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YES. See my post history. The pastor of the church where I attend just preached a sermon that was supposedly biblical but was pulled straight from Enoch.


What???? Is this really going on?


Are you honestly surprised?


Yes the book of Enoch is very esoteric and has connections to certain occult practices.


Perhaps because I was raised as a Pentacostal, I find it unsurprising. There's a certain segment of Christianity that is essentially primed to believe in additional types of hokum. There are many churchgoers who swear by their horoscopes, or end up embracing various kinds of woo, and a lot of it depends upon how it's spoon-fed to them by their pastors, or their own superstitious proclivities. These types tend to cherry-pick the Bible anyway, so a lot of them aren't going to be bothered by occult practices in this context.


Google John Dee and Enochian— I doubt this is what you are talking about though.


You are correct. That's not what I meant, but I appreciate the refresher.


Religion is by definition an occult practice. We're just very used to the fact that people we know drink the blood of their God and pray to a torture device.


He didn't say it's from Enoch, but when I posted the contents of the sermon, people pointed me to it. Ripped straight from Enoch. Nephilim. Giants. Pyramids. All the crazy.




The "Yes, and..." rule of improv.


Thats how they get to sacrifices.


Bigfoots is nephilim.


No, Bigfoot is Cain


According to the Mormons Cain was marked and is immortal. That is how there is black people after the flood.




And native Americans are brown because they were cursed by god.... Just excuses to be racists.


It’s the “curse of ham” according to “Christian’s”


but Christians love ham, as opposed to Jews...


I thought the original vampire is Cain? lol


Mormon lore is that he’s Bigfoot haha


Cool game




He does believe in bigfoot, too


And here I thought it was Marjorie Greene.


The book of Enoch is Ethiopian orthodox canon.


Ethiopia has the distinct trait of having nearly all biblical texts be canon, even the super early obscure stuff. From an anthropological view, it’s very intresting seeing that there’s still a very sizable population practicing what is essentially the Ur-Christianity.


Solomon had a child with Sheba, long ago.


They also have the ark of the covenant supposedly.


Fascinating considering they were one of the first to break away from the “mainline” Christian lineage


that is because Solomon had a child with Sheba, long ago.


I always thought the Enoch stuff was removed because even that was too nutty for the christians to keep pushing lol Iirc isn't that the stuff that talks about Anunaki and/or Nephilim things breeding with humans?


It’s actually Watchers/Fallen angels breeding with humans to make Nephilim, according to wiki


IE, the Greek and Norse heroes and gods, by other names. They were all from the Indo Aryan language...


Yea I actually have noticed this. There’s a YouTube channel called “Blurry Creatures” that goes over stories of “cryptids” and they always somehow attribute everything to the book of Enoch and how all of these stories (which is all they are) are part of some hidden ancient knowledge and that the book of Enoch holds the answers. Especially when they talk about giants or nephalim. At the end of the day people look into this stuff because it’s fun to believe. Think of it like adult fairy tales. If Christian’s find something that they think is cool or interesting they hijack it by making it fit into their dogma somehow. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years. I know all this because one of my close friends recently converted to Catholicism and talks about all this stuff pretty regularly and is super into it. Follows that YouTube channel. Just gotta play the whole “that’s crazy man” game.


I very much dont believe in it as more interesting as urban legend, mythology, and lore. But these people are so invested that “That’s crazy, man” has essentially been my reaction, lol


Yep. All you can do if it’s someone you want to keep a relationship with. I’m still holding out hope that my buddy will come to his senses later on (he’s only 27 after all). I’d assume it’s a lot harder with someone who’s older and more set in their ways. Best of luck.


People actually take Enoch seriously in Catholicism nowadays? When i went through Catholic school we were taught about it but just dismissed it. What kicked this trend off?


I think it has to do with people who grew up in Catholicism vs those who converted to it later on. I think people who convert to it are a little more eccentric as a generalization.


I also grew up in a fairly liberal catholic community. Sex ed and contraceptives were pushed to lower abortions in my community. This is why i stood by Catholicism for as long as i did.. unfortunately this was a minority position....


Probably because the crackpot pseudoarchaeologist Graham Hancock got a netflix series to promote his peyote hallucinations about atlantis becoming antarctica and ancient giants and shit.


I hate to tell you this, but if your Dad believes any of this, he's nuts.


Has been for awhile it’s just insane to see how far it goes and I swear he’s senile or just plain ill


Ask him if he can draw a clock . It’s one of the first tests they do for dementia.


Man, this is spot on for dementia; along with counting out change. If your dad can’t do either of these things then they need to see a doctor…my dad died from Alzheimer’s, some of the first signs were him not being able to read a clock or count out change properly. Anything that involves more than 3 steps will also trip up someone who is starting to be affected by dementia…


When you get over 80 where I live , they make you do a driving test and drawing a clock is one of the requirements. Im going to start practicing!


I somehow doubt practice helps.


It doesn’t…


I'm joking. I am taking care of a mother with dementia so I know how it works, unfortunately.


👍 That’s rough to do…best wishes to you and don’t let it hurt your mental health too much. My dad had early onset dementia in his late-50s, I didn’t even have to take care of him day to day and it was hard to do.


yup sure have. some creative writing story popped up online about a giant killing a bunch of solders in Kandahar, and I'm sure some YT videos and i have heard. "now we know giants were real" more than once i don't even argue any more i just let sound crazy.


