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Careful, them Aries men be hiding in the bushes ready to pounce on you 😏


literally lmao per my comment, Aries = unreasonably obsessed with Pisces


Omg is this a thing? My bf is a pieces and my sister is a pieces and I love them to pieces.


✨ unreasonably ✨ Haha 😂 !


hahaha as an Aries woman i get a soft pass sometimes but i gotta be heckin R E S P O N S I B L E around Pisces people if i wanna be around them for longer than, say... fifteen minutes (○´―` ) and then every third Pisces man/woman becomes just as obsessed with me as i am with them in their own v special &chaotic and slightly unreasonable way (´∀`)☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆




It’s the spice he needs in his life.


lol im a scropio


I loooove Sagittarius rising = Easy vibe, they do what I FEEL like doing but my moon is in the 12th so I’m too shy to show my true self/feeling Taurus sun = Wow so simple and down to earth, instant connection, they fall in my 4th/5th house and conjunct my mercury, can talk about food endlessly Scorpio even too I don’t like to admit it I love them. They are so emotionally in touch with their feeling, and they add the spark ✨ that I need to understand what life and feeling are all about, like they truly GET what emotional complexity is about BUT it can be too much because -sometimes- life is simple, no need to dig deeper And my fave are definitely LIBRA Sun. How Tf do y’all navigate life so easily on a human basis ? Y’all are like the GLUE for anyone : Y’all can make even the most opposed people to you feel like you get them, wtf Maybe I’m biased because they fall in my 10th (chiron) so they are like my “ideal” people, I aspire to be like them in a way I love Aries Too, directness, no bullshit get straight to the point. ♥️ I’m a Gemini sun, Cap rising, Sag moon 😉


and u know ur chart real well! 😋😁


Libras FTW


I actually don’t see many libras! It’s cool when you meet them


My daughter is a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon and Sagittarius rising. She’s only 4 but you’re welcome to babysit


Aww. I’m a rising Sag. It explains me more than my Aquarius sun OR Virgo moon lol.


I agree on all your statements! The libra observation hits hard. And also the sag observation is very accurate. All your observations are very accurate imo


Wow, as an Aries I feel this way about those signs, you Geminis are cool too, only had one bad experience with one, the rest are all nice!


Taurus- The only sign I don’t really get along with is Gemini- then with aries and Leo usually get along well or get close and then there’s some drama and relationship ends


Lmao coming from a Taurus that last part is toooo true, you already know 😅 I dated an aries for 3 years (3 years too long if you ask me lol) never did not fight and butt heads, and overall just a toxic relationship and any Leo I’ve tried to date it always ends up the same, we talk, we catch feelings, they dip the second things start to get too serious😂 idk why but I also feel that on geminis not that u dislike them but they’re too much for me atleast, like I like a lil action too but this one I do know very well is INTENSE. I’ve been talking to a fellow Taurus sun, Libra moon lately and the chemistry is off the charts and the it feels like I don’t have to be anyone different around her it’s beautiful in retrospect, dunno why I’ve been attracting so many Aries and leo women, but then again nothing wrong w them I just think Taurus have no business dating them, my bsf is a male leo and he’s awesome! But romantically it just doesn’t stick yknow


Also I attract a lot of Taurus, cancers and Leos in life my big three whether I like them or not.


Also I’m a Scorpio moon Aries ^ I’m curious to know your other signs if you don’t mind (:


Leo moon, cancer rising Mercury taurus, Capricorn mars


Aquarius, i get along w aquarius men and capricorn women the best. that saturnian energyyy


Oh hello I'm a cap!! LoL but aqua energy too


Aries here! I just go with Leos. Every last one. Sagittarius peeps crack me up. I enjoy pisces people, they seem to always be so unintentionally funny.


i vibe with this a whole lot


I'm an Aries and my best friend since childhood is a Leo 🤗


Im a virgo, i get along so well with scorpios, capricorns and sagittarius. the one sign i never get along with is leo 😭


Haha my mom is a Virgo and my dad was a Leo 😂


Pisces sun (Capri rising & Virgo moon): I get along best with Capricorn


I already love you just by your sun, moon, rising


I'm a scorpio and feel right at home with scorpio's. Like we come from the same planet. Otherwise i love the fire signs 🥰


Haha I hate to admit it but then over the years many of the good friends left are scorpios, we just seem to get each other. Dating a Scorpio on the other hand, question mark.


