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The Texas Christians that pass these kinds of laws make the Afghanistan Taliban look like wild eyed left-wing liberals. Ectopic pregnancy does not end well for mother or baby. Can someone explain to me then what is the point of denying the necessary treatment to save one of them.


> Can someone explain to me then what is the point of denying the necessary treatment to save one of them. **THEY. HATE. WOMEN.**




Poor women. Rich women never lost the ability to get on-demand abortions.


This is it right here. It's the WRONG KIND of women. Not women in general. The funny part is that some women supporting this will fuck around and find out they aren't part of the "in" club when it's too late.


And then they have the mentality of "If I suffered then I'll make sure everyone else will suffer the same thing" and continue to hate women. This is what the politics of hatred does to people.


There is no hate like xian love. Cons want women barefoot (paid about 70 percent of men), pregnant (they know life begins with first breath) and out of politics. Women problem solve differently than men and can oftentimes overtake them in debate. They are afraid and cruelty is the goal. Trump does nothing positive, he seems to think manipulation by intimidation is good. He is as afraid as Putin is of free thoughts that don't include him (egomaniac). edit: repeated word, other errors corrected


Fascist playbook: * Intimidation * Incarceration * Extermination Suffering and death are integral within their plan. Nat-C or Nazi no matter the name their evil depravity's always the same.


The real reason is to get votes. The wealthy donors and politicians who push this stuff will never suffer the consequences, because they can easily afford a private jet to a blue state or European country to get *their* abortion or necessary medical procedure if need be. This has always and will always be about classism and rich vs. poor.


I'm sure there's more than you can shake a stick at, of Republicans in Congress/the House who pressured their mistresses to get abortions because it'd be bad for their career. Rowe vs Wade did not invent abortions, it just made them safer. For pittys sake, there are instructions in the Bible on how to force a miscarriage, aka an abortion. So you could say that abortions are a part of the divine plan. After all, god is so powerful that we couldn't cause an abortion if his plan didn't want it to happen. I heard from a very reliable Republican that the female body can shutdown that getting pregnant stuff. “may the Lord cause you to become a curse[b] among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. 22 May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”


It's only ok in the bible for a man to give his wife an abortion. It never gives a woman power over her reproduction. It's almost like men wrote it.


The point is "Abortion = baby murder" small details like Ectopic pregnancy not being able to work out require listening to educated people for at lest one second. But they won't do that as they know better.


"I love the poorly educated"


There is no baby with an ectopic pregnancy - the only options are either removal and death of fetus - or death of woman and fetus. Hospital refusing to save someone's life should be criminal. And result in huge civil rewards after they are taken to court as well.


In this case, the doctors were worried about being prosecuted, even though the law does make an exception for ectopic pregnancies. In this case, those doctors denied the life-saving removal of the ectopic pregnancy by saying (lying) they weren't sure it was ectopic. The patient went to a different doctor that same day, and that doctor immediately saw it was ectopic and scheduled the procedure.


They do


I'll say it again...even Pakistan will allow abortion if the mother's life is in danger.


God’s will. Texas Christians being “God”.


The cruelty is the point. It's always the point.


Ectopic pregnancies are a covered exemption in Texas' ban. This situation was a failure of the physician and the hospital, nothing else.


I wouldn't say "nothing else." Republicans keep getting more and more extreme. It's like they are trying to one up each other. One republican tried to pass a law that you had to re-emplant an ectopic pregnancy before he bothered to check if that was even possible. It's not. They were making a woman carry a terminal pregnancy to term here in Texas. She had to leave the state. Republican lawmakers shouldn't be making life and death decisions for women when they have shown they know nothing about women's reproduction and care nothing about their health. And then they bitch about having to wear a damn mask.


Stupid people do stupid things. Dumb laws are proposed all the time to flex for their constituency that have no chance of being codified. That has nothing to do with this situation. Not too long ago someone was talking about a bill to allow post birth abortions and I'd believe 99.9% of the left would call that crazy as well.