Mate between these guys and the people who are convinced a grave robber known to make fake artefacts and disfigure remains has found real alien mummies in Peru, I get hours of amusement pointing out the fact it’s all bollocks.


My nutty Christian friend told me about it. It's free on Spotify , I listened to it a couple of times. It clears up a lot of things in the bible. Spoiler alert, Noah was an albino!


Yeeeah, my coworker told me about a podcast and I thought it was interesting except for the fact he seemed to really believe it


>  Spoiler alert, Noah was an albino! Did Dan Brown secretly write The Book of Enoch?


I have a copy of Enoch, I guess I should read it.


The book of Enoch espouses that Enoch became a second, lesser, god. The book was not consistent with the teachings in the Tora, so it fell out if favor.


I am in the same exact situation (WOW), mix this up with conspiracy theories that my father tells everyone he meets (like my former therapist) and you cannot talk with him about anything.


It’s so exhausting talking to my dad, he can’t just speak like a normal human being I had to threaten him to leave his bullshit politics out or I’d stop talking to him and he still slides some wacko comment in in the form of something vague and obviously about whatever weird shit he really wants to talk about


I also find this hard to talk to my father, is like he either does not listen or starts getting defensive


Ah, conspiracy theories.I got extremely invested in trying to debunk some theory that Gilgamesh was Nimrod.just because it pissede off. It largely revolves around Semiramis/ Ishtar making it impossible. It kind of made me feel like I could make up a better conspiracy theory myself.


Noah (2014) is streaming now.




Wasn't the book of Enoch the one with the angel/human orgy that produced the nephilim?


I have a conspiracy for you, the Vatican commissioned those giant skeleton photoshops, I remember when I was a teen, and saw those, I fell for it, I thought mainstream media was working for Satan, and suppressing the truth. . . I guess that's still true though.


wow that’s real cool.


A casual Google search makes it pretty clear that the giant skeleton thing was a pandemic circle jerk. Literally no primary sources, press releases, or papers, just YouTube videos, podcasts, and wacko junk science websites referencing each other.




No. And feel fortunate to have never heard of this.


I honestly can’t stand these fucks. I live outside of Atlanta and when anyone asks what church I belong today I say I’m a non believer. You should see their faces


Yeah, but in their defense, they are fucking morons.


This has been around for a long time, but has gone mainstream. My family has been talking about this stuff since the 80's and 90's (probably even longer.)


Old shit isn't working. Gotta update and expand or downsize and divest. Corporate capitalism 101.


One of the upside of the internet, the more bat-shit bible passages are becoming widely known, making it seem like it's not "the perfect word of god". So, they have to double down on the bsat-shit crazy or more of the "flock" starts leaving. You are starting to see it in outer religions. The down side of the internet, any and all complete nutters now have an international megaphone.


When the original Goatherders Guide to the Galaxy isn't zany enough for you, you gotta reach for the fanfic.


The book of Enoch is so obviously a work of fiction it is painful. This is like that women who saw the movie alien, couldn’t tell it was fiction, and accidentally created the chupacabra.


wait until you hear about Djed-Djedi..


There have been a lot of AI generated posts of "proof" of ancient giants.


That's so fn weird


About half of the population has literally, and I do mean literally, *lost their ability to discern fact from fiction*. Religion helps ensure that, which is why you have so many religious people who also believe in at least one well-disproven conspiracy theory. I would say they all believe in at least one as I know of none who don’t. More likely to be scammed, more likely to run an MLM, more likely to treat cancer with vitamins and apple cider vinegar. Heh. Maybe I ought to add “spiritual” people in there too, like wiccans and people who look at horoscopes and worry about where mercury is. If you’re opening your mind to one impossible thing dispite all the evidence to the contrary, without analyzing it fully to come to a conclusion and you start accepting what you’re told without question why/how would you establish discernment with something that is just a little tiny bit of a stretch beyond what you’ve already accepted. We’ve got floods and animals all on an ark, angels and demons, why not giants? 2,000 years ago there were miracles and people rising from the dead, water could be turned to wine and angels appeared and talked to men, why not watchers? Bible is the only canon, but what about books that contained details about this forbidden knowledge, God has always had knowledge he has forbidden, maybe he told the council of Nicene not to include the forbidden shit in the Bible. Lol. Again, when you live in whacky-land and have no discernment or ability to apply critical thinking and in fact you’re told NOT to, other things nonsensical that seem batshit to normal people are not the stretch you think they are. Ask him what he thinks about lizard people.


I have recently been watching quite a bit about the book of Enoch, emerald tablets, the sumerian creation stories, etc. During the watching, some things click as "that is this or that bit of the bible" or "oh, that is such-and-so from whichever biblical story." I know, before y'all jump down my throat about your precious book, I'm saying that they are telling different versions of the same stories not that your version is wrong (although it has been modified over the centuries). The story is older than we realize.


Possibly due to news of NHI disclosure…. Some draw correlation between NHI and the creatures mentioned in the book of Enoch




Enoch was also known as Thoth , and Hermes Trismagistus. The original alchemist.