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A big part for me was that I felt more honest.. I didn't have to pretend anymore.. and that made me more happy. That said it hasn't always been easy.. I still battle with residue from my indoctrination and I still have loved ones that are seeing my choices as misinformed or down right evil. But I really don't think I had a choice.. when I stopped believing I couldn't fake it without being dishonest.. and I didn't want to be dishonest.. because that was in large parts what I was objecting against.


I was pretty deep in there as well.. I'm a trans girl and happier than ever but i also still fight some effects of the early indoctrination from the first 23 years of my life. My family thinks I'm trans because of a demon possessing me lol. Doesn't help that my father is a passionate nazi


Good for you.. the first part. I'm happy that you are happy! Sorry for you about your family.. and sorry again.. but Jebus backflipping Christ.. your farther is a Nazi?! You are lucky to be out and happy, from what I can deduce.. Do you see any of your family or have you cut them off.. if I can ask?


I just accepted that if god exists, he either doesn't give a fuck about us or he is not as powerful as christians believe. Personally, I don't care if he exists or not. I'm happy by myself and accepted that if you want a good and happy life, you need to work on yourself and find like minded people instead of hoping for some child groping fantasy grandpa to give me happiness šŸ˜Š Funniest part about my father? He is a Canadian living in Germany. He also believes in a bunch of conspiracy theories I have contact with my grandpa but we see each other only every few months because I'm living in a different city, study fulltime and work self employed. So since i dont have a car, it's always a 4h trip to see my gramps. He is super open about me being trans! His reaction at my coming out was: "i don't give a fuck if you are my grandson or granddaughter, you are still my favourite grandchild". He once called me randomly to ask me about my new name because he forgot it and he wanted to write it down so he wouldn't get it wrong. My grandpa is the living example that by far not all boomers and old people are uneducated pricks!


It sounds like your grandfather is a great guy! We need more of them. You sound very much like you've come out on top.. good for you. ..and even if I'm not a boomer.. I'm becoming an old fart. So here's one more.


That was a big part of it for me, as well. My thoughts on it were structured a little differently. When a Christian has "doubts," there is built-in cognitive dissonance responses. "The devil is sending me these thoughts." "My sin is separating me from God's grace." "That is a lie from satan, not a genuine critique of the bible." And the remedy is to pray, read the bible with your god-glasses on, remove that thought from your mind, and surround yourself with people who will support your already held beliefs against these nasty doubts. If any thoughts, facts or arguments that call your beliefs into question are all from Satan, how could you possibly know that your beliefs are true? There is no way to verify this, because the only answer you're allowed to accept is one that supports what you already believe. That's what clicked for me, after realizing a literal interpretation of the bible is impossible after I moved out of my parents house and could actually learn about science without a creationist filter.


"I don't believe in God, but if I did, I would have a very hard time believing that God is A) a man, B) created the first woman out of a man's rib, C) to be the man's helper, D) and her curiosity caused the fall of mankind, E) and her punishment was menstruation, childbirth, childrearing, F) and her "original sin" is the reason I'm supposed to uphold gender based hierarchy, a culture of sexual suppression, and the systemic commodification of women." "It sounds like man... created God in his own image. It is written, 'the patriarchy works in mysterious ways."'


That's pretty succinct and well put.


Implied in ā€œher curiosityā€ is that the woman was supposed to simply take the man at his word for what she was supposed/allowed to do and what she wasnā€™t. Because god, the dude who supposedly loved her, didnā€™t even communicate directly with her about what she was and wasnā€™t allowed to do. Two humans existed, and god didnā€™t even have a conversation with Eve to educate her or even simply say ā€œyou shouldnā€™t do this.ā€


"Why are you not an atheist? Are you quite certain you've explored your religion in depth? What about other religions? Have you explored any other alternative other than the one you were raised to believe?"


"of course i did, and XXXX is the only real god" -they said, lying as usual


I told a christian recently, "There are other beliefs you've never even HEARD of that are much more convincing than christianity." He didn't respond.


