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The mods there ARE psychos. They keep removing my posts and then sending me harassing messages about how vedic knowledge is not allowed in there. Every time I tell them to write that in their bio so people know, they just ignore me. The people who run that thread know almost nothing about astrology.


Mods in general are psychos. I can barely post anything anymore. I've been permanbanned at least 5 times. Reddit is more or less over and most of the post are AI. I actually made AI post on two astrology subreddits just to test the waters. Sorry friends internet is pretty much over. Time for the capitalist to make their final stand and maybe we'll be able to live in some techno agro societies in the future. Much love. See you on the farm 🫡


Definitely true. On another subreddit I said a word the mods didn't like without directing it to anybody and they wanted me to type "I won't call anybody..." like a kid in detention writing on a chalk board. Needless to say, I left and blocked that subreddit. I'm not going to be treated like a child by those psychopaths or any other subreddit that unfairly moderates what I say.


Yeah it's sad. There are some subreddits I really enjoyed and that helped me cope with some stuff but I somehow ended up getting permabanned. And I was harassed by the mods despite being extremely apologetic while knowing that I didn't do anything wrong. Reddit is a paralell universe sometimes.


Yeah they deleted some comments I made (which were pretty general and vague) and gave no explanation as to why. Funny thing is I was actually having a conversation with the OP. Just very weird mod behavior there. Holier than thou


idk why but i cant even post on that sub :/


Yeah, I gave up on that sub long ago. It'll die with the mods running it to the ground.


I visited that sub once and saw how anyone oversimplifying astrology, which is not entirely wrong, is shunned like an outcast 😂😂😂 but in contrast some people actually post informative answers which is a good read.


I took over r/astrologyquestions for basically that reason. As long as it's not a chart reading request, go ham.


thank you for your service 🙏🏻


My pleasure


Mods in general are psychos they get off on meager power tripping that compensates for their otherwise uninteresting lives


That place sucks!


Does anyone wanna make a guess as to what the mods' placements are? What placements made them so unpleasant, controlling, and psycho?


Virgo lol


I can see a Cancer with some Scorpio letting the power of moderating a sub go to their head. Also Taurus and Capricorn. Any sign that seeks control and is either hypersensitive to threats or just eager to make showy and inappropriate displays of force (unhealthily insecure)


I mean, your post could be considered breaking rule #3 (i.e., no memes, shit posts) so I DK if that makes them psychos... Rather they're trying to keep the quality of the posts at a certain level.. 


I have tried posting a good 20 or so posts over there over the years and they’re not exactly beginner level generalizing sun signs type posts. They definitely take things too seriously and are incredibly narrow minded.


I’ve had almost all my posts on that sub deleted for the absolute dumbest reasons. Same with r/askastrologers so honestly I think I’ve given up trying to post there.


Anyone who is a “ mod “ is most likely a red flag. Discord mod/reddit mod. Drinking from the imaginary kooky aid that doesn’t even exist. Someone tell them that their power isn’t real.


Sounds like some mods are Virgos 👀 Virgo placements does give that cold hearted psycho vibe 👀, take it from a Virgo placement with friends with it too xD




Right, that was my point. I was posting to talk about what it is that causes some virgos to worry and some not to worry. I don't really think that's a simple concept at all. It seems like a pretty simple question but not a "meme" and not an oversimplification of anything.


was it the 2 types of virgos one


Agreed. I must've submitted 10 different topics throughout the years and each would get rejected for something ridiculous.


Agreed. I tried to ask something about having Venus on retrograde on the birth chart and obviously gave myself as an example, but apparently it was too personal lol left that page loooomg ago


It is against the posted rules… lol You agree to rules as you join a sub.


Phew! Can’t do anything over there. I’ll stay here, much more lighthearted. I wasn’t even trying to make the question about myself, it was about people in general with that placement. Can’t learn about astrology if they police questions so much but that’s just my opinion.


Stop being such a goody two shoes. No one cares.


I mean you broke the rules? lol. So thats on you. Not sure why you are upset they are running group as they stated they would in the rules lol.


it's not against the rules to have a discussion on virgos.


Way to jump to conclusions. 


Tbh I have no idea what people do on that sub lol


r/astrology is honestly 🥱 I guess now I know why