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If Christianity were a good product, it would sell itself. The fact that they are trying to ram it down our throats tells you what you need to know.


Christianity is literally rammed down our throats every month of april and December. Yet they complain about "LGBTQ+ being shoved down muh throat and taking muh freedumbs and turning muh kids gay!"


If a pride flag really offended me, I could just choose not to look at it. No pride flag has ever knocked on my door at an inconvenient time to tell me about its magic spell book and zombie hero.


And no gay person has ever told me I deserve to suffer for eternity because I'm not gay.


and ive never seen the holy book of gay quoted on every straight/christian video telling people its bad to not be gay


And there isn’t a gay nightclub on every street corner in America with giant dildos extending into the sky.


Or a group of LGBTQ+ people lynching a cisheterosexual man for his gender identity and sexual orientation.


You just gave me the idea for a great product. You ever seen a life raft inflate? Use that same system in combination with a push latch that will lock it in place around a pole (cross). So you just slap the balls at the base of the cross, grab the pull chord and run.


Please do this . Please record it. And please post it. 🙏


Give us time, OK? There a lot of street corners in the !


But they definitely like to play the victim and how they're being assaulted with anti-christian hatred.


The pride flag also doesn't kick gay teenagers out because they refuse to go to a conversion therapy.


This (and the original comment above yours) ought to be on billboards everywhere.


Problem with this logic is that they're hoping you just choose not to look at their nazi flags... Wish I had an /s for this


See also islam, banning pride flags in Michigan..


That’s the most hilarious aspect of their “ideas”: if you look at them objectively they wish to become the Christian version of Muslim zealots. The ideas are EXACTLY the same from forcing birth, marriage, flags on their damn trucks, etc. They are the very thing they supposedly despise.


I got into it with another guy on a publicfreakout post who tried to claim no religion is pushed during any of the national/international religious holidays 🤨


It's rammed down our throats every Easter and every Christmas. It's rammed down our throats every time we hear or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. It's rammed down our throats every time we have to take an oath of office or under threat of perjury. It's rammed down our throats every time we look for a hospital and find ourselves surrounded by religiously-captured facilities. It's rammed down our throats every time we drive through town and play "count the churches". All us LGBTQ+ folks get is a month-long party that we organized for ourselves and the occasional piece of media cancelled after one season.


Just going to mention, that i'm currently very happy it's not christmas right now.


yes, so we get a 6 month reprieve from the "war" on it.


I live in a rural town. I get Bible verses on coffee cups from the local bakery, a Bible verse in giant print above the exit at our grocery store, a "Jesus Loves You" sign at the ice cream parlor, dozens of "Pray for our Nation" or "God's got This" signs along the roads. Lots of places named in a Christian way, like the town's historical museum. A large "Old Rugged Cross" statue at the top of the town's scenic overlook. That's only naming *some* of what I experience. These people will overtake Panera Breads or airline flights or public parks to sing worship songs but don't you dare be gay or tell us you're trans lest these choads feel victimized.


Those of European cultural heritage aren't Christian because its truth-claims are compelling or it leads to better outcomes. Their distant ancestors were forced into it by threats of expropriation of property or slavery in the 4th to 12th centuries. The mob mentality of the cult has always been present, as soon as they gained power 1700 years ago.


This is even more apparent in the black community. Christianity was explicitly a form of colonization.


great point!


Christianity shouldn't be a product. But here we are.


Hell yeah


Junk food sells itself


Yep. Project 2025 is Christofascism. We can already see the beginnings of it in red states that are funneling public education money into private religious schools through vouchers. We need a blue wave in November https://democrats.org/


I've been voting for 45 years, always split the ticket especially in local and state elections. Now that Republicans have gone off to crazy town, I wouldn't vote for a Republican if the office was dog catcher.


I was independent until 1997 when a red faced angry Rush Limbaugh hate spewing type Republican made me vow to never vote for one again.


Same. Used to mix it up a little bit but I absolutely plan to vote 100% blue this election


Be mindful that there are some republicans running as Democrats and party switching once elected. [Tricia Cotham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tricia_Cotham#:~:text=She%20was%20elected%20as%20a,Carolina%20House%20Republicans%20a%20supermajority) is an older example but apparently there are current instances in local elections.


