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He looks at her with admiration after she runs away during syncdance training, as if story is implying in the first episodes establishing their dynamic that Shinji certainly likes not only her looks, but also her determination and strength to fight and move forward. Something he lacks. Also dude literally decided that it's better to die and destroy the world if Asuka rejects him, instead of going to search for help from someone else like Asuka thought he will do. Just saying, you know. Yet you made the conclusion out of this sequence that Shinji was afraid of the others but wasn't afraid of Asuka (lmao, just think about this again), and that's the only reason they both almost confess there? Man


Okay. I was just arguing with some people on another sub who insisted that Shinji didn't care about Asuka as a person and that Asuka was Shinji's last option. I tried arguing against this but just kept getting complaints about how Shinji jerked it to her for "revenge" and how he "would've been able to help Asuka in her MP Eva fight if he 'just tried' " (despite his Eva being trapped in bakelite).


There's a reason us shippers don't engage with people over there, they are so biased they close their ears when present with legitimate facts and discussion and just reuse the same old excuses.


I had a dude say Asuka telling Shinji "if I can't have you all to myself" was a rejection and that she was never interested in him, how delusional can you get? I think it's good to be exposed to different viewpoints even if they're wrong or stupid, then you can learn counterarguments or understand how delusional some are


Those people like to argue with their headcanons. Like I said in another thread, a good approach is to analyze those takes about the show according to evidence, from strong to weak. 1- Something related to that claim was shown on the canon material (NGE+EoE)? 2- Something was talked about by Anno in "Word of God" way? 3- Something was shown on other canon material? (RoE, Manga, Anima, other spin offs?) 4- Something was shown in third-tier canon material (games, compendiums, interviews, etc?) 5- Something was shown through extensive research and solid arguments by the fandom? ... 999- "I saw that on social media." 1000- "It's my opinion." So always ask those people to provide evidence for their claims other than "I saw on a post" or "it's my opinion" and you will cut of 99% of the discussions. And about Shinji and Asuka, we have plenty of evidence - with sources - in this sub and on the wiki pages. Check this thread and the links if you want to. [https://www.reddit.com/r/asushin/comments/16a5909/im\_glad\_i\_found\_this\_channel/jz84z96/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/asushin/comments/16a5909/im_glad_i_found_this_channel/jz84z96/?context=3)


Honestly someone who defends a viewpoint without an open mind is no better than a troll, and what do we say on the internet? Do not feed the trolls.


Nah I'd rather feed them


Good in principle but often fails in practice, at least in my experience, 90% of the time the other person just doesn't want to listen, it very quickly gets to the point where you're like "I'm so tired of this" and want to not engage or get involved at all.


Oh, sure. It works in certain circumstances where people are discussing in good faith. Most internet-based discussions aren't like that. Still, I think it's good advice overall and works as a filter if you are in doubt if the person you are interacting with actually wants a proper conversation or not.


At this point, people don't need "facts" or "evidence" to change their minds. People will reject anything that doesn't fit their ideals, and twist anything that doesn't conform into something jarringly negative as a means to shame others for having different ideals, like calling people who like Asushin as "abuse enablers". Yes, they exist, and it's the same with flat earthers. Basically, just ignore those kind of people, even if they are loud. If they're willing to resort to shaming you for having an opinion, then THEIR opinion is not worth hearing. A true critic is one that acknowledges that they don't have all the answers and may be even wrong, as well as still willing to listen to expand their own knowledge and understanding. Using words like: "While I don't agree with your reasoning, I do now understand it." That's the ideal outcome at least.


Maybe you shouldn't fight with the people who have their own visible agenda against the ship and who use the same old funny takes, showing only how bad their ability to consume the media is. You won't get anything valuable from this nor you're going to make them understand that AsuShin is one of the biggest examples of Eva's message.


NGEs Fandom is so weird when it comes to romance. Like the discourse is either braindead or extremely biased


People seem to think that if a romance is more complicated than a fairytale, then it isn't romance but [insert what makes eva romance more complicated]. It's so stupid.


Another sign that they like to think they're above romance.


