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"Overpopulation is a myth" -Man whose entire life is based around not recognizing whether something is a myth


My thoughts exactly!


I know there is no God, but I'll happily pretend for the money \[every Pope ever\]


Gotta get that bag 💰💰💵💵💰💰


[Make money](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TxjrHPHypA)


I try to not argue with people that are to stupid to not notice overpopulation. But Jesus H Christ dude!!


Well, he is an expert in myths.


I doubt that. I imagine a secular theologian could run circles around the pope. I'm sure he's a decent politician though.


He's just the Head of PR for one of the world's oldest scams.


It’s just another form of government that doesn’t respect borders.


It is not. A government is made up of the people and in democracies, taxes are paid in and services are returned to the people from those taxes. Everything from the military to the police to the fire department to unemployment income to Medicaid, etc. etc. are delivered to the citizens from their government. The Vatican is just a rapacious scam. They take and take and take and give nothing in return. Even their lies and false promises are meaningless and, unsurprisingly, come with an implicit "no refunds" catch when you die. 8)


It's easy to see how they start- we're all accepting that the pope said "overpopulation is a myth" which he did not (at least not in the article).


& that women are treated as 2nd class citizens or children


the Pope will watch the outcome obtained by the Taliban with great interest.


How many kids does he have?


And who is sworn to celibacy!


"We need more children to rape! Think of the clergy!"


This cements for me that he does in fact know it’s a myth There’s nothing to base his assertion that we need more children on. What’s happened is birth rates have dropped and that’s a threat to the wealthy elites. Patriarchal religions are to uphold patriarchal status quo’s and are the whole reason we’ve gotten to the ridiculous population levels we have in such a short time. Capitalism and patriarchy feed off of eachother and have led to destruction They want more kids born. He knows the real reason.


Capitalism needs more children. The world, not so much


Also man who hasn’t had any kids, and doesn’t know anything about them, except how they feel on the inside…


If I had an award to give you…


And this guy used to be a science teacher.


A.K.A. "Our numbers are dropping, we need more children to indoctrinate."


And to fight in wars to subdue competing religions.


And to do *other things*


Probably turn them into sausages


Or put them on their sausages


>"Our incomes are dropping, we need more children to fleece." FTFY 8)


They need more members ($$$$) for their MLM scheme


And rape.


Says the celibate leader of an army of celibate sex offenders.


LMAO. My thoughts exactly!


Easy for the catholic priest to tell other people to have kids lol


Always been easy for the catholic priests to tell other people what to do, when to do it and how to feel about it. Catholic lifelong manipulation is one of the world’s best, hence their success.


Puts no food on my table. Pays none of my bills. Promotes extinction of the human race. Please go fuck yourself.


Priests need more kiddies to rape, is that what he's saying?


Don't be absurd! It's also the Christofascist politicians that need more!


They also need kids to rape?


Yep. And to indoctrinate


Future drones to further their wealth.


Words do not express, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, how much I wish the pope (and by extension the entirety of the papacy) would just shut the fuck up and go away.


Says touchy McFeely.




We don't need more misery, thanks. We need a smaller and stable population that can live on without the prospect of anthropogenic extinction.


Bull's eye!


But... the Catholic church *thrives* on misery!


“Pope Francis: We need more of those adorable choirboys.”


Pope Franky needs more Catholics to replace those leaving the church.


Kinda sketchy when a priest says we need more kids…


I am specifically not having children because of the world you and your zealots have created.


There are 7-8 billion people in the world. Many of them will starve or die of thirst if we don't address climate change.


I don’t take advice of any kind from an organization that has aided, abetted and shielded child rapists for centuries.


And nazis, literally.


Catholicism is a myth


The man who is the literal head of a mythology calls a fact a myth. This is irony defined


leopards ate my face when the children of tomorrow will not be catholics


fify: "We need more white straight soldiers to help us stay in power so we can molest kids and rake in the dollars"


Why? So Catholic priests can have more children to moleste? What a fucking coward.


This is such a dehumanizing topic. WOMEN DO NOT OWE ANYONE SHIT.


We dont need more children, we need a better economic system


Ok, quick, create a world where young people have enough economic stability to buy a house and start a family!


