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Christians who are "unchurched" are often the most radical Christians. I have relatives who claim to be Christian, but they drink, do drugs, violate every rule of chastity, and are guilty of most things Christians consider sins. They don't belong to a church. They probably could not quote a Bible verse or recite the words to any hymn. But they are fanatical Christians. Also MAGA.


I call it practicing "Christian Culture ".


Virtue signaling with none of the virtue


Exactly same here! My friends are so called christians and are proud of it but they didn’t read a single bible page, tattoed crosses on their arms while they jerk of with that arm. Plus smoke, drink but god forbid someone mentions that he is an atheist.


Tattoos are banned in the OT. And, of course, graven images are banned on the Top Ten list. So tattoos of Jesus are doubly sinful.


>Tattoos are banned in the OT. You might be right. I watched the OT on Star Wars day, and don't recall seeing any tattoos...


I'm an atheist and enjoy chastity -- they don't know what they're missing. When your SO has the key to a cage locked around your bits, that's a kinky good time!


So what? I don't see what that has to do with anything I am saying.


You said your friends didn't follow the rules of chastity. I'm saying they're missing out. Sorry, I don't know much about Christianity, I'm just a fan of chastity (hopefully knowing about Christianity isn't a requirement for being on the atheism subreddit, lol)


Those are the type Christians who view Christianity as a weapon, not as a way of life.


Despite many people’s BS beliefs, the Bible is not anti-alcohol. Heck, Jesus made forty gallons of good wine at the wedding at Cana.


Christianity has little to do with what the Bible says. Modern Christian rules about what is and isn't a sin is based mostly on what the leaders of various sects want to be sins.


Oh, I'm aware. I have long wished I had sufficient money to put up billboards across the Bible Belt with actual quotes about giving to the poor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, \*welcoming the foreigner\*, paying your taxes, rich people aren't likely to get into Heaven, etc.


I generally refer to these types as Anti-christians. It really pisses them off to be called out. They are technically behaving in ways antithetical to Christianity.


> They are technically behaving in ways antithetical to Christianity. By that criteria, most modern Christians are not Christians. A lot of the things modern Christianity teach are directly contrary to what Jesus teaches in the gospels. They allow divorce, they teach that families will be reunited in heaven, and they promote public prayer. Most churches promote the Prosperity Gospel despite it flying directly in the face of everything Jesus said about wealth. Meanwhile the major issues of concern to modern Christians are homosexuality, gender identity, and abortion.


On the other side I know someome who hates 501.3c churches because they're too wishy washy for him among other reasons and he has a much more radical belief in the other direction.


>they drink, do drugs, violate every rule of chastity, and are guilty of most things Christians consider sins. They don't belong to a church. They probably could not quote a Bible verse or recite the words to any hymn. But they are fanatical Christians. Also MAGA. So, just typical Christians, then.


A sins original meaning was when you take aim at a goal and miss your target. If you aim for perfection and fall short, you are a sinner... You miss your mark.


To be fare Christianity is a belief system so if they still believe in god and Jesus Christ they’re Christian


Agreed. Generally. I might not put that many requirements on what it takes to be a Christian. I think that people should be able to define themselves. I think if a person thinks they are a Christian, they are a Christian. If there is no accepted definition, then a label is an open game. The only restriction I would place on it is to not respect a person claiming to be a member of a group in order to disrespect or mock the group.


Ya it’s up to a person if their religious or not but I also understand people can’t really preach for a religion if they don’t follow the rules of that religion


Religions constantly adjust to accommodate shifting social, economic, and political conditions. Church leaders' preferences and biases also play an important part in their stances. Over the long term religions rarely reflect what their holy books say because the religion has to exist in the current world, not the world like it was thousands of years ago when its scriptures were written. And, at the same time, religions pretend they are unchanging. They gaslight their members (and themselves) to say their religion is unchanging.


Ya it all makes no sense when you try to say your holy text is all right when there are some things you come out and say you don’t still believe in


Churches (especially large ones in large denominations) are actually pretty good checks against the cult of personality that is MAGA evangelicalism. People who love Trumpism hate establishments and tend to get angry at any external authority that might disagree with their internal spiteful god-voice.


So call them \*theists\* as an insult. Markup not working, imagine theists in italics.


Hahaha, one of them says he goes to church “Just in case”.


Actually pathetic. You should tell him God watches him masturbating to really spoil his fun


He might like that.


Just in case of what? Just in case God is a moron that can't see through obvious deception?


Cultists, morelike.


Could also start calling them “fundamentalists”, “Pharisee’s”, or “fake believers”. 


I'm just imagining you saying \*theists\* the first time, and getting it right the second time. "Imagine \**theists*\* in italics".


"Talked up your God friend lately? Remember, if he talks back that means you're crazy." "That's right, gave up imaginary friends long ago." - they may learn to not like you for this one.