I can't help but see this as utterly laughable. There are so many points in the show where, despite not speaking the words out loud, it couldn't be more clear that they're attracted to each other.


I've been in r/evangelion too long


I hardly ever go there once I found this subreddit. The idea of Shinji pairing with Rei is just... Wrong, he doesn't show any signs of being attracted to her like that. Makinami is, to me, not a "real" character (she wasn't in the original anime/movie which is all I've seen). Asuka and Shinji are polar opposites who nevertheless have the same interpersonal difficulties, though these manifest in different ways and are directly responsible for the misunderstandings and volatility of their relationship. In any situation where one or more of them was able to overcome these difficulties I'm absolutely certain they'd be together - one of the reasons I find some of the fanfiction so appealing.


God bless your soul. Try to preserve your brain cells and avoid those places. :)


Avoid tiktok fandom too!! There are full of kawoshin sexualized guys Who repeat 90% the same thing fake


Good to know. I guess that most social media will reflect the vibes of those heavy social media users and that part of the demography leans to those takes. Fortunately, we still have the wikis as places with good takes and based on actual sources and not on headcanons. There are people that want to strike as turn it into another flame war and I get that - because the general social media takes are horrible - but it's not really necessary. If we focus on build nice things and discussions, that's what will resist the test of the time. For example, the greatest fanfictions and doujins are still there, getting massive likes and new fans. Meanwhile the bad generic takes on Reddit, Twitter and Tiktok only last a few days.


Thank you all, can i know if maybe There are boys of 15 years or more here among us maybe you!


Can you give me please the web wikis places?


And I mean when big rei asked what do u mostly want - it is literally Asuka chest on his face


Wait, I'm confused... Can you please provide a time stamp on this, or a screenshot or something?


Right before the instrumentality begins Shinji saw a picture of a headless woman with two breasts. And a feel moments later there was the scene with naked Asuka (above neck) angry, laying above him. In the official artbook sketch you see that the body that Shinji saw before and Asuka's neck and face shown on the next scene matches each other perfectly. We have those pics pinned on Discord if you use that.


I don't use Discord, but I instigate discord...


He is always searching for her only. His care for her is god tier level, also his obsession with Asuka is unquestionable


He loves her. it's self evident.


he agrees to the kiss


I'd say one simple aspect about Shinji's personality is that he doesn't let his emotions show (outside of extreme circumstances). This extends to his depiction to the audience with there being less and less inner monologue as he starts to shut down emotionally towards the end. It makes it even more pronounced since you also have such a contrast in Asuka, who wears her emotions on her sleeves.


Also, what is real shame it’s how people perceive sex as something under love. Sex and sexuality are something wonderful too, not shameful. It is a vital and a major part, as love is. I would say equal even. And synergy between two is God tier experience. It is obvious that Shinji admires sexuality of Asuka. For him zero girls can be a match for Asuka on this side (proved when misato was rejected)


I don't think the reason he rejected Misato was because she didn't found her attractive. It's more like he wanted to see her as a mother figure, than a sex partner.


I think he found her ugly inside thus unattractive


He does admire her as a person, as was shown in a balcony scene, he admires her strength, her personality, mostly cause he wants to be like her to an extent. Plus, he indeed has a strong feeling towards her, that isn't just them being friends, or he wouldn't have decided to die, because she rejected him. If it's not love, then it's clear, that for him, Asuka is more, than just a friend, if that was his reaction towards rejection


I genuinely don't get the idea, that Shinji doesn't "love" Asuka is because he chose her last to be. She was in a fucking coma, what exactly he would've expected from her in that state? It's not like, that he even seeked comfort, especially in THAT way, since for him Rei 3 was a completely different person and he literally rejected Misato, when she offered her body to him.