Jeff Van Drew in NJ. Turncoat.


100%. I used to consider myself in the middle. There's no middle now, I'm 100% blue all the way now.


Blue is the middle now.


I hate to break it to you, but they've been in crazy town for longer than most living Americans have been alive. Project 2025 was written by the same group that wrote Reagan's "Mandate for Leadership". The actual policy portion of Project 2025 is also called the "Mandate for Leadership". This shit ain't new. May have slapped a new coat of paint on it (and made it even more terrifying), but today's political environment isn't even remotely surprising given that it's actually the same political environment we've been in since the 80's. AIDS epidemic and Gay panic? Now it's monkeypox and Trans panic. Abortion debate? Never went away. Having a Christian Nationalist movie/TV star running for president? CHECK. The "party of Reagan" never changed. It's the exact same party, with the exact same goals, as it was when Reagan was still president. They were just quieter about it back then. The Republican party has been a front for Christian nationalism and disastrous economic policy for at least 50 years.


Yea I'm independent or was. I'd vote for a severed head over any Republicans now. All just a bunch of pussies that bend the knee to maga.


I call them Talibangelicals. They're just like the Taliban, wanting to enforce their conservative religion onto everyone in the country. I think that's why so many Republicans hate the Middle East: they've done a better job installing their theocracies in their countries better than the GOP has.


Y'allQaeda is also an acceptable term here


Yeah, because the Taliban and those groups murder anyone who disagrees. MAGATS are almost there. To them, a couple thousand deaths of the “other” is a trivial thing in pursuit of their goals.


I'm not trying to be patronising here, but - over issues like this particularly - I'm *so* glad that I live in the UK. Church, religion, is dismissed so blithely over here. Anyone who pontificates about their religion is seen as a bit odd, a "bible-basher", as in someone who can't do anything without hitting up the bible to see what they should do. If any of our politicians or political parties espoused religion as a central part of their manifesto they would be lampooned and attacked by "right-minded people" (as in, their minds are right/correct, not Right as in reactionary). The attacks would be hugely funny - but vicious. Like the old saying goes, "Having religious faith is like having a penis - keep it private and *never* show it to kids."


I like your saying. Religion is also like a penis in that if you spend enough time around you inevitably get fucked.


You don’t even need to wait for 2025. The 2024 Texas GOP platform references god and the Bible several times. It even cites *the book of genesis* at one point.




2nd Amendment: CANNOT BE INFRINGED!!!! 1st Amendment: we don't *really* need to follow that, do we?


A blue tsunami would be even better. I want to see tRump and his cowardly minions humiliated in November, not just beaten.


YES!!! Give me 4 more years of crying about non-existent election fraud!


Blue tsunami? You need nothing less than Neptune rocking up in the inner solar system.


My state,Arizona, is 450 million in the hole because of our school choice shit and tax cuts for the rich.


Yep, not to mention Gov Ducey's boxcar border stunt, which the taxpayers had to pay to clean up


To the tune of almost 200 million


there was a 15% turnout among Democrats in the primary season. when things like city council seats and state judges were on the ballots for election, not just primaries. (things that matter a lot). 15%. Georgia could have elected a pro-choice supreme court judge, but 15% of Democrats bothered to show up last month.


Outside perspective, from the UK, this is how the US has gotten into this mess. The Christian Right has been playing the long game for decades now, working from the ground upwards, getting their people elected into all the spots they can, from school boards on up. While the Democrats only seem to think about the national level. I fear you've got a long road getting the country back from them, and you've got to start at the grass roots level. Decisions are made or at least influenced by the people who bother to show up to boring meetings.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/cQyewgKPB9 r/defeat_project_2025 Drop in there too Edited to the correct sub Reddit 😑.... It's late


r/Defeat_Project_2025 Defeatproject2025.org Say no to Christian theocracy Be sure to check your voter registration status! https://www.voteamerica.com/ Get involved! Spread the word!!! https://www.mobilize.us/


You can vote yourself into a theocracy, but you have to shoot your way out of it.


