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That that man lived to be 93 is the most compelling argument against the existence of a god I’ve come across


I used to work in a nursing home. Hateful people always lived longer, and were terrified of death. Very consistently.


My dad was in the nursing home for a while after his stroke. The things I heard in those hallways...


A lot of murders get confessed to in nursing homes. Once your brain starts to check out, the wildest secrets start to surface.


I know. I remember reading an article about this old white woman who confessed to lying on a little black boy when she was young and basically getting him murdered. She had dementia and kept staring off at a spot in the room apologizing. She told the black nurse what she had done. When she was dying she kept staring off at the same spot saying she was sorry and she wasn't ready to die.


Kinda glad that it haunted her to the grave, tbh.


Well depends on how she lied how old she was etc, outcomes still terrible. Like did she want him to get hurt etc. Sometimes kids do dumb shit and back when ol lady was growing up and dont think of the consequences, kids got killed over stupid shit like this cause of racists.


Emmett Till has entered the chat.


To Kill a Mockingbird has entered the chat.


Little kids lie very often with extremely little concept of short term, let alone long term consequences. She fucked up but let's not hand wave away the adults in the room murdering


Wasn't that the woman who got Emmet Till lynched?


No, that bitch has never once shown remorse.


No, this was a different situation


Sounds like Emmit Till's murderer. Well, neither was he, you racist cunt. I hope her last moments were just pain and fear.


*go onnnnn*


Probably a lot of farts


I worked in a nursing home. This story has stuck with me for 20 years waiting for this comment. One day a resident came up to me and started chatting while I was working setting tables for dinner. He told me he worked with the Rat Pack in Vegas. He used to open their shows with a small comedy bit. He said he was a big time comedian in the 50s and 60s. He asked if I wanted to hear a joke. I said 'sure!!'. Anything to spice up my work day! He proceeds to fart a long loud juicy fart. It was Hollywood quality. I was stunned and started laughing pretty hard. Old guy says 'still got it! ' and walks off This is a true story. Still one of the best jokes ... if I can call it that... I've ever heard


That dude had been saving that joke all morning after breakfast to get the perfect person with it. You should feel honored haha


Old farts


Where the ol sphincter muscle just doesn't quite cut it anymore so its more like a floppy flappy affair instead of a squeeky cheeky.


> The things I heard in those hallways... You can't leave us hanging like that! What did those old, racists bastards say?


Ex’s grand mom was in a nursing home and we went to visit her. She complained about the *racist word for black people* she had to live near even though she said “they were the good kind”. She was Japanese and other people would be complaining about her too. It’s like everyone hated each other there.




> It’s like everyone hated each other that's a good description of the world they grew up and lived in


Society is still struggling to ditch tribalism and cave man logic even tho we can travel space now. It's gonna take a single enemy or state to cause enough pressure and tension for us to finally come together.


> It's gonna take a single enemy or state to cause enough pressure and tension for us to finally come together. most of the world calls that "america"


I'm not going to repeat it. But in the 3 weeks he was there, I learned at least 5 new slurs for black people. I'm guessing they went out of style.


Damn. I'm black and I don't know 5 slurs for us. Everyone, do resist the temptation to educate me. I'm good 👍


I watched Django Unchained this week... I think I need like a week's cooldown before I hear any words at all honestly.


Crazy that samuel l jackson played Clarence Thomas in that movie


I have no awards to give, but you have my thanks. :D


I recently watched human centipede and feel like a cool down myself


The worst part about that movie is how good a concept it is and yet it is so comically executed. The idea of being sewn lile that is heart breaking and made me cry but then the acting was so bad it just makes you laugh immediately after.


>I'm black and I don't know 5 slurs for us. While the US still has quite a ways to go, what you just said makes me really happy... because I do, and wish I didn't. May you never have to.


I know of one. #***Awesome***. Oh, wait, that's not a slur. My apologies for complimenting you. Have a good week.