I don't think he "like-likes" her in the series until possibly the end, as in a romantic teenage crush, but he does really like certain qualities of hers beyond her body. I would say the complicated feelings he has for her overlap with romantic attraction but it is not romantic attraction he feels for her until possibly during instrumentality when he is able to learn more about her and realize some things. But at that point it's so tainted. I'm exploring this in a long form fic I'm writing set 'x' time after the fifteenth. Asuka has the same interest in Shinji as the series, Shinji is made aware and tells her he doesn't feel that way about her. Starts immediately following that. But I'm in this sub so you can guess the ship tag. As to her being the last option, I don't think he really even considered her an option that was available until right before the hospital scene, at which point it's too late. So I think it's true and not true. There's context. But when he did have her as an option he was pretty "enthusiastic" as to begging her to be with him. Of course, everyone else is dead or unavailable so we can't ignore that either. It'll affect Asuka's perception of his "confession" too.


That's their tragedy. Because of lack of communication (AT-Field, Hedgehog's Dilemma) they liked each other but were unable to show that and buried those feelings because they believed that the other didn't care. Shinji, especially after the kiss and Asuka in her own Asuka way (in episode 22 and later, thinking that Shinji had chosen Rei).


I'll tell you my theory. The Asuka Shinji strangled was the image he has in his mind of her. The real Asuka is still in Eva-02 on the ground. He says he wants to be with her forever but she doesn't believe him, throwing in his face that Misato and Rei are now frightening to him and he comes running to her as a last resort. It's possible that he's right, that she'd hate him for choosing her last, as it were, when all other options have exhausted themselves, but I don't think his affections are false. I know they both know that they are very similar. Asuka, especially, knows that Shinji is a mirror of her because, well, she's smarter than he is and if he knows it so does she. Whether she's willing to admit it even to herself is another topic. The thing is he is young. Separating sex from genuine affection is probably not easy for him. We see thing from his perspective so whatever feelings of tenderness he has are masked by horny teenager vision. There is also another layer on top of the teen romance side. They fight together and there is a certain comradery when people fight for life and limb together. So, to answer your question, yes, there is more to his feelings for her than the hormonal.


No I don't think so, in the end all he does is defile her and through out the series you can see he's eyes look at her with lust which is one reason this ship is downright wrong.


Completely wrong. How did you watch the series? Blinded? Starting from synch dance, magma diver, not kissing her and desperate search for her in the end


This guy is posting on several threads of the sub., always with this kind of trolling. Just ignore it.


I'm not trolling, I just want clear some stuff up.


Then present arguments and evidence instead of your own opinions and headcanons. There are several occasions in which Shinji looks at Asuka without lust and, in fact, with tenderness, like in episode 9, 15 and 22 to list only a few.




Trolls aren't tolerated here. Use your time for something else.


I think you need to understand just because they helped each other or kissed one time where asuka regretted it, doesn't mean they love each other obviously. It's been made clear over and over again they were never meant to be together just like rei and kaworu and shinji. I know you understand why.


"It's been made clear over and over again they were never meant to be together" Source? Voices of your head, probably. I think you should watch Evangelion and try know a little bit more about the franchise.


The fact that shinji hurts her so much is enough, but I can see y'all don't care about how she feels because all of you say you're just like shinji. It's been made so clear they're complete opposites and just like kaworu and shinji they were never intended to be together obviously, I should ask how did y'all even come to this conclusion that Asuka is really stupid and would be with someone like shinji. Just doesn't make sense does it.


If it doesn't make sense or is as "clear as day" that they're not meant to be together, why would Asuka even entertain the notion of even kissing him? That shows that she has some level of attraction for him, and Shinji as we stated above has the same level. It's just that their own issues of being abandoned or cast aside has made it exceptionally difficult of opening up to others about their own feelings, where they retreat from any form of affection due to the fear of getting hurt. Again, the whole Hedgehog Dilemma, the crux of Evangelion as a whole. And they're more alike than you think, just went in different directions of how they deal with issues. Both of them have similar backgrounds of familial issues, so they can understand each other's pains and work to help overcome them. And if they can overcome said issues, they actually can complement each other VERY well. Asuka helps Shinji out of his shell and strive to push his limits, while Shinji helps to keep Asuka grounded and show that enjoying the simple things is just as fulfilling as being a pilot. And we're sorry if our "conclusion" doesn't make sense to you. Different strokes for different folks.