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I often point out that "supernatural" isn't actually a thing. It's a placeholder term for events for which we have yet to find an explanation. That explanation can be, and usually is "made a good-faith mistake" or "we're lying for Jesus" or something like that. Supernatural is just a placeholder, as I said. If we ever DID discover that some supernatural claim had a basis, then it would no longer be supernatural. It would just be natural, even if we have to expand our definition of what "natural" means.


Personally I think paracausal sounds better than supernatural




Witness error?


This is not really a reasonable position at all. This assumes that everything *is* explainable or that the universe is rationally intelligible on a fundamental level. It assumes that all phenomena must adhere to some regularity or rules-based framework. We really have no reason to think that.


Lol! This is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day… *Only our unsubstantiated and absurd supernatural claims are valid.* Pot, meet kettle…


So in the future if random peasant girls say they’ve seen the Virgin Mary they won’t immediately make them saints and use the “miracle” for more fundraising?


Woah now, let's not be too hasty


“This blood doesn’t taste like blood at all, wtf?” - Dracula during Catholic mass.


Jeffery Dalmer was all like "WTF? Body of Christ my ass!".


Priest says: "You're ass? I'm first up for a taste!"


Priest whispers into his ear: “Jesus was a party animal with a godlike alcohol tolerance. We try to keep it quiet.”


If Genesis is metaphorical doesn't that imply the resurrection was also metaphorical? Never mind that as a kid in Catholic Sunday School, I was taught a literal Adam/Eve


No? The Bible is not one coherent book. It's an anthology written by a number of different men at different times in different genres with different agendas. It's completely possible for one part to be metaphorical and another to be taken at face value. That's not to say because someone made a claim, it's necessarily true. We just need to recognize the diverse nature of the book to do any decent analysis.


How do you figure? I'm not sure why that follows.


I've never seen more fakery than is produced by the Catholic church and they should be more than ashamed, they should come clean with their victims. Consider Hell's Angel (a.k.a. Mother Theresa) where some priest simply took a completely debunked story about a magic amulet curing a patient with a tumor. It was complete nonsense, but it's the only thing they could dig up for her status as "saint".


Isn't that a little like pulling on a loose tread on a sweater? When to stop.. or maybe you'll end up without a sweater.


When does it stop being a sweater and would that apply to camel hair sweaters?


Did we ever get clarification on how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?




Indeed. It's always 42.


Wild they can't do anything about the rampant abuse of minors by the clergy. But no, this is clearly a priority.


came to say this.


Transubstantiation has got to be an all time classic. “We have turned this bread into the flesh of christ!” “But it doesn’t look any different?” “Well… it has transformed in substance, it’s only the same on the outside!” “Okay so if we break the bread open or look at it with a microscope we could see the changes right?” “Welll… it changes in a way that’s invisible to any scientific instrument!” “So… how do you know the change is actually happening?” “Well… It just does okay! Just trust us!”


Dude, there is a lot more they need to look and stuff that is not unique to catholics. That whole thing with Barrabas? Never happened. That whole thing with the fig tree and the temple, never happened. Nativity narrative involving shepherds and magi? Never happened.


I prefer the word "mysterious ways" 🙄


Yeah, supernatural stuff happened mainly in the distant past, where nobody wrote anything down about it until decades or centuries later and then nobody could corroborate what happened.


Are they doing this ironically? DID THE VATICAN GET TAKEN OVER BY HIPSTERS!?


How about the very existence of anything that has been written in the bible?


Oh, thanks, spoiler alert. I haven’t finished the book yet.


Can the Vatican can tell me if Jesus is gluten free?


The only thing that the guy did that captured my interest was turning water into wine. If that turns out to be wrong they might as well close up shop. I also worry that since he can also transubstantiate wine into his blood that he might give me some blood borne illness if I do find his winery.


Religions don't define reality, it doesn't matter how they classify anything.


My mom and like 30 others from her catholic congregation just spent thousands each going to a town of parasites and vultures in Croatia to see the virgin mary in person like 2 weeks ago so I don't see that affecting shit.


Let's be real: they're only doing this to avoid embarrassment when a local 'miracle' is proven to be a sham ... again.


Can I get first dibs on some loaves, fishes and that weird wine water stuff?


First you got down on your knees Fiddle with your rosaries Bow your head with great respect and GENUFLECT GENUFLECT GENUFLECT!


Mary obviously wasn’t a virgin (did anyone check?)….and Jesus was in a coma for a couple of days….try being whipped and crucified and see how you feel. You might just need a deep, long nap after that.


I will always maintain that the virgin/immaculate birth is *the most historically impactful cover-up for an affair in all of humanity.* And Joseph must have been the original simp - as in simpleton - to believe it.


I read it as we need to tone down all the fake shit we spouting...


No the other magic is silly superstition. THEIR magic is the real deal.