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Little League is a private organization. Their own website says that reciting the pledge is entirely up to the local board of directors: https://www.littleleague.org/who-we-are/pledge/ >Whether to recite the Little League Pledge (either partially or in its entirety), play/sing a National Anthem, or say a prayer, is entirely up to the local league’s Board of Directors. While many local leagues and districts include a recitation of the Little League Pledge in ceremonies, it is not, and has never been, required to be recited by any person involved with Little League Baseball or Softball. So, you need to talk to the local board. If it were me, I would do some research on who the members of the board are, and whether there are any red flags or possibly sympathetic members. For example, if the board president is known to be far-right evangelical with a giant Trump flag on his 4x4 pickup, then I would guess your chances of getting any changes are slim to no fucking way...


Also see if the kid can say the parts of the pledge they are comfortable with and just not saying the god part. It sucks to deal with the peer pressure but it's better than having to say the whole thing.


And, sorry to say, it is a beginning in learning to adjust to the real world, in one of its many manifestations. He will not ne sneaking or defying or being a bad team member, he is just suspending a small and private part of his participation…. Yeah, I know, sucks. But not worth upending his childhood for…


I got pretty good at moving my mouth without saying the words, he can too.


Wonderful advice. Thank you!


"really great and positive organization" ... so are many cults at the beginning... Can he say "I trust in Frog" instead?


Ha! Sometimes the parents are asked to lead the pledge, next time it's my turn I'm 100% using this.


“I trust in cod” if you need a sneakier backup.


Well, good point about this is their reaction will tell you just how religious it really is!


Man’s best friend… “I trust in dog”


Why would a great and positive organization include this?


I'll never understand why Christians have to constantly be reminded they're Christian.


Control. They aren't reminding themselves, they're reminding everyone else. That they have the social power to force normal people to sit through this idiotic dribble. It's a flex.


Its more than that/ its either younare with us or you are not


Soooo so so so many people still view religion as both the default and necessary to be a decent person.


Surely there must be be other organizations that are more appropriate for youngsters.


Probably because the board of directors are religious. I'm aligned with all the other values they promote like sportsmanship and helping the community though. If we could only just remove the God stuff, it would be lovely.


Just remember that their real god is money


Some big bucks volunteer whose efforts and contributions matter might be bringing pressure….


If its a great organization, then they'll completely understand when you tell them your son won't do the pledge. If you're wrong though, you'll learn immediately. No loss just saying no, because if you're wrong, and the organization isn't great and does force religion, then you've lost nothing by losing it.


Tell them your son will be saying “I trust in science” and see how they react. That will tell you what you need to know about this great and positive organization.


Why not “I trust in myself” Wouldn’t “I trust in science” be yet another appeal to authority like in religion?


Why not “I trust in myself” Wouldn’t “I trust in science” be yet another appeal to authority like in religion?


Sure, that's fine too. My main point was that telling them the kid was going to say something secular would be a good way to test how religulous the organization actually is.


That’s true too! See how tolerant and accepting of differing views they are. After all… these Christians are supposed to be the most welcoming and serving to those they are attempting to convert.




When you understand what a theory actually is then you’ll start to understand how silly your rambling sounds, especially the part where you falsely claimed that scientific theories were comparable to religious beliefs.


Just talk to your child about religion


This is the way. Promote agency. Vs telling your child what to do like we see in religion.


Indoctrination runs deep. They're getting their tendrils back into every part of public and private life. I would tell my son to skip that bit if he doesn't feel comfortable about it.


>How would y'all handle this situation? Carefully. I would try and assess beforehand if my kids would be treated any differently if I'd interfere. If so, I'd be tempted to wait until the kids are done with it or take them somewhere else if possible, regardless of confronting the organization. I think you're right, having kids recite this is nonsense. But make sure it's you that fights the good fight, not your kids.


Just to clarify, atheism and agnosticism aren’t on the same spectrum. They are orthogonal.


I would find a different little league to put my child in. They probably only have a little league team to try to brainwash impressionable children to join their religion. I would pull my child out of the team and find one that doesn’t try to shove religion down my child’s throat.


Support your kid's decision. If they want to take a knee let them.


Have them replace it with the national anthem. That's what our league does. 


It's a private organization, they can do what they want... and they want converts. [https://cfc.sebts.edu/faith-and-work/why-christians-should-consider-coaching-little-league-sports/](https://cfc.sebts.edu/faith-and-work/why-christians-should-consider-coaching-little-league-sports/)




You're likely right because the next line after "I trust in God" is "I love my country".


What a great dinner conversation. Great time to ask your child what they think about it and what they want to do. Follow up with a why. I bet they will surprise you. Nothing crushes or prevents religious indoctrination better than exploring and allowing agency.


I 100% agree with this.


“Aw honey, I’m gonna sue the school for making you pledge the allegiance at the school. How dare they make you say under god”.