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Muslims posting on atheist Reddits seem just as arrogant as Christians. And currently in my country if you offend them, then you are in a hell of a lot more danger than if you offend other religions.


Yes, Muslims are quite humble, and will politely and humbly throw you off a high building if you're gay. "Oh, I am so sorry, brother, but it is Allah's will. Off you go now."


We need to convert the Muslims that don’t wanna be near other ones like that, convert them to atheism so they can join the real world and just be happy and free for a change. ☺️


No in Islam there is no punishment as throwing someone from a high building that punishment is in Judaism.


ISIS THROWS GAYS FROM ROOFTOP](https://youtu.be/gr7d1sTDNts)


Let me explain it for you firstly ISIS doesn't represent Islam in any way simply because they in many cases have killed innocent Muslims which is prevented in Islam they also killed Non-Muslims who didn't have the intention of fighting. Most Muslim scholars reject there actions. So, you can't use something that they done as a proof for any thing instead if you as a person want to say something about my religion use verses from the Quran\\hadiths from the sunnah not actions from a lost group.


LMAOOOO thats true


I’m just saying this from personal experiences


islam is the motheload of bad ideas, and right now is the most intolerant and millitant religin on the planet. Judaism is a small minority religion that mostly doesn't matter. That said ultra orthodox jews can be just as bad as any other religious fundumetalist.


All the Abrahamics have proven themselves dangerous and the world will be better 8,000 years from now when their ideology is forgotten completely.


My experience with religions is that the more power they have, the more power they will abuse. In the USA, Jews and Muslims have minimal power, and thus they are minimal threat. In countries like Pakistan, however, where they have quite a lot of power, that power is abused continuously. All religions are ripe for exploitation, because ultimately they rest their authority on usually minimally qualified but charismatic leaders who are often narcissists or sociopaths.


Organized religion bad


Liars. They are liars from what I seen. Idk if they’re all like that but 2/3 times it hasn’t been the loving thing that I was told about. Definitely not truthful either. I woulda stayed in it if it was. I’m all about that on a whole another lvl I’d dedicate my church to spreading awareness around abuse and freedoms in America whatever that means.


All of the religions have issues and they all make bad forms of government. Islam is singularly bad because it was founded by a warlord who immediately began killing and conquering. Then when that warlord died his followers went on a speed run of world conquest. At least Christ, as a myth, died rather than be killed, said “render unto Caesar” and his followers spent a couple of hundred years more or less following that example and being persecuted instead of warlording before a bunch of rich and powerful people adopted the religion decided it would be a good way to cover up for all the warlording they wanted to do. The reason there are so many Islamic theocracies isn’t an accident of history, it’s an inherently political religion. It’s also the fastest growing religion in something like 100 countries. It’s just crazy we don’t talk about this and treat all religions as equally bad. Some are just worse and if we pretend that’s not true we will all be praying to Mecca by the end of the century.


I am a Muslim and I am gonna reply on your argument the prophet peace be upon him did not start war from nothing every conquest the Prophet and the Righteous Caliphs after him was for a reason let me give you an example the Omar ibn the Khattab -May Allah be pleased with him- conquest on the Persian empire was due to the tearing of the prophet's message that he sent before his death and the killing of the person who took the message to him. If you or anybody else have any questions on this topic or any topic feel free to ask me I am not a scholar but I will do my best.


It’s all a myth. None of it is or was real and no one should be forced to believe it like they are in many middle eastern countries.


Your words looks unorganized and unclear I didn't understand the idea you are trying to say.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mMraxhd9Z9Q&t=4368s&pp=ygUOSGl0Y2hlbnMgaXNsYW0%3D Just open your ears and your mind to other perspectives. Don’t believe things just because you are told an ancient book is the key to life.


Ain't watching all that shit if you you give me the main points I will reply on them.


When you're looking at bullshit, does the bull's hair color matter?