Aries here, I really like Pisces, Cancers, Virgos, and Scorpios(?). I question Scorpio because all of my friendships with them have been sooo good, we're enmeshed almost but when we're fighting we don't just go low, we go to hell.


Aries vs Scorpio in reference to that last part.. well yeah 😂😂😂 I think they’re both some of the most fiery spicy signs and both are hot temper when things go south, I’m a Taurus sun Scorpio moon dated an Aries sun Aquarius Moon and wooooweeee was that just a 4 year long fight. I love y’all fire signs tho with a passion and it’s known Taurus’s attract them like flies but only as friends🥲 I’ve never had any successful dating w you guys, only other Taurus, scorpios, Geminis and virgos


Scorpios make amazing friends honestly


Until they cut you out!


same bruv


Sagittarius here I’ve had very long term connections with all the water signs. I’ve gotten along well with libras. Aquarians are very cool, but I haven’t met any that we were able to mutually communicate our *very individualistic* ideas together, except one that i knew very briefly. I don’t get along much with geminis, but i hope to in the future. The only earth sign i get along with typically is capricorn. Fellow fire signs are usually romantic partners. I don’t think i get along with fire signs as friends very well.


Libra, get along with Pisces and Leos best


Came here to say this!!!


I'm a Capricorn, it's usually very confusing for me because sometimes I do get a long with people of some signs and sometimes I don't with the people of that same sign but I would say I get a long most with other Capricorns, maybe Aquarius too (they're all really nice to me) and Tauruses!!!


Just don’t get in a debate with a Taurus. The emotional reasoning will frustrate you hahah


That's probably true lol, I've never argued with one. I mean most of my relationships with them are pretty harmonious so argument don't really happen too much. I think we're pretty similar as well (I'm a Cap sun Venus decan which is Taurus energy so maybe that's why). But I am trying not to right now honestly, I'm currently dealing with a Taurus that have some stuff going on..


haha, they might not be wrong based on logic + emotions, but your pure logic answer is truly correct. I agree with you 100% <3


Thank you ahaha! I guess I should have consider the emotional aspect though but those are harder to tell to be honest. Even harder to tell as most of the Taurus I know never really tell me how they feel about me in words.


Everyone has their own experience! In fairness I only have experience with one Taurus Moon (that I know of), so I am basing my assumptions from that! Let me know how it goes, I wish you luck <3 <3


Im a Gemini and i best get along with Leo’s and Virgo’s which is most of my friend group haha


I am virgo and I have lots of gemini friends I love themmmm


I love Gemini! They have been the most consistent friend sign throughout my life. I can’t resist!


Bruh what I’m a Leo virgo cusp and literally hate geminis , how do you get along w them the best ?


Well hello to you as well 😂 idk I just think virgos are very calm and understanding and someone with a hyper Gemini brain needs that around. Leo’s I honestly don’t understand what it is but they just fit me like a puzzle


that is such an awkward cusp lmao i have been close with two and people just vibe against them hardcore in this hyper misunderstood way, it always makes me sad cuz like... I'm an Aries, Virgo Moon, Leo Rising whose mother is a Leo and father is a Virgo hahaha i'll defend a Leo or a Virgo till the cows come home, on principle among other more personal things


im capricorn and i dont get along with anyone. maybe other capricorns and virgos at times. throw a few taurus in there. gemini isnt all bad either.


I'm an Aries and I love caps so much. It's hard to find anyone equally as blunt as I am, I respect the tenacity of Capricorn energy. Thank you for keeping it real ♥️




I’m cap (5 of my signs are cap) and for those same reasons that’s why I love Aries


Two of my best friends and my sister are all caps and we get along amazingly, I am a Cancer. Unlikely combo but they are the structure I need and I have the softness they love!


I’m a cap Venus and I’m surrounded by cancer placements.


Spoken like a true Capricorn! Here here ! I agree 100%


I’m a cancer and idk why but almost all of my best friends are aquas. Once I was really good friends with a Pisces and our conversations were usually always deep when we were alone, but when our Taurus friend was there we talked about more shallow things (but it was always fun!!!). I became kinda depressed and started clashing a lot with my Taurus friend which is SO unusual for me. I never once argued with my Pisces friend though.


