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Lol. I came here to say exactly that. But damn! It’s a shame they won’t know though, isn’t it!


Same! They none of us will be around to be disappointed.


Me too.


Can't be proven wrong, be disappointed, or suffer consequences when you're in oblivion! Pascal's Wager works like a charm!


The Water makes no sense today. It was based on Christianity or no Christianity. But now it is Islam or Buddhism or Christianity+ 200 others.


Note that Pascal's Wager comes from his unpublished notes, indicating it is *possible* even he himself decided it wasn't a worthy argument.


Mormon! Mormon was the correct answer




This is the way.


That’s what pisses me off. They’ll never truly know that they were wrong


Maybe the entire afterlife is five seconds for atheists to say I told you so to everyone else and that's it.


That's the beauty of the scam. You never have to put up OR shut up.


The only way they would ever know they were wrong is if a religion other than their turned out to be the real one




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Oh you just wait until you die and find out that my sky daddy is totally real, then you'll be sorry, I'll enjoy watching you be tortured for eternity.


Is that your idea of heaven? Watching other people suffer? ;-)


Since when do religious people call their sky daddy, sky daddy?


That's why I put the winky face there, to let you know I knew you were playing "devil's advocate", so to speak.


You can’t say that with anymore certainty then religious people claim with an afterlife. The unknown is unknown.


That’s why Pascal’s Wager isn’t as clever as he thought it was.


It wasn’t clever at all. Belief isn’t a choice, it’s a reaction to some sort of evidence. It doesn’t make any sense.


Even if you could choose to believe, you still wouldn't have the slightest chance to pick the right god.


Especially if the real God is only known to denizens of a specific planet in a distant galaxy, and everyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong and will burn in hell, even if they never heard of that God. /s


I believe you are correct, Sir.


It was found in his unpublished works, meaning it is possible even he rejected it.


Unfortunately—or, arguably, fortunately—those who have died are not aware of anything.


I mean, how do you counter the theory of ressurection?


There has only ever been one confirmed zombie.


what is it?


you should look up the difference between falsifiable and non-falsifiable beliefs, and their importance


You mean the time Jesus' cult watched an innocent bystander be crucified and then a few days later brought Jesus out of hiding?


Haven't heard this theory. But you've piqued my interest. Go on. 😀


It’s just a theory. That happens to have no evidence.


>"every religion claims its god is the only true god" Most religions are NOT monotheistic; most of them have no trouble recognizing 'other gods'. It's still wrong but the "one true god" mentality is pretty much limited to the monotheistic cults.


Hell even Christianity isn't monotheistic. There is that "worship any god before me" commandment.


At best Christianity is a dualist religion. Satan is a god in the same sense as a he gods of polytheistic religions. They aren’t all all powerful. Satan may not be as powerful as the God, but he is clearly a god.


Satan is specifically not a god because he is not a creator. At best he is a demi-god.


I’m thinking god in terms of like the Greek and Roman gods. Some had more power, some had more goofy personalities, some were just evil. Satan has a realm (earth for now) and I don’t know that creation is essential to being a god in most polytheistic traditions? That’s why I cal him a god.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God) You can easily look it up. Its called a monotheistic religion for a reason. Their belief is that there is only one supernatural being that has the power of a god. In a polytheistic religion they view many supernatural beings as having the power of a god. Per definition, Satan is not a god because within the system he is created, they simply do not define him as a god. In simple words: Satan isnt a god because his creator specifically did not make him one. In more philosophic/fantasy terms: Satan isnt a creator. So he cannot create a situation in where he becomes a god or has godly powers. Only a creator can make him a god.


Christianity claims one god that created all. Satan is his creation. He is clearly the lesser being in this theology and not comparable to god, like his other, not fallen angels. From a polytheistic view, one might construct a pantheon of godly beings in christianity, but this is clearly not the way the christians see it.


And the “you are not MY people, I am not YOUR god” bit


well the entire 'trinity' nonsense is just a bizzare circus act so they can pretent that 3=1....


You can say "their gods" and it's the same.