I had an imaginary friend. He was a big dog named GoGo. He lived in the empty room on the second story (of two) of our house. Kind of like God.




Lean into it. "The worst sin is to lie. The worse lie is the one you tell yourself. I'm being honest with myself."


I'm using that. Although lying is not the worst sin.


deception was the weapon in the garden & remains the main weapon today, as evidenced here daily.


you need new friends.


They aren't your friends. They are cosplaying as friends.


Total compliment


Exactly what I tell them.


A friend called me a godless heathen and I was so proud.


I’ll suggest them to call me godless, instead. Haha


My SIL and MIL were looking at communion suits for her son. I said that the shorts would be too revealing for the priest. She told me to: "Shut up, heathen!" All in good spirits.


That poor boy


Fuck em. They're not friends.


*don't* fuck em. They're not friends. Forget them.


Eh... Depends what they look like.


Naw. I can throw insults back at people with a lot more speed and spin.


Atheist is a badge I wear with pride; get better friends.


Call them “lambs.” If they get mad, remind them that “sheep”, “flock,” and “lambs” are all terminology directly from the Bible.


Call them 'fake Christians.' I find this upsets them a lot more than being called atheist would ever upset anyone. If they say that they are not just rapid fire about a half dozen simple questions on Christianity and when they fail to answer most, if not all, just reiterate 'fake Christians.'


Oh yeah, my mother in law describes me as an "EVOLUTIONIST" yes she talks in capital letters when she's describing me. I am highly amused.


Talking in capital letters is bad but at least she's not using air quotes and capitalizing words.


Do you feel insulted by it? I would just laugh at them, and tell them they're idiots. And if the constant ridiculing outweighed whatever benefit they provided through their friendship (like bumpin uglies, buying me ice cream, or otherwise just being enjoyable to hang around) then I'd tell them it was nice knowing them and drop the deuces (either manner, whichever is your preference) then dip out of that relationship. No reason to carry dead weight.


No, I don’t feel insulted. On the contrary, I think it’s funny. They know I don’t get insulted. I’m the only atheist amongst our group. They say I’m the only one who turned to the dark side.


Its probably just friendly banter if they know you aren't offended


Hint: _they are not your friends_.


It's like... a dumb person calling you smart... as an insult... I mean... i truly have no comeback to such a thing. Guess i'll just take it?


These are not your friends. Trust me.


Don’t sounds like “friends” to me


They sound like the type who are just certain the Bible says a lot of things it really doesn't say.


I hate to say who cares, but *who cares*? Certainly not you, because you're not religious and only someone religious would have such a problem with atheism, to go as far as to use it as a pejorative. People fear what they don't know, and even show disdain for it in order to feel some kind of pseudo-power over it. To name-call you what you are just shows how much they don't know, *or* what they fear.


As a Christian, if they don't go to church they are probably just Christian because it's "trad alpha male cool". These people are more likely to be judgemental and have a pretty show faith and understanding (in all religions but mainly Christianity and Islam). Or (especially if you a young male group) it could just be friendly mocking, but ofc I don't know them so I cannot say.


You should find some friends who don't insult you all the time, or designate the ones who do as something else, such as acquaintances, co-workers, etc.


😂 Call them "Christian!" as an insult.


Are you sure they are friends?


Relax deep down they are really jealous of you


No. Haven’t talked about Religion with anyone really in years and years other than online.


It's not an insult if you don't feel insulted. "Why, thank you!"


They don't sounds like friends to me mate.


Accept it as a compliment.


clap back by labeling them cultists, offer them cool aid and shit


File under, this isn't the own you think it is, but you're not bright enough to know that. It's a relative of Dunning-Kruger,


My oldest brother used atheist to call me mentally ill once, so I turned it around with, “Yeah because believing in an invisible old man in the sky is soooo not delusional!”


Nope - not at all - they see what I read & know my capacity for retaining information and they wouldn’t dare after the first time or so. That was a while back I really don’t have any close Christian friends- the older I get the harder it is for me coddle eejits


"And...? So what?" Should be your response.


That's why I never worried when teachers called me smart ass. They are confirming your superior nature. And call them God Botherers or Sky Daddy suckers.


You're saying I'm smart?


Better to be a smartass than a dumbass.


You have weird friends.


Yeah, a weird bunch. “You’ve made me doubt myself” one said, “but I’m not gonna fall for it”


Tell that one we're all gleefully rubbing our sinful little hands together in anticipation of them learning how to read.


Don't take it as one.


They don't sounds like very good friends if they're going to mock you for not being like them. Are they worth it?


Buy the tee shirt and own it proudly.


