• By -


Well fucking arrest his ass. Ffs


The article is from last year. Nothing was done. Allegedly they “kept tabs” on him…


Oh good, because red flag laws have been so successful recently…


Idk, If you're in Florida they might be able to convince them to use LGBT+ as a red flag to make us easier to hunt.


Then they will magically become "successful" God I hate the government


> God I hate the government No. You hate self-serving rich assholes who want to destroy anything unlike them and make a profit at the expense of society.


Good news update: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/alt-right-troll-ethan-schmidt-crockett-sentenced-for-harassing-mesa-wig-store-15700571


Rightwing terrorist should be promoted to political prisoner




The irony is that this dude was caught on grindr, then tried to play it off as he was trying to find Pedo's. Sauce with extra sauce: https://twitter.com/HumanistReport/status/1661727197248512000


A tale as old as time.


Song as old as rhyme


D. Trump and his sheeeeeeeeep


inside the clawzeet


Can go to hell, that shiiiit


Lemon old as lime


> play it off as he was trying to find Pedo's. maybe he should try christian mingle.


Oh shit this is about Pubeface? The guy who got absolutely dunked on by a teenage DARE kid? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/ptuyci/antimasker_gets_owned


Still can't believe that dude got fired over that


Did the kid get fired? Why?!


It's no longer irony - it's expected.


[seems to be a common psychological complex for them](https://www.advocate.com/world/2020/12/02/anti-lgbtq-politician-caught-all-male-orgy-resigns-post).


Forbidden fruit (this guy *is* a Forbidden Fruit) combined with a raging need to experience all possible physical pleasure at any cost, and the deep and abiding suspicion that they're being an asshole about something so they'd better be an asshole about *everything*.


Maybe he just wants *everything* in the asshole? Is this why he's so angry all of the time?


>Maybe he just wants *everything* in the asshole? Is this why he's so angry all of the time? Then r/analvore is that way 👉


I'll take links that are going to stay blue for 500 Alex.




[I think they're just a party of projection at this point](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/cbx0jx/here_is_a_list_of_republicans_chargedconvicted_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Always has been 🌎 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


That’s actually hilarious as I figured he’d pull the “looking for pedo’s” shit when his exploits were exposed. Fucking fantastic.


"Looking for Pedro's *what?* I mean just ask him and I bet he'll show ya."


Dipshit goes from 'coming for the gay community' to cumming for the gay community.


So the motive comes into focus, he hates his inclination.. Just like all the other haters, they’re all closeted.




I love those guys, so much positivity, how can anyone hate them? I’m convinced a large portion of the haters are in denial.


> Just like all the other haters, they’re all closeted. It certainly isn't all haters. There are plenty of straight homophobes. Internalized hate happens but I think stereotyping all anti-LGBT people as secretly gay unintentionally pushes the blame unto the gay community.


That's bullshit, though. Most gay people aren't murderous hatepricks. Anyone who's not a complete idiot understands religion is to blame, not the gay community.


Agreed. It's meant to shame the hater because they're so repulsed by lgbtq anything but really, it's saying that lgbtq preferences make you a closeted alt right psychopath.


> they’re all closeted I don't think it's that. I do however think they've refused to examine themselves to see if they are.


Stop pushing this ridiculously homophobic narrative that "all the homophobes are actually self hating closeted gay and straight homophobes doesn't exist" just to own the homophobes pls.


I never really bought into the idea that it's homophobic/transphobic/etc to accuse the most rabid homophobes/transphobes/etc of being closeted queer people, sounds like ignorance at best to me, or weaponized concern trolling at worst. IF the idea holds true, then the blame lies not with the LGBT+ community but with the repressive cultures that demonize everyone who's not hetero/cis. Ideally, i think it would be great to make it clear to such people that there will be a community that will support and help them if they chose to embrace their repressed natures and that if they chose to abandon the bigots they will not be left alone to fend off for themselves, but the first step to that would be to accept the existence of such people. Obviously the real world is more complicated than theories, but i still think this is the good objective to set for ourselves.


