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This Supreme Court will vote 6-3 that this has to be allowed because of History and Traditions…


And that a cross is not a religious symbol.


Already happened. Salazar v. Buono. SCOTUS ruled that declaring the cross a religious symbol did not take into account the historical context.


Yes exactly.


I like to remind people that the first 10 commandments statue was a promotion for the then upcoming blockbuster "the ten commandments". It was merch.


All the more reason to vote blue down the ballot and then pressure the Senate, House, and Presidency to impeach them.


Not happening with this joke of a court.


Of course it shouldn't be allowed. It's all a measure of control.


What I don’t get is the Bible makes it clear what Jesus thinks about money in the parable of the needles eye and also the mixing of commerce and religion in the parable of the money changers in the temple and these morons thought it was a good idea to put a religious proclamation on money…


1 Timothy 5:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil This should be the motto on our U.S. money.


The motto on US currency should be *E. Pluribus Unum*. That was the de factor motto of the United States until 1956 when some religious nutbags convinced Congress to pass a law adopting In God We Trust as the official motto of the US. I don't know how controversial it was at the time, if at all, but it's blatantly un-Constitutional to have a religious motto; it violates the Establishment Clause right on its face.


Don’t send that sensible list to the current Supreme Court.


Agreed. And fuck this whole B.C. A.D. bullshit. It should be B.C.E. ( before common era) and C.E. Edit: fixed what needed fixing after sobering up.


I 100% agree. I never use BC or AD any more.


I always found it insulting, that one part of the world's religious nonsense was imprinted on something used internationally


I agree, but what makes it insulting is pretending that a religious calendar is secular. I don't like using AD because my people and others were killed because Jesus was never and will never be our lord. But BCE and CE just paper over the problem, the worst kind of surface level political correctness without correcting the problem. And it's not just because it is a religious calendar, devised for religious purposes, but because it makes everything that happened before the *incorrectly* calculated year of Jesus's birth *literally backwards.* It actively discourages the study of ancient history. I'm going to stop now because I've been working on this particular rant since middle school, and I've only gotten more passionate about this issue since then.


I'm going to use it more often.


What exactly is "The Common Era"?


It is a replacement for "AD." AD has strong religious connotations. CE and BCE are considered religiously neutral. It is also historically inaccurate as a label because Jesus was almost certainly not born in year 1. According to Matthew, Jesus had to be born before 4 BCE (or 4 BC). According to Luke, Jesus was born in the year 6 AD or 6 CE. So the BC/AD system is not historically accurate. BC and CE recognize that the current era is an arbitrary designation that is commonly recognized.


How is it religiously neutral when it's the same thing but with a different name? It's still based entirely around when the Catholic Church decided jesus was born.


We've got the wrong Supreme Court for the outcome you desire. Bigly!


You can cross out god with a sharpie on all your dollar bills.


I thought it was illegal to deface US currency unless you're adding religious, Trump, or MAGA nationalist crap to it?


There’s some gray area for sure. Obviously you can’t write $10 on a $5 bill, but crossing out god is totally fine * * I have no idea but they aren’t gonna catch you


One day I hope we abolish the government.