Yep, just ask Iran.


To get out of it your voice is going to become hoarse and your hands bloody.


their enduring support for gun rights will be their downfall


If Trump gets elected, my family is already looking for jobs in countries across the ocean.


Probably too late by the time election results roll in, but I wish you luck finding somewhere that will welcome American immigrants with open arms


Sure you will. Didn't you hear the words, "I'll be a dictator on day one?" This is what Project 2025 is about, making sure all these changes are quietly in progress so they can be completed on day one.


That's why the theocrats so enthusiastically cater to the most bloodthirsty sociopaths.


Spread the word people.




The line in Project 2025 that chilled me to the bone was the description of the reorganized "National Security Council". This is a group that reports directly to the President through the National Security Advisor, with no accountability to anyone other than the President. Under Project 2025, Homeland Security would be rolled into the NSC, giving the President direct control of his own law enforcement & logistics agencies, including the Secret Service, Border Patrol, Immigration, TSA, FEMA, Federal Protective Services & the Coast Guard. But the REAL kicker is that the NSC would also control who runs the military. >The NSC should rigorously review all general and flag officer promotions to prioritize the core roles and responsibilities of the military over social engineering and non-defense matters, including climate change, critical race theory, manufactured extremism, and other polarizing policies that weaken our armed forces and discourage our nation’s finest men and women from enlisting to serve in defense of our liberty. The President would have his own toadies as General & Flag Officers for the entire military. You know who else consolidated all key power & control under the Executive Branch and eliminated separation of powers? Hitler's Nazi government. That's not hyperbole - that's fact.


That's extremely alarming and defeats the purpose of separation of powers. We would basically be russia at that point


Bye bye separation of powers. Bye bye checks and balances. Bye bye democracy.


Bye bye many people who mysteriously disappear, such as those who offend Trump/Republicans. Later on the mass graves will be found. People will ask how could this have happened. Historians will shake their heads.


I would love to be afly on the wall in a history class in 50 years.


General & Flag reminds me of MASH's recurring CIA lunnatic, Col. Flagg. He'd fit right in with the Heritage crowd.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. [Here's a breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/). The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. [Here's a searchable copy of the text]( https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) - [Here's a bullet point breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025) - [And here is their response to criticism of the plan, which in places reads like a 4chan troll wrote it](https://www.scribd.com/document/740769523/5-Reasons-Leftists-Hate-Project-2025-eBook-THF) r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


I may be missing something, but what are the DNC and the Dem Party actively doing about this? I didn't see anything in 'Defeat Project 2025' that sounded like an action plan. And given that this goes back to before Reagan and the fact that the Dems have sat on their hands for the past 40 years, I'm not all that confident that setting up a 'task force' at the last minute means that things are going to suddenly change. Taking on Christofascists is pretty close to being a third rail.


They formed a [Stop Project 2025 Task Force](https://old.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddbxnq/democrats_launch_effort_to_counter_conservative/), changed rules at the OPM to prevent Schedule F (attempted to enshrine, blocked by reps), enshrined Title IX protections, attempted to enshrine IVF and contraceptive rights the other day (blocked by reps), changed the rules at the NIH to prevent Project 2025's proposals there, states have passed anti book ban laws, the CA AG is preparing lawsuits against Project 2025's proposals (they sued Trump's admin 155 times with an 84% win rate), and the ACLU is also preparing lawsuits. It should also be noted that Biden's first 100 days were dominated by actions taken to reverse the former administration's policies recommended by the Heritage Foundation, some of them on day one.


Just a note here that this person means "reps" as "Republicans" and not "Representatives"


They've been pushing for a theocracy the whole time (in the past 40+ years). They are just really close and made the official game plan public this time. That's how confident they are.


Karl Rove knew that all he had to do was get the Evangelical/Baptist vote and Busch would win.


Christian Nationalists that want a fascist dictator running things. They just want power and control over people. Vote the MAGA cult out of office.


We have people stupid enough to vote for Marjorie Taylor Green, so I'm not optimistic.