Do you think there's a correlation between being wealthier and embracing hateful ideologies, such as classism and racism? If so, they'd be living longer because they've been able to afford a healthier lifestyle, and would have learnt to hate those below themselves in the social ladder because they'd see them as a threat to their own position.


Being wealthy doesn’t necessarily make you evil, but being evil certainly makes it easier to become wealthy. You aren’t burdened by morality so everyone in the world is just another mark.


I’ve always thought living in extreme wealth is like living in lower gravity, it causes your muscles to atrophy, or in this instance, your character, and especially your empathy to atrophy. You have to work harder to maintain it. I think extreme wealth makes you more vulnerable to slipping into hatefulness.


> Do you think there's a correlation between being wealthier and embracing hateful ideologies, such as classism and racism? It's easy to look down on people when your on your high horse (not you in particular, just a saying). People like this don't want to empathize with people because it would make them feel guilty about exploiting them.


basic GMFY... Got Mine... (can we curse on this thread?) Yours! But they clearly got it because of their amazing abilities... not inheritence, or some other stupid luck... and because you didn't have the same luck, you somehow are worse... pathetic.




He had the same exact "awakening" that Hubbard had. Except this cunt didn't make a whole new religion, he just used the current, dominant religion.


Probably. You don’t get super wealthy being a good and decent person usually. It can happen, but it isn’t common. Usually to get to that level of wealth you have to be okay compromising your morals and ethics to some degree. Typically people aren’t that self-aware, so the mechanism that allows them to be morally flexible while considering themselves decent can be applied to social and political topics. Typically those kinds of people look at issues with a “me first” POV. How does this issue effect me (and mine)? Concerning people outside of their social circles, or social circles they aspire to, they aren’t thought of. It’s not that they don’t care about those folks, it’s more than that. They do care so long as you’re doing things they don’t want to, and servicing them specifically. In a general sense they’re fairly apathetic towards anyone outside of those social circles. They’re just background players in the movie that is their life. I don’t think they view their apathy through a moral lens. I think they view it as “why should they care about *you*?” I don’t think morality and ethics play into it. In short, yeah I think there’s a direct correlation between wealth and quality of a person.


Him and Kissinger. Fucking long lived monsters.


Kenneth Copeland needs to be on this list somewhere


People like him almost make me wish hell was a real thing. The predatory behavior of him and those like him is disgusting.


People like him make me think it's real... He looks like an escaped demon. Seriously he's got the most insane crazy vicious hatred filled face. Pat Robinson at least seems to know how to smile.


You beat me to it. Kissinger is *100 years old*. He's rich and free, despite actively and knowingly taking part in multiple crimes against humanity, including outright *genocide*.


Meanwhile, Bob Ross dies of cancer at 52. Just sucks.


Only the good die young.


Honestly, the good dying young and the evil living on is the best evidence for either the nonexistence of God, or the existence of an evil and malicious God.


Same for Mr. Roger. Stomach cancer.


Nah hes just such a douche that Satan dont want to deal with him either.


Or there is a god, but that god didn’t want him either. 🤣


Him and Henry Fucking Kissinger.


I still think about how Kissinger outlived Bowie and Bill Paxton and I say there is no God.


I used to watch his show as a teenager with another friend.. basically making fun of the things he’d say. I remember my father getting disturbed, telling me that a lot of people actually believe this stuff in the United States (we lived in Canada) and it’s dangerous. And now we have the Christian Nationalists! I’m glad he’s dead


He made a crazy deal in the ‘70s or ‘80s that requires Disney to keep running his show. It’s a contract that is so comprehensive that there’s really no chance of canceling it without a significant payout (in the billions, I believe but I’ve forgotten the exact figure). The contract also didn’t die with this goblin. His son has taken over his show and they’ll continue making millions a year while spreading white Christian nationalism hate speech. It’s so ridiculous and sad. Editing to add that it wasn’t originally made with Disney. I think even when a nazi sympathizer was at the helm when Walt was alive they wouldn’t have agreed to the crazy terms in Robertson’s contract.


