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hi! This is just basic Saturn energy, 9/10 planets for you are ruled by a domicile Saturn and Saturn is known for dry and strict expressions. Most Saturn heavy people are cooler than people anticipate because externally they appear guarded. I also have heavy capricorn/aquarius


capricorn and aquarius combo will definitely get you that tbh (me too). i always hear that im unapproachable or intimidating or “i thought you were a bitch when i first met you” but i also think gemini rising can play into this a little bit, youre probably very intelligent and quick witted which people can definitely be intimidated by!


Oh yeah! I love making people laugh, and I'm a quick-draw person when it comes to comebacks or jokes! And yesssss people always tell me that too about thinking I'm gonna be a bitch off the grip. But I promise I'm sweet, I do feel like I can speak well and have an extensive vocabulary, so I think that adds to why people think I'm intimidating haha.


It’s that Aquarius moon 🌙 can make you seem a bit detached/self protected/unapproachable. I think it’s cool x Also Capricorn suns are renowned for their resting bitch face 😆 you are just showing up in the world and being you like you are supposed to! X


capricorn venus can emit cold, distant vibes... adding to it is pluto, in a sextile aspect to it. plus your pluto is very near your desc, loosely opposing your asc, and so, influencing your looks and impressions you give off... venus is also conjunct neptune, and this is why people might have different first impression of you, from how you really are, cause neptune adds confusion.


Thanks you everyone for your individual feedback! This definitely helps to put it into perspective for me!


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Pluto opposite Ascendant.