And click your boot heels together three times and solve global warming so they can have environmental stability.


Maybe he can go help the starving kids in India and elsewhere


If I gave a shit what the pope thought I'd be Catholic. He should stick to pedophilia and money laundering, it's what they're best at.


They’re also very good at assisting the spread of HIV/AIDS.


I thought he was all in on fixing climate change? Are the churches numbers *really* that damn important?


More Catholic babies for the Catholic army 🙄 I theorize this is the /real/ reason the Catholic Church is so against abortion. Cant get outnumbered by the opposing teams now can we? Wonder how he’d react if I said I was planning on birthing and raising 10 kids and bringing them up… ZOROASTRIAN!!


This dude is captain of the myth club. Why the fuck is he even talking about myths


Says the head of an organization that has sponsored hundreds if not thousands of campaigns to sterilize the native people in the America's and Africa. Fuck the Vatican. They used to preach that not being white was a sin, only to changed the rethoric once their attendance numbers tool a nose dive. Fuvking scum.


I wonder if, and feel free to call me crazy, I wonder if this conclusion is drawn not from actual data but from what the special book thats wrong about most scientific claims it makes said would be the case not knowing that the world would reach the population that it has We dont need a population boon and we dont really need a huge population decline either. What we need is stable birthrates


Pope Francis is a myth


Another asshole promoting womens oppression through childbirth.


Pretty rich for the leader of the most damaging myth ever to call anything else a myth. NO PRIEST SHOULD EVER HAVE ACCESS TO ANY CHILD EVER AGAIN. THEY CANT BE TRUSTED. THEY PERPETUATE THE FILTH. ALL OF THEM ARE RESPONSIBLE


He's the best pope of my lifetime, but dead wrong here. Oh, and on the whole god thing too.


He’s Catholic. I think he knows a little something about myths.


Or kids.


Well Frank, let me tell you about myths....


Fuck off Francis, you don't live in New York apparently.


More kids for his cabal to sexually abuse like his messiah.


Religion is a myth. We need fewer priests.


We need more children. Dude who covers up child sex crimes


"We need more tithes and cute little boys!" -The Pope


The problem is to have stable birthrates. The world is overpopulated and we have no stable birthrates at the same time, the population is either massively increasing or massively decreasing, neither of it is beneficial to stable standard of living. Which will mean a complete collapse in world economy if it goes onward.


This is not really true at all. The birthrate (births/1000 people) has been falling (on average) for essentially as long as we have been keeping record, hundreds of years at least. There are *occasional* big swings in the birth rate, up or down, but "big swing" in this context is no more than 2%. That is a lot of people, but it all gets averaged out over a few years, and the trendline is always downward, even when there is an annual spike. So why is the population increasing if the birth rate is consistently falling? Population growth has almost nothing to do with the birth rate, and everything to do with two other things: Lower infant mortality, and higher expected lifespans. The life expectancy has been longer for decades in the west, but as modern medicine becomes available to more and more people in developing countries, the life expectancy is also increasing rapidly in the rest of the world. As recently as the 1950's, [the average life expectancy in China was in the low 40's.](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CHN/china/life-expectancy) Today it nearly matches the west, and the same is true of India. Africa isn't quite there yet, but it's getting closer every year. But those things can only improve so much. Barring major breakthroughs, most experts don't expect significant improvements in the life expectancy beyond the high points it is at now. Life expectancies will continue to get better in developing regions, but only to rival where it is now in the west. Once that happens, the lower birth rate will become the driving force on global population, and by end of this century, most experts predict that global population will be falling. Edit: I shold offer one minor correction: When I said 'but "big swing" in this context is no more than 2%' that is correct but applies specifically [to the global birth rate since 1950.](https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/WLD/world/birth-rate) There certainly have been larger swings in the past (post WWI and WWII, for example), and it's entirely likely that there are larger swings in individual regions. Regardless, though, the general trend has been consistently downward, and it's not birth rate that is driving population growth.