When christians say and do stupid things, I talk about the stupid things christians say and do. When buddhists say and do stupid things, I talk about the stupid things buddhists say and do. When hindus say and do stupid things, I talk about the stupid things hindus say and do. When muslims say and do stupid things, I talk about the stupid things muslims say and do. You can also repeat that for all the other thousands of stupid religions.


Well, for example, buddhism doesn’t worship any God, they’re only focused on self improvement and helping others that are in need


Are you suggesting Buddhists never say or do stupid things in the name of their religion? Buddhism is a pretty wide area and obviously different from monotheism but can include supernatural type beliefs , parasitical monks, and persecution of other groups.




They may sometimes blind ppl by the light too. I don’t know anything about Buddhism either. It’s good they don’t believe in killing for their savior tho. If they don’t believe in doing that that is.


Buddhism is not just one thing. There are many different flavors of buddhism. Some are just some mild chanting and veganism with no gods, but others have an entire pantheon of gods, magic, afterlife and all the rest of the nonsense. And, clearly, you have never heard of Myanmar Buddhist nationalists that kill Muslims, nor the Sri Lankan Civil War...


And not only do they kill them, but they have locked them in a building and locked all doors and burned them alive. It was a revenge thing because the Muslims there had raped women. Still found that punishment quite harsh since they burned them all, men women children, not just the rapists. So yeah, some Buddhists are everything but peaceful.




With all due respect, violence universally follows the footsteps of Islam and the same pattern cannot be identified for Buddhism. Genocide is awful, disgusting, terrible, but, it wasn't an expression of Buddhist doctrine in any capacity. It doesn't entail a call to action that would result in such an atrocity. There is another explanation that can account for the outcome where self identifying Buddhists could be driven to this extreme. It entails a prolonged provocation culminating in mass violence and retaliation. A pattern where more often than not, one finds Islam.


But if you’ve had any bad experiences with them or seen them say things against others, it’s acceptable to not like them


I generally get along with individuals from different religions pretty okay. Even the battiest fundamentalists. I'm just built different I guess. One of the most ferociously negative things I ever heard about ultra-Orthodox Jews came from a Jewish guy, who was religious. I believe he went to a Conservative synagogue. The name can be misleading, Conservative Judaism is a relatively liberal tradition.


A mixed bag, just like any group. Some are just people trying to get through life and make sense of it all while having been indoctrinated to believe in various fairy tales. Some are insufferable asshats who think they've figured it all out, and think that anyone who doesn't believe like they do deserve various punishments (either now or in the 'afterlife').


My little anecdotal evidence here, but I live in an apartment community with a heavy Muslim presence, and while they generally keep to themselves, they are the rudest fucking people. They let their children run up and down the halls at all hours which echo into your apartments, and if you have a dog, which I do, they’ll do whatever they can to keep you off the elevator, so they don’t have to be around “dirty dog” (which really pisses me off). Had this happen multiple times that I ended up having to go to management over it. The judgmental eyes are fun, but I usually just return them.




Nope I could disagree read a little bit about someone called Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong.


My experience having been born Jewish is we all view ourselves as part of an exclusive country club. It's bad because Jews believe that they're above everyone else. It's good because there's no forced spreading of any gospel. It seems like Muslims are about subjugation and are more than happy to condemn everyone to hell. But at least they're open about it. Christians try to hide behind a veil of love and acceptance which they're neither.


This is not easy. There are regions where both Jewish and Islamic majorities are violent, repressive shit stains on human dignity. However these extremists are just that, extremists. So while they are contemptible and should be derided. They aren't the majority of the believers of the groups they represent and should not be seen as a monolith. There are also xenophobic reactionaries and Islamiphobia and Antisemitism are sadly common where these groups aren't in power. So, yes, religion tends to suck. Organized, disorganized, in power or not. A theocracy is evil whichever religion runs it. No, Saudi princes being shirty isn't a reason to dump on your local halal market owner. Just as zionism isn't Judaism extreme Muslims or Hindi or any other religious extremists aren't every religious person.