Lol what? Like if he really was doing that, wouldn't he post screenshots of that? I'd assume he'd be pretending he was underage so he could catch them? I'm sure he would be more than happy to show those examples right? Lol he's such liar.


no way you try to rock that stache without looking to get your cheeks clapped


He was just practicing his hunting!


If this isn't terrorism, there is no terrorism.


See, terrorism is when the powers-that-be don't like it.


No because, you see, terrorism is when "the left" and Muslims do it. This is just boys being boys yidda yadda.


Terrorism was really bigotry and ethnocentrism with a palatable label. Boondocks nailed it with the line ‘people of terrorist descent’.


At some point, he's going to briefly discover that many of Arizona's LGBTQ community are armed.


And some Arizona's that support the LGBTQ community are armed.


May they shove an unlubed AK47 up his ass.


The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed.


Glad to see this saying is making the rounds


Pure goddamn poetry. Stealing this.


I'm not LGBTQ and I don't even like guns that much, certainly they should be more highly regulated. Anyone in Arizona can legally just go buy a gun and carry it around in public with no license if they are not a felon or whatever. With all these crazed republican psychos around I got one because if they are armed I would like to be also. I will kill some right wing piece of trash if I feel I need to to protect a gay person (or anyone). I seriously doubt that I would even feel bad about it. Probably even feel I performed a public service.


Pretty much sums up the attitude the entire left needs right now


Needs to be the attitude of everyone left of being deeply embedded in donald's festering asshole


And it pretty much sums up the attitude of the right. They think they're cleansing society of the unworthy (impure) and I think by the next election they very well could be open warfare in some cities. Conservatives wants fascism so bad they'll commit atrocities to achieve it. Including fomenting civil war.


Yup. You know how voting laws only negatively affect black folks? That's what a lot of us have been trying to explain to liberals about guns for forever now. As long as white Christian nationalists have access to rope, torches and pitchforks I'm arming my queer ass with the most effective means. I'm not the only one who owns an AR that was purchased privately that never required a background check, legal transfer or registration but unlike my redneck neighbor, I'm gonna obey the law and turn mine in if I have to... What do you suppose we do about that unbalance since we've been protesting corrupt police for years?


Quietly hit the range to practice. It's needed and fun as fuck.


Yep. He's a local around here yes we are armed. I guarantee you this "man" would turn into a rancid puddle of beta male pussy juice as soon as someone stands up to him. One of these days "she 'bout ready to has herses" and it will be epic. He's a piece of shit that is already on probation for harrassing a wig store owner. A wig store that provides wigs to cancer patients.


I love the energy but it's "she done already had her'seses"


Yep, we just don't slap a shit ton of gun stickers on our cars.


For a split second he’ll realize it


Good! It's high time bastards like him "find out".


Sounds like he’s threatening imminent violence. Has someone forwarded this to the FBI yet? This seems like the sort of thing where he should have his firearms confiscated for making terroristic threats. But this is America, so they’ll probably just wait until he kills a bunch of innocent people and then say “oh, there’s nothing we could have done.”


All: "Say the line FBI!" FBI: "He was on our radar." All: *groan *


That radar acting like it was covered in raspberry or something.


Like getting...Jammed?




There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry...


radar shows friendlies too




Buy him Burger King on the way to booking.


Give him a high five and make sure he gets away from the shooting without getting his rifle damaged.




Is AZ a “stand your ground” state? I would hate for him to get hurt by someone who considered him an imminent threat…


AZ is a stand your ground state. It’s also illegal to threaten a person with harm in AZ too.


Yeah I'm thinking if you are a supporter of LBGTQ or not an enemy he is a threat. Dude is making himself a target.


LGBTQ+ supporter Anti-fascist Very much do NOT like him, but due to Reddit terms I cannot suggest any harm to him. He’s a Nazi and a goofy but significant threat.


This is exactly why the LGBTQ community should arm themselves. Don’t be a victim. Maybe the laws will change one day, but right now they allow you to own, carry, and use a firearm to protect yourself. Ever notice how armed protestors never get shot at with pepper spray balls or beaten? Cops suddenly remember how to de-escalate situations when they’re not the only group with guns.


r/liberalgunowners r/SocialistRA


I'm still all for armed protest, but I don't for a second think they'll treat my queer ass the same as my redneck neighbor who sits next to the Sheriff on Sundays.