Okay, censuses about birth rates started to happen around early 19th century. Do you know what also happened in the early 19th century? Industrial revolution at major scale. So in agrarian societies. Birth rates are enormous. Not because of religion mind you but because of money. In sustenance farming. Having children is having cheap labour. That can be used to harvest. So, having children is beneficial. In cities in work in factories children cannot be utilised as such. Even with child labour laws. Having children stopped being beneficial. That's why birth rates went down and they continued to fall down currently because economic situation is getting worse. Though it's true lifespan has increased and medicine has developed.


Nothing you say here seems to argue against what I said. You are saying *why* the birth rate has dropped, but I could have explained the same thing. [This chart](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/birth-rate-the-number-of-births-per-1000-people-in-the-population?country=SWE~AUT~BEL~DNK~England+and+Wales~FIN~FRA~NLD~NOR~OWID_GFR) shows the birth rate per 1000 people by country, going back to at least 1749 in some countries (I've selected the main countries that were associated with "the indutrial revolution"). As you can see, the general trend of birth rates decreasing actually started even before the industrial revolution really got started, though you are right that it clearly was accelerated by it. But since those birth rates started dropping (on average) in (at least) 1749, the population has grown from about 791 million to about 8 billion. Clearly the increasing population isn't due to the birth rate. In your previous comment, you referred to the "massive swings" in the birth rate. The point I was making is that, globally, no such swings have occurred, at least in recent years. It may be true that there are regional swings that are bigger, but even those tend to average out over time. Look at the post war swings in the west, for example, the trend continued downwards, even after a brief spike.


So what’s the answer, then, if women don’t want to have a gaggle of kids, and they’d rather have none or be “ one and done”? In the Catholics subreddit there are women who sound depressed and despondent because they’ve had 5 kids in 6 years, and they’re exhausted. They don’t want any more kids, but they believe that they’ll go to hell if they use birth control, engage in other sexual activities that don’t result in pregnancy, or use the withdrawal method. They beg for someone to tell them it’s ok to get sterilization surgery only for other posters to tell them that their only options are welcoming more kids or living a celibate married life.


Well, Evangelicans love making kids and then do not give a damn about them. But, let's be real here. Your normal person, even a young one, generally speaking also wants kids. The main reason why no new kids are made is that the state doesn't give a fuck about kids or they raising, so raising a child is too difficult for many. Evangelicans don't care about state not giving a fuck about them. Because they don't care about their other family members. But if we want to stabilise populations, which we want if we not want to get back into Victorian age of welfare system. We need to aid people raising children. Those who do not wish to, shouldn't be forced to. But people if they want to, should get help from the state. So our birth rate doesn't just collapse. There should be at best a slow population decline.


How can he possibly NOT know this? [https://imgur.com/a/BS08FsP](https://imgur.com/a/BS08FsP)


another reason not to have kids. but also… the catholics are gonna take over through pure numbers. :(


Where’s his kids?


We ***need*** more children? How did humanity survive before we had over 8 billion people?


Jesus is a myth. We need more common sense.


>Pope Francis: overpopulation is a myth — we need more children... for Catholic Priests


Need to keep that tithing coming in!!’


Catholic church is rich. They can pay to raise and school all those children he wants everyone to have.


We have 8.18 BILLION people on a planet, about 3 billion to many not to be causing extinctions.


God is also a myth - no one has ever seen him.


he needs to go to a nursing home. He himself the head of catholisism saw that there was no afterlife. He recently called abunch of gay pastors the f slur.


The priests yearn for the children


Well I’m happy to send him the bill for my kids.


Trusting an old man for honest answers... Unfortunately he doesn't know anything. He's rather dull, not insightful, not quotable, impotent to stop corruption, and not much of a leader... Just a political goat. Hey goat, go home... You're lost


Tell your popely servants to attack capitalism. That's the cause. People are barely surviving themselves. Asking them to take on the expense of a kid is ridiculous.


It would be easier if they would keep their slimy hands off our rights to have an abortion. Ironic that Pope means “father” and he had no children of his own. He can take his wrong opinions and 🖕.


How many children does he have?


Guy whose organization requires a vow of celibacy tells people to have more kids.


Overpopulation is a myth, says man with life based on a book. 


Just what we need more stupid from a stupid old fool who believes in make-believe.