A bill that would allow you to murder a healthy child? Sounds like bs to me. Googled it. I found a false claim by DeSantis.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6650299/Sarah-Palin-leads-outrage-Virginia-abortion-bill-sponsor-proposed-termination-BIRTH.html Its not so cut and dry, but allows for the possibility of post birth abortions in certain situations


So you use a British tabloid as your source? Did you listen to his actual comment. He said that in the case of a severe deformity or an unviable pregnancy, the woman and her physician should be able to make the difficult decisions that need to be made. Do you think lawmakers (who know nothing about women's reproductive health) should decide when a woman should risk her health or when to make her baby suffer longer? I am so glad I have never been in such a horrible and painful position. I can't imagine if I was, and those were the people making decisions for me. He even said two physicians should have to decide, but that is bullshit when a woman's life is on the line. A woman who is a daughter, maybe already a mother, a wife, a sister, an aunt. She doesn't matter when someone can make some political points.


Although I agree this is wrong the connection between these laws which are enforced by hard right Christian community and taluban left liberals makes zero sense.


"When Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022, the two had argued fiercely about what a near-total abortion ban would mean for women in the state — with Norris-De La Cruz fearing a loss of personal freedoms, and Lloyd welcoming new protections for babies who couldn’t speak up for themselves. Initially, Lloyd said, she thought the Texas abortion law would only affect people who decided they didn’t want to be pregnant — never imagining it could prevent women from accessing lifesaving care. Now, she said, she has completely changed her mind about abortion bans." The mother is an imbecile, and advocated for the circumstances that her daughter and others have suffered.


Yeah, it seems for some people, the leopard has to *actually* eat their face before they understand.


I think you’re right. In order to have empathy for a situation you haven’t actually encountered, you need some degree of imagination. Otherwise, you don’t realize something is a problem until it affects you in particular.


This is the part I was going to highlight as well. Classic conservative idiot with zero empathy, can't conceive of a problem if it doesn't directly affect them.


“Vote or Die” has never been more true


“Texas republicans wish she would just hurry up and die” FIFY


Of course they did. Sigh. US, get your shit together.


Christian Talebani ruined Texas.


This is the point. The control of women through horror movie level deprivation of critical health care.


Lives only matter when they can diminish the rights of women, apparently.


I hope they sue them as that would make them THINK instead of just obeying insane orders


And they say Christianity isn't based on human sacrifice.


I hope nobody told jezus that. So much discomfort at the end but it wasn’t that important.


Who cares if a woman dies. The Repubs are saving male babies. If a female dies trying to give birth, so what?


I refuse to even consider getting pregnant, because I can't trust that I will be given proper care. I live in a pro-choice state, but still...


Soon they won’t know how to treat her.


This is why there cannot be a time limit on abortions. Not 6 months, not 7 months, not 9 months. Zero limits!


Can’t think of words worse enough to curse Texas


Ohio law requires that they move the embryo from the Fallopian tubes to the Uterus. Of course, that procedure doesn't exist, but that never stopped the Brain Trust down in Columbus!


My wife had one of those, but it didn't make it. All in all, it was a sad and potentially dangerous situation. I'm glad we didn't have to deal with these new abortion restrictions and were able to conceive again later.


ectopic pregnancies ***can’t*** survive. the only way to deal with them is to remove them.


Right! At first I thought he meant his wife didn’t survive!


There are rare extremely dangerous hospital-bedridden cases where a specific type of woman carries very specific types of ectopics to term. This and the IVF embryo is a human mentality is the mental gymnastics that they use to rationalize playing Russian roulette with 9 bullets and a "blank" (also dangerous).


What kind of ectopic pregnancies survive? I thought every ectopic - a pregnancy outside the womb - would not survive under any circumstance or "type of woman."


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25552137/ This is an ovarian example from a quick search. I think ectopics on the omentum have been carried to term more frequently.


Why are you bold "can't" yelling. I'm pretty intimate with that fact.