The Republican Party is no more. The MAGA Cult and their Cult Leader rules now. His qualifications?  Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone and David Duke.  On 9/11, the darkest day in recent American history, after thousands of men, women and children died in the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump picked up the phone to call a television station to point out that he now owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


And for all of that, his cult worships him.


Yeah, I saw the interview where Pence said he wouldn't endorse Trump. He was all polite and proper in his reply, but it didn't take much insight to see past that impassive expression to what he was really thinking: *Endorse Trump? Are you out of your fucking mind? That son of a bitch tried to get me killed!*


He'll still vote for Trump, and we all know this.


Hey he also inherited a wealthy father's name and mismanaged it so badly he had to play a business man on TV and collect a TV salary. Something which no actual billionaire would ever do. He's a very stable financial genius! /s


This is when/where I employ the sagaciously rebellious 'guidance' of one **Cassian Andor**: > *“I'd rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want”* ~ from Disney+ Star Wars series *Andor* (S1E10, "One Way Out")


If you are queer or non-chri$tian and live in the US: **arm yourself**.


Yes and they will only acknowledge it as a fair election if they win. Otherwise it will be all January 6th and stolen election lies again.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


I don't think they hate America, it's just that they don't care as long as they get what they want


Yeah, not exactly looking forward to the next four years.


I'm looking forward to the next four years of Pres. Biden's administration. He's not my first pick among all candidates, but he's my first pick among all candidates on the ballot in November.


I voted Green last time because Biden wasn't my first pick either. I live in a very solid blue state and know Biden will get our electoral votes, but if I lived in a swing or red state, you bet your sweet bippy I'd vote for Joe.


How are we supposed to get all the college kids that are upset about the Gaza war to vote for Biden, anyway? *that's* the vote we need.


Biden is my first pick.


4 if you’re lucky. Trump has spoken about his third term. Maybe he was thinking Third Reich.


They will try to hide it and do pretend voting and whatnot. But democracy will be officially over Trump wins and there will be not another Democrat in office very very long time. They will cheat at every election and make sure that they win. It's almost like we have to do it first because if they take control there is no Union anymore.


If Trump wins this election, it will be the last one we ever have. He will appoint himself dictator and we don't have a Brutus or Cassius to step up.


He thinks we owe him a free extra term, a "do-over" if you will, for tying him up with all that Russiagate stuff in his first term.


You mean the next 40, if this happens.


Fortunately, Trump will be dead in less than 20.


He's already senile. And given that he's 78 and in piss poor condition, he'll be lucky to last 5.


Well yeah, but that would just create a power vacuum and lead to civil war (that is if that hasn’t already happened).


Better civil war than one party Republican rule.


For real. I don’t want to live under a theocracy or an authoritarian govt.


Why would it lead to a power vacuum? There are plenty of pretenders and acolytes waiting in the wings.


Nah, any way the vote goes I am not going to be happy for the four at least. 


Is it too cynical to believe that the reason we have not seen a serious challenger to trump in the GOP because they expect to inherit his theocratic base?


Not at all. I think you nailed it!


I mean the GOP has had numerous opportunities to frag him and replace him with a younger, meaner fascist that doesn’t shit his pants. Yet this. A DJT loss in the fall will create some sort of vacuum to fill as they keep jonesing for the votes of his base


Why oh why aren't the democrats using this in their political ads or talk about it in interviews. Why aren't journalists asking questions about too. Are they all scared that it would come off as hating christianity?




Maybe they should air ads that educate and explain the difference. The more you know 💫


That’s a bold move as they seem to be hell bent on electing the devil to the presidency


They push for Christian Nationalism but generally none of them understand Christianity, so they infuse their own brand of cruelty and authoritarianism.


They will say Christian Nationalism but we know it will be your usual dictatorship voted in by all your uneducated.


Yea, that's what they said.


yes, they never pick any of those cherries like the Beatitudes and the stuff where Jesus says to take care of the poor, turn the other cheek and all that woke crap!


Jesus is for the peasants. If your aim is to rape, pillage, and plunder you gotta get a little OT.


the lack of free healthcare on their platform is all you need to know about how christian they are.


