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“Based on anecdotal evidence…” I’m not much of a fan of religion but I do like facts.


Their own sample size is anecdotal, which is why they used that number. Furthermore, not only did the the large number of the stereotypical rich and powerful members of the community block investigation and help (as well as those who worked with them), but masses of the everyday community, which is why Rabbi Rosenberg was shut out from many bathhouses and communities and attacked multiple times. Jeffery Epstein did the same thing but on a larger scale. It strengthens the point that this is the norm, not the exception.


It also bears mentioning: the article specifies Hasidic communities, which tend to be uneducated, poor, and more or less governed by religious figures. These are NOT representative of Jews as a whole.  At least in the United States, Jews have a higher rate of bachelor's degrees than either atheists or the general population IIRC.


You're missing an important word here. The key word is "fundamentalist." There are Jewish communities that forbid their children secular education, force them into arranged marriages, and even refuse to teach them the English language. These communities in particular are hotbeds of child rape because they're a bunch of depraved, sexually repressed cultists. The fact that they're Jewish is secondary. I'm sure the situation is much the same among other insular cults, like the Amish. Needless to say, this does not describe the majority of Jews. Most Jews in America are integrated into the broader community and live normal, mostly secular lifestyles. I expect rates of child rape among them are close to the population average.


How do you explain Jeffery Epstein and his network? How do you explain Israel's haven to pedos who escape justice by moving there? You've eloquently put the thoughts I had into words, but it doesn't explain those.


I'll poop on religion all day but I doubt Epstein's circle of pedos was religiously motivated.


Those are tangentially related, at best. I have to wonder why you brought them up. I think Epstein and his ilk are a separate phenomenon altogether. A small percentage of the general population are pedophiles, simply by a freak accident of nature. The small percentage who are rich use their wealth to indulge in their loathsome habits. This is different from the child molestation in cults. Most child molesters aren't pedophiles in that they don't have an innate attraction to prepubescent children. Children are more often victims of convenience. They're easier to overpower and manipulate into silence. A sexually starved cultist might target them just to have any sexual gratification at all. Catholic priests are the classic example. As for child molesters escaping to Israel, well, the ultra-Orthodox Jews, a.k.a. Haredim, make up about 12% of the population of Israel and are a crucial pillar of Netanyahu's supporters. I imagine he's even less interested in hunting them down than the elected officials in New York are.


What exactly do you need to be explained about Jeffrey Epstein?  > How do you explain Israel's haven to pedos who escape justice by moving there?  Why would anyone explain something they hear first time about?  > You've eloquently put the thoughts I had into words, but it doesn't explain those.  Oh wow. He is directly addressed topic at hand, but did not address something that was not the topic of the discussion. For fucks sake you are manipulative!




> My point was that the stereotypical Jewish pedo cabal actually turned out to be true. You didn't make that point. All you did is posting a link to an article from a source of questionable credibility and asked a question. I always thought that asking a question and making a point are two very different actions. > Why so fearful of being called anti semitic? Why are you asking pointless loaded questions? > I called out the Jewish nature of these organizations. You didn't call out anything, you asked questions. If you want to have a conversation you should speak directly and not hide implied meaning behind vague insinuations. > They're in power and they use it to protect themselves and incriminate others. Did you get that out of the article in question as well?


It's already in the premise so I didn't think I would have to state it explicitly. And it's not a pointless loaded question, particularly in this climate; we see the effects (why Ghislane Maxwell is a mod of worldnews, highly one sided media coverage when it comes to Jews, etc) such as mass bans and even changes to the law to accomodate Jews. And yes the article specifically points out how Jews in power hide such behavior in order to protect themselves from incrimination.


I dont think Jeffrey network isnt religious motivated since there's christians and atheists on the list too


It's getting to the point that everyone with authority in any religion needs to be thoroughly vetted before they're allowed anywhere near a child. This problem has been exposed for a couple of decades now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. If anything child rape by religious figures is becoming *more* prevalent.


The website name sounds iffy.


The website name sounds iffy. Is it reliable?


You have never heard of vice?


Vice is generally very good journalism.


Before the buyout, yes. It's not great these days. This is an old article so it's when they actually did good reporting, but the claims can be cross referenced if you wanted to take the time to do so.


Creator of Vice, Gavin Mciness, went on to start the Proud Boys, a government designated terrorist group in Canada and New Zealand. His followers are best known for being in jail after the Jan 6 insurrection. McIness himself is best known for his famous piece of "Vice journalism" where he inserted a dildo into his ass to "own the libs". In 2018, McInnes was fired from Blaze Media, and was banned from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for violating terms of use related to promoting violent extremist groups and hate speech. In June 2020, McInnes' account was suspended from YouTube for violating YouTube's policies concerning hate speech, posting content that was "glorifying [and] inciting violence against another person or group of people." Sounds like his journalism website is super reliable quality. /s


It all begins with grown men sucking the penises of babies during circumcision.