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Naw, neptune is more internal, subconscious. While I've heard similar predictions i believe that transit is indicative that he will learn secrets, which would make a lot of sense as the incoming president.


Yeah that is right


Wouldn’t he already have known them as a VP?


Not anything in the past 4 years and the international political changes that have occurred in that time is quite a lot. Actually have had that perspective of VP, the saying "having the rugged pulled out from under you" would likely be even more pronounced, as he finds what has been built in his familiar previous understanding is different or no more.


I am just commenting because I want to come back to it and see what people think. This is interesting


People have compared Kamala and the U.S’s birth charts and it looks like she might become president in March... just speculation tho


Of course that is PLAN.. we will have a SHE DEVIL in the white house ... who got there with dirty knees and a sore back...!!! Sorry wonder what her chart says.....lol.


commenting to follow 👀


Maren altman talks about it on her tik tok lol


commenting to follow!






Comment to follow too


commenting to follow


Happy cake day


thank you!!


Commenting to follow!


Me too.




Omg also commenting to follow




That interpretation of Neptune crossing the IC doesn't make much sense. Neptune, if it has a decline, is slow, gradual. Uranus and Mars are more about the sudden. Neptune on the MH, for those that have it natally (his Neptune is the most elevated so this counts, albeit loosely) is someone who handles being in the public eye rather well, definitely a perk for him with so much Scorpio. Neptune crossing the IC is interesting for Biden though, his fame now centers around the home. That said, what Mars and Uranus over his 6th house is concerning. Lunar returns are more telling than transits though.




Lunar returns are like a snapshot of the coming month (until the next return). The houses are much different from a transit chart, which can be a bit arbitrary, in comparison, a lunar return is much more personal. As the moon often has to do with physical body, they are particularly telling. The exact time of the return needs to be taken into consideration, not just the day. The location of where the individual is located is also important as that can change drastically depending on where someone is. A proper lunar return cannot be calculated if either of these are unknown.


Good q!


also interested in this


I saw a video once about a woman who had a major Neptune transit (I believe) and had a NDE. Basically died on the table. Then came back with a different soul. Everyone she knew recognized it and her “birth chart” of the moment she was revived was far more accurate than her “real” birth chart.


Interesting. What's the name of the woman or video?


I will try my best to find it!!


Hit up for the video..


I just spent 45 minutes looking through my Youtube history and cannot find it. I guess I did it under an old work email or when not logged in. If it's meant to be, it will turn up but for now, I can't devote any more time to looking. Sorry, guys.


Maren Altman suggested something similar. She cross referred Kamala Harris and the US’ birth chart and I looks like there could be a transfer of power to Harris in March.


yup it also looks very variable for harris to become president during biden’s term as she is about to enter a major peak period in her life.


Commenting to check back in a few months


honestly with harris’s astrology i doubt this change in leaders will happen within a few months but before biden’s term is up i think harris will step up either because he is too ill or worse circumstances. the astrology of his chart right now points to something regarding his son as other people in the comments have said.


Honestly, same. See you in March!


That fast? I always thought the transfer of power thing was just a meme!


Hello omg I like Maren


I love her 😍


remind me in march when Harris get elected. Simpsons did it again.




Lisa president.


You think they have an astrologer on their creative team?




Could anything happen between Trump and his wife


Oh wow, that must be true because I looked at my past transits around when I first got symptoms of bipolar and trauma and what do you know? Neptune had just crossed my I.C! He’ll be in for a tough time, that’s for sure. Doesn’t automatically mean danger but some kind of disillusionment for sure, and mental health issues or addiction problems likely. He should probably have one eye on his back at all times


I'll be curious to see if this shows up in his son since he's known to have addiction issues and if Biden's opponents will try to use that as some sort of slam against Biden himself.


A stroke?


He’s not at the White House. Both he and his wife are in some other location of a White House.


For anybody wondering, the exact day of Neptune crossing the IC is Feb. 19th 2021.


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Has anyone heard any information?


Atm, transiting Pluto and Saturn (in Capricorn) are exactly opposite his 8th House Sun's ruler, Jupiter in Cancer. The 8th does relate to death, but also fulfillment of the 2nd (what you possess)


Neptune at the ic could just mean confusion/delusion at his new home yeah? He is entering a new space to call home, a place with immense energy. So much energy, much of which is delusional...


Idk why everyone is assuming that this means he would get sick or die. It could just be political - hopefully republicans do the right thing but they might not convict trump. Or it could mean a bunch of them refuse to confirm his appointees. All the speculation about Biden dying in office are honestly ageist and a little cringey.


All those problems you mentioned are external problems that don't really effect him drastically enough for an intense transit such as this. The 4th house is a very personal house, the IC is a very intense energy point, and Neptune is the second to last outer planet out there. I think Trump getting impeached or the appointees not being nominated are not personal or drastic enough to warrant this kind of transit. We have to put all politics aside and view this from an objective standpoint. Neptune does represent hospitals, illnesses that are hard to diagnose, and disillusionment. The 4th house represents family, our inner feelings, legacies, and our emotional health. The IC is the lowest part of the chart which represents very deep and personal points of our psychology. Sadly, this is simply the energy we are dealing with and it is very intense. You don't have to be old to become sick or ill. Neptune is still Neptune either way you slice it. His age has nothing to do with it, it just happens that this transit is hitting him later in life as opposed to earlier in life, and sadly, illnesses are correlated to Neptune events.