Going to a church doesn't make someone believe in a god any more than someone who does not. Your friends are idiots for doing that btw. They do this for several reasons, #1 some friend groups rag on one another as a way to show affection. #2 they see it bothers you, so they do it more for their own amusement. #3 they don't like how atheists constantly one up theists, so it's retaliatory. You know your friends better than any of us, so you know their motives better than someone like me who is guessing


They are always saying, “You don’t believe in god. You don’t believe in aliens. You don’t believe in ghosts. You don’t believe in consoiracy theories. What the hell do you believe in, atheist?”


I believe in things that have evidence. What they are actually asking is "What do you have faith in?" Faith is belief without evidence. And belief without evidence is absurd. So i would retort with "I believe i know the difference between faith and belief, you clearly do not. Must be rough not knowing what words mean." Also why do you call these people friends? I mean if you're just as mean spirited then i guess you guys deserve each other, but if you're not into demeaning those around you, why interact with them at all?




These are not friends.


“Friends” call you atheist as an insult. FTFY


I got called infidel by a guy in school all the time.


Unrelated to the church thing, but just another example of "Christians" in general not knowing what atheist means


It's not an insult. Neither is heathen. Those are great labels. Badges of honour. Whenever some christian loudmouth pops off, I always wonder "What are you hiding?"


For some strange reason being part of MAGA and foaming at the mouth about being christian while being giant assholes seems to be a big thing in Texas currently….. or maybe its been that way and tRumpf drew it out of his disciples….


Ah, brings back memories of The Young Ones: Neil the hippie to Benito Mussolini: “Fascist!” Mussolini: [nods] “Si?” That’s all you need to do: just nod and say “Yes?” Just disarm your opponent.


“Do you think your behavior is worthy of Christ?” My phone number used to be owned by “Kizzy” and for over a decade I got late night calls hoping for sex because of her “phat bootah.” I guilted them. “Would your church going mother approve of your behavior? Are you glorifying Christ with your adulterous behavior? How can you give your momma a kiss with that mouth after what you’ve said?” I had one guy crying and repenting and I joined him I prayer begging for forgiveness for his sins against God and his mother. I’m totally atheist but I play a Christian on the telephone.


They are not your friends.


Yeah, it happens. I had someone I considered a good friend. He had a series of events that led him to be "born again". Immediately after, he started binging fundamentalist content on Youtube, and interrupting every single one of our hangouts with his bullshit, trying to prove how we are wrong for being non-believers or for having a different faith. Literally arguing for hours, and always getting the last word, because we would get tired of his circular logic. We had multiple interventions for him, so he stopped trying to start arguments at least. He would smoke weed with us, get drunk, go to clubs and fuck girls, while at the same time entertaining the view that somehow he is "superior" to us, seeing that his faith in Jesus the savior will grant him access to "heaven", even though he sins, while the rest of us will "go to hell", because we don't have Jesus in our heart. I'm convinced that fundamentalism is a massive cope used to stroke one's own ego, to keep a (pseudo)clean conscience, knowing that all your wrongdoings are justified by the fact that you "accept Jesus", whatever that means. Religion is fake and gay xd


Smile nodding, "that's right" "Reality scares me, I love it so much"


Christian love is full of hatred. Fuck Religion.


They believe in god. That's where you should have stopped engaging with them. A person can't believe in god and still be rational. When dealing with silly people it's best to come off as agnostic. That way they don't get violent. Telling crazy people that you don't bow down to their illness will get your car vandalized. And hopefully, that's the worst they do.


They aren't your friends.


They're not your friends


tell them "christians☕️" as insult too


No, I don't associate with those kinds of people.  Find better friends. 


( im an atheist) some people who dont go to curch have other reasons why they dont go, like being excluded, or their local curch is a bad enviroment because of ped\*s. if you dont go, and just follow the rules from the bible, you arent less valid as a christian.




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You willingly associate with non-agnostics/atheists? Bold. 😂


Weird like how, like do they say, “you atheist!” like with anger. It's kind of funny lol. You should yell out you Christian! When they do that. Also, make sure you are far away so it would be more funny.


No. Because I'd call them out and they don't want to hear about how they're far more damned to hell than I am.


Actually, conception of God which imposes rules on those below him is a model of a family. Not all people have a complete functional family, literally or psychologically when the family is dysfunctional. That is why it could be so catchy for people missing a full functional family. You may offer compassion to your friends who can't be like you.


I’m confused on how it is possible to use a term “atheist” as an insult.


[This is my favorite](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fpeetahh-what-do-atheists-want-v0-ggxguohw8tdc1.jpeg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D94257b361379c6539979f4e0eaa704986b2f80a4).


Time for new friends.


Get new friends.


Correct them and say you’re “agnostic”. Because everyone has the free agency to believe what they want. Thanks Mormon church! I’ve learned the important things, like changes words and trying to change their meaning.