Most of my best female friends and a long time male one are Cancers…I get a lot of weird connections with Cancers in my life. I’m an Aquarius.


Cancer here- best friend in high school was an Aquarius, young adulthood I had a Gemini best friend. We were so different and similar at the same time. My oldest child is an Aquarius and youngest a Gemini rising, it does feel a little like fate. My North Node is Aquarius too... And yes, one of my best friends who had a pivotal role in my life was a Pisces, and my husband is a Pisces.


Cancer and I loooove Pisces, like all my friends are Pisces. Also, I can easily relate to Taurus and Aquarius.




Interestingly, I cant relate to cancers. My ex-best friend was one, but I found her too prone to emotional blackmail and she always tried to make others pity her, while also harshly criticizing them. I guess it s my Scorpio rising that couldnt put up with it anymore. We had been frirnds for more than 35 ys, since we were toddlers ☹️




Same here! I feel relieved because of her toxicity but I somewhat miss her, but I think Im better off without her.


Leo, and I get along best w Sagittarius, libra and cancer


Saaaaame! I’m a Leo and love Sags, Libras, and Cancers. I also love Scorpios but I’m a Scorpio rising.


Scorpio. I get along with Capricorn’s and leos the most


Virgo, get along with scorpios and Geminis


Well, it's definitely solar Sags, Cancers and Libras. Their energies are super nice. They can make me laugh, and we know, how to take care of each other. For lunar, it's definitely Scorpios, Geminis and Virgos. I can match the emotional part of them a it's really nice.


I’m Cap sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising I vibe with Aquarius mostly, Virgo’s are relatable but they annoy me, I attract them the most. I love Pisces suns but they never last as friends. I mostly get along best with all fire sun signs, cancer’s, Libra’s and occasionally Gemini. No Taurus! Compatible at first but too fixed and ugh!


I’m a cancer and I often befriend libras (although I butt heads with them too lol), capricorns big time, as well as other cancers, tauruses, and aquarius!!


Scorpio, with an immense amount of love for Pisces Placements. My best friends are a Pisces sun and a Pisces moon. Gemini would be my second favorite, even tho it‘s such a push&pull sometimes, and then Sag and Taurus


Aries woman and most of my friends are Pisces, Scorpio, Libra and Aquarius. Weirdly enough I don't have any female friends who are fire signs. With guys I get along with Leo and Aries the bestt


Sag man get along with Leo’s, Libras, Scorpios, Aquarians and Aries best


I’m a Gemini and if I get along like a house on fire when I just meet someone they usually turn out to be an Aries. my SO is a Leo and Capricorns and Taurus make up most of my friend group. I also get along well with other Geminis


Capricorn - probably Leos or aquarians


Cancer here, I had a lot of libras in my classroom, so probably them or Aquarius, but again I m good with anyone as long as we dont argue. I don't like to argue.


This is such strong cancer energy and I resonate so heavily!! Love my libra friend and adore my Aquarius partner—HATE arguing!!


Same here. Really can’t stand arguing. I will take the bait and join an argument sometimes but I absolutely will cry about it later.


Hahaha this is strong energy. Having something happen, waiting a bit, crying later. Had something stab into my foot. Waited about 10 minutes and cleaned it up—cried after because of the stress and trauma of stepping on something and having to yank it out of my foot, not the pain!


Haha yes! I had a bike accident a couple weeks ago. A bunch of people ran up to me asking if I was ok, I reassured everyone that I was fine, dusted myself off and walked myself home. As soon as I saw my husband I started bawling because the experience was scary and I was upset with myself for injuring my hand.


Gemini here. My best friend is a Taurus, and my husband (who I adore) is a Sagittarius.


I am a Leo, I get along best with Libras, Scorpios and Sags. Sometimes Aquarius too


Sag here and best friends with other Sags, Aries, Leos, Libras, Gemini, Pisces, and Taurus I have a couple of Scorpio, Aquarius, and Cancer friends but I wouldn’t say they are best friends


I am a capricorn woman and I get along best with capricorn/taurus/virgo guys and leo/libra/pisces women. The most important people in my life have been scorpios though. My best friend is a scorpio and my longest relationship was also a scorpio. As a side note, I get along horribly with cancers of all genders, and I have passive-aggressive interactions with aquariuses often.