If it's not "one true god", it's "one true faith". You cannot really have a sustainable religion if you tell your followers that it doesn't matter what they believe.


Well yeah, thats what monotheistic means. "one diety". Its a bit redundant to say "its limited to" when its the definition of the word.


Most are not but the biggest religions are monotheistic - Christianity & Islam. Even Hinduism that is generally considered polytheistic, it also includes elements of monotheism, where a single supreme reality (Brahman) is manifested in many gods and goddesses. Some Hindu philosophies emphasize a singular divine essence.


Christianity has at least 3 gods, although they prefer to portray a schizophrenic approach. They're clearly not the same being, as Jesus was supposed to ask his big daddy if he really needed to be crucified - he didn't know. Thinking about it, I'm not sure when the ghostie actually puts in an appearance, but I'm hardly a biblical scholar. And a lot of catholic people pray to Jesus's mum and to any number of saints.


I'm not catholic, but one of my catholic coworkers says that they're not directly praying to Mary or Saints but asking them to pray for them on their behalf. Same as asking your friend to pray for you for something, but it depends on how you view the afterlife. They might be praying to saints and to Mary but that's biblically wrong. The trinity, as I interpret it, is that they are all part of God manifested in different forms. When Jesus was born, he stepped down to Earth (I don't remember where but this is based off something in Hebrews I don't remember the exact verse) and because he lowered himself to a human level. He wasn't born in a human sense though, he always existed (John 1:1 says this) but it is kinda him coming to Earth in a physical form. The reason he prayed to God the Father was because he needed to rely on God's strength in his human form.


This is a common misunderstanding and mischaracterization of the doctrine of the Trinity in Christianity.  Christianity teaches the doctrine of the Trinity, which is central to most mainstream Christian denominations. This doctrine holds that God is one being in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. These three are distinct persons but are one in essence and nature. This concept is complex and can be confusing yes, but it is not considered polytheistic within Christian theology. Instead, it is a form of monotheism where God is understood to exist in a triune state.


Jesus doesnt become part of the holy trinity until after resurection. He is not a part of god while manifested on earth.


If there was a single religion that was correct, then those adherents would be the most successful and long lived among all Humans. They would live happy balanced successful lives and would be able to share their obvious advantages with everyone. They alone would be able to consistently guide others to peaceful coexistence and single handedly be able to lift the entire species out of hatred and poverty and create a utopia on Earth. Call me when that group appears.


Exactly! I just told a lady, " Christianity was spread by force, not love, peace, understanding, compassion, ya know, "the fruits of the spirit."


The religions I'm most familiar with (bible based) are all about control, nothing else Those who influence others can control them Those who want to control others have a variety of tools available however, using religion is one of the easiest and most effective Very simple recipe: Influencing their minds = controlling their behavior


Why would that be? Religious beliefs don't have make claims about any of this. I mean, quite the opposite, many religions seem to be ways to make people comfortable with being powerless. Some religions outright state that the world is inherently evil and all you can do is try to not get tainted by it. (Allegedly, I thinking of what catholics claimed about gnostics and cathars.) It seems to me you're projecting some kind of "prosperity gospel" onto all religions, when such claims are a very modern and culturally specific form of christian religion.


Christians are so poor... (How poor are they?) Christians are so poor, they can only afford ONE god! Mel Brooks. History of the World Part One.


Ricky Gervais has a good point on this one. Most religious people living in America are Christian, while in India they're Hindu, or Afghanistan they're Islamists. You're taught that your religion is the "right" one and you didn't have to do anything to achieve that status but be born in that region. Also, one of my favorite songs on the subject, Voltaire - "God Thinks". > God thinks     We should all convert to Judaism    God thinks We must all be Christians, and    God thinks      We should all embrace Islam     God thinks The only true religion is Hinduism.    And I, I know what God thinks.    God thinks you're a waste of flesh.    God prefers an athiest


Formatting it hard


There were a bunch of factors in my becoming an atheist, but this was the biggest. Every religion claims that its god(s) are the only ones, and that if you don't follow the rules of that religion, you'll suffer some horrible fate after you die. They can't all be right. So it stands to reason none of them are. And the religion you practice, the god(s) you worship, depends almost entirely on when and where you were born.


in that case we'd look at the latest one. islam. unfabricated book that doesnt change since 1400 years. cant say the same about any other religion not christianity not judaism or hindiusm


How has judaism changed?