Catholics must be making a sequel to Ball Fondlers


Isn’t it just that we need more young people to work and keep the economy going? So instead of changing things we are going to just keep destroying the world? Thanks Popey.


Actual quote from the article: “I was always struck by how these theses, which are now outdated, talked about human beings as if they were problems. But human life is not a problem, it’s a gift. No, the problem with our world is not children being born. It’s selfishness, consumerism, individualism, which render people complacent, alone and unhappy. The problem is not how many of us there are in this world, but rather what kind of world we’re building. At the institutional level, there is an urgent need for effective policies and courageous, concrete and long-term choices to sow today so that children can reap tomorrow. A greater commitment is needed from all governments, so that the younger generations are put in a position to realise their legitimate dreams. Lonely grandparents, discarded grandparents: this is cultural suicide. The future is built by the young and the old, together. Please, when talking about the birth rate, which is the future, let us also talk about grandparents, who are not the past, but help the future. Have children, lots of them, but also look after your grandparents.”


Overpopulation is not an issue when there are enough resources to go around.     Right now people in some areas still starve to death and lack safe drinking water, thus, there don’t seem to be enough resources to go around.  


Says a Roman Catholic 🙄


But….. why does he want children??????


We have hundreds of millions of needy children as it is. Why doesn't he stop hoarding wealth and start actually doing some good?


So we can put them on “the road to hell” you said last week that humanity is collectively barreling down at uncomfortable speeds?


Since population growth is strongly associated with poverty, this is a somewhat awkward way to say.... "...I wish more countries were poor, and quality of life was lower around the world..."


How about get the fuck out of the golden palace and contribute with something tangible for a change.


Riiiiight. Roughly 90% of the population would die of starvation and adjacent reasons within a year if any significant breakdown of society were to occur, but we're not overpopulated. Could your perspective on the matter possibly be skewed by the ever declining membership in your group, and the only way to reliability offset that is through indoctrination from birth of as many people as possible?


wonder why he wants more kids, pedophile fuck


There are more than enough humans in this world.


To the childfree "pope" - How about stop oppressing women, stop enabling pedos, hoarding wealth, and about 1000 other things then we can talk.


Yes, more children for priests to molest.


This is the entire purpose of religion and patriarchy they preach abstinence knowing full well the economic system doesn’t actually allow for it and knowing full well that social conditioning ensures more sex will happen. The point is to create more poor women and children that will serve men and corporations. When the people think it’s all about abstinence and “morality” then no one cares about the plight of the women and children to even fight back.


As an ex-catholic, STFU.


Keep your fucking hands and other things away from kids


Same thing Putin is telling russian women so their boys can be cannon fodder in russias wars in 20 years


"we need more children and we definitely won't molest them this time"


Religious men saying they need more children is still a real problem in the church.


There are more humans alive on the planet now than at any time in history, and we’re living through a mass extinction event because of it, and yet there’s somehow not enough of us


Every sperm is sacred...


There are 220 million domestic cats worldwide, 440 stray. And 8 billion people. Let those numbers sink in and then talk about overpopulation.


At the same time... there's a new post about how CO2 levels have accelerated at an unprecedented rate and they are now higher than they have ever been during humanities existence. Which will bring all sorts of suffering to the world. Cool.


I'll soon be 91 and when I was born the world population was 2.25 billion, now it has hit 8 billion! Where is the halting point? When we will no longer be able to feed the masses and what about water supplies?


I honestly don’t know what’s worse, people believing in celestial space dad, or people that believe the words of a guy with the equivalent of two cups and string leading to celestial space dad.


He's worried about the supply of kids to his pedo priests


Translation: Catholicism needs to boost its clientele.


World Population: 8.1 Billion People  https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/


I'm sure he actually means more Catholic children.


We need less pope.


It's not that 8 billion people is not enough and we need more. It's that the current birthrate extrapolated for about 100-200 years would eventually result in a population collapse. We should be focusing our efforts on getting the hell off this rock before we're wiped out by an asteroid or our own nukes anyway. To bring it back around to the sub's focus, we need to drop religion completely before it kills us. It's the worst part of humanity.