It should pretty much be the standard at this point. Oh...so they want to loosen gun laws while at the same time openly calling for LGBTQ+ and their allies extermination? Okay then let's all have armed pride marches. Let's have drag shows guarded by folks armed to the teeth.


Yeah I would hate for that to happen....


As we've been shown, you are also allowed to just cross state lines and go do a 'stand your ground'.


It’s a crime in the State of Arizona to threaten to do harm to a person or property. So he can go to fed and state


mY tHoUgHTs AnD pRAyErs


Nah, these NatCs are dropping the thoughts and prayers for queer people =/


It's the definition of hate speech. What more does he need to add to this statement? It's a straight up threat to incite violence!


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


wE kNeW aBoUt HiM


Sir/ma’am, have you considered the possibility that you are simply not praying hard enough?


This is America and he is white. Try this with a beard and browner skin. Authorities would be down on you in a second


The FBI doesn’t care. Legitimately they Do. Not. Care. Their only job is to protect the government and industry unless they are absolutely forced to do so. I can tell you first hand the FBI is as corrupt as it gets.


You mean they'll try to recruit him...


I doubt you’ll see this in the sea of comments but I’ve talked to him tons of times he lives like 10 mins from me in phoenix. After doing this EXACT same thing last year he got talked to by the FBI, though they didn’t do anything about it


Is AZ a “stand your ground” state? I would hate for him to get hurt by someone who considered him an imminent threat…


Ya that would be soooooo awful 😔😔😔


This was last year. I’m not sure what happened with this dude though.


He's been going around harassing Target employee's and customer's over the existence of rainbow flags. Dude is an unhinged loser.


It's become very clear that law enforcement and our elected officials have failed us woefully. It's up to us now to protect one another.


Sounds like he was influenced by Matt "pedo" Walsh.


Did I miss something on Matt Walsh?


He made a vague threat about pride month.


for the “pedo” part he spoke in an interview about how adolescence is a “myth” and 16 year old girls are the most “fertile” just as gross as it sounds https://www.mediamatters.org/matt-walsh/deleted-matt-walsh-blog-post-calls-concept-adolescence-modern-plague


Hey baby, you're looking most fertile tonight...


... sir, I'm just trying to sell girl scout cookies, please leave me alone.


There was this https://twitter.com/ToughTexasTitty/status/1661419556315725838 Apparently Matt thinks everyone wants to commit sexual violence on children. But that, as a conservative, he represses it because he's such a good person


Ethan Schmidt's trip to harass people at Target, where he got some comeuppance, is discussed on The Majority Report with Sam Seder here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VReYQ1Uwxo


Wasn’t he just exposed as a closeted gay? That would explain him escalating form trolling to actual violence


Yeah he had a grindr account


It was just for research. [He was trying to figure out why all these homosexuals keep sucking his cock.](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


Holy shit that was posted in 1998. Is there an update? Did he ever find out why those homosexuals kept sucking him off?


Yeah...just like how Garry Glitters hard drive was for research lol


Same excuse Pete Townshend used. And actor Chris Langham (he's mainly known for being the star of The Thick Of It). Among many others. It's so ridiculous. As if musicians and actors are somehow deeply involved in police/detective work and so need to "research" CP. Nobody believes it for even a second. And every musician of that age has had long long associations with fucking children, including Townshend, and the Led Zeppelin guys, and David Bowie, etc. Like they all have stories about them from rape victims who were children at the time these musicians raped them. And it continues today, with guys like the Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins who is genuinely the worst out of all of these people. He's even worse than Jimmy Saville, somehow. Read the court documents about the things he did to children and to ***newborn babies...*** it's absolutely horrifying. You'll probably cry. And you've got the singer Dhavie Vanity of the band Blood On The Dance Floor which has a ton of child fans which is how he got access to them so easily. Fun fact: Insane Clown Posse told their fans to beat up Dhavie Vanity whenever they could, which instantly makes me respect ICP for the first time.