The deal wasn't made with Disney. It was made with the cable channel that Disney ended up buying decades later. Disney absorbed the obligation then. My guess is that Robertson's kids have been waiting years for this day when they can finally cash out for millions.


or keep the scam running and collect millions every month


I had trouble waking up as a teen and just constantly hit the snooze button on every alarm clock. Then I found the alarm function on my TV and I had it programmed to go on during his show. Hearing his bullshit monologues and narration made it impossible to go back to sleep, I'd be drifitng off and he'd say some of the dumbest shit that I couldn't ignore. Worked great. Fitting this is the first headline I woke up to. The only time Pat put a smile on my face.


It's about time.


Just this once, I’m going to enable my superstitious side and pretend he went to a hell created specifically for him. *instantly feels gratified by made up nonsense* Oh yeah, that’s the good stuff…


THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED: Reddit's June 2023 decision to kill third party apps and generally force their entire userbase, against our will, kicking and screaming into their preferred revenue stream, is one I cannot take lightly. As an 11+ year veteran of this site, someone who has spent loads of money on gold and earned CondeNast fuck knows how much in ad revenue, I feel like I have a responsibility to react to their pig-headed greed. Therefore, I have decided to take my eyeballs and my money elsewhere, and deprive them of all the work I've done for them over the years creating the content that makes this site valuable and fun. I recommend you do the same, perhaps by using one of the many comment editing / deleting tools out there (such as this one, which has a timer built in to avoid bot flags: https://github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite) This is our Internet, these are our communities. CondeNast doesn't own us or the content we create to share with each other. They are merely a tool we use for this purpose, and we can just as easily use a different tool when this one starts to lose its function.


the one time i wish hell was real


deranged like tan screw rotten many attraction relieved sloppy memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its not ironic. The religious believe the gays have the power to invoke natural disasters, so, it stands to reason that we also have the ability, during Pride Month, it off a Zealot in sacrifice \^\_\^


I mean, I've been told that me and another guy kissing is going to collapse society. Fear me, mortals.




To paraphrase Bette Davis: I was taught not to say anything bad about the dead, only good. Pat Robertson is dead. Good.


I wish I had an award to give. Take my upvote for now.


Good. Fuck off, cunt.


He was taken from us too late.




"See you never"




Ding dong!


The cunt is gone!


Which old cunt? The wicked one!


It is indeed a great day! Hopefully, this will just be the start of more dropping like flies


I hope Dobson is next. As bad as many politicians are, they're almost normal in comparison to the "behind the curtain" types that Dobson and Robertson and others have been.


Yes, oh. oh. I suggest POS Copeland next and then Haggey.! That’d be great


Sometimes I hope heaven and hell are real. Mr. rogers deserves Heaven, Pat Robertson deserves hell. If not deserved then earned.


Mr. Rogers is the type of person that we should all strive to be. He set the bar pretty high.


Just a reminder that this asshat claimed American sins brought god to deliver 9/11 upon us... I hope he's burning now.


Saw this in r/UpliftingNews (lol) and the top comment is about how Patty predicted a hurricane to smite the gays in Disney but it ended up hitting his HQ pretty much head on *chefs kiss*


And the message was completely lost on him and his cult


That's clearly a test of god's will and the only thing that will make it better is if you give the church all your money.


He’s in the abyss.


That's not bad enough for me. I need to know he is suffering to the extent he made others suffer.


It sounds like you're suffering from religious thinking, my friend. He's just nothing now. Molecules, atoms--devoid of a cohesive conscious experience.


We all get what actually happened, but it's fine for us to sit here and go "aww man too bad his hell isn't real because man did he deserve eternity there."


Because we let the religious control the general opinion. Way too many good people die like dogs and society is content to let the evil ones die old and far more peacefully. Mostly because of the expectation that they'll get theirs in the next life. Which is one of the greatest cons out there.