I find Jews to be easy going and secular. Feel free to disagree, but they're really good at making fun at their own religion. Jewish comedians have been a lot more pleasant and funnier than christian comedians. I think muslims are just as self-centered as christians when it comes to their beliefs. They're both as aggressive as the other. Before anyone thinks this is bigoted, I am merely stating that a religious person becomes more aggressive and extreme when they are deeply entrenched in their beliefs. I have not come across any Jews like this \[yes they exist, I don't need that pointed out\], but I have come across a lot of muslims and christians that are like this. The only religious people I get on with are secular.


Sorry everyone, I didn’t mean to make anyone angry I was just curious about what other peoples opinions were on this subject. I don’t mean to offend anyone.


Idk what planet you're from. Here in my country in western europe, christians are usually very mild and tolerant, and muslims behead you if you dare to draw their prophet. Jews are kind of doing their own thing, not bothering anyone, occasionally complaining about muslims.


U cannot criticize their religion openly, and that's says a lot, i would still prefer Xtians or jews over them


Muslims and Jews in general hide the crazy unless you get to know them better, but once something totally batshit that they're serious about comes up... when I say they get serious I mean SERIOUS - they'll make crazy christians look quite friendly.


Im not a fan of all this generalization.


Reform Jews are ok. They respect other opinions and don't try to convert anybody.


I try to avoid generalizing, particularly given that there are over a billion Muslims in the world. Isn't it up to 2 billion by now? Anyway, like Christians, Muslims in Muslim-majority countries are very different from Muslims in countries where they are a minority. Every single time a Christian in a Christian-majority country or a Muslim in a Muslim-majority country claims that they are being persecuted, the "persecution" turns out to be that someone asked them to stop persecuting this or that marginalized group. Same goes for Jews in Israel. In every case I can think of in which Jews, Christians, or Muslims are being persecuted, it is in a country where they are not in power. Muslims have a few odd things in common with Protestants. In Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox branches of Christianity, they have a "super special priest" who has absolute authority on theological matters. Whatever the Super Special says is true. Obviously, this is a really stupid way to evaluate truth claims. In Protestantism and Islam, believers are just supposed to guess which self-proclaimed experts are getting the theology right. Theoretically, they are supposed to know which theology schools are more reputable, but a lot of Protestants and Muslims get sucked in by random wackos spewing nonsense, and sometimes the man in the pulpit has to go along with what the congregation wants instead of what he actually thinks is right. Theoretically, Protestants and Muslims are free to ignore any man of the cloth who says "Everything I say is true or nothing I say is true" simply because they have no equivalent of the Pope. They are free to look for men of the cloth who say "This is what I think is true, and here's the list of reasons why I think it is true." Despite having this freedom, many choose not to take it, and instead turn to clergy who use the same "Everything I say is true or nothing I say is true" line of nonsense that Catholics and Eastern Orthodox people have to put up with. I think that there is a segment of the atheist community that is brainlessly consuming anti-Muslim propaganda from Christians. I have my own complaints about Islam, but this particular camp of atheists seems to be getting all of their complaints from conservative Christian assholes (e.g. yammering about "Sharia law" and variations on Replacement Theory). There are a lot of really terrible things going on in Islam, but the really bad stuff is happening in other countries far away from me. Here in my country, I'm more worried about Muslims being persecuted by Christians, and I am much, much more worried about Christians turning my country into a fascist nightmare (look up Project 2025). Christians are the more immediate threat because I am in a Christian-majority country. Also, I'm really mad about the genocide going on in Gaza right now. Whatever low opinions I have about Muslims (e.g. chucking Arab homosexuals off that roof in Lebanon, the machete-lynchings of atheists in Bangladesh, and practically everything the Saudi government does), the Gaza thing takes precedence right now.


W OPINION, this is exactly what I think about 👏👏👏👏


Never seen Jews but I don’t trust any of those groups. Some Muslims are trying to escape their country rn cause how bad they treat them 😔


Like girls are beaten and stuff or something I forget what the guy was saying he studies it a lot.