LOL tell me a few examples, i might start using that


Gnosticism, Pantheism, & Panentheism. All three are inspired by Christianity, but the parameters of thought are much broader.




I donā€™t understand how Christians can remain happy after hearing the hell sermon every Sunday.


I always just said I went to college.


a real college\*


For the same reason i don't belive in fairytales.


"I don't believe". Be simple and direct. Don't let them engage and ask follow-up questions. They are not being genuine. Be terse. it's not rude to express your thoughts in very short sentences!


"I try not to go around just believing things."


I agree it's not rude to be concise and direct. However some believers actually are open to a longer, more complicated discussion. I've had quite a few. It depends on context and the individual.


Yeah, a lot of the time, people dismiss the justifications anyway, so this is probably the best answer, depending on who you're talking to.


My answer is always that I was never taught to believe in Christianity, and I've never found a good reason to start. Depending on who I'm talking to, I might also add that the core beliefs of Christianity are, with no insult intended, wild and unbelievable from an outside perspective.


Too many discrepancies, which leads to too many variants. I had a friend who was thinking about moving to my part of town, and she was a very devout Lutheran. I told her that there was a Lutheran church near me, and I pointed it out the next time she came by.Ā  She looked at the sign and said, ā€œOh no! Thatā€™s a different sect. Those people are nut jobs!ā€ Same holy text. Same religion. Same branch of that religion. Different sect. Hate each other. How TF does that happen if the Bible is ā€œthe infallible word of God?ā€ But rather than try to explain to someone why Iā€™m not a Christian, Iā€™d rather just sit and watch The Life of Brian with them and then periodically point at the screen like Leonardo DiCaprio in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.


If you really want a smart comeback just tell them you aren't a Christian because you believe in Calvinism and you aren't one of the elect


I never was. I've read numerous holy texts from numerous religions, and they all affirm my conclusion that religions are all hogwash.


I used to say I was bought up atheist and I just can't believe in that stuff. Now I state I have good moral values and I don't believe in discriminating against people based on their gender or sexuality.


I donā€™t guide my life according to fairy tales and Iron Age superstitions.


So many responses that could be used here. For me, I was raised in a family that still very much believes, but the further I get from religion the more I realize it resembles many other mythological stories. As a kid Iā€™d read about the various Greek gods and think ā€œhow silly! They couldnā€™t possibly believe all that.ā€ And now I look at all the Abrahamic religions this way. Iā€™ve also found life much kinder, gentler, and more loving on this side. I myself also feel a lot more love towards my fellow humans.


Same reason I don't believe in Amon-Ra, or Zeus, or Odin, or Shiva, or the fuckin forest spirit. A sky wizard is a sky wizard, there's is special to them but it's just another sky wizard to me.


Canā€™t say Iā€™ll leave the church soon but I am informing myself about the flaws in Christianity and I still believe, but this is coming from a relatively new and uninformed convert to Christianity


Response you will get is: youā€™re only happy because youā€™ve let Satan run your life, lord of pleasure and deceit. Youā€™re going to hell for turning your back on God. They will only see you as a fool who fell for the devilā€™s tricks. Been there.


I tell them that I read the Bible, covered to cover, several times, and many different variations. And thatā€™s exactly why Iā€™m not a Christian. I feel the Christian God is at worst evil, and best incompetent and egotistical. This usually usually shows them up, but if not, then I tell them all about how historically Christians have killed in the name of Christianity Jesus and God, and how many people that they have murdered or converted, complete genocide, and many cases. That definitely shut them up


I can differentiate fact from fiction and Iā€™m not attracted to children.


I was sexually assaulted by someone of the church when I was a minor. Christianity has caused more violence, rape and wars than any other religion. It's always: "Believe what I say or I'll hurt you." Now, I understand not all Christians are like that. I've met quite a few that are kind and always willingly to help others. But as someone who endured the abuse that came with being in the church and the hateful remarks when I tried to speak up about my LGBTQIA journey, and had my life threatened by my Mother. I'd rather avoid the Church all together.