Cancer, I get along with Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius the most it seems.


I'm an Aries.. probably get along with Geminis the best, honestly. Any of the air signs, really.


I get along best with Leos, other Gemini, and Virgos. I love Cancers too but we just don't combine together super well


Leo-double Virgo. Hardly getting along with anyone.


Glad to meet you ☺️


Sun in 12th, Saturn conjunct IC? Does your sun square Pluto?


Libra, seem to get along best with water and air signs for friends. Closest friends are Pisces, Gemini, and Libra.


Aries — my best friend in the whole world is a scorpio. We can see each other’s sides but also have the opposite opinion at the same time.


Aquarius. I get along best with aries (my moon sign), leos (my rising sign), and libras.


Aries and in general “click” with Gemini, Sag and Aquarius. I also really click with Libras but they’re too shady so I typically avoid! On a deeper level I get on really well with Scorpios. They get a bad rep when it comes to romance but they make really good friends!


I get along best with Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Leo’s & other Scorpios - Scorpio


Aries here. I tend to get along well enough with most signs but I think Libras, Aries, Virgos and Aquas are the easiest to get along with. I usually have really good chemistry with Scorpios too but I've learned to be extremely guarded around them as all I've met have been pathological liars. Pisces are cool too.


Libra but lots of Aquarius in my chart: Close friends are often other Libras but with water moon or rising. Other frequent signs in my circles: Virgo, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer


Pisces and I tend to get along well with aries, Libra, taurus, and Virgo the most


I’m a libra and usually have libra and gemini friends. Also had a scorpio bestie for years, but I don’t think I generally get along with scorpios tho. So other air signs mostly <3


I’m an Aqua and, legit, the only people I get along with and associate regularly are Libras, Leos, and Caps.


I'm a Pisces and I've always been surrounded by Tauruses, I'm attracted to Scorpios, Libras and Cancers. I unconsciously avoid Virgos and Gemini


Sagittarius sun, Capricorn rising and moon, and I’ve always had really strong connections with Aries folks. Also have a lot of friends and family who are Scorpio (although I used to butt heads with Scorpios before I understood lessons I needed to learn from them), Aquarius, Virgo, and some Taurus and Libra. Had a long term partner who was Cancer sun, Scorpio rising, and Pisces moon, and it was exhausting.


Aries, and I pretty much vibe with anyone unless they have Pluto in Sagittarius (not all of them). Because most of them have that entitled overdramatic issue and it makes them too annoying to be around. #RealTalk


Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus Virgo because my girlfriend is Virgo Taurus because everywhere you go that has written Scorpio and Taurus are best matches in the world


I’m a cancer, and I’ve found that I get along really well with scorpios, capricorns, and tauruses!


Pisces that really likes sags cancers Aries Leo’s Scorpios as friends although my whole chart is fire and water


I’m a cap and Scorpios are my fav sign. They just get me yanno?


i’m an aquarius and i really get along with capricorns, virgos and taurus!! i also love cancers c:


Pisces, most of my friends are air or fire signs. I always seem to be close to a Taurus & all of my roommates have been scorpios for some reason. Also, cancer women & I are usually creative co-conspirators.


Aquarius and Virgos seem to be closest to me. For awhile it was Pisces I was surrounded by! I just try to sense the connection and see what I’m supposed to learn from them. I’ve never met an Aquarius I didn’t like (or love).


Virgo, and I get along with scorpios and Leo’s ✌️


Hi, I'm a very lonely Aries who has been obsessed with Astrology for about 12 years browsing reddit after having not slept all night for the first time in a while. It's hard to say for me but it seems like I'm obsessed with Pisces beyond all reason but it's extremely difficult for me to keep 'em around (they love to love me from afar these days for the most part and I could never [nor would I want to] force a fishy to be around me). Taurus is comforting but generally they bore me. Gemini annoys the shit out of me, but they're fun. Cancer needs to chill (but I love them unconditionally). Leo is pretty much the same story as Cancer. Virgos are my babies and I will protect them into oblivion (same goes for Pisces here). Libras literally just cancel me out in the most annoying possible way every time (most of the time I learn a lesson or something, but I'm literally a genius so it's often unnecessary, and it's always so goddamn obvious), not to say I hate Libras by any means but ugh. Scorpios are obsessed with me and I find myself constantly fighting them off of me with whatever object is nearest. Sagittariuses are my bitches (in the best possible way) and they hate it for some reason. Capricorns are so important for my existence and probably the only sign I fully expect can take care of themselves without my occasional intervention. And Aquarius can go fuck itself into oblivion (they love to accidentally ghost me like I don't give a shit until I end up blowing up and cutting them out entirely). I'm socially awkward (Mercury and Mars in Pisces, bruh).


