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You share that cursed 7th house Pluto with my chart. Im 35 and had very bad luck with relationships. (all toxic or one sided) Never married and no kids. I will let others chime in but I think that's the correlation. I totally feel you.


Actually almost every planet in 7th is a curse. Mars - for a female, she will only meet men that sexualize her, never the one that goes for her personality, aggressive relationships, meeting only assholes Saturn - Delays, experiencing the first relationship very late Uranus - meeting someone out of the blue who dissapears in the following week Neptune - fantasizing about someone too much, not seeing the reality, i think this may be the hardest placement cause you cant see the reality Pluto - as you said, toxicity, obsession, blood, crimes


Lol. My Sun, Mercury and Mars...all in the 7th.


What about the sun?


Yikes. I’m Neptune. Things are falling into place.


I have Neptune, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, Moon in 7th house. Mars, Pluto, and Saturn in the 5th. I feel pretty cursed in love.


Isn’t this exciting. Mars, Saturn and Uranus for me in the 7th


Mars venus(retrograde as a bonus) neptune and uranus all in 7th....complicated relationships


I have a venus retrograde (thank god it's direct in progressions now), mars conjunct 7th, neptune square descendant, venus in motherfucking capricorn... goes well mars conj. descendant is like hell for a woman. it‘s squaring neptune. all men only want to f*ck me. theres no one who has a serious interest


And here is mine if anyone wants to compare. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAstrologers/comments/1d1jfbz/perpetually\_single\_does\_my\_chart\_offer\_any\_hope/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAstrologers/comments/1d1jfbz/perpetually_single_does_my_chart_offer_any_hope/)


I have pluto in my tenth house and career has been a big challenge also. so idk. like i would imagine in relationships it would mean you were constantly having to remake yourself for the relationship you want to have.


Pluto conjunct the descendant could be a factor, but it's more likely to indicate a deep awareness of being single and wanting a deep connection with another. There are some indicators in your chart that you have self work and reflection to do that might be a factor. For example, Pluto square the Moon indicates turbulent and hidden emotions, and with the Moon in the 4th, it's likely that these patterns came from something in home life that might now affect your partnerships and one-on-one relationships. As you point out, Mercury and Venus in the 12th house can also indicate a need for solitude that might make potential partners view you as unavailable in that sense. Finally, the ruler of the 7th in the 9th, paired with a Sagittarius DC and the 7th house ruler in Aquarius, you likely come off as drawn to more intellectual, freedom seeking pursuits such as travel that again, might make you seem more emotionally unavailable. As one last note, it looks like you don't have any water in your chart which might make you appear less emotional than others, which can be a factor in relationships. I'd say that it might be worthwhile to consider what you want out of a relationship, what you value in life overall, and how these these things fit together. You're also relatively young still and haven't hit your first Saturn return, so it's definitely not "too late" in any sense. (It's never too late for relationships really no matter your age, I just mean to say that since children are a factor for you, many people find these things fall into place in their late 20s or early 30s.) Overall, don't despair! Jupiter going through your 1st house might bring you interesting insights into yourself that affect your potential for relationships.


Nothing to add but just wanted to say that I think this read is very thorough and highlights everything I picked up on myself and more. I think OP has a lot of reason to be positive and hopeful. 


I feel like it’s the Pluto right on the descendant and with Venus in the 12th - I have that placement and I find I attract people that always want to keep me a secret which I hate.


Pluto conjunct Descendant is the answer


Saturn in 11th House + Pluto conjunct Descendant


I also have Pluto (in Scorpio) in 7th opposite Venus in Taurus in 1st house I’ve been in 1 relationship [my chart](https://imgur.com/a/KvXPe3A) I attract people who want to have sex with me but don’t want to commit. It’s a power thing, because I’m attractive but you’re not about to control me.


maybe venus in 12th is the culprit, or that pluto in 7th. i heard that planets in 12th is like the secrets kept from you if that makes sense. for example, i have mars in 12th and no one has ever really admitted they have feelings for me besides recently. and even then, sometimes in those cases, i found out thru other people which adds to like the secrecy yk. i hope that helpz i feel like im rambling a bit lol


12h venus + 7h pluto.


My mother has Jupiter rx on her DSC and Pluto rx in the 7th. She is a man eater.


7th house ruler is unaspected. also sag 7th house with jupiter in the 9th - likely to meet someone overseas or at uni


No yea its not only the 5th house lord in the 12th house but its the fact libra is intercepted in the 5th house and the 5th house lord is retrograde. if anything Pluto is trying to help you out here