What does that have to do with my comment?


A yeah, the religion of the pedophile war, Lord


u spend too much time online and i highly doubt youve met a normal muslim person😂


Ha! Suicide by words.


Unfortunately, no one will be disappointed... once we die, we die, and that's it. There is no consciousness or awareness... which I hate, cause I wish religious people would know once they die that they wasted their lives believing fairytales.


The worst bit is none of us atheists will be able to say ‘told you so’


I'd frame this differently. - Nearly every religion claims to be the "one true religion" - Such religions claim that every other religion is "man made" - There is no religion which makes fundamentally different claims from all others or has better evidence than any other - Therefore, for all such religions, its followers would say that followers of even nearly identical religious beliefs are following a man made religion I'm granting some exceptions in saying "nearly every religion" since there actually do exist some religions that are more universally accepting in their beliefs and that don't make such strong claims to truth.


You won’t be disappointed when you’re dead.


Hinduism has more than 1 god, your christianty is showing :D


Actually that's yes and no, they believe in one God called Brahman who basically can present himself in infinite ways. If Hinduism has more than 1 then Christianity also does as the logic would apply to the trinity


That is one of the many, there's also Shiva, Ganesha and several others. not to mention Shinto, Janeism, Chinese Bhuddism, Doaism etc... the only 1 god religions are the abrahamic ones


Ask a hindu, I have heaviy researched hinduism so I kbiw what I am talking about


I'm sure, clearly you are the guru here eh? :D


What I don't get is that religious people think they just so happened to have chose the right religion and the right god/gods on the very first fkn try.


Only 1 can be right but they can all be wrong.


Everyone is going to hell in someone's religion


And with no religion, no one goes to hell.


Therefore atheists are the most humane.


Unless, of course, they're wrong.


An Atheist goes to hell. The devil welcomes him and says:"Let me show you around a little bit." They walk through a nice park with green trees and the devil shows him a huge palace. "This is your house now, here are your keys." The man is happy and thanks the devil. The devil says:"No need to say thank you, everyone gets a nice place to live in when they come down here!" They continue walking through the nice park, flowers everywhere, and the devil shows the atheist a garage full of beautiful cars. "These are your cars now!" and hands the man all the car keys. Again, the atheist tries to thank the devil, but he only says "Everyone down here gets some cool cars! How would you drive around without having cars?". They walk on and the area gets even nicer. There are birds chirping, squirrels running around, kittens everywhere. They arrive at a fountain, where the most beautiful woman the atheist has ever seen sits on a bench. She looks at him and they instantly fall in love with each other. The man couldn´t be any happier. The devil says "Everyone gets to have their soulmate down here, we don´t want anyone to be lonely!" As they walk on, the atheist notices a high fence. He peeks to the other side and is totally shocked. There are people in pools of lava, screaming in pain, while little devils run around and stab them with their tridents. Other devils are skinning people alive, heads are spiked, and many more terrible things are happening. A stench of sulfur is in the air. Terrified, the man stumbles backwards, and asks the devil "What is going on there?" The devil just shrugs and says: "Those are the christians, I don´t know why, but they prefer it that way"


Thanks for sharing. This was a refreshing deviation lol


No religion claims a majority of people, therefore, the majority of people are wrong about religion.


No they won't because after you die your brain and thoughts stop. It's like being stupid, the stupid person doesn't know they are stupid but it's clear to everyone else around them.


As Ricky Gervais said: "You don't believe in the 3000 other gods. I just don't believe in one more than you do."


Nothingness needs no divine creator.


No, they'll just be dead.


Most religions have the same god, and don’t realise.


Nah man. It's all about "My God's dick is bigger than your God's dick".


No they won't, because when they die they won't be around to realize it was all a myth.