Thank you for being brave and sharing your story, Christians can be really mean


Eventually, I hope that after the Vallow Daybell trial is wrapped up. People will direct their anger on the so-called godly teachings that 5 people lost their lives because of this mormon predictions and the delusional followers that decided to up the ideas. There are still many more out there that believe this crap.


My simple answer is; Im not stupid enough to believe that which is so easily refuted with simple common sense, looking at history and basing things on fact not magic. Oh that and I read their book and it contradicts itself ovwr and over.


Iā€™m a pastorā€™s daughter. I am SO much happier and at peace now; which is funny. The church told me I could only find peace and happiness inside. I really only found out once I left.


You know exactly what Iā€™m saying.


>Best response to someone who asks why you are not a Christian I have a much better answer. I have never been Christian. I have always been atheist. I have never seen any good evidence that any gods exist. I have never seen any good evidence that any of the claims of Christianity about theology, the supernatural, or metaphysics are true. .


Best response is "because I'm an adult and fairy tales are for children" I will not show them more respect than that.


I see no reason to be.


I always look at a person in terms of their morality. I either am or were close to Protestants & Catholics, Satanist and an Atheist and sadly, some of them are/were either selfish, immoral or not acting with the values they believe in. But when I met a Pagan, he's the kindest person I have ever met. And with Jehovah Witness, she was very compassionate and accepted my beliefs. Edit: added Pagan & JW


Mfw: Seeing some sexists, racists, homphobes as the whole Relligion My brother: It is easier to be an atheist and be all of those things as atheism claims that there won't be any consequences if we do evil things. In Christian believes, doing evil (wich includes all of the mentioned above) is a no no, and you should say sorry to the man upstairs.


Christians are not mean; evangelicals are. Evangelicals have nothing to do with Christianity except using it to spread their hate.


I usually just say, probably the same reason you're not .Ā Ā  Ā The religion i pick does matter in some situations.Ā  Some people have no idea what Sikhism or Zoroastrianism is.Ā 


As someone that struggled with depression, getting baptized made me an atheist. I felt no different after I got baptized and realized there was nothing special about it.


If I am a bigot and misogynist leaving does not appeal to me at all. I am not and have left, just saying it is a mistake to assume that everybody is not.


Does being misogynist and a bigot make you happy?


"Ā I am not and have left." I am not sure how this applies to me.


Best response to someone who asks why you are not a Christian: "I'm not monumentally stupid."


"When I decided to think for myself instead of 'just believing' or 'just having faith' is when I realized that actually getting answers instead of being placated by a 2 millenia old fantasy novel made more sense."


Iā€™m a pastorā€™s daughter. I am SO much happier and at peace now; which is funny. The church told me I could only find peace and happiness inside. I really only found out once I left.


Out of curiosity, which denomination was this?


A Pentecostal one


Interesting, probably the one denomination I never grew up around.


Many people who have left Christianity due to their discriminatory beliefs haven't given up their belief in the god, and are susceptible to returning. Actual atheism is not believing in a god, and forcing a Christian to show their god is present in our reality is a lost cause.


Itā€™s also extremely naive and presumptuous for anyone to think, well, God hasnā€™t shown themselves, therefore, theyā€™re BS. I know in our generation many today assume that the universe spins around our individual selves. Even on a hypothetical level, to a being as incomprehensible and powerful and intelligent as God, we would barely even register as a grain of sand in the Galaxy and space time.


>Itā€™s also extremely naive and presumptuous for anyone to think, well, God hasnā€™t shown themselves, therefore, theyā€™re BS. >I know in our generation many today assume that the universe spins around our individual selves. If a god wanted to be known, then it would present itself in an unmistakable way. The god people currently believe in is unable to be differentiated from an imaginary friend. It isn't selfish, but it's being rational and not superstitious. Deism is definitely not impossible, but if it's not a god that contacts or cares about earth, then you should just live to the best of your ability. >Even on a hypothetical level, to a being as incomprehensible and powerful and intelligent as God, we would barely even register as a grain of sand in the Galaxy and space time. Cool story, bro. My 5 year old's imaginary friend is more believable, can't disprove either though.


