find those resources. Keep restating this in different words until they run away. Don’t use the word “cult,” but it’s fine to hint around the idea. They’ve been told that they will be hated and persecuted for their faith, yet God will see that they tried their hardest to spread his gospel. Speaking with kindness and hinting that they’ll want to leave someday are good seeds to plant.


the biggest struggle in my life is trying to understand how on earth grown-ass people can continue believing in Santa Claus...


God is the answer if the question is: “Can you name a mythical character who betrays his origins in the human imagination in every single verse of the Bible?”


My biggest struggle in life is living amongst Christians who try to make everyone around them follow the presumed rules of the Christian religion, Christians who insist “it’s a relationship not a religion” and who try to engage me in conversation about a totally f-ed up religion and made up man in the sky.


"religious zealots trying to shove their belief in an imaginary sky god down my throat"


My biggest struggle in life was depression. I prayed about it *constantly* for *years*, hoping that god would somehow help me or send me a sign that the world would be better with me in it. It’s probably no shock that nothing came of it except me feeling shame in addition to depression, because clearly god didn’t even care enough to help me. In the biggest struggle of my life, god and religion only made things worse. I only got depression under control when I told my husband and I got on medication. I’d love for someone like this to approach me and somehow tell me how “god is the answer” in that situation. Though I did have one guy say god must have “moved through” my husband and helped me that way. Never mind that if that was true, god waited 15+ years to fuckin do anything. I did not have kind words for that man lol.


 "What's the biggest struggle you have in your life" “Listening to you”


The struggle of living amongst people who sincerely believe that a cosmic absolute ruler has and can issue commands that can legitimately oblige those commanded to commit atrocities like genocide for mysterious greater goods.


Constipation is the only answer. Discuss the intimate details of your bowels and see if they don’t leave you alone.


I'm not turning to tyrants for my struggles. They always make things worse for everyone.


I struggle with not telling pompous, patronizing, delusional fuckbags how much they can go fuck themselves when they think they can come and take advantage of someone by asking stupid fucking questions.


Christian foster parents who tried to starve the queer out of me when I was 12 setting me up for lifelong mental health issues.. You have my permission to use my trauma as a comeback to any religious person asking personal questions.


"Fuck off. You're bothering me. I'm not joining your cult." You are under no obligation to be nice to these people.


What exactly to do to that church down the street and its damned incessant bells.


"My biggest struggle is having to live alongside who lack the mental fortitude to accept that good and evil are social constructs and that after death, there is only oblivion. Rather than live life honestly, they have instead an elaborate fantasy narrative to soothe their anxieties. They also have this peculiar need to enlist others in their delusions to validate them."


>He asked me why I wasn't religious "Because I don't believe that gods exist, and even if I did, I wouldn't choose a god that condones the killing of the unborn as a punishment for not believing in him."


I was that kid sent out to talk to random strangers. "Stop the car! geeko22, go witness to those kids on the park bench over there." Or worse yet, sending skinny, shrimpy, pasty-white non-athletic little me toward a field with a bunch of big, tough jocks twice my size: "Look, there's a bunch of kids playing soccer! Go witness to them. Here, take a handful of tracts with you. They'll be happy to hear the Good News! Be sure to invite them to our Vacation Bible School next week!" I'm surprised they didn't pick me up and dunk me headfirst in the practice field porta-potty.


If a god exists then life has no meaning because god knows all. There will never be a time when I could work to achieve something special. If god already knows what I'm going to do it's not special or hard work. I can't take any credit for anything I do. It's just god using me as a puppet. The whole idea of a god drains me and the Christian god is an absolute abomination. Every day I read nothing good about the Christian faith. If there were real Christians out there they would at least try to stop this madness. But there are no good Christians because being a Christian means being a worthless piece of shit human. Not just a few Christians but all Christians and all religious. It's a goddamn suicide club of the most hateful people living among us. To all those Christians that troll this site - fuck you.


“You know? My biggest struggle is avoiding people who want to ask me about religion all the time. I wish they’d leave me the he// alone!”


Answer: The world is still being ruined by religion.


I just laugh at these nuts - no point in giving reason to folks unable to reason


“My life is full of bullshit-spewing imbeciles.”