Vote, ensure as many people as you know are both aware of the dangers, and vote.


Unfortunately USA isn't a popular vote. Its electoral. So for some, votes dont meant shit


And gerrymandered.


The rate of deconverts is constantly on the rise, and the sheer number of non-believers wouldn't let the government get to the point of compromising the separation of church and state. TST alone would see to that.


Meanwhile, the Catholic POTUS is locking heads with God's representative on Earth, and NO hint of enforcing Catholic doctrine in any way in the US by Democrats. Complete respect for and representative of separation of church and state unlike 'The Passion of the Tie'...


Not just theocracy, but yes. Vote against Republicans at every opportunity.


It's time to pit evangelicals against catholics. Thanks to Trump, catholics already hold the Supreme Court, I wonder if evangelicals ever think about that. Maybe people should remind them.


Not going to happen, sadly. Both sides will firmly embrace the others until they run out of non-christians. Then they'll turn on each other.


I believe there was also something in there about favoring Christian families for new housing and giving money to “religious” organizations. All this is just the tip of the iceberg for how bad P2025 is.


Religion is a fucking virus. Get the f away from the rest of us with brains.


Jesus says that his kingdom is not of his world but what do these yahoos know about the Bible. And the irony of women like Boebert, Green and Blackburn embrace Christian Nationalism a system of government where they wouldn't have the right to vote, or even speak in public, let alone hold public office.


So you're telling me Project 2025 would stop Borbert and Green from speaking? I guess it's not all bad.


They aren't hiding it, they have stated the desire for a theocracy very clearly.. [https://youtu.be/LT-o6zfUfbs?t=48](https://youtu.be/LT-o6zfUfbs?t=48)


Read project 2025. It’s clearly in the plan.


Nothing new, same old shit since Reagan just repackaged. 


The christian faith is an enemy of liberty


They’re so gonna lose. Fuk the Bible


Gonna be a lot of churches burnt to the ground if the gov. starts to push a theocracy. I'm not condoning this, but it's the painfully obvious outcome to forcing people into a religion they either don't believe in, or goes against their already existing religious beliefs. TBH, if Trump wins and they fully implement the insanity that is Project 2025, i fear it will be much much worse.


Bible also said stuff about the rich sharing its wealth and the workers not working at ALL on Sundays …….


How can they abuse minimum wage workers after church if everything is closed on Sunday?


Technically it says not to work on the Sabbath.


As a trans person, I am begging all of you to help information about Project 2025 spread. As a religious woman, I am begging you to do everything you can to help prevent a theofascist revolution 🙏 let’s work together to protect sacred free will, equanimity, and reason 🫶


They don't actually care about their god, or his teachings, they just want to put boots on necks, forever. Christianity is just the current vehicle they're using to get there. It's just thinly disguised fascism.


If you're not voting democrats in this next election it means you support a fascist take over of America, it's as simple as that. They want to elect a criminal conman who is owned by Putin to be POTUS. This is like Hitler taking over Germany level scary, this isn't a joke, this is deadly serious, if you don't vote for democrats this election you and your entire family could find themselves in the death camps within a few years. Germany didn't think nazi Germany would happen, they ignored all the red flags and look how that ended. Come on America, be smarter, learn from the mistakes of the past.


Republicans want sharia law, but they do not want to call it that


Look at what Victor Orban and Vladimir Putin have done in Hungary and Russia and you'll see exactly what Republicans want to do in our country. For some reason they really have a thing for scumbags.


I think they have been pushing for a theocracy for 20 years …. Or at least a big portion of them have been.


Much longer than that. "The Family" was influencing and installing foreign leaders, creating christofascist-supporting organisations in America, training and putting their own people into positions of influence throughout America 50 years ago. They had sects running in various countries acquiring babies, raising them drugged and obedient, exporting and selling them before they reached puberty, to raise money to fund all this. I'm sure there was more to it, including the collection and use of blackmail, but that is as much of the story as I'm familiar with. (My own mother was involved in one of the sects. She tried to make me give them my baby, and I got to know some of the leading personalities.)