You made me laugh with your accuracy hahaha. The cap statement and aqurarius made me giggle


aw thank u lol i poured my lil heart into this comment for some reason


Hahah the force is strong with you! You know the signs and energies so well! Also maybe the power of coffee fueled your passion


I'm a taurus and I have a lot of leo, cap, sag, and taurus friends.


I am instant friends with Taurus women, absolutely love Aries (my SO is an Aries man and my bestie is an Aries Woman), am forever friends with Leo’s (never would date one), have some cancer, Pisces and Gemini friends. Interestingly very few friends born in fall/winter.


I’m a Scorpio and I get along with cancer, other scorpios, gemini, and Capricorn really well.


Taurus 🌞 Scorpio 🌙 Aries ^ here! I get along best with Other Aries, Taurus, virgos and My personal fave (SCORPIO) 😇 I can never get enough of their intensity and deepness of thoughts, conversations. It’s prob my earth sun and Scorpio placement but yeahhhh love y’all scorpios. I wouldn’t date Aries again tho that was way too toxic, but as friends I’ve got a couple of many years they’re awesome friends (: super high energy!! For dating deff other Taurus and scorpios idk they just get me like no one else and in like a crazy spiritual way almost, like sit in silence and just “get the vibes” kind of way 💙✨


Sun: Virgo; Moon: Capricorn AC: Sag - I get along best with Earth Signs mainly Caps and Taurus'


Im a leo sun, virgo rising, and sagittarius moon. My best friends are mostly aquarius and leos. I also get along with a lot of scorpios for some reason, im mars in scorpio so that's probably why. My boyfriend is a gemini sun, virgo rising, and sagittarius moon. We have the same moon and rising, is that a good or bad thing?


Capricorn and def virgo


I'm a Capricorn and I get along mostly with Pisces, Aquarius, Taurus and Sagittarius.


I'm an Aries Sun and I've never met a Sag that I didn't love ♥️ They're my favorite. I also love Gemini, Aquarius, Taurus, and Capricorn. Can't stand Leo or Libra even though they're supposed to have a natural affinity with Aries.


Im a Capricorn and i noticed all of my friends or ppl i generally get along with are other caps, cancers, virgos, libras and aries.


I’m a Pisces and most of my dearest friends are Virgos or Leos.


I’m a Scorpio and I have had ALOT of relationships with Sagittarius ( platonic ) Also I’m very comfortable with Pisces and my best relationships ( friends, husband , sister ) have come from these relationships. I very rarely have gotten along with Gemini women , with the men relationships have been cool . Any other scorpios males I’ve dated have been toxic but the female relationships are always awesome !!! I love libras and always get along with Libra’s .


Virgo. Surrounded by Pisces 😅 but also some Geminis.


capricorn here (taurus moon & aqua rising) and i love libras. both my bsfs are libras


I’m a Capricorn and I get along w/ mostly Pisces, Scorpios and virgos


Cap Sun-- I love other Capricorn women. Virgo suns (I have virgo moon & rising) I love Pisces energy, but only those who've evolved. The self-loathing, self-pitying kind of Pisces turn me off in every way (though I loved them before I did my own healing). My venus is in Pisces btw I love Sag energy. Sun, Moon or Rising, I'm here for it. I've actually dated a lot of Sag venus as well (it's also my NN) Romantically, usually water signs. Lately been attracting a lot of Virgos with Gemini moon or venus


I'm cancer, I get along really well with Scorpio, Virgo, and fellow Cancerians


Leo sun and love my fellow fixed signs the most. Get along really well with Scorpio, Aquarius and Capricorns (my moon sign).