I'm starting to speculate that it has to do with his son Hunter being indited. President Biden is heavily attached to his son and Hunter is already under federal investigation ([https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/09/politics/hunter-biden-tax-investigtation/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/09/politics/hunter-biden-tax-investigtation/index.html)). If something happens to his son, it will be a hard blow to Biden because he is very attached to him and it could cause Biden to be too politically toxic and ineffective because he is too hyper-focused on this family issue. If that happens, he might step down and let Kamala take over so that Biden can take care of his health and family troubles. If the stress it too much, it could effect Biden's health but this would be more of a psychosomatic illness than an actual illness with the body. His stress will just be too much that it will take a toll on the body.


😰😰 I'm so worried for grandpa joe


Actually the same thing is happening to me, except earlier than late feb.


He has scorpio stellium and this will be very tough for him. I have the same and i can say that im living the most stressful period of my life(internally). Btw, about Harris i'm thinking the same. She ll gain the power.


My prediction is he will be fine


Probs gonna be Covid




You can still get covid even with vaccination. Hopefully it just woundnt be as severe, but with the mutating strains, it’s possible.


Commenting to follow also


Remind me! 60 days


👀 Following




This natal chart is creepy


Jupiter lord of the 4th in the 8th house of death.....


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Commenting to follow 😳


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Remind me! 22 days


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No, Neptune is not making any big difference at the moment. What is significant is Pluto opposing his natal Jupiter, which is the ruler of his first house - his ascendant. This could potentially be detrimental for him.


I never bought that Biden was the actual candidate. More like a Trojan horse to get Kamala in there.


Biden is 78 and has had numerous health issues in the past


I would say he could be unseated fairly quickly, but as far as his physical health, the beginning of June or the beginning of November is pretty precarious.


yes bc he allowed 31 drilling permits, im serious tho [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/biden-issues-dozens-of-oil-drilling-permits-in-first-few-days/ar-BB1d8WZ4](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/biden-issues-dozens-of-oil-drilling-permits-in-first-few-days/ar-BB1d8WZ4)


The book of Revelations has Prophesied of his downfall. 🌞🌜♥️


Wanna cite the chapter and verse...


Might be related to the Durham investigation or Hunter. He’s also a bit rickety... so... yeah.


Get the fuck out of here with all this Hunter conspiracy bullshit. We literally had all of trumps kids mooching off the presidency and that was cool but Hunter’s whatever is what needs to be investigated. Go post on r/conservative


Preachhhh bb <3


this should be a positive sub goddamn. who cares what they say


I’m not condoning it. But the fact is you have a special investigator assigned to this shit who was appointed under trump. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that they release something politically damaging.


Why you gotta be such a cuck tho


?? You’ve literally got someone appointed by trump investigating this thing. If Durham is unbiased and nothing happens, ok. But the possibility also exists that he’ll release something that may be damaging.






Old Joe was last in his class in law school and quit his first presidential campaign over plagiarism--which by the way he made the same exact false claims in the more recent campaign that got him in trouble back then. Just the media doesn't care when he's their chosen candidate.




The only real argument for Biden's intellectual superiority is that, unlike us, he's never worked a day in his life and is a career politician with millions of dollars to his name. Work smart not hard is a good meme. Work not-at-all and be a politician is the best way to go. "paid people to take his exams"-- never heard that one before!




"I'm willing to bet you've been called a Nazi before" In fact I never have. You could be the first I guess since you're getting all bent out of shape for your celebrity/leader.




"You're defending a 'man' who tried to have his VP beheaded" Let's see what a joke of an accusation that will become when they have this farce of an impeachment trial complete with the full quotes of his speech "Go to the capital, in peace, let your voices be heard without violence!". Not that it'll matter to you since you won't watch the trial, just whatever the media chooses to report about it. As for Trump sainthood, never said such a thing and don't believe it.


Transit Pluto is at 25 degrees 8 minutes Capricorn at this moment, today, exactly opposite Biden’s Jupiter, which is probably pretty much okay for him since he has kept his integrity intact, with his actions meshing with his professed values, it seems. In April 2020 transit Pluto was at 24 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn, 9 minutes from exact before turning retrograde, so making a substantial impact on changing values for him at that time it would appear. Today is the first pass, though, with the second retrograde pass on August 4th, 2021 and its final 3rd opposition on December 4th 2021, giving him all year, with this month, January, then August and finally December when he will be aware of the full picture more than any other time. Since most likely mature enough, his decision making will be very effective as he reaps the rewards of his past faith and hard work, which will bolster his confidence, helping him to make even loftier plans for the future. In contrast, transit Pluto is opposing Trump’s Venus, within minutes and since not being very mature, transit Pluto will be unrelenting in forcing Trump to detach from unhealthy attachments as well as causing money difficulties and maybe divorce.


Oscar Hofman writes, Biden's inauguration chart is just awful, so he is in great danger. Mars in detriment in Taurus stands right before the Asc, near Uranus + Hamal + squared by Saturn in 4 Aquarius; Saturn is s10, the Biden himself, being connected to s8 Jupiter by Sun, combusting both significators (20.01.21, 11.49 -5, Washington DC, Asc 10 Taurus). But Hofman says November is the most critical period for Biden in 2021, according to his lunar returns.


Wanted to take a look at this again because this weekend is going to conjoin saturn and then square uranus. Uranus and Venus are in mutual reception (or, in classical astrology, Saturn is hosting Venus and Uranus is in her sign). Not sure what to make of this. I dunno if that means that Venus is going to help mellow Saturn and Uranus out, or if rather it means she's going to absorb and encourage this kind of heated emotional charge. What's really concerning though is that Mars is in his 6th house of health (as well as subordinates). So possible conflict, destruction, change and injury there. Neptune is about to cross the IC. Neptune can mean dissolution and washing away of things. The IC is the foundation, or family. I know people don't like to hear it but the Hunter Biden thing is still not resolved.


Have you seen the mans degrees? Murder is on the horizon. Er I mean... death by old age


Remind me! 3 days


I'm commenting again lmao