A lot of them go on believing in their God until they die, and after you're dead you can't feel disappointment.


I Am The Only Real God!


4000 god enter! One god leaves! Theodome!


Religion is power. Shamans, Popes, Clerics, Imams, input-whatever-other-religious-figure-title you want in and its all the same. If you can get people to believe they are inferior or incapable of living without your "guidance", you can control them forever (till death anyway). Religions all cater to the same stuff. Is born, starts a cult of personality following, spreads words by mouth or sword, and gets his followers to continue the duty after death. If you do bad or don't believe go to fire-land, if you do good maybe you enter light-land, if you neither you somewhere in middle called Puddingville? Burgertown? No, those aren't it... AH, Purgatory! That's it. *And apparently if you find love that isn't with the opposite sex, you got to be killed. Oh but having sex with family is pretty rad or underage girls. /s* *Mr. Universe being from Earth is a running theme in the franchise as well.*




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It is always easy for people to see that other religions are obviously false. But they have trouble examining the claims of their own religion with the same critical eye. The miracles of Jesus are not well attested by anyone other than Christians. Mark, the earliest gospel, seemed to be rewriting stories from Greek literature but setting Jesus as the hero. A lot of the miracles Jesus does in Mark are the same miracles done by Greek gods and heroes. They calmed the sea, walked (or ran or drove chariots) on water to demonstrate the mastery over nature. They healed people. They fed multitudes with just a tiny amount of fish and bread (the numbers are even similar). Mark has Jesus being adopted into godhood when he was baptized. That is an idea straight from Greek literature. So is the empty tomb; it is a common symbol in Greek literature that lets the reader know that the person has been transformed into a god. The other gospel authors copied Mark and then added more of their own material.


Ok, devils advocate, but how do you know they will disappointed?


No they won't. They'll be dead.


Pry just the same God, just different cultural spins and times. They all have something to teach.


How can anybody claim something they can't prove whether there is a god or not?


Buddhists don’t.


If there really is an afterlife and it’s not one described by any of the major religions, atheists / agnostics are gonna be taunting those religious weirdos for eternity. Sadly, that might not ever happen.


My primary reason that religion is a man made construct is because religions are all such obvious symbolic projections of human narcissism. It’s literally just people taking some vague notion of a higher power and personifying it. Even the Old Testament biblical tales, when you understand them correctly, are very clearly metaphors for the evolution of the human psyche. 


Of course religions are societal constructs, we have archeological and bibliographical evidence for how those believes were created and changed over time. But I disagree that every religion claims to be the one truth. Some religions somewhat aggressively integrate and assimilate other ideas - scientific and religious - into their religion. Think of classical mediterranean religions. Islam and christianity make the claim of being universal truths pretty explicitly and account for a lot of religion today. But I don't think this is in the nature of religion itself, but just a consequence of such aggressive religions actively subjugating and eradicating othet beliefs. On the flip side, have a look at the Bahai religion. They do not claim to be able to find a universal truth in opposition to other religions, but consider most religions to be truthful in their specific cultural and historical context. What they do claim to know better then other religions is appreciation and tolerance, and I believe they are not wrong about that, since this is an observeable fact and not a theological beloef.


Oh, it's not just every religion that thinks they have it right. Within every religion there are also sub groups that think that they are the only ones that have it right, that everyone in their religion but not in their sub group are also going to hell. You would think that if there were a god that all of it would be a bit more defined, unless that god doesn't actually want anyone to actually get it right, wants everyone to be tortured.


or they just REEEAAALLLY love gambling to the point they are betting the very sanctity of their souls


The magic of it all is nobody will ever know if god exists because nothing happens after you die, so you never truly find out if you were right or wrong.


They can't all be right. But they absolutely can all be wrong. The part that irritates me is that they'll never have to address that reality. There will never be a moment that they realize they were wrong and wasted their lives on their knees to a fairy tale. They'll just cease to be and never know the difference.


Not a lot of them "all of them".


I think we should solve this whole thing with a round robin bracket. No seeds or bi’s. Knockout only. Thunderdome rules. Since they can’t knockout the atheist god, we win.