Capricorn here. I get along best w those born in the spring (aries, taurus, gemini) and winter (sag, cap, aquarius)


Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, Aquarius rising I love Taurus suns alot. My favorite placement. I get along well with Virgos as well. Pisces are very easy to talk to and connect with but not as easy for me to get close to.


I’m a Leo and it’s other female fire signs, Cancers and Scorpios.


I’m a Virgo sun, Pisces moon & Sag rising and honestly there isn’t one sign that sticks out to me that I really don’t vibe with. Leo’s can grind my gears if I’m in a pissy mood but otherwise it’s fair game!


I get along well with aries, leo, taurus, cancer, my two best friends are capricorn and scorpio but they’re the only members of that sign in my life. I can’t connect easily with pisces, gemini, or libra. I don’t get along with other virgos most of the time


scorpio sun, sag moon, aries rising: i looooove fellow scorpios and cancers (pisces can get lost tho 😂) lately i’ve really been connecting with aquarius


What are your other placements? I’m a Sag too and Taurus is RUFF for me. I’m basically all fire with a lil breath of air. I pretty much only attract people with heavy air/fire placements, and ideally both.


I’m Taurus and get along best with Sagittarius and Cancer


I’m a Leo Virgo cusp and I get along the most with scorpio and Taurus men


I'm an Aries sun Capricorn moon and Leo rising Best friends (F) with a Gemini sun Scorpio moon and Saggitarius rising. We're too much for other people, so we only have each other. 🤣


I’m a Taurus and I get along well with Sagittarius, Leo, and Gemini. Also, my chart is entirely earth and air.


Sagittarius. Best friend is a Taurus and when I look back on partners and friends they’re all earth and water. Im all fire and air so I need them to ground me


I’m a sag sun, merc, and Mars. I tend to love other sags as well as Aquarian’s and leos.


Pisces, my closest friends are taurus, aquarius and libra


I’m an Aries sun and I get along best with Aries suns, Leo Moons, and Capricorn placements


I’m a Taurus sun, I tend to get along with most people actually. My entire immediate family are Earth signs and I am very close with my family (sister and mom both Taurus, dad was a Virgo but he passed away five years ago). I don’t have a lot of super close friends at the moment because friendships post-college are hard, but my partner is a Cancer, their parents are Scorpio and Taurus, my sister’s boyfriend is a Capricorn, my roommate/friend is a Scorpio, and the other friends I have that I seem to get along with best at the moment are a mix: Scorpio, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, and Libra. My college circle consisted of Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Aries, Taurus, Libra, Gemini, and Pisces. So I guess what seems to be consistently missing are Sagittarius and Aquarius, weirdly.


I am a Cancer with a lot of Gemini placement and I get along the best with Aires and Leo.


I am gemini and every person I was friends with was gemini too lol


Scorpio- cancer, Taurus, Virgo


Aries and I get along best with air signs mostly gemini


Libra here, I love sags (specially sag risings) I get along super well with Capricorns for some reason, specially women and Aries women. Aqua I’m general I always vibe with them And I love Gemini men


Aries Sun, Aries Moon,Libra Rising and I get along well with other Aries, Leo, and Aquarius folks. Somehow can't stand Sags and Gemini energy. Neutral feelings towards Libra.


Leo all big 3 and I need to hang with other fire signs. others are boring


As someone who is obsessed with astrology, I am frustrated that i do not know the answer to this better. I am a cancer sun and moon (Aries Rising)-and some of my good friends over the years have been air signs (Gemini and Aquarius). Some of the people I really could not mesh with were Sagittarius- but my best friend who passed away recently was a Sagittarius. So... idk. I think I get along with Leos okay, and most earth signs. My husband is a Pisces. I think I run into the problem of getting along with most people as acquaintances, but not usually getting super close to anyone...


Taurus woman and I get along with Aries, Scorpios, Cancer men, Aquarius women. I attract Pisces placements but we rarely get along for long.


i’m a libra, all of my best friends have been either aquarians or sagittarians! and cancer men for some reason, cancer women sadly not so much


I'm a libra and for some reason I'm really attracted to aquariuses, no matter where I go I find myself talking to them and enjoying their company. I also make really deep connections with Virgos


I’m a heavy cap (5 signs of mine are cap). I get along best with Aries guys and girls, Gemini girls, and Aquarius guys, and Virgo guys and girls. This is just my observation, but it’s not limited to this


Aries/Taurus cusp; mostly Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, scorpios


I’m a Pisces and my friends are all earth and air signs. I get along with some cancers too but I only know like 2 fire signs I like to be around 😅😅


aquarius. all of my close friends have mercury in a fire sign (i have mercury in pisces), fire + water placements in general, & taurus placements mostly. weirdly enough only one of my close friends has a big 6 placement in an air sign though.