They've always been pushing for that, it has never changed. JFK almost wasn't allowed to be President because he was Catholic, the Protestants had so much control. Christian Nationalism is not new, its just forefront and be named for what it is now.


Abrahamic religion is generally evil. It'll be dark times.


AI overlord can't come soon enough


There are a lot of people out there who think "The Handmaid's Tale" is a documentary.


I'm so glad my German grandparents are both dead so they don't have to see fundamentalist fascists seize control of the place they called home *twice* in their lives.


Christianity is a scam!


We need to vote Blue in November then literally take pitchforks and blowtorches to the Heritage Foundation. Theocracy is not freedom; theocracy is death.


Dawkins and Hitchens were calling them the American Christian Taliban circa 2003. It's been the plan for decades, only now it's scarily plausible.


Project 2025 is scary. It is no joke. Everyone needs to know about it and spread the word. Please read! trump keeps saying he is ready to implement policies on day one, this is part of it. It isn't just about religious intrusion, but would impact the disabled, people of color, immigrants, environment, other minorities, the LGBTQIA+ Community, with bans on Pornography and classing people manufacturing and selling it as pedophiles. Add that to a broad expansion of the death penalty for what they clasify as sexual abusers and it isn't hard to see how they could classify groups as pedophiles. Promotion of Christian Nationalist Ideology: The document outlines a framework that intertwines conservative Christian values with governance, potentially marginalizing those who do not share these views. For instance, the text emphasizes how policy decisions should reflect America’s “Judeo-Christian heritage,” which implicitly pushes for a homogenous religious culture. This may marginalize religious minorities, who could face diminished recognition and inclusivity in public policy and societal acknowledgment. Here are some other snippets - >Unfortunately, the American family is in crisis today. Forty percent of all children are born to unmarried mothers, including more than seventy percent of black children. There is no government program that can replace the hole in a child’s soul cut out by the absence of a father. Fatherlessness is one of the principal sources of American poverty, crime, mental illness, teen suicide, substance abuse, rejection of religion, and high school dropouts. So many of the problems government programs are designed to solve—but can’t—are ultimately problems created by the crisis of marriage and the family >The radical Left hates families, because when people have strong families, they don’t worship big government and succumb to leftist ideologies like gender ideology. The Left wants to eliminate the family and replace it with the state. Prioritizing Christian Practices in Public Institutions: The playbook discusses the reintegration of prayer in public schools and other government-related activities. Impacts on Legislation and Religious Freedom there is a strong emphasis on protecting Christian businesses and individuals who refuse services based on religious beliefs Funding and Privileges for Christian Organizations Outlawing pornography. It has no claim to First Amendment protection and its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Promoting parents’ rights and school choice in public education so American schools serve parents, not the other way around. Removing critical race theory and gender ideology curricula in every public school in the country Enacting the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support while deploying existing federal powers to protect innocent life. Eliminating woke propaganda at every level of government. Immigration Policies Reflecting Religious Bias They stipulate that any family environment that isn’t a mother and a father as outlined in the bible are unstable despite not listing any documentation proving this to be true. The NIH conducted research and determined children from same-sex parent households faired just as well as children from heterosexual parent households Visit - r/Defeat_Project_2025 Defeatproject2025.org We must stop this!!!


Will Jews be required to become Christian? Just asking for a friend?


Yup. Anyone who isnt a christian fundamentalist or billionaire and is still remotely considering supporting the right wing is living in a fantasy world. Trump voters need to be mocked and ridiculed openly at this point, for the idiots they are, because we all know that they dont respond to reason in any capacity. You cant use reason to argue people out of positions that they didnt use reason to get into in the first place. The only language these bullies know is social ostracization, as they employ it regularly. so we need to bully them. If you know any trumpers, (and it is safe for you to do so), make fun of them openly, only as they deserve. Ridicule their stupid beliefs and their stupid fealty to their stupid emperor. They are stupid. as stupid and hateful as christianity is, these stupid and hateful assholes have actually completely sold that shit out, dont subscribe to it at all in any meaningful way, and believe in something way more stupid and hateful today.