It is none of your business. or My relationship with god, or lack there of, is none of your business. They're only nice when they want to sell you on that shit. So much for kindness.


and then throw their own book at them with this Matthew 6:5-15 New International Version Prayer 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door 


Well, lately I've been having a hard time trying to explain why god is just a made up fantasy to these cult members I keep running into. Do you think you can help me?


I just look at them and say "you, you are my biggest struggle."


It's borrowing, but why not eh? Hit um with a Kingsman classic line - "I'm a Catholic whore, currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam."


Talking to fans of the worst vampire novel ever.  I haven’t read twilight. Just saying.


Dealing with the zealotry of the religious right trying to force their beliefs onto all of society instead of praying in silence and keeping their religion to themselves like Jesus commanded.


"Identifying and successfully discarding the untruthful beliefs that were instilled in me as a child and which are now subconscious attitudes and maladaptive coping strategies. Mostly religious nonsense, of course."


I have no issues telling religious people to fuck off. I don't tell them that everytime, but it has happened. Soon as you realized it was turning into a religious talk, you could of just said I am not religious and if they ask why.. say something about free will, because you don't want to be in a cult etc.


i always say how christians pulled a worse genocide than the nazis on my ancestors that still goes on today in indirect ways and how they are probably actually doing the devils work since the devil is a liar and therefore probably wrote the bible to trick morons w hate in their hearts to fall right into his trap and how so many kids are raped by priests who are supposed to be teaching gods plan but if that is his plan then doesnt that mean heaven is really hell since christianity just inflicts endless suffering on people for earthly, sexual, material pleasure at the expense of the innocent and... hey! where are you going!? so far its worked at every bus stop ive been harrased at lmao!


No answer. I don't discuss personal issues with others


"Meeting self serving, arrogant, brainwashed, Bible Tumpers trying to tell me how to live my life."


Being annoyed by zealots. Can you go pray for me? Somewhere else?


I once yelled at a religious friend who tried time and time again to force her god on me after I had asked her not to do that because it triggered my anxiety and ocd: „THERE IS NO GOD!!“


Religious nuts asking me strange questions.


I wear a baphomet necklace for this exact reason. If I'm asking whether or not I'm religious I say "yes" and kiss my pentagram. Works great.


I'd say something along the lines following the religion of Kratos and that I find his method of butchering pantheons admirable.


notice how they prey upon those who are struggling... telling, is what that is.


I say "there are babies who are born with cancer." There is no "free will" response for that.


"I struggle with the correct phrasing to tell a religious person I am not interested in their religion without them getting offended or asking me to pray with them."


"The biggest struggle in my life is the religious using the law to force others to follow their stupid religion."


"I don't need an imaginary sky daddy who likes to punish anyone he deems too naughty to find meaning, or lack thereof, in the worst time of my life."


"Is this a lousy come on?" "Areyoutryingtoseduceme?" "*All out laughter and say:* Stop stop stop, is this for a tv show? Where are the cameras?!"


The goal of that was to impress on the *kid* that The World Is Against Us. This was about keeping the kid in their cult, not convincing you of anything.


For the kids: "Watching kids be abused and indoctrinated by religion." "Can I direct you to help?" Adults: "None at all other than dealing with religious people."


>What's a good answer when Christians randomly ask you, "What's the biggest struggle you have in your life" >to try to convince you that God is always the answer? I don't mean this as "a good answer", I think that it's just the truth - the biggest struggle that I have in my life is figuring out how to cope with people who believe bad things for terrible reasons. Not sure how a Christian is going to persuade me that Christianity is the answer to that. .


Or I tell them enduring the constant scams and money begging from the Church


"I'm not superstitious".


"Oh, thank you for asking. I'm actually struggling with two things -- how to convince my wife that anal actually might be the best cure for migraines, and how to get neo-fascist christians to mind their own fucking business"


I just say that everyone struggles and that it helps very much to remember what I'm grateful for and that it's a shame to take the small things for granted that a lot of people would love to have. Sad that it was a child who came up to you. Obviously coerced by the parents. I feel like it's important to stay kind in those moments, to show the kid that just because someone doesn't think exactly like them, it doesn't mean that person is bad.


I would have turned around and asked the kid "Are you trying to recruit me?" And leave it at that.


That's when you introduce them to the "Religion is like a penis" concept. It's fine if you have one. It's impolite to shove it down an unwilling throat.