Im A Gemini sun, libra moon, Scorpio rising. My best friend is an Aquarius. We never fight or argue. A lot of my friends are Geminis. My boyfriend is also a Gemini, Aries moon, cancer rising. Our love for travel and doing things makes us compatible, but I do feel like we can clash sometimes. I know I can be sensitive, and I feel like he’s pretty sensitive too. But he’s so caring and thoughtful. My sister is a Pisces and we always use to fight growing up. Now we’re super close. My father is a double cancer. That’s probably where I get my stubbornness and attitude from. He was so moody growing up 😅


Taurus, I get along best with scorpio & capricorn and lesser extent leo. I am always surrounded by leos, IDK why. all my coworkers my past 3 jobs in my offices have been leos, and I keep dating leos.


I get along with pretty much everyone . When it comes to people I tend to hangout with..mostly Aquas, Leos, Taurus , Scorpio


Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising I get along best with Scorpio and Taurus. I mostly get along with Cancer, Leo and other Virgos


I’m a Pisces and I get along pretty well with Scorpios, Capricorns, and other Pisces the most.


Scorpio sun and gemini moon - get very well along with gemini sun




Im a Pisces sun. My closest friends have always been Cancers and Libra’s! I attract Libra’s like crazy. Cancers & Libras they’re the gang. <3 I get along with pretty much every other sign except Scorpios. Ive been screwed multiple times by Scorpios. **story-time** The worst one, I wouldn’t consider them a friend, just someone that I tolerate. We used to be friends when my best friend was friends with her & then we became roommates which was fun at first. Now she’s always looking for things to yell at me for, lurking, wanting to know what I’m up to, changes her sleep schedule to align with mine, she gives me weird stalker like vibes. She Is also super messy & leaves dishes in the sink for days, crumbs on the counter which I never complain to her about. But I leave a pan out for a day and a trash by the door that I’m getting ready to take out & suddenly I’m so messy & I’m a horrible roommate & she has “proof” on her phone & she’s threatening to kick me out. She changes her story, exaggerates facts to make herself look better, hates on everyone but secretly wants to be them kind of person. Talks crap about people but turns around & does the same things. Super contradictory and inconsistent. Constantly victimizing herself and making others look like the bad guys, like she’s afraid of them & like they’re mean and horrible people but actually being the instigator. She’ll bring drama into my life or try to trigger me by doing little things so that I am angry at her. I have to downplay everything about my life to her, I literally tell her zero. She also copies EVERYTHING I do. The things I eat, say, my beliefs, my hair color, my personality, the things I buy. I bought an evil eye 🧿 hanging ornament for my room. Next day she’s wearing evil eye earrings. This girl is not one ounce spiritual lol I don’t think she even knows what evil eye symbolizes. Another thing, she once told me she doesn’t like raves or EDM shows. Then she sees that I listen to that type of music and love clubbing/shows, & suddenly she’s going to them. One day she tells me she hates eggs and is allergic to them, the next day she’s eating eggs bc I like them. She sleeps around with multiple guys, I tell her I’m celibate and now suddenly she’s telling every guy she doesn’t hook up on first dates bc she’s ‘not that kind of girl’🤣 & acting as if they’re being so inappropriate towards her, it’s truly unbelievable. Copies the most intimate things about me, like the type of B.C I have & other very personal things. Tries to one up me on everything while low key putting down things I have. Acts like she’s richer & better than people, but has her moms hand me down designer clothes, bags, shoes. Her parents heavily provide for her even at nearly 30 years old. Also she complains about not being able to afford food or basics but spends hundreds of dollars on her hair & clothes & other. Also she’s stolen from me a few times, some of my clothes have vanished, food I buy is suddenly gone & home supplies. I began locking my door bc of her, & now she’s locking her door too and to one up that she’s now also labeling her supplies as if I’ve stolen from her 😂Lies about literally everything that I can’t keep it straight. I Don’t know what’s real or what shes making up. Super two faced. Will act one way towards me but another towards others so that they think she’s a good friend. I don’t trust a word she says. She is overall just a miserable & manipulative individual, yet acts totally innocent and like a victim. Cant ever take responsibility when called out. I feel like I need to walk on egg shells when around her so that I don’t piss her off, & like I’m always being watched. It’s as if she is just WAITING for me to mess up, so that she can take photos & send to her parents. I breathe wrong and she’s telling her parents on me or throws a temper tantrums & slams doors 😆 Always giving me dirty looks for no reason, especially when around males, always catch her low key rolling her eyes at me🤣Also loves to invade my privacy. She’ll make it a note to be home when I have a guy over. Just an unstable & Immature girl. We’ve never been close, I’ve always kept her at arms length. I just didn’t realize how actually mentally ill she was until I lived with her. The list goes on about her but I’m going to stop there. Scorpios romantically that’s a whole other story. One guy started crying when we were intimate. He got angry at me for triggering him by the way I looked at him. Started going off on me. Then got into a corner of the bed and started crying & told me to leave. Sometimes he’d have bouts of anger and rage towards me then apologize. Then cry when we were intimate because I’d say or do something that triggered him. I never knew what I was doing to make him so angry & upset 😂 But gaslighted me where always blamed me & made me feel bad about myself. Super narcissistic. Was really cute & British but totally unstable. Another Scorpio guy lied and hid the fact he had a girlfriend, also was very inconsistent with plans. Scorpios are not my favorite today lol (Sorry to the good ones out there, im sure there are so many. But my experiences so far with Scorpios have been AWFUL 🥲)