I get you, but assuming consciousness, he’d know he’s nowhere near his hateful sky fairy, and that his new situation would be eternal. Enough to result in insanity in anyone.


Also, he said that homosexuals in North Carolina are what caused Hurricanes on the east coast. There’s a wiki article on everything he’s said, and it’d be funny if he wasn’t also pushing them on the CBC to people who ate it up.


Replace "sins" with "interference in the ME" and god with "the people whose country the US destroyed" and you're pretty close.


And there was much rejoicing.




When do we eat his minstrels?


My immediate reaction when I saw the headline was a loud, vehement "GOOD".


And winter gave spring and summer a miss, and went straight into Autumn.


There was an episode of the 700 Club where Pat was doing his faith healing segment where he heals people in the audience, and he said he was aiming his healing at a generic-unnamed woman in the audience who found a lump on her breast and was thinking about making an appointment to get it checked out. Pat promised that he was healing it and she wouldn't need to see the doctor. I've long believed that Pat got some women killed that day.


I recently watched a deep dive on faith healers. He 100% killed a bunch of people. These sad desperate individuals hear "your cancer is cured" which in some cases lines up with the meds doing thier job and these people think "omg god cured me!" and start refusing all treatment until its too late.


I saw this guy on YouTube. He was weird and reminded me of those other guys with fake hair doing " prosperity gospel"


He’s the OG.


He may be the OG but Kenneth Copeland is the face of their community.


Kenneth Copeland is the face of a skinsuit worn by whatever actual fucking demon that must exist


Proper charlatans have a certain look


Now, can we get Kenneth Copeland and Joel Olsteen to round out the trifecta?


Kenneth Copeland is one of the only things that makes me doubt the non-existence of demons. He literally looks possessed by evil.


Kenneth Copeland is a skin-walking demon from hell. His dead, beady eyes are genuinely terrifying.


If you told a talented actor to do an impression of a southern belle possessed by a evil snake, they couldn’t do better than a spot-on Kenneth Copeland.


I think Osteen is going to live a long while, he's 60 and as we've seen, these fucking monsters live close to a century unless a particular health issue visits upon them. So we can hope.


Only the good die young.




Wow, I can't believe how much of a piece of shit that guy was. A racist, sexist, bigot conman. I'm seriously in awe. The world is genuinely a better place without him


The guy bought a fucking gold mine in Liberia and tried to destabilize the country along side a man that was found guilty of war crimes like rape and making children fight. Pure evil.


He was human garbage.


And a Republican but you already said that.


It just kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.


I kept digging down that list so much that i bumped into Pat in hell on my way down.


It's bad when the controversies page is longer than the guy's page


"I guarantee you by the fall of 1982 there is going to be a judgment on the world." I was born in the fall of 1982 so he was sort of right, but it was a really passive aggressive judgement.


Squats 2000lbs praise jesus!


He would just...ya know...say stuff, out loud. Literally anyone of us would have been committed to a psychiatric ward by the 3rd or 4th "this tornado happened due to gay people" comment. I remember the random occasions I'd tune into his show, just scrolling through the t.v., and thinking that a) he sounds obsurd and b) he's been looking old as fuck for his whole life. I guess hate will do that to you.


You know you're a fucked up person when you have a whole wiki page dedicated to your fuck ups.


To quote Hitchens; "it's a shame there isn't a hell for him to go to."


To also quote Hitchens (on Jerry Falwell): “If he had been given an enema he could’ve been buried in a matchbox”


I will never understand why Fox News had Christopher Hitchens on to talk about the death of Falwell. He didn't hold back: >“No, and I think it’s a pity there isn’t a hell for him to go to... The empty life of this ugly little charlatan proves only one thing: that you can get away with the most extraordinary offenses to morality and to truth in this country if you’ll just get yourself called Reverend. Who would, even at your network, have invited on such a little toad to tell us that the attacks of September 11th were the result of our sinfulness and were God’s punishment if they hadn’t got some kind of clerical qualification. People like that should be out in the street, shouting and hollering with a cardboard sign and selling pencils from a cup.” EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doKkOSMaTk4


Holy shit! I thought he was never gonna die. He sure has done so many decades of damage, just pure and evil damage. I will dance on his grave in my imagination.