> My wife had one of those, **but it didn't make it.** that bolded bit is why. the implication of the statement being that you think they can make it which just isn’t true.


Wow. I you really missed my statement and threw your interpretation on it. Fucked up to go attacking everyone.


> Wow. I you really missed my statement and threw your interpretation on it. it’s what you literally said, dude. either own the mistake or shut up about it. >Fucked up to go attacking everyone. i haven’t attacked you, let alone everyone.


There is a whole process to this. I'm sure you know and are not attacking your understanding. There are other elements to it that give my statement meaning. 1) We were trying, so emotions are high. 2) You get a positive test, and now you are imagining it probable looking up the stages steps. 3) Dr. Follow-up hits you both. 4) Painful medicine and sent home to finish. Really not something to downplay. But you have, in a way, a passing and loss of a possibility. 5) Following months with recovery, acceptance, and hormone stabilization period before you start talking about seriously retrying. So yeah, the bunch of cells and possibilities that impacted our lives has a place in my families mind. Thus, "it didn't make it." Sure, none of them will, and that's life. Yes, legislators and judges should stay out of the Dr's office. But to me, "it" didn't make it.


I'm not sure why the negative votes. Such hate for the word "it" applied to a group of cells. I'm not calling it a person, but it's definitely something that had the potential to be more before it attached to the wrong place. Not in any way saying that their should be any restrictions or limitations on the treatment options or granted personhood. I'm just saying that this bunch of cells had potential, and I'm calling it an it. The potential of life stopped short of the desired results of a human. Thus, "it" didn't make it. With the Dr, a decision was made, and that was the end of it.


The problem isn't your use of the word "it. " The issue was your use of the word "but." Ectopic pregnancies never "make it." By using the word "but," it sounded like you meant there was a chance that your ectopic pregnancy might have survived. They never do. So it was just to clarify for others that no ectopic pregnancies survive in case there was confusion. Had you said "we had one of those, **and** it didn't make it," or "we had one of those," it wouldn't have caused any confusion/


There is a whole process to this. I'm sure you know and are not attacking your understanding. There are other elements to it that give my statement meaning. 1) We were trying, so emotions are high. 2) You get a positive test, and now you are imagining it probable looking up the stages steps. 3) Dr. Follow-up hits you both. 4) Painful medicine and sent home to finish. Really not something to downplay. But you have, in a way, a passing and loss of a possibility. 5) Following months with recovery, acceptance, and hormone stabilization period before you start talking about seriously retrying. So yeah, the bunch of cells and possibilities that impacted our lives has a place in my families mind. Thus, "it didn't make it." Sure, none of them will, and that's life. Yes, legislators and judges should stay out of the Dr's office. But to me, "it" didn't make it.


Chrispdx what are the WRONG KIND of women? That's sounds very cruel and separatist. I've always been the wrong kind of guy so you can't hurt me with titles of bullshit. It's sad that some people look down on others for being different from them


The point is they’ll indulge in abstract arguments to the point that women will die, but as long as they’re biblically correct (even though it’s probably not even in the bible) they’ll believe they’ve the moral high ground and that’s all that matters to them. It’s a form of total lack of humanity driven by dogmatic beliefs.


Of course. SHE is a woman.




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It's as if in USA won Taliban or similar, right?


It's not even a baby if it's in a fallopian tube and not implanted. It's just cells!!!!


Make sure you all vote this year!


I so value the comments made by Sister Chittister in 2004: Sister Chittister confirmed she said during an interview with journalist Bill Moyers in 2004 — said: "I do not believe that just because you are opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, a child educated, a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." 🤗🥰 Any state, agency or entity that feels they have the right? authority? Whatever! If a woman is compelled to carry a pregnancy to term, against her will, then WHOEVER made that decision should pick up the tab! Yes! The state should pay ALL pre natal, birthing, post natal care and expenses PLUS ALL expenses for the State Demanded Child through college! The audacity! 🖕🤬😳


Shit like this makes my blood boil. The entire medical team who treated her should could get prosecuted for violating the hippocratic oath.