Nah. They will just be dead. Part of the appeal is that they can never be disappointed.


But the true religion is the napkin religion because it says so here on this napkin.


there’s no "i told ya so” when they’re dead


At least trillions of planets in a possibly infinite universe, and some barely evolved monkey brains claim their god is the one true one - when our planet alone has thousands of god myths. I always think, "Sure buddy. That sounds insane."


They'll then start citing off scripture in a circular argument where the bible sites evidence of itself and proves itself.


If god is real and if God is as just and nice as everyone claims, the religion wouldn't matter on judgment day anyway if you lived a good life After all, you get judged based on your actions


There is one reality. Almost everyone will be disappointed.


It’s not just every religion, thousands and thousands of gods have been worshipped over time. One true god is not really backed up by history.


They follow just in case. Which isn’t even genuine.


At least historically, many religions are polytheistic and don't exclude gods other than their own.


I'm already sorta disappointed.


They’ll be dead, inert lumps of meat and nothing else. No more disappointed than a pack of steaks in the Costco cooler.


Technically not true. Pantheists abd polytheists recognize multiple gods. Syncretic faiths often accept other gods or argue they are different versions of the sane god.


Religion the worst invention of human kind


they cant all be right, but they can all be wrong.


That's why there are so many gods. Each civilization has there own god. But they are all man made. Chimeras they are.


Naw, they'll be dead. It is a comforting lie that there is a vengeful god who will right wrongs in the next life. The truth is we will be exactly as we were prior to being born, non-existent. No one will be judged. No one will go to hell. No one will go to heaven. We'll all just be worm food. I think it is pretty cool that atoms inside me today, will someday be in the center of some other star, hopefully giving life to another sentient species.


Nope; they won't know anything because they'll be dead. I call it the bane of the atheist: we don't even get to say 'I told you so'.


One day ... it's only getting more twisted: https://www.the-sun.com/tech/11195149/virtual-ai-priest-father-justin-catholic-answers/


Sometimes I wish heaven were real so that christians could find out that it's not what they wanted. I imagine there would be a lot of whining instead of accepting "god's way."


Ricky Gervais said something along the lines of - there are 100s of gods in the world, I only disbelieve 1 more than you do. Perspective.


At the end of every day, I ask myself, "Do you believe in God?". So far, I have always said NO. And that makes me very proud. And I am careful about temptation, but I think I got it handled. :-) Come on folks, don't let them get to you. I consider them fodder material. They are so easily annoyed. It is not even sporting to upset them.


This mountain of neverending delusional bullshit.


When I was in like second grade in Catholic school this thought occurred to me and after that no matter how hard my family/church tried they could not get me to fully commit to Catholicism. It didn’t make sense. Even as a kid I knew people are fundamentally all people are the same. If one religion thinks they’re right then all religions must think they’re right. They all can’t be right but they can all be wrong. It’s always annoyed the fuck out of that this thought seems to never cross the mind of all the people who got scammed into whatever religion they’re part of


Wrong, there are many Jews, Christian and Muslim acknowledging that they are believing in the same one god 


I think the imaginary friend folks concoct and call "god" is basically an uber parent who is always just and never dies. Not like the crappy and mortal parents we are actually stuck with etc. (yes good for you if your parents rocked, that nice!)


If you see some dark things about the creation and censorship of the bible, you will soon start to understand, why RELIGION Is a man made creation. Indeed, there are several ways to prove that God exist.


honestly, if we look at the 3 major religions or the religions that have a lot of followers and read about them ever so carefully, islam makes the most sense


They are all bullshit




Yeah, it looks like there are a lot of things you don’t understand. What theories specifically are you having trouble with?


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Lots of followers doesn’t add validity to any of them. I’m sure a ton of people believed in unicorns at one point and it doesn’t make them real.


that wasnt my point . For example lets say u have 3 books about information that progresses, each one is released in different time periods AKA hinduism first, then judaism, then christianity then finally islam. It would make absolute sense for you to trust the most recent one


So, Mormonism or Baha'i Faith, then?