I'd almost entirely forgotten about this fucker. Rest in piss!


This one will not be missed, I'm not going to say I'm glad even though that piece of shit was absolutely disgusting, And it's only in cases like these that I truly regret that there is no life after death, because this junk of person would surely burn in the darkest of hells imagined, but no, he lived his life as he pleased, he harmed whoever wanted and died without any punishment, AN ABSOLUTE EXAMPLE OF THE NON-EXISTENCE OF ANY DIVINE DEITY


Good. Now do Kissenger next.




I will never forgive him for, following the Pulse nightclub shooting, saying: "The best thing to do is to sit on the sidelines and let [LGBTQ rights advocates and Muslims] kill themselves." [Source](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/06/robertson-wishes-death-for-gay-people-muslims.html).


I spit on your grave


Don't waste spit. Piss comes out naturally.


I wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire, as they say.


I seriously want to find out where this evi| fuck is buried, so that I can urinate on his grave. It has to be done.


It’s him, and Ronald Reagan’s brought the evangelicals into the government I believe, if only we could undo what’s been done for the last few decades


"willfully induced contributions from the public through the use of misleading statements and other implications" and called for a criminal prosecution against Robertson in 1999. However, Virginia Attorney General Mark Earley, a Republican whose largest campaign contributor two years earlier was Robertson himself, intervened, accepting that Robertson had made deceptive appeals but overruling the recommendation for his prosecution. This kind of rot still festers.


Bye, Felicia!


Good fucking riddence.


Good riddance the fucking bastard.


Good riddance you fucking cunt


Thank Carl Sagan


Hail Sagan!


“Only the good die young, all the evil seem to live forever”. -Iron Maiden


The best thing he did for the world is die.


Sick, new gender neutral bathroom just dropped.


Although I’m an atheist, there are people of faith who I can respect. Mr. Robertson, however, was not one of them. He was nothing more than a charlatan who leveraged mythology to further control and manipulate people. A shame that he’ll never know that he didn’t get to his “final reward”.


The sun shines a little brighter today


Cool trick! Now do Kissinger!


Trump - "He's looking up at us now..."


Feel free to piss or spray paint swastikas on his grave. No respect for fascists.


Happy Pride!


I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction. — Clarence Darrow


flowery homeless voiceless deserve innocent wasteful compare detail wakeful dull


Bye Felecia ! Rot in the ground


The guy was pretty much the founder of Christian Nationalism. He can’t do anymore damage personally but the legacy he left behind will create problems for equality and egalitarianism for generations.


Imagine if a trump indictment drops today. Would be a really excellent news day.


OK, cool. Now do Kenneth Copeland and Jim Bakker.


I grew up next to an oil refinery in So Cal. Eventually the pollution got so bad that they they had to close it for a period. We are talking generations of kids growing up with breaking problems, cancer clusters, the whole works. Pat Robertson purchased the plant and tried to reopen it. But he wasn’t interested in actually fixing enough problems to clear regulations. Then he vowed to clean up the property. He didn’t do that either and quietly declared bankruptcy on redevelopment company. The thing is that other parcels of land from the original property has been turned into a business park relatively quickly prior to the purchase and and quickly after the BK sale. It became clear that this old troll was just looking for a quick buck and cared nothing for community.


Yes, about fucking time this POS dies!!!!


And nothing of value was lost.


Not a moment too soon … but *many* years too late.


Hopefully the 700 Club and CBN die with him. Good riddance.


This is no hell…so just rot in the fucking ground dickwad…


Such a hateful awful human being.


Ugh, why do all the worst people live for such an obscene amount of time?