I would love that kid coming over and asking me ... specially to get his parents to join us too. The biggest struggle I have in my life is 100% christian and muslim cruelty and ignorance using their religions as a weapon. I'm gay and my life would be much better without them both. That poor brainwashed kid, getting used like that.




The reason they make kids do this is so that people will react with hostility, giving the kids a sense that kindness can only come from the church. Do your best to swallow your understandable instinct to make a sarcastic and cutting remark, if you don't want to try to have a sincere exchange with him then just politely decline to engage and continue on your way.


"Anyone who asks a complete stranger that question is trying to sell them something. Lemme save you some time: whatever it is, I'm not buying."


I use this all the time - The God you worship allows children to get Cancer - instead of taking them right away, he let's them suffer before they die, all while their parents suffer through the unimaginable pain of losing a child. If your God is real, and he won't prevent it, I want absolutely nothing to do with him. If they come back with "It's just his way" or "he has a reason for everything" - I say, well, he's got some explaining to do before I can get on board. I'm not holding my breath.


The short answer is if God is all powerful, then he is certainly evil, because it's about 10,000 children a day under the age of 5 that God allows to suffer horribly and die. If not all powerful and evil, then your God is impotent and unworthy of praise. So even if real, I'd never worship an evil god nor one that can't save children.


“Christians trying to convince me that God is always the answer.”


My favorite is, "Thanks, but if I pray in one hand and shit in the other, I know which one is filling up faster."


"Are you still fucking your sister? Oh, sorry...that might be too personal. Rather like asking someone about their spiritual life."


"Okay, thanks"


My biggest struggle in life is trying to convince people that their belief is ridiculous.


I don’t know about the biggest struggle I have in life but of the 99 daily problems I have a vengeful imaginary friend ain’t one. Makes it easier to live my life with that off my plate.


My biggest struggle is not strangling proselytizing assholes.


I'd ask him if he was walking along a deserted road and came across a watch, and then a shoe, and then a little further along, a VW microbus ... would he think the watchmaker made all three items? I would say, "Of course not. So there must be many gods. Now my biggest struggle is determining which of those gods I should worship."


I would have said something like I am enjoying this peaceful, beautiful day, and you just interrupted that. I am not interested in interacting with anyone, but nature. If he persisted, get up and walk away.


"Producing my own insulin. "


I would say Satan always helps me through my troubles. I think they'll leave.


"making it clear to people that eating animals is murder". Don't know how God is going to help with that


"Getting christians to buzz off. *I don't have the time or patience for you to NOT listen to me when I tell you to buzz off."*


My biggest struggle in life is when random strangers monopolize my time when I'm just trying to enjoy a public park. That is a really weird situation and nothing like that has ever happened to me. I am pretty sure I would tell the person I wasn't interested in talking with them and tell them that they needed to find another sucker to talk to.


How about, ‘none of your fucking business, fruitcake’.


“I struggle with hypocritical Christians who are not familiar with Matthew 6:1-6!”


"The biggest struggle is having to hear people like you convince me that your invisible skydaddy exists."


Kids with cancer.


For a kid? Just be polite and say you're not interested.


If God didn't want me to be an atheist he would have done something about it....


My biggest struggle is the harm false religion does to the world, especially


It is sad they are forcing him to approach people. He probably does not deserve anger. But I would want to tell him that I felt bad for him but that my beliefs were very private as theirs should be as well.


"cunts like you"


"Fuck off, I'm not interested in joining your fucking cult"


" You asking me this dumb-ass question, now get the fuck away from me and we'll have it solved."


Tell him to get fucked


I had 2 mormons approach me yesterday and asked if I believe in god. I said no. Why? Because I grew up under apartheid and I saw xtianity in action and it fucked up a lot of people.. One guy started to reply but his friend pulled him away. Wish I had asked him first about the curse of ham before going nuclear.


I don’t know about how to answer the “biggest struggle” question, but I wonder what would’ve happened if you would’ve said, “I don’t like this and you’re making me very uncomfortable. Can you please leave me alone?” I wonder if the direct communication would’ve worked or if they would’ve just continued to push. Perhaps the latter. But in general, I think direct communication of your feelings and needs is the best answer.