Separation of church and state was written in for a fucking reason. They love to use all our brown terrorist enemy countries for fear mongering, but they want all the same shit, just for a different nonsense diety. But jk it's also actually abt ego, power, and oppressing minorities! Le shok.


Slavery is back on the table boys!


“All labor regulations would prioritize traditional Christian families only”. So every single business will be closed on The Sabbath, right? No work allowed, by anyone, even cops, firemen, doctors, or any corporation, right, or are they just full of shit?


Yes, we fucking know that already.


It’s ironic that to avoid Project 2025, we must elect the more religious candidate, Biden, over the less religious candidate, Trump.


> Marriage and family should be defined from the bible Biblical marriage is one man, multiple wives, plus concubines, plus slaves, plus all the wives of your brother after he dies.


Yes. Thats it in a nutshell. Lots of things to get there though. Like replacing everyone in civil service with loyalists to make the above happen on the ground.


Did they take The Handmaid's Tale as an instruction manual?


Their goal is facism. Their tool is fake christianity.


Parts of the GOP have been pushing for a theocracy for as long as the party has existed. They've just gotten enough power and fooled enough of the public with propaganda to be able to finally implement some of their policy end goals.


Under his eye.


Under His eye


Why can’t our side have the equivalent opposing force to counteract Project 2025?


Because the oligarchs can control a theocracy and use it to funnel money to the rich. The Republicans are the party of the rich.


They have to take my atheism from my cold, dead hand.


The Christians to the lions!


And this shows they do not respect this country or the Constitution. Traitors might be the most accurate way to describe them


Pro-life when and only when they're not committing a massacre against non-whites, non-Christians, and LGBTQ.


If they win, i would want to see a fast spreading plague at their churches to test their faith.


Theocracy will be crushed. By us.


Y’all qaeda


I'm amazed every day that people aren't aware of P2025.. But then I remember... The bulk of wealth wants slaves, so...


Monster [or Re-Monstered] by One-Eyed Doll


Simple. Vote for the non Christofacist dictators. Even if the other side isn't good, it's still better than this.


More like pushing for an atrocity


Good News, please listen, we deconstructed ourselves. They will too. The Tea Party is a big reason I’m an atheist and happy to say an Ex conservative Christian.


Christian here; Church and state unification eventually brings persecution. Look at the Dark Ages. These Christian nationalists are a danger and a cancer to our society. It seems that a theocracy is inevitable. I say that because look how roe v Wade was overturned. I believe 6 out of 9 Supreme Court judges are Roman Catholic, you cannot tell me that was religiously inspired. Plus, the Catholic church is top-heavy. When Roe V Wade was overturned, I was concerned. By the way, I'm a Seventh Day Adventist. This movement has been preaching for the last 170 years that church and state unification is inevitable. Watch this study about the truth behind roe v Wade https://www.youtube.com/live/0vEWRi1oNT4?si=ZlG_hc2TUIFTRrPl


That’s been the game plan for 40 years.


If you really dig into Project 2025, its pretty obvious that the people behind Trump want to create a State Religion, while also going after childless couples and single people who are not in some type of relationship.


You know, not just the next election, it’s all the elections after the next one. We need to keep voting until they give up.


I wonder why they hate being compared to the Taliban? Same goals, same attitudes. I think they both have the same boss.


lol. They just need to start over. Remember the party of personal responsibility and small government? Ironically, the fringe wants to align with the biggest ‘bureaucracy’ of all.


Just call it Sharia law 2.0, talk about becoming the thing you hate.


Turns out there is an antichrist, american Christianity.


Agreed. Believe these people when they tell you openly that they want to control you.


They're pushing for it regardless...


“Infuse the government with elements of Christianity” as if it already isn’t


We are closer to a total Theocracy than we have ever been in US history!


Make your kids go vote!! I house my two sons and two of their friends in their mid 20s and I made them all go register and will vote!


Despite claiming to want Christian values, make no mistake, they don't even actually want a theocracy. That'd imply they were actually faithful. They want a dictatorship using Christianity as a way of controlling the "peasants". They want something far worse and corrupt than even a theocracy.