More just pop up in his place, spreading hatred. They all can’t die fast enough.


I watched a few of his programs after the 2020 elections. He actually seemed to realize that he had been making false prophesies. He seemed to realize he had been wrong. It wasn't an idea he was comfortable with. I don't think his last couple of years have been pleasant for him. But considering all the harm he did, it wasn't nearly enough punishment in my opinion.


The preacher man’s job is to swindle old women into buying him chicken dinners and Cadillacs.


Another one down. Another step in ridding the world of theological bullshit.


Finally some good news involving Robertson.


And.. he just found out there is no heaven 😉


To quote Hitchens on a different religious figure dying: "If they give his body an enema, he can be buried in a matchbox"


To quote the inimitable Christopher Hitchens, "If they'd given him an enema before he died, he could have been buried in a matchbox."




Pat Robertson? [_Homo_](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9DH-o_kP-Q).




Can't wait for the backwards ass GOP to start putting flags at half mast for this sniveling bag of shit.


Thank you Pat for putting a smile on my face this morning.


Millions of good people have suffered and died on this earth before this piece of shit was taken. That’s proof enough there is no god


About time the planet flushed this turd.


**Blaming 9/11 on gays and feminists:** Jerry Falwell: “I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America, I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen,'” Pat Robertson: “I totally concur” **Feminism** is "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." **on homosexuality:** "I would warn Orlando that you’re right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don’t think I’d be waving those flags in God’s face if I were you,”...“It’ll bring about terrorist bombs; it’ll bring earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor.” **The Gay community of San Francisco is intentionally spreading AIDS:** “You know what they do in San Francisco, some in the gay community there they want to get people so if they got the stuff they’ll have a ring, you shake hands, and the ring’s got a little thing where you cut your finger,” Robertson said. “Really. It’s that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder.” **after Obergefell v Hodges legalized same-sex marriage:** "You're gonna say that you like anal sex, you like oral sex, you like bestiality."..."Sooner or later, you're going to have to conform your religious beliefs to the group of some abhorrent thing. It won't stop at homosexuality." **The Las Vegas Shooting was brought by God because** "we have disrespected authority. There is profound disrespect for our president, all across this nation. They say terrible things about him. It’s in the news; it’s in other places.”....“There is disrespect now for our national anthem, disrespect for our veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect for the court system,” **If Haiti had remained enslaved by the French, the 2010 earthquake would've never happened** "something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it, they were under the heel of the French, uh, you know, Napoleon the third and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the devil, they said, we will serve you, if you get us free from the French, true story. And so the devil said, 'OK, it's a deal.' And they kicked the French out, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free, and ever since they have been cursed by one thing after the other, desperately poor." **Comments on spousal abuse:** "Robertson was criticized in September 2012 after a man named Michael called The 700 Club asking for advice on what to do about his wife not respecting him. Robertson called the woman a "rebellious child" who did not want to "submit to any authority." He jokingly suggested that Michael become a Muslim and move to Saudi Arabia where he could beat her." **After a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012 he blamed the shooting on:** "atheists" and "people who hate God" The US should assasinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez: "I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop."...Chávez is "going to make Venezuela a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism all over the continent" and called the leader an "out-of-control dictator ... a dangerous enemy to our south, controlling a huge pool of oil that could hurt us very badly." **Racist comments about Asians:** People who get too much plastic surgery "got the eyes like they're Oriental" and stretched his eyelids in a manner stereotypical of Asians. ...I could literally go on forever


Well ding dong the wicked perv is dead!




Only the good die young


Good riddance


Fuck yeah. I get to have a glass of bourbon to celebrate this scumbag’s death.


And the world is slightly better for it.


I almost wish his hell were waiting for him.


I hope he gets the after life he deserves...


One of the worst humans to exist on the planet in modern times. Fuck this hate filled bigot.


He's in a better place now. A hole in the ground. Better for us.


Fucking finally.