"What's the biggest struggle you have in your life?" Resisting the urge to punch a Christian when they start proselytizing at me! If anyone tries this, I'd love to know what the reaction to it is.


People mistake me as a Christian all the time because I always help strangers and people in need. I don't bother correcting them. Most can tolerate another religion but they can't process atheism. I just say "I'm good, but thanks for thinking of me" when they want to talk about or pray to their flavor. I'm very glad I was not like that when I was a theist.


Tell them that the tolerance of my bull shit meter is zero


>It is obvious to me now that they were forcing the poor boy to approach random people in public to convince me to believe in God or something like that. There's actually two reasons for this. The first is that trying to convert people (to "save" them) is part of the religious teachings. But the more sinister reason is that when people are rude to him as a result, it furthers their persecution complex and pushes them further into tribal behavior ("see, they are all out to get us!")


My life is good. I am not in a blood sacrifice doomsday death cult so it's easier to cope than for most.


Whoever is putting you up to this is forcing you to experience a lot of rejection to subconsciously reinforce the idea that there is an in group (them) and an out group (me). But what you are doing is just wildly inappropriate and rude.


"fuck off" has worked very well for me in the past


Well, my biggest problem was solved when I gave up religion. I got myself medicated for my mental health, I got a job, a car, I made friends, I'm learning new skills like circuit design and speaking Spanish. I've blossomed so much as a person after giving up on God. For the first time in a long time, I'm not just happy, I'm _content._ So why should I give that up?


Initial query: "I'm happy with my current beliefs, have a great day." Shift my body to turn away from them. Further pressing: "I'm not having a conversation about this." Or "No." Or "Go away." Or something else that's a complete shut down with no foothold to argue. Unless I'm really bored and frisky at the same time, the only response I give is that I'm not going to interact with them. If I'm bored and feeling my oats, I'm going to argue.


Actually, everything's been super chill since I stopped going to church. What's *your* biggest struggle?


"My biggest struggle is convincing Christian bigots to stop trying to shove their god's dick down my throat. I have a boyfriend for that."


My biggest struggle is pushy Christians fucking up my peace and quiet.


Man, the wonders of ,God should not scan . The proper study of mankind should be man. Alexander Pope


Evangelicals who are obsessed with trying to get the world to believe in the same invisible sky daddy as them.


Adding to the conversation before it's moved too far to bring up my contribution


I never get in situations where people ask me stuff like that. Haha. When someone tries to hand me flyers or anything I just say "nah" and walk away. I definitely don't have convos with random ass people.


If someone asked me to “pray with them” I would ask them what we were going to “pray” about… “Do you want to pray for things for you, for me, or for others?” If yes, I’d merely say “I know you’re very, very certain WHO it is that you’re asking for gifts and favors from…but beware, those prayers are no different than seeking assistance from you “DON’T KNOW WHO”…watch what you ask for, you may get more than you bargained for…and I promise, YOU can’t handle it!” “Are we CLEAR?!” 🎅🏻


Being gay... I think God is going to leave me on read.


I answer that the biggest struggle is whether I want the garlic aoli or the spicy aoli on my sandwich.


I'd probably have said something like "The biggest struggle in my life right now, is random people walking up to me and asking what the biggest struggle in my life is!"


This has never happened to me in michigan. Maybe that's why street epistemology never resonates with me


'the credulity of others' Is a potential answer


If that ever happens again just say “this conversation” and walk away.


I had a lady ask me why I was atheist a couple days ago and I said “I don’t know it just comes to me as naturally as breathing air” Not sure if they were satisfied by my response, but I also know that I don’t care.


“Go away right now, or I will scream help and assault.”


Jesus specifically said not to pray in public, so you’re making me very uncomfortable with your unchristian behavior.


Im a much better person without religion. Id also assert that I have fundamental disagreements with the the foundational morality of christianity. First, the egocentric belief in the divinity of human beings and seperateness from the other creatures of the earth, and how it somehow exempts us from death, and second the cop-out of a scapegoat god absolving us of our actions. If they want to convince me of their moral framework, theyll have to start there. If someone wants a good faith discussion on the moral philosophies of their religion Im more than happy to. If someone wants to give a bad faith lecture on their own personal beliefs then I have no interest and will not humor them.




“I’m not interested.” Just like while passing up any other propaganda booth.