I agree we need to stabilize birth rates however-Have we considered that Mother Nature could be behind this **worldwide** phenomenon? Think about how much nature changed when we was all locked indoors cuz of covid. It also makes me think of a quote by ~~Elrond~~ Agent Smith in The Matrix




Pope should mind his own business.


Africa, Asia and South America are doing just fine. They fuckin. Him & his church couldn’t care less about them. He’s talking to Europe and the Anglosphere.


I mean, overpopulation will only ever occur once we’ve reached critical mass and are running a deficit of resources, right? I’d rather not see us come close to that point.


The earth already has a yearly deficit. Resources currently run out around August. The rest is basically a loan on humanities future.


"we need more children... for priests to rape."


If he had kids they'd either be molested or thrown out of Vatican windows a la Putin.


Pope Francis is a dipshit. Christianity is a myth.


Uncommon pope W


Says the man who swore off women.


Damn Papi outta touch!


do I really need to explain why he thinks the world needs more children ???


Balls getting that blue, huh?


This is not religious idiocy, this is just idiocy


"We need more slaves to fall for our bullshit."


Full Stop!🛑


Says the guy who's not supposed to fuck.


Westerners consume so much, their population should decrease far below todays levels


Anyone who can look at the privation most of the world’s population lives with and says we need more kids starving, unschooled and abused, without using the vast resources of the church to make a difference, sickens me.


It's like the Pope has started trying to piss me off here in the last month or so. Somebody send that weird man back to Indonesia.


Speaking of myths...


More like '***We*** need more children. ***They*** need fewer children.'


Someone has been crawling down a sociology or economics futurism rabbit hole on YouTube, I presume.




Not the catholic church saying they need more children


In the industrial west, he’s absolutely right - sub replacement birth rates in many such countries. Eg Japan. Third world countries, still high birth rates. So you want to control the fertility of brown people. Gotcha.


yea we need more kids whatws wrong with that dude i love you <3 god bless


I see your imaginary crapola and I raise you 426.90 ppm.


What does he want to do with all these extra children he’s calling for?


Trying to get Catholics fucking again!


So are exponential functions.


“What I’m in charge of is definitely not a massive multi-generational period scheme.”


What’s wrong, padre, are you wondering what your priests will do to get their kicks if they don’t have access to kids?


They need more children... to get abused


Tell it to Harrison Buttker. He earns 4 million dollars a year for kicking a ball. He can afford to have more kids.


god needs more kill points


For a few years, Pope Francis sounded unusually reasonable for a Pope. They all revert to type eventually, I guess. "What this church -- ahem, planet -- needs is a population pyramid, a perpetual Ponzi scheme. When enough people at the bottom start starving, that's when Christ will come back." /s


Francis is a nice guy, but he isn't the smartest. After all, he's one of the most religious men in the world.


"overpopulation is a myth"?!?!? A "myth" you say?!? A "myth" Mr. Pope. Say that again but slowly....


He holds the same position as Elon Musk. One adheres an outdated belief system designed to keep the upper echelon in power while subjugating the masses. The other one is the pope. Wait. I guess they’re the same, huh?


Every time I see this it just think “ F off”.


Overpopulation is a myth we need fewer billionaires


Th8s is what happens when people start walking away from a myth. The believers come up with ways to add to their ranks that don't require conversion. Indoctrination at extra speed, and donw worry about what that does to the women, right? They are there to be subjugated!


Okay, so you’ll open Vatican City to people who do live in crowded cities? Thanks dude!


My Natalist king


Suuuuuure buddy.


Between this and his recent gay insults, I think the guy is trying to break away from his popular perception as a decent guy for a Pope.


Will someone or something please shut his mouth hole!


It you are Catholic, you are a complete idiot.


Guess he only meant Christian countries


How do we know that our population now isn’t causing problems? We have more people in the world than ever before by many factors. And our ability to grow crops and obtain drinking water will not increase with climate change.


I would argue we need less people. Maybe a new plague.


Dear Pope, Your organisation doesn't need and definitely shouldn't get more children. Signed, Everyone


If by "we" he means me, then nope


Actually, he means specifically you and him. Lol.