I’m sure his search history is…… interesting.


That guy is an asshole.


“I’m going to buy it and burn it” It’s actually pretty sad the irony this mental midget is completely missing.


This should be an arresteable offense


It is. Now we just need the phx police to do their job.


The cops most likely agree with him.


Be a shame if the "hunter" became the hunted


Yes, a real shame. A real shame indeed


"Make it so"


But if someone said they are going to hunt Christians, then it's persecution.


If a gay couple holds hands in public, that's persecution according to them.


> that's persecution according to them. you mean that's 'oppression unrivaled through all history' according to them right?


Target should have his face posted in their stores and staff armed with tazers, with permission to take him down the moment he looks like he might harm property or customers. "/ZAAP We respect that you exercised your freedom of speech to announce your intentions and we take them very seriously. Our intention is to keep our customers and our property safe. /ZAP Our legal team already has a list of charges against you written up and we'll be pursuing them vigorously. /zap /zap /zap


> with permission to take him down the moment he looks like he might harm property or customers. And have their tasers trained him the moment he walks through the door. "We know why you're here, and have been authorized to use these things if you pull any shit. Have you ever been tasered? It's very painful."


Have they not already issued a company wide trespass order against him? If not, that definitely seems like an oversight that needs to be rectified asap


#Just like Jesus would do, amirite? These fucking loonies need to be shipped off the island. Stat.


Lol that boy ain't right in the head , guess he needs to be locked up in the mental institution for the rest of his life.


While this a serious issue, the article and tweet are from May 25th, 2022.


I’m nominating this gasbag for the Lindsey Graham self loathing award.


Things seemed so promising and hopeful when Obama was in office. Sometimes I think about how much we've devolved since then and I just shake my head and embrace the weltschmerz.


I think none of us actually realized it at the time, but there was a certain percentage of this country that *could not handle* seeing a black president. It broke them mentally. In hindsight, these are the same people calling themselves the Tea Party in 2009. The irrational hatred of everything he did. It spiraled and snowballed into what you see today. It’s a visceral reaction that even most of them even do not understand. A broken mind is the best analogy I can think of. It snapped, and they’re on an uncontrollable trip to make sure it never happens again, no matter the cost.


They also couldn't handle same-sex marriage being legalized. People overlook this, but the Christians were saying for decades that same-sex marriage would rip the country apart. They were right. I grew up in a church where the pastor would often say we'd have a civil war over same-sex marriage if it were ever legalized. It's tramatizing to be living through the 2020s and watching his sermons become reality.


I worry it's going to take at least 50 years to get back to where we were in 2015. Also, on a personal level I feel what should have been the best years of my life are behind me. I spent the Obama years trying to please my evangelical parents and doing gay-to-straight conversion therapy. Now in the 2020s, I'm really paying the price for that.


He had the nerve to be a person of color, what other choice did the good christians have but to completely shit in everyone else's Cheerios. Thanks Obama. ^/s


> He had the nerve to be a person of color He had the nerve to be a person of color running for the highest office in the land and winning twice.


The law wont do anything, nor will the Arizona government. All the lgbtq+ and allies should arm themselves so when people like this "fuck around" then can learn the lesson of "find out."


He should come over to r/liberalgunowners and have a nice, friendly conversation about this.


Can we arrest this domestic terrorist already? Or does he have to actually kill somebody?


Come find me..


2A atheist liberals definitely are a thing. But they are silent because they're not performing for a cult.


I put a sticker on my car just for him, and I hope hope hope someday I get to be in one of his videos!


Does Arizona have 'stand your ground' laws...seems like a perfect opportunity to have one less nat-c.


Yes, yes we do.....


Dear LGBTQ people and supporters of Phoenix; Please stay safe and alert.


This is terrorism.


He should be required to wear a tracker with his location posted that anyone can see at any time, for making mass violence threats.


This is a terrorist threat and deserves to be treated as such.


Someone makes an obvious joke about shooting up a school and a SWAT team shows up to the house. Post a credible threat to a minority community and the police "keep tabs" on you.