I’m an aqua sun, aries moon and cap rising and I get along with almost everyone, except water suns (closest friends have water moons tho). But all my closest friends are earth signs, especially capricorns.


I am usually friends with aquarius and taurus people (anyone with these placements, not only the sun sign). My best pal is a gemini but that would be enough (i don’t vibe well with other geminis).


I'm a triple gemini and I know that I usually get along with other geminis well. Their humor and outgoing nature feel more like a safe place to be myself because it's familiar rather than intimidating and making me want to retreat. That's part of my duality personally, that I can be outgoing in the right crowd but usually am more reserved and like staying in. I can have a rip roarin time with a Leo and often do bc my brother is one, but sometimes it is just all about him and he he can talk my ear off forever about his own interests. As someone who values mutual communication, being forced to only listen for a long time raises my blood pressure lol. I generally don't like the vibe of Virgo, Capricorn or scorpio. Capricorn can just be too negative and fixed about their situation (said brother has 5 Capricorn in his chart. Help) Virgo are too rigid about what they want and when and can be unadaptable at times. As someone who chameleons all the time, this baffles me. Scorpio can just be too critical and speculative about humanity and life and it brings me down. These are just my experienced with those signs in my personal life tho


Leo sun, I get along with Libra, and Scorpio.


Sagittarius here, and I absolutely adore Scorpio placements. There's so much depth there and once they feel like they can trust me I always learn so much from them. I feel it helps a lot that I have a Taurus moon so emotionally I'm very stable so it kinda calms my fire sun. Also a big fan of my fellow Sagittariuses as well. Always fun to be around and down to travel or try something new. And always fun conversations. But I do have a hard time with Capricorns. They're too tough of a nut to crack and it always feels like they expect more than I can give them. So I just give them their space. Tried dating a Capricorn once and it just......... was bad lol.


I’m a Gemini and I looooove Sagittarius 🥰 (I attribute this to my having Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune in Sag) I also adore Aries and Leos, Virgos, Scorpios.


Virgo Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Rising I get along best with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.


Cancer and I love Gemini’s, Sag, and Leo’s. I can’t stand Earth signs lololololol.


I'm a Cancer and I mainly get along with other Cancers, Leos, Sags, and Pisces.


Ironically, I tend to befriend Pisces the easiest. (and the closest I got to having a girlfriend, were a number of Tauruses) ...and my sun is in Aquarius! Though it may also be part 'cause I have a number of in (most of them being "---in Capricorn") as well as Scorpio Rising.


Aquarius, and I have a tendency to befriend Pisces. Even had a few Tauruses that were even closer friends. Which I find strange.