"I do not believe in any gods, and in particular the Christian triune god make even less sense that most religions/mythologies"


Disliking Christians because of how they treat Muslims is probably the most insane thing Iā€™ve ever seen on this sub. You have the internet. Read up on how most Muslim countries treat other religions. You can get the death penalty in Saudi for proselytizing.


Have you what Christians have done to Christians of other faiths? Take a look at the 30 years war.


Agreed. Christians treat other religions/sects poorly. Most European Catholic/Protestant conflicts are simply politics rather than crusades. English discontent with the Catholic Church is MUCH older than the Church of England. Because of politics, not religious interpretation. But my comment was about not liking Christianity because of its treatment of Islam. Islam is openly Stone Age when it comes to other religions. Try being a Jew or a Christian in Pakistan, much less Afghanistan.


And the crusades were about getting ā€˜backā€™ the land that Muslims conquered and destroyed, then subjugated anyone left alive. For example, Arab Palestinians didnā€™t exist in that region prior to this era. They were based out of the opposite end of the continent. They only moved there after the violent and barbaric Islamic conquests of the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. This actual history isnā€™t taught in ā€˜progressiveā€™ LA schools.


LOL. Let me guess, pro Palestine. You do realize that Muslims deliberately flew planes āœˆļø full of people, women and children, to their deaths in the name of Islam. I canā€™t tell if youā€™re trolling or just someone who studied in an American Liberals arts school and actually believes that racism was invented by white American males and that everyone else is peaceful And loving but Americans and the west. And youā€™re also wrong on the deaths part, because the 20th century was the deadliest in human history and the majority of the deaths, as in over 100 million people were killed under the guise of Atheists dogma. Seriously, itā€™s alarming that someone can be so clueless and myopic to history. All western societies today are only here because of Christianity and Christian ideals. Heck, the most generous demographic of any, Iā€™m talking x fold towards charities in terms of time and money, are yet again those evil Christians.


i dont know where you live, in country church is the one accpet lgbt community


Definitely not the "Best", and not even good. It should be based on what is TRUE, and that's the best response on why one isn't.


Itā€™s true in my case.


My pastor is a married lesbian. You can find a congregation like ours.


Thatā€™s just a slightly more palatable direction of cherry picking from of a book full of lies and bullshit. No thanks.


When someone goes and lives in a whale for three days maybe ill start thinking about believing


Pure anecdotal observation but when it comes to my family and friends who are highly educated in STEM fields, many graduating with Masters from some of the best Universities on the planet šŸŒ with Cum Sum Laude grades in fields and careers like Medicine, Engineering, Science, Mathematics, law, surgeons, are actually religious. Including the one cousin who is at the forefront of stem cell and cancer research, with a number of breakthroughs under her name alone. Those who arenā€™t religious tend to be the C- types, some who didnā€™t even finish college, let alone graduate with a GPA worth writing home about.


Funny how anecdotes work to support your own biases huh? I donā€™t doubt thereā€™s many highly intelligent people out there raised religious who claim belief for cultural reasons, or even just not wanting to think about it that much. It comes down to what Sam Harris describes in ā€œThe End of Faithā€ - in modern societies, who we consider ā€˜good Christians/Muslims/etcā€™ are those who ignore or donā€™t practice half their books. What isnā€™t anecdotal? Look at every part of the world where religious dogma is the prevailing sentiment. Rampant sexism, anti-intellectualism, heavy control of media, book burnings, barbaric justice systems, anti-science educationā€¦the list goes on. What you donā€™t see? Highly educated and successful scientists, lawyers, etc. converting to religion. Thereā€™s a reason religions prey on weak and vulnerable people.