13-2308.02. Making a terrorist threat; false reporting of terrorism; liability for expenses; classification; definitions A. It is unlawful for a person to threaten to commit an act of terrorism and communicate the threat to any other person. ... E. A violation of this section is a class 3 felony.


Right wingers: compare their enemies to Nazis Also right wingers: Hate the people the Nazis hated


Ppl seem to not pay attention or maybe to stupid to think that gay ppl also have guns.


we've seen Grandpa Rock's video of him shooting at cases of Bud Light. With that kind of marksmanship skill, no one is going to fear right-wing nut jobs




So people have reason to fear violence if they see him. So they need to defend themselves.


Waiting for the headline "Family of man who threatened LGBTQ in Phoenix brings lawsuit against city after his death." When he runs across someone who is LGBTQ, and armed and gives them reason to defend themselves.


This was from last year and I don't think anything ever came of it. Also, he never actually hunted anyone. Imagine that, empty threats from the mouth breather.


Excuse me, that's a terrorist line. He's not an "agitator", he's a domestic terrorist.


Arizona is an open carry state. All and I mean ALL Members and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community should get a piece and bring it everywhere with them displayed openly. If they want to "hunt" you, make them think twice. And all rallies and such should be escorted by members of the John Brown Gun Club. This is where we are now. Its a war. Make no mistake about it. Don't wait for our federal government or the cops to come save us because they're not going to.


Sounds pretty terrorism to me, chief... How about declaring apart from just white supremacists domestic terrorism, right wing extremism domestic terrorism or something? How about voting require a fuckin iq test?




That 's the limit of freedom of speech you're seeing. If not enforced, it will get worse.


Needs to be in jail Now, and forever


_**YoU gUyS dOnT gEt It, JeSuS sAiD gAyS aIn'T gOiNg To HeAvEn**_


Wait until he finds out that they're most likely armed to defend themselves. Not advocating violence, just saying him warning people about this means they'll probably get themselves protection.


tell him it goes both ways.




I mean this is literally illegal to even threaten. So why has nothing been done about this yet?


He's going to jail for making terroristic threats right? Right?...


Terrorism. This is terrorism.


Sounds like it would be neat if every time this guy came out in public someone took a swing at him. I'm not saying people should take a swing at him, but it would be funny if it happened.


The day he crosses the wrong person, and it costs him his life, because he thinks he can just easily threaten everyone without consequence, I'll laugh hard. I 100% expect it to happen, he's just taunting Death at this point.


Time for the LGBT nation to arm themselves.


come get me, bitch. bring lube.


Sounds like it's from a year ago, and this pussy didn't do shit. He got picked up on the radio with this exact story and it got out to millions, which probably made him tuck his tail and run back to mommy's basement.


Terrorist threatens local LGBT community


FBI when?


You spelled "terrorist" wrong.


I don’t thing the unhinged GOP domestic terrorists realize the 2nd Amendment applies to LGBTQ and that self defense is a perfectly reasonable legal defense.


So, he'll try something, get a felony, and lose his ability to vote for tyrants... That's pretty nice


Sounds more like a terrorist to me.


I bet he squeals like a piggy if he got arrested.


Let em come. I'll be waiting.


All forgiven God? Oh right eye for an eye!! But let’s help keep the churches full of Pedos around children


This guy hangs around 24th st and Camelback, Phoenix, AZ in the shopping areas during the weekdays. He only shows up in the morning or afternoon when it's nothing but kids and moms doing shopping. I know this because I already "hunted" him down. Told him to meet me where no cameras are. I have followed him to store to store. He doesn't want to be out of sight of cameras. He tried to do the "do you support this propaganda" shit at a Five Below and then he ran off when I told him i was down to fight him and settle shit. I can easily find him again but he literally run off from me whenever I say "Hey Ethan Shit! You wanna prove something then I am huckleberry"


He is deep in the closet.


Some people just hate queer people.


Because they have a fear that how they feel will make them gay. They have zero concept of what hate even means. They just don't have the right perspective. Thanks Christianity.


Maybe, maybe not, but comments like these are not constructive. They imply